// David Eberly, Geometric Tools, Redmond WA 98052 // Copyright (c) 1998-2021 // Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. // https://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt // https://www.geometrictools.com/License/Boost/LICENSE_1_0.txt // Version: 4.0.2020.01.13 #pragma once #include #include // See GaussNewtonMinimizer.h for a formulation of the minimization // problem and how Levenberg-Marquardt relates to Gauss-Newton. namespace gte { template class LevenbergMarquardtMinimizer { public: // Convenient types for the domain vectors, the range vectors, the // function F and the Jacobian J. typedef GVector DVector; // numPDimensions typedef GVector RVector; // numFDImensions typedef GMatrix JMatrix; // numFDimensions-by-numPDimensions typedef GMatrix JTJMatrix; // numPDimensions-by-numPDimensions typedef GVector JTFVector; // numPDimensions typedef std::function FFunction; typedef std::function JFunction; typedef std::function JPlusFunction; // Create the minimizer that computes F(p) and J(p) directly. LevenbergMarquardtMinimizer(int numPDimensions, int numFDimensions, FFunction const& inFFunction, JFunction const& inJFunction) : mNumPDimensions(numPDimensions), mNumFDimensions(numFDimensions), mFFunction(inFFunction), mJFunction(inJFunction), mF(mNumFDimensions), mJ(mNumFDimensions, mNumPDimensions), mJTJ(mNumPDimensions, mNumPDimensions), mNegJTF(mNumPDimensions), mDecomposer(mNumPDimensions), mUseJFunction(true) { LogAssert(mNumPDimensions > 0 && mNumFDimensions > 0, "Invalid dimensions."); } // Create the minimizer that computes J^T(p)*J(p) and -J(p)*F(p). LevenbergMarquardtMinimizer(int numPDimensions, int numFDimensions, FFunction const& inFFunction, JPlusFunction const& inJPlusFunction) : mNumPDimensions(numPDimensions), mNumFDimensions(numFDimensions), mFFunction(inFFunction), mJPlusFunction(inJPlusFunction), mF(mNumFDimensions), mJ(mNumFDimensions, mNumPDimensions), mJTJ(mNumPDimensions, mNumPDimensions), mNegJTF(mNumPDimensions), mDecomposer(mNumPDimensions), mUseJFunction(false) { LogAssert(mNumPDimensions > 0 && mNumFDimensions > 0, "Invalid dimensions."); } // Disallow copy, assignment and move semantics. LevenbergMarquardtMinimizer(LevenbergMarquardtMinimizer const&) = delete; LevenbergMarquardtMinimizer& operator=(LevenbergMarquardtMinimizer const&) = delete; LevenbergMarquardtMinimizer(LevenbergMarquardtMinimizer&&) = delete; LevenbergMarquardtMinimizer& operator=(LevenbergMarquardtMinimizer&&) = delete; inline int GetNumPDimensions() const { return mNumPDimensions; } inline int GetNumFDimensions() const { return mNumFDimensions; } // The lambda is positive, the multiplier is positive, and the initial // guess for the p-parameter is p0. Typical choices are lambda = // 0.001 and multiplier = 10. TODO: Explain lambda in more detail, // Multiview Geometry mentions lambda = 0.001*average(diagonal(JTJ)), // but let's just expose the factor in front of the average. struct Result { DVector minLocation; Real minError; Real minErrorDifference; Real minUpdateLength; size_t numIterations; size_t numAdjustments; bool converged; }; Result operator()(DVector const& p0, size_t maxIterations, Real updateLengthTolerance, Real errorDifferenceTolerance, Real lambdaFactor, Real lambdaAdjust, size_t maxAdjustments) { Result result; result.minLocation = p0; result.minError = std::numeric_limits::max(); result.minErrorDifference = std::numeric_limits::max(); result.minUpdateLength = (Real)0; result.numIterations = 0; result.numAdjustments = 0; result.converged = false; // As a simple precaution, ensure that the lambda inputs are // valid. If invalid, fall back to Gauss-Newton iteration. if (lambdaFactor <= (Real)0 || lambdaAdjust <= (Real)0) { maxAdjustments = 1; lambdaFactor = (Real)0; lambdaAdjust = (Real)1; } // As a simple precaution, ensure the tolerances are nonnegative. updateLengthTolerance = std::max(updateLengthTolerance, (Real)0); errorDifferenceTolerance = std::max(errorDifferenceTolerance, (Real)0); // Compute