// David Eberly, Geometric Tools, Redmond WA 98052 // Copyright (c) 1998-2021 // Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. // https://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt // https://www.geometrictools.com/License/Boost/LICENSE_1_0.txt // Version: 4.0.2019.08.13 #pragma once #include #include #include #include #include // The SingularValueDecomposition class is an implementation of Algorithm // 8.3.2 (The SVD Algorithm) described in "Matrix Computations, 2nd // edition" by G. H. Golub and Charles F. Van Loan, The Johns Hopkins // Press, Baltimore MD, Fourth Printing 1993. Algorithm 5.4.2 (Householder // Bidiagonalization) is used to reduce A to bidiagonal B. Algorithm 8.3.1 // (Golub-Kahan SVD Step) is used for the iterative reduction from bidiagonal // to diagonal. If A is the original matrix, S is the matrix whose diagonal // entries are the singular values, and U and V are corresponding matrices, // then theoretically U^T*A*V = S. Numerically, we have errors // E = U^T*A*V - S. Algorithm 8.3.2 mentions that one expects |E| is // approximately u*|A|, where |M| denotes the Frobenius norm of M and where // u is the unit roundoff for the floating-point arithmetic: 2^{-23} for // 'float', which is FLT_EPSILON = 1.192092896e-7f, and 2^{-52} for'double', // which is DBL_EPSILON = 2.2204460492503131e-16. // // The condition |a(i,i+1)| <= epsilon*(|a(i,i) + a(i+1,i+1)|) used to // determine when the reduction decouples to smaller problems is implemented // as: sum = |a(i,i)| + |a(i+1,i+1)|; sum + |a(i,i+1)| == sum. The idea is // that the superdiagonal term is small relative to its diagonal neighbors, // and so it is effectively zero. The unit tests have shown that this // interpretation of decoupling is effective. // // The condition |a(i,i)| <= epsilon*|B| used to determine when the // reduction decouples (with a zero singular value) is implemented using // the Frobenius norm of B and epsilon = multiplier*u, where for now the // multiplier is hard-coded in Solve(...) as 8. // // The authors suggest that once you have the bidiagonal matrix, a practical // implementation will store the diagonal and superdiagonal entries in linear // arrays, ignoring the theoretically zero values not in the 2-band. This is // good for cache coherence, and we have used the suggestion. The essential // parts of the Householder u-vectors are stored in the lower-triangular // portion of the matrix and the essential parts of the Householder v-vectors // are stored in the upper-triangular portion of the matrix. To avoid having // to recompute 2/Dot(u,u) and 2/Dot(v,v) when constructing orthogonal U and // V, we store these quantities in additional memory during bidiagonalization. // // For matrices with randomly generated values in [0,1], the unit tests // produce the following information for N-by-N matrices. // // N |A| |E| |E|/|A| iterations // ------------------------------------------- // 2 1.4831 4.1540e-16 2.8007e-16 1 // 3 2.1065 3.5024e-16 1.6626e-16 4 // 4 2.4979 7.4605e-16 2.9867e-16 6 // 5 3.6591 1.8305e-15 5.0025e-16 9 // 6 4.0572 2.0571e-15 5.0702e-16 10 // 7 4.7745 2.9057e-15 6.0859e-16 12 // 8 5.1964 2.7958e-15 5.3803e-16 13 // 9 5.7599 3.3128e-15 5.7514e-16 16 // 10 6.2700 3.7209e-15 5.9344e-16 16 // 11 6.8220 5.0580e-15 7.4142e-16 18 // 12 7.4540 5.2493e-15 7.0422e-16 21 // 13 8.1225 5.6043e-15 6.8997e-16 24 // 14 8.5883 5.8553e-15 6.8177e-16 26 // 15 9.1337 6.9663e-15 7.6270e-16 27 // 16 9.7884 9.1358e-15 9.3333e-16 29 // 17 10.2407 8.2715e-15 8.0771e-16 34 // 18 10.7147 8.9748e-15 