// David Eberly, Geometric Tools, Redmond WA 98052 // Copyright (c) 1998-2021 // Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. // https://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt // https://www.geometrictools.com/License/Boost/LICENSE_1_0.txt // Version: 4.0.2019.08.13 #pragma once #include #include #include // The test-intersection queries are based on the document // https://www.geometrictools.com/Documentation/MethodOfSeparatingAxes.pdf // The find-intersection query for stationary triangles is based on clipping // one triangle against the edges of the other to compute the intersection // set (if it exists). The find-intersection query for moving triangles is // based on the previously mentioned document about the method of separating // axes. namespace gte { // Test whether two triangles intersect using the method of separating // axes. The set of intersection, if it exists, is not computed. The // input triangles' vertices must be counterclockwise ordered. template class TIQuery, Triangle2> { public: struct Result { bool intersect; }; Result operator()(Triangle2 const& triangle0, Triangle2 const& triangle1) { Result result = { !Separated(triangle0, triangle1) && !Separated(triangle1, triangle0) }; return result; } protected: // The triangle vertices are projected to t-values for the line P+t*D. // The D-vector is nonzero but does not have to be unit length. The // return value is +1 if all t >= 0, -1 if all t <= 0, but 0 otherwise // in which case the line splits the triangle into two subtriangles, // each of positive area. int WhichSide(Triangle2 const& triangle, Vector2 const& P, Vector2 const& D) const { int positive = 0, negative = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) { Real t = Dot(D, triangle.v[i] - P); if (t > (Real)0) { ++positive; } else if (t < (Real)0) { --negative; } if (positive && negative) { // The triangle has vertices strictly on both sides of // the line, so the line splits the triangle into two // subtriangles each of positive area. return 0; } } // Either positive > 0 or negative > 0 but not both are positive. return (positive > 0 ? +1 : -1); } bool Separated(Triangle2 const& triangle0, Triangle2 const& triangle1) const { // Test edges of triangle0 for separation. Because of the // counterclockwise ordering, the projection interval for // triangle0 is [T,0] for some T < 0. Determine whether // triangle1 is on the positive side of the line; if it is, // the triangles are separated. for (int i0 = 2, i1 = 0; i1 < 3; i0 = i1++) { // The potential separating axis is P+t*D. Vector2 P = triangle0.v[i0]; Vector2 D = Perp(triangle0.v[i1] - triangle0.v[i0]); if (WhichSide(triangle1, P, D) > 0) { // The triangle1 projection interval is [a,b] where a > 0, // so the triangles are separated. return true; } } return false; } }; // Find the convex polygon, segment or point of intersection of two // triangles. The input triangles' vertices must be counterclockwise // ordered. template class FIQuery, Triangle2> { public: struct Result { // An intersection exists iff intersection.size() > 0. std::vector> intersection; }; Result operator()(Triangle2 const& triangle0, Triangle2 const& triangle1) { Result result; // Start with triangle1 and clip against the edges of triangle0. std::vector> polygon = { triangle1.v[0], triangle1.v[1], triangle1.v[2] }; typedef FIQuery>, Hyperplane<