the initial error. mFFunction(p0, mF); result.minError = Dot(mF, mF); // Do the Levenberg-Marquart iterations. auto pCurrent = p0; for (result.numIterations = 1; result.numIterations <= maxIterations; ++result.numIterations) { std::pair status; DVector pNext; for (result.numAdjustments = 0; result.numAdjustments < maxAdjustments; ++result.numAdjustments) { status = DoIteration(pCurrent, lambdaFactor, updateLengthTolerance, errorDifferenceTolerance, pNext, result); if (status.first) { // Either the Cholesky decomposition failed or the // iterates converged within tolerance. TODO: See the // note in DoIteration about not failing on Cholesky // decomposition. return result; } if (status.second) { // The error has been reduced but we have not yet // converged within tolerance. break; } lambdaFactor *= lambdaAdjust; } if (result.numAdjustments < maxAdjustments) { // The current value of lambda led us to an update that // reduced the error, but the error is not yet small // enough to conclude we converged. Reduce lambda for the // next outer-loop iteration. lambdaFactor /= lambdaAdjust; } else { // All lambdas tried during the inner-loop iteration did // not lead to a reduced error. If we do nothing here, // the next inner-loop iteration will continue to multiply // lambda, risking eventual floating-point overflow. To // avoid this, fall back to a Gauss-Newton iterate. status = DoIteration(pCurrent, lambdaFactor, updateLengthTolerance, errorDifferenceTolerance, pNext, result); if (status.first) { // Either the Cholesky decomposition failed or the // iterates converged within tolerance. TODO: See the // note in DoIteration about not failing on Cholesky // decomposition. return result; } } pCurrent = pNext; } return result; } private: void ComputeLinearSystemInputs(DVector const& pCurrent, Real lambda) { if (mUseJFunction) { mJFunction(pCurrent, mJ); mJTJ = MultiplyATB(mJ, mJ); mNegJTF = -(mF * mJ); } else { mJPlusFunction(pCurrent, mJTJ, mNegJTF); } Real diagonalSum(0); for (int i = 0; i < mNumPDimensions; ++i) { diagonalSum += mJTJ(i, i); } Real diagonalAdjust = lambda * diagonalSum / static_cast(mNumPDimensions); for (int i = 0; i < mNumPDimensions; ++i) { mJTJ(i, i) += diagonalAdjust; } } // The returned 'first' is true when the linear system cannot be // solved (result.converged is false in this case) or when the // error is reduced to within the tolerances specified by the caller // (result.converged is true in this case). When the 'first' value // is true, the 'second' value is true when the error is reduced or // false when it is not. std::pair DoIteration(DVector const& pCurrent, Real lambdaFactor, Real updateLengthTolerance, Real errorDifferenceTolerance, DVector& pNext, Result& result) { ComputeLinearSystemInputs(pCurrent, lambdaFactor); if (!mDecomposer.Factor(mJTJ)) { // TODO: The matrix mJTJ is positive semi-definite, so the // failure can occur when mJTJ has a zero eigenvalue in // which case mJTJ is not invertible. Generate an iterate // anyway, perhaps using gradient descent? return std::make_pair(true, false); } mDecomposer.SolveLower(mJTJ, mNegJTF); mDecomposer.SolveUpper(mJTJ, mNegJTF); pNext = pCurrent + mNegJTF; mFFunction(pNext, mF); Real error = Dot(mF, mF); if (error < result.minError) { result.minErrorDifference = result.minError - error; result.minUpdateLength = Length(mNegJTF); result.minLocation = pNext; result.minError = error; if (result.minErrorDifference <= errorDifferenceTolerance || result.minUpdateLength <= updateLengthTolerance) { result.converged = true; return std::make_pair(true, true); } else { return std::make_pair(false, true); } } else { return std::make_pair(false, false); } } int mNumPDimensions, mNumFDimensions; FFunction mFFunction; JFunction mJFunction; JPlusFunction mJPlusFunction; // Storage for J^T(p)*J(p) and -J^T(p)*F(p) during the iterations. RVector mF; JMatrix mJ; JTJMatrix mJTJ; JTFVector mNegJTF; CholeskyDecomposition mDecomposer; bool mUseJFunction; }; }