8.3761e-16 33 // 19 11.1887 1.0094e-14 9.0220e-16 32 // 20 11.7739 9.7000e-15 8.2386e-16 35 // 21 12.2822 1.1217e-14 9.1329e-16 36 // 22 12.7649 1.1071e-14 8.6732e-16 37 // 23 13.3366 1.1271e-14 8.4513e-16 41 // 24 13.8505 1.2806e-14 9.2460e-16 43 // 25 14.4332 1.3081e-14 9.0637e-16 43 // 26 14.9301 1.4882e-14 9.9680e-16 46 // 27 15.5214 1.5571e-14 1.0032e-15 48 // 28 16.1029 1.7553e-14 1.0900e-15 49 // 29 16.6407 1.6219e-14 9.7467e-16 53 // 30 17.1891 1.8560e-14 1.0797e-15 55 // 31 17.7773 1.8522e-14 1.0419e-15 56 // // The singularvalues and |E|/|A| values were compared to those generated by // Mathematica Version 9.0; Wolfram Research, Inc., Champaign IL, 2012. // The results were all comparable with singular values agreeing to a large // number of decimal places. // // Timing on an Intel (R) Core (TM) i7-3930K CPU @ 3.20 GHZ (in seconds) // for NxN matrices: // // N |E|/|A| iters bidiag QR U-and-V comperr // ------------------------------------------------------- // 512 3.8632e-15 848 0.341 0.016 1.844 2.203 // 1024 5.6456e-15 1654 4.279 0.032 18.765 20.844 // 2048 7.5499e-15 3250 40.421 0.141 186.607 213.216 // // where iters is the number of QR steps taken, bidiag is the computation // of the Householder reflection vectors, U-and-V is the composition of // Householder reflections and Givens rotations to obtain the orthogonal // matrices of the decomposigion, and comperr is the computation E = // U^T*A*V - S. namespace gte { template class SingularValueDecomposition { public: // The solver processes MxN symmetric matrices, where M >= N > 1 // ('numRows' is M and 'numCols' is N) and the matrix is stored in // row-major order. The maximum number of iterations // ('maxIterations') must be specified for the reduction of a // bidiagonal matrix to a diagonal matrix. The goal is to compute // MxM orthogonal U, NxN orthogonal V and MxN matrix S for which // U^T*A*V = S. The only nonzero entries of S are on the diagonal; // the diagonal entries are the singular values of the original // matrix. SingularValueDecomposition(int numRows, int numCols, unsigned int maxIterations) : mNumRows(0), mNumCols(0), mMaxIterations(0) { if (numCols > 1 && numRows >= numCols && maxIterations > 0) { mNumRows = numRows; mNumCols = numCols; mMaxIterations = maxIterations; mMatrix.resize(numRows * numCols); mDiagonal.resize(numCols); mSuperdiagonal.resize(numCols - 1); mRGivens.reserve(maxIterations * (numCols - 1)); mLGivens.reserve(maxIterations * (numCols - 1)); mFixupDiagonal.resize(numCols); mPermutation.resize(numCols); mVisited.resize(numCols); mTwoInvUTU.resize(numCols); mTwoInvVTV.resize(numCols - 2); mUVector.resize(numRows); mVVector.resize(numCols); mWVector.resize(numRows); } } // A copy of the MxN input is made internally. The order of the // singular values is specified by sortType: -1 (decreasing), // 0 (no sorting), or +1 (increasing). When sorted, the columns of // the orthogonal matrices are ordered accordingly. The return value // is the number of iterations consumed when convergence occurred, // 0xFFFFFFFF when convergence did not occur or 0 when N <= 1 or // M < N was passed to the constructor. unsigned int Solve(Real const* input, int sortType) { if (mNumRows > 0) { int numElements = mNumRows * mNumCols; std::copy(input, input + numElements, mMatrix.begin()); Bidiagonalize(); // Compute 'threshold = multiplier*epsilon*|B|' as the // threshold for diagonal entries effectively zero; that is, // |d| <= |threshold| implies that d is (effectively) zero. // TODO: Allow the caller to pass 'multiplier' to the // constructor. // // We will use the L2-norm |B|, which is the length of the // elements of B treated as an NM-tuple. The following code // avoids overflow when accumulating the squares of the // elements when those elements are large. Real maxAbsComp = std::fabs(input[0]); for (int i = 1; i < numElements; ++i) { Real absComp = std::fabs(input[i]); if (absComp > maxAbsComp) { maxAbsComp = absComp; } } Real norm = (Real)0; if (maxAbsComp > (Real)0) { Real invMaxAbsComp = ((Real)1) / maxAbsComp; for (int i = 0; i < numElements; ++i) { Real ratio = input[i] * invMaxAbsComp; norm += ratio * ratio; } norm = maxAbsComp * std::sqrt(norm); } Real const multiplier = (Real)8; // TODO: Expose to caller. Real const epsilon = std::numeric_limits::epsilon(); Real const threshold = multiplier * epsilon * norm; mRGivens.clear(); mLGivens.clear(); for (unsigned int j = 0; j < mMaxIterations; ++j) { int imin = -1, imax = -1; for (int i = mNumCols - 2; i >= 0; --i) { // When a01 is much smaller than its diagonal // neighbors, it is effectively zero. Real a00 = mDiagonal[i]; Real a01 = mSuperdiagonal[i]; Real a11 = mDiagonal[i + 1]; Real sum = std::fabs(a00) + std::fabs(a11); if (sum + std::fabs(a01) != sum) { if (imax == -1) { imax = i; } imin = i; } else { // The superdiagonal term is effectively zero // compared to the neighboring diagonal terms. if (imin >= 0) { break; } } } if (imax == -1) { // The algorithm has converged. EnsureNonnegativeDiagonal(); ComputePermutation(sortType); return j; } // We need to test diagonal entries of B for zero. For // each zero diagonal entry, zero the superdiagonal. if (DiagonalEntriesNonzero(imin, imax, threshold)) { // Process the lower-right-most unreduced bidiagonal // block. DoGolubKahanStep(imin, imax); } } return 0xFFFFFFFF; } else { return 0; } } // Get the singular values of the matrix passed to Solve(...). The // input 'singularValues' must have N elements. void GetSingularValues(Real* singularValues) const { if (singularValues && mNumCols > 0) { if (mPermutation[0] >= 0) { // Sorting was requested. for (int i = 0; i < mNumCols; ++i) { int p = mPermutation[i]; singularValues[i] = mDiagonal[p]; } } else { // Sorting was not requested. size_t numBytes = mNumCols * sizeof(Real); std::memcpy(singularValues, &mDiagonal[0], numBytes); } } } // Accumulate the Householder reflections, the Givens rotations, and // the diagonal fix-up matrix to compute the orthogonal matrices U and // V for which U^T*A*V = S. The input uMatrix must be MxM and the // input vMatrix must be NxN, both stored in row-major order. void GetU(Real* uMatrix) const { if (!uMatrix || mNumCols == 0) { // Invalid input or the constructor failed. return; } // Start with the identity matrix. std::fill(uMatrix, uMatrix + mNumRows * mNumRows, (Real)0); for (int d = 0; d < mNumRows; ++d) { uMatrix[d + mNumRows * d] = (Real)1; } // Multiply the Householder reflections using backward // accumulation. int r, c; for (int i0 = mNumCols - 1, i1 = i0 + 1; i0 >= 0; --i0, --i1) { // Copy the u vector and 2/Dot(u,u) from the matrix. Real twoinvudu = mTwoInvUTU[i0]; Real const* column = &mMatrix[i0]; mUVector[i0] = (Real)1; for (r = i1; r < mNumRows; ++r) { mUVector[r] = column[mNumCols * r]; } // Compute the w vector. mWVector[i0] = twoinvudu; for (r = i1; r < mNumRows; ++r) { mWVector[r] = (Real)0; for (c = i1; c < mNumRows; ++c) { mWVector[r] += mUVector[c] * uMatrix[r + mNumRows * c]; } mWVector[r] *= twoinvudu; } // Update the matrix, U <- U - u*w^T. for (r = i0; r < mNumRows; ++r) { for (c = i0; c < mNumRows; ++c) { uMatrix[c + mNumRows * r] -= mUVector[r] * mWVector[c]; } } } // Multiply the Givens rotations. for (auto const& givens : mLGivens) { int j0 = givens.index0; int j1 = givens.index1; for (r = 0; r < mNumRows; ++r, j0 += mNumRows, j1 += mNumRows) { Real& q0 = uMatrix[j0]; Real& q1 = uMatrix[j1]; Real prd0 = givens.cs * q0 - givens.sn * q1; Real prd1 = givens.sn * q0 + givens.cs * q1; q0 = prd0; q1 = prd1; } } if (mPermutation[0] >= 0) { // Sorting was requested. std::fill(mVisited.begin(), mVisited.end(), 0); for (c = 0; c < mNumCols; ++c) { if (mVisited[c] == 0 && mPermutation[c] != c) { // The item starts a cycle with 2 or more elements. int start = c, current = c, next; for (r = 0; r < mNumRows; ++r) { mWVector[r] = uMatrix[c + mNumRows * r]; } while ((next = mPermutation[current]) != start) { mVisited[current] = 1; for (r = 0; r < mNumRows; ++r) { uMatrix[current + mNumRows * r] = uMatrix[next + mNumRows * r]; } current = next; } mVisited[current] = 1; for (r = 0; r < mNumRows; ++r) { uMatrix[current + mNumRows * r] = mWVector[r]; } } } } } void GetV(Real* vMatrix) const { if (!vMatrix || mNumCols == 0) { // Invalid input or the constructor failed. return; } // Start with the identity matrix. std::fill(vMatrix, vMatrix + mNumCols * mNumCols, (Real)0); for (int d = 0; d < mNumCols; ++d) { vMatrix[d + mNumCols * d] = (Real)1; } // Multiply the Householder reflections using backward accumulation. int i0 = mNumCols - 3; int i1 = i0 + 1; int i2 = i0 + 2; int r, c; for (/**/; i0 >= 0; --i0, --i1, --i2) { // Copy the v vector and 2/Dot(v,v) from the matrix. Real twoinvvdv = mTwoInvVTV[i0]; Real const* row = &mMatrix[mNumCols * i0]; mVVector[i1] = (Real)1; for (r = i2; r < mNumCols; ++r) { mVVector[r] = row[r]; } // Compute the w vector. mWVector[i1] = twoinvvdv; for (r = i2; r < mNumCols; ++r) { mWVector[r] = (Real)0; for (c = i2; c < mNumCols; ++c) { mWVector[r] += mVVector[c] * vMatrix[r + mNumCols * c]; } mWVector[r] *= twoinvvdv; } // Update the matrix, V <- V - v*w^T. for (r = i1; r < mNumCols; ++r) { for (c = i1; c < mNumCols; ++c) { vMatrix[c + mNumCols * r] -= mVVector[r] * mWVector[c]; } } } // Multiply the Givens rotations. for (auto const& givens : mRGivens) { int j0 = givens.index0; int j1 = givens.index1; for (c = 0; c < mNumCols; ++c, j0 += mNumCols, j1 += mNumCols) { Real& q0 = vMatrix[j0]; Real& q1 = vMatrix[j1]; Real prd0 = givens.cs * q0 - givens.sn * q1; Real prd1 = givens.sn * q0 + givens.cs * q1; q0 = prd0; q1 = prd1; } } // Fix-up the diagonal. for (r = 0; r < mNumCols; ++r) { for (c = 0; c < mNumCols; ++c) { vMatrix[c + mNumCols * r] *= mFixupDiagonal[c]; } } if (mPermutation[0] >= 0) { // Sorting was requested. std::fill(mVisited.begin(), mVisited.end(), 0); for (c = 0; c < mNumCols; ++c) { if (mVisited[c] == 0 && mPermutation[c] != c) { // The item starts a cycle with 2 or more elements. int start = c, current = c, next; for (r = 0; r < mNumCols; ++r) { mWVector[r] = vMatrix[c + mNumCols * r]; } while ((next = mPermutation[current]) != start) { mVisited[current] = 1; for (r = 0; r < mNumCols; ++r) { vMatrix[current + mNumCols * r] = vMatrix[next + mNumCols * r]; } current = next; } mVisited[current] = 1; for (r = 0; r < mNumCols; ++r) { vMatrix[current + mNumCols * r] = mWVector[r]; } } } } } // Compute a single column of U or V. The reflections and rotations // are applied incrementally. This is useful when you want only a // small number of the singular values or vectors. void GetUColumn(int index, Real* uColumn) const { if (0 <= index && index < mNumRows) { // y = H*x, then x and y