// David Eberly, Geometric Tools, Redmond WA 98052 // Copyright (c) 1998-2021 // Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. // https://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt // https://www.geometrictools.com/License/Boost/LICENSE_1_0.txt // Version: 4.0.2019.08.13 #pragma once #include #include #include #include namespace gte { template class RectangleMesh : public Mesh { public: // Create a mesh that tessellates a rectangle. RectangleMesh(MeshDescription const& description, Rectangle<3, Real> const& rectangle) : Mesh(description, { MeshTopology::RECTANGLE }), mRectangle(rectangle) { if (!this->mDescription.constructed) { // The logger system will report these errors in the Mesh // constructor. return; } if (!this->mTCoords) { mDefaultTCoords.resize(this->mDescription.numVertices); this->mTCoords = mDefaultTCoords.data(); this->mTCoordStride = sizeof(Vector2); this->mDescription.allowUpdateFrame = this->mDescription.wantDynamicTangentSpaceUpdate; if (this->mDescription.allowUpdateFrame) { if (!this->mDescription.hasTangentSpaceVectors) { this->mDescription.allowUpdateFrame = false; } if (!this->mNormals) { this->mDescription.allowUpdateFrame = false; } } } this->ComputeIndices(); InitializeTCoords(); InitializePositions(); if (this->mDescription.allowUpdateFrame) { InitializeFrame(); } else if (this->mNormals) { InitializeNormals(); } } // Member access. inline Rectangle<3, Real> const& GetRectangle() const { return mRectangle; } protected: void InitializeTCoords() { Vector2 tcoord; for (uint32_t r = 0, i = 0; r < this->mDescription.numRows; ++r) { tcoord[1] = (Real)r / (Real)(this->mDescription.numRows - 1); for (uint32_t c = 0; c < this->mDescription.numCols; ++c, ++i) { tcoord[0] = (Real)c / (Real)(this->mDescription.numCols - 1); this->TCoord(i) = tcoord; } } } void InitializePositions() { for (uint32_t r = 0, i = 0; r < this->mDescription.numRows; ++r) { for (uint32_t c = 0; c < this->mDescription.numCols; ++c, ++i) { Vector2 tcoord = this->TCoord(i); Real w0 = ((Real)2 * tcoord[0] - (Real)1) * mRectangle.extent[0]; Real w1 = ((Real)2 * tcoord[1] - (Real)1) * mRectangle.extent[1]; this->Position(i) = mRectangle.center + w0 * mRectangle.axis[0] + w1 * mRectangle.axis[1]; } } } void InitializeNormals() { Vector3 normal = UnitCross(mRectangle.axis[0], mRectangle.axis[1]); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < this->mDescription.numVertices; ++i) { this->Normal(i) = normal; } } void InitializeFrame() { Vector3 normal = UnitCross(mRectangle.axis[0], mRectangle.axis[1]); Vector3 tangent{ (Real)1, (Real)0, (Real)0 }; Vector3 bitangent{ (Real)0, (Real)1, (Real)0 }; // bitangent = Cross(normal,tangent) // TODO: Are tangent and bitangent correct? for (uint32_t i = 0; i < this->mDescription.numVertices; ++i) { if (this->mNormals) { this->Normal(i) = normal; } if (this->mTangents) { this->Tangent(i) = tangent; } if (this->mBitangents) { this->Bitangent(i) = bitangent; } if (this->mDPDUs) { this->DPDU(i) = tangent; } if (this->mDPDVs) { this->DPDV(i) = bitangent; } } } Rectangle<3, Real> mRectangle; // If the client does not request texture coordinates, they will be // computed internally for use in evaluation of the surface geometry. std::vector> mDefaultTCoords; }; }