are swapped for the next H Real* x = uColumn; Real* y = &mWVector[0]; // Start with the Euclidean basis vector. std::memset(x, 0, mNumRows * sizeof(Real)); if (index < mNumCols && mPermutation[0] >= 0) { // Sorting was requested. x[mPermutation[index]] = (Real)1; } else { x[index] = (Real)1; } // Apply the Givens rotations. for (auto const& givens : gte::reverse(mLGivens)) { Real& xr0 = x[givens.index0]; Real& xr1 = x[givens.index1]; Real tmp0 = givens.cs * xr0 + givens.sn * xr1; Real tmp1 = -givens.sn * xr0 + givens.cs * xr1; xr0 = tmp0; xr1 = tmp1; } // Apply the Householder reflections. for (int c = mNumCols - 1; c >= 0; --c) { // Get the Householder vector u. int r; for (r = 0; r < c; ++r) { y[r] = x[r]; } // Compute s = Dot(x,u) * 2/u^T*u. Real s = x[r]; // r = c, u[r] = 1 for (int j = r + 1; j < mNumRows; ++j) { s += x[j] * mMatrix[c + mNumCols * j]; } s *= mTwoInvUTU[c]; // r = c, y[r] = x[r]*u[r] - s = x[r] - s because u[r] = 1 y[r] = x[r] - s; // Compute the remaining components of y. for (++r; r < mNumRows; ++r) { y[r] = x[r] - s * mMatrix[c + mNumCols * r]; } std::swap(x, y); } // The final product is stored in x. if (x != uColumn) { size_t numBytes = mNumRows * sizeof(Real); std::memcpy(uColumn, x, numBytes); } } } void GetVColumn(int index, Real* vColumn) const { if (0 <= index && index < mNumCols) { // y = H*x, then x and y are swapped for the next H Real* x = vColumn; Real* y = &mWVector[0]; // Start with the Euclidean basis vector. std::memset(x, 0, mNumCols * sizeof(Real)); if (mPermutation[0] >= 0) { // Sorting was requested. int p = mPermutation[index]; x[p] = mFixupDiagonal[p]; } else { x[index] = mFixupDiagonal[index]; } // Apply the Givens rotations. for (auto const& givens : gte::reverse(mRGivens)) { Real& xr0 = x[givens.index0]; Real& xr1 = x[givens.index1]; Real tmp0 = givens.cs * xr0 + givens.sn * xr1; Real tmp1 = -givens.sn * xr0 + givens.cs * xr1; xr0 = tmp0; xr1 = tmp1; } // Apply the Householder reflections. for (int r = mNumCols - 3; r >= 0; --r) { // Get the Householder vector v. int c; for (c = 0; c < r + 1; ++c) { y[c] = x[c]; } // Compute s = Dot(x,v) * 2/v^T*v. Real s = x[c]; // c = r+1, v[c] = 1 for (int j = c + 1; j < mNumCols; ++j) { s += x[j] * mMatrix[j + mNumCols * r]; } s *= mTwoInvVTV[r]; // c = r+1, y[c] = x[c]*v[c] - s = x[c] - s // because v[c] = 1 y[c] = x[c] - s; // Compute the remaining components of y. for (++c; c < mNumCols; ++c) { y[c] = x[c] - s * mMatrix[c + mNumCols * r]; } std::swap(x, y); } // The final product is stored in x. if (x != vColumn) { size_t numBytes = mNumCols * sizeof(Real); std::memcpy(vColumn, x, numBytes); } } } Real GetSingularValue(int index) const { if (0 <= index && index < mNumCols) { if (mPermutation[0] >= 0) { // Sorting was requested. return mDiagonal[mPermutation[index]]; } else { // Sorting was not requested. return mDiagonal[index]; } } else { return (Real)0; } } private: // Bidiagonalize using Householder reflections. On input, mMatrix is // a copy of the input matrix and has one extra row. On output, the // diagonal and superdiagonal contain the bidiagonalized results. The // lower-triangular portion stores the essential parts of the // Householder u vectors (the elements of u after the leading 1-valued // component) and the upper-triangular portion stores the essential // parts of the Householder v vectors. To avoid recomputing // 2/Dot(u,u) and 2/Dot(v,v), these quantities are stored in // mTwoInvUTU and mTwoInvVTV. void Bidiagonalize() { int r, c; for (int i = 0, ip1 = 1; i < mNumCols; ++i, ++ip1) { // Compute the U-Householder vector. Real length = (Real)0; for (r = i; r < mNumRows; ++r) { Real ur = mMatrix[i + mNumCols * r]; mUVector[r] = ur; length += ur * ur; } Real udu = (Real)1; length = std::sqrt(length); if (length > (Real)0) { Real& u1 = mUVector[i]; Real sgn = (u1 >= (Real)0 ? (Real)1 : (Real)-1); Real invDenom = (Real)1 / (u1 + sgn * length); u1 = (Real)1; for (r = ip1; r < mNumRows; ++r) { Real& ur = mUVector[r]; ur *= invDenom; udu += ur * ur; } } // Compute the rank-1 offset u*w^T. Real invudu = (Real)1 / udu; Real twoinvudu = invudu * (Real)2; for (c = i; c < mNumCols; ++c) { mWVector[c] = (Real)0; for (r = i; r < mNumRows; ++r) { mWVector[c] += mMatrix[c + mNumCols * r] * mUVector[r]; } mWVector[c] *= twoinvudu; } // Update the input matrix. for (r = i; r < mNumRows; ++r) { for (c = i; c < mNumCols; ++c) { mMatrix[c + mNumCols * r] -= mUVector[r] * mWVector[c]; } } if (i < mNumCols - 2) { // Compute the V-Householder vectors. length = (Real)0; for (c = ip1; c < mNumCols; ++c) { Real vc = mMatrix[c + mNumCols * i]; mVVector[c] = vc; length += vc * vc; } Real vdv = (Real)1; length = std::sqrt(length); if (length > (Real)0) { Real& v1 = mVVector[ip1]; Real sgn = (v1 >= (Real)0 ? (Real)1 : (Real)-1); Real invDenom = (Real)1 / (v1 + sgn * length); v1 = (Real)1; for (c = ip1 + 1; c < mNumCols; ++c) { Real& vc = mVVector[c]; vc *= invDenom; vdv += vc * vc; } } // Compute the rank-1 offset w*v^T. Real invvdv = (Real)1 / vdv; Real twoinvvdv = invvdv * (Real)2; for (r = i; r < mNumRows; ++r) { mWVector[r] = (Real)0; for (c = ip1; c < mNumCols; ++c) { mWVector[r] += mMatrix[c + mNumCols * r] * mVVector[c]; } mWVector[r] *= twoinvvdv; } // Update the input matrix. for (r = i; r < mNumRows; ++r) { for (c = ip1; c < mNumCols; ++c) { mMatrix[c + mNumCols * r] -= mWVector[r] * mVVector[c]; } } mTwoInvVTV[i] = twoinvvdv; for (c = i + 2; c < mNumCols; ++c) { mMatrix[c + mNumCols * i] = mVVector[c]; } } mTwoInvUTU[i] = twoinvudu; for (r = ip1; r < mNumRows; ++r) { mMatrix[i + mNumCols * r] = mUVector[r]; } } // Copy the diagonal and subdiagonal for cache coherence in the // Golub-Kahan iterations. int k, ksup = mNumCols - 1, index = 0, delta = mNumCols + 1; for (k = 0; k < ksup; ++k, index += delta) { mDiagonal[k] = mMatrix[index]; mSuperdiagonal[k] = mMatrix[index + 1]; } mDiagonal[k] = mMatrix[index]; } // A helper for generating Givens rotation sine and cosine robustly. void GetSinCos(Real x, Real y, Real& cs, Real& sn) { // Solves sn*x + cs*y = 0 robustly. Real tau; if (y != (Real)0) { if (std::fabs(y) > std::fabs(x)) { tau = -x / y; sn = (Real)1 / std::sqrt((Real)1 + tau * tau); cs = sn * tau; } else { tau = -y / x; cs = (Real)1 / std::sqrt((Real)1 + tau * tau); sn = cs * tau; } } else { cs = (Real)1; sn = (Real)0; } } // Test for (effectively) zero-valued diagonal entries through all // but the last. For each such entry, the B matrix decouples. Perform // that decoupling. If there are no zero-valued entries, then the // Golub-Kahan step must be performed. bool DiagonalEntriesNonzero(int imin, int imax, Real threshold) { for (int i = imin; i <= imax; ++i) { if (std::fabs(mDiagonal[i]) <= threshold) { // Use planar rotations to case the superdiagonal entry // out of the matrix, thus producing a row of zeros. Real x, z, cs, sn; Real y = mSuperdiagonal[i]; mSuperdiagonal[i] = (Real)0; for (int j = i + 1; j <= imax + 1; ++j) { x = mDiagonal[j]; GetSinCos(x, y, cs, sn); mLGivens.push_back(GivensRotation(i, j, cs, sn)); mDiagonal[j] = cs * x - sn * y; if (j <= imax) { z = mSuperdiagonal[j]; mSuperdiagonal[j] = cs * z; y = sn * z; } } return false; } } return true; } // This is Algorithm 8.3.1 in "Matrix Computations, 2nd edition" by // G. H. Golub and C. F. Van Loan. void DoGolubKahanStep(int imin, int imax) { // The implicit shift. Compute the eigenvalue u of the // lower-right 2x2 block of A = B^T*B that is closer to b11. Real f0 = (imax >= (Real)1 ? mSuperdiagonal[imax - 1] : (Real)0); Real d1 = mDiagonal[imax]; Real f1 = mSuperdiagonal[imax]; Real d2 = mDiagonal[imax + 1]; Real a00 = d1 * d1 + f0 * f0; Real a01 = d1 * f1; Real a11 = d2 * d2 + f1 * f1; Real dif = (a00 - a11) * (Real)0.5; Real sgn = (dif >= (Real)0 ? (Real)1 : (Real)-1); Real a01sqr = a01 * a01; Real u = a11 - a01sqr / (dif + sgn * std::sqrt(dif * dif + a01sqr)); Real x = mDiagonal[imin] * mDiagonal[imin] - u; Real y = mDiagonal[imin] * mSuperdiagonal[imin]; Real a12, a21, a22, a23, cs, sn; Real a02 = (Real)0; int i0 = imin - 1, i1 = imin, i2 = imin + 1; for (/**/; i1 <= imax; ++i0, ++i1, ++i2) { // Compute the Givens rotation G and save it for use in // computing V in U^T*A*V = S. GetSinCos(x, y, cs, sn); mRGivens.push_back(GivensRotation(i1, i2, cs, sn)); // Update B0 = B*G. if (i1 > imin) { mSuperdiagonal[i0] = cs * mSuperdiagonal[i0] - sn * a02; } a11 = mDiagonal[i1]; a12 = mSuperdiagonal[i1]; a22 = mDiagonal[i2]; mDiagonal[i1] = cs * a11 - sn * a12; mSuperdiagonal[i1] = sn * a11 + cs * a12; mDiagonal[i2] = cs * a22; a21 = -sn * a22; // Update the parameters for the next Givens rotations. x = mDiagonal[i1]; y = a21; // Compute the Givens rotation G and save it for use in // computing U in U^T*A*V = S. GetSinCos(x, y, cs, sn); mLGivens.push_back(GivensRotation(i1, i2, cs, sn)); // Update B1 = G^T*B0. a11 = mDiagonal[i1]; a12 = mSuperdiagonal[i1]; a22 = mDiagonal[i2]; mDiagonal[i1] = cs * a11 - sn * a21; mSuperdiagonal[i1] = cs * a12 - sn * a22; mDiagonal[i2] = sn * a12 + cs * a22; if (i1 < imax) { a23 = mSuperdiagonal[i2]; a02 = -sn * a23; mSuperdiagonal[i2] = cs * a23; // Update the parameters for the next Givens rotations. x = mSuperdiagonal[i1]; y = a02; } } } // The diagonal entries are not guaranteed to be nonnegative during // the construction. After convergence to a diagonal matrix S, test // for negative entries and build a diagonal matrix that reverses the // sign on the S-entry. void EnsureNonnegativeDiagonal() { for (int i = 0; i < mNumCols; ++i) { if (mDiagonal[i] >= (Real)0) { mFixupDiagonal[i] = (Real)1; } else { mDiagonal[i] = -mDiagonal[i]; mFixupDiagonal[i] = (Real)-1; } } } // Sort the singular values and compute the corresponding permutation // of the indices of the array storing the singular values. The // permutation is used for reordering the singular values and the // corresponding columns of the orthogonal matrix in the calls to // GetSingularValues(...) and GetOrthogonalMatrices(...). void ComputePermutation(int sortType) { if (sortType == 0) { // Set a flag for GetSingularValues() and // GetOrthogonalMatrices() to know that sorted output was not // requested. mPermutation[0] = -1; return; } // Compute the permutation induced by sorting. Initially, we // start with the identity permutation I = (0,1,...,N-1). struct SortItem { Real singularValue; int index; }; std::vector items(mNumCols); int i; for (i = 0; i < mNumCols; ++i) { items[i].singularValue = mDiagonal[i]; items[i].index = i; } if (sortType > 0) { std::sort(items.begin(), items.end(), [](SortItem const& item0, SortItem const& item1) { return item0.singularValue < item1.singularValue; } ); } else { std::sort(items.begin(), items.end(), [](SortItem const& item0, SortItem const& item1) { return item0.singularValue > item1.singularValue; } ); } i = 0; for (auto const& item : items) { mPermutation[i++] = item.index; } // GetOrthogonalMatrices() has nontrivial code for computing the // orthogonal U and V from the reflections and rotations. To // avoid complicating the code further when sorting is requested, // U and V are computed as in the unsorted case. We then need to // swap columns of U and V to be consistent with the sorting of // the singular values. To minimize copying due to column swaps, // we use permutation P. The minimum number of transpositions to // obtain P from I is N minus the number of cycles of P. Each // cycle is reordered with a minimum number of transpositions; // that is, the singular items are cyclically swapped, leading to // a minimum amount of copying. For example, if there is a // cycle i0 -> i1 -> i2 -> i3, then the copying is // save = singularitem[i0]; // singularitem[i1] = singularitem[i2]; // singularitem[i2] = singularitem[i3]; // singularitem[i3] = save; } // The number rows and columns of the matrices to be processed. int mNumRows, mNumCols; // The maximum number of iterations for reducing the bidiagonal matrix // to a diagonal matrix. unsigned int mMaxIterations; // The internal copy of a matrix passed to the solver. See the // comments about function Bidiagonalize() about what is stored in the // matrix. std::vector mMatrix; // MxN elements // After the initial bidiagonalization by Householder reflections, we // no longer need the full mMatrix. Copy the diagonal and // superdiagonal entries to linear arrays in order to be cache // friendly. std::vector mDiagonal; // N elements std::vector mSuperdiagonal; // N-1 elements // The Givens rotations used to reduce the initial bidiagonal matrix // to a diagonal matrix. A rotation is the identity with the following // replacement entries: R(index0,index0) = cs, R(index0,index1) = sn, // R(index1,index0) = -sn, and R(index1,index1) = cs. If N is the // number of matrix columns and K is the maximum number of iterations, // the maximum number of right or left Givens rotations is K*(N-1). // The maximum amount of memory is allocated to store these. However, // we also potentially need left rotations to decouple the matrix when // diagonal terms are zero. Worst case is a number of matrices // quadratic in N, so for now we just use std::vector whose // initial capacity is K*(N-1). struct GivensRotation { // No default initialization for fast creation of std::vector of // objects of this type. GivensRotation() = default; GivensRotation(int inIndex0, int inIndex1, Real inCs, Real inSn) : index0(inIndex0), index1(inIndex1), cs(inCs), sn(inSn) { } int index0, index1; Real cs, sn; }; std::vector mRGivens; std::vector mLGivens; // The diagonal matrix that is used to convert S-entries to // nonnegative. std::vector mFixupDiagonal; // N elements // When sorting is requested, the permutation associated with the sort // is stored in mPermutation. When sorting is not requested, // mPermutation[0] is set to -1. mVisited is used for finding cycles // in the permutation. std::vector mPermutation; // N elements mutable std::vector mVisited; // N elements // Temporary storage to compute Householder reflections and to support // sorting of columns of the orthogonal matrices. std::vector mTwoInvUTU; // N elements std::vector mTwoInvVTV; // N-2 elements mutable std::vector mUVector; // M elements mutable std::vector mVVector; // N elements mutable std::vector mWVector; // max(M,N) elements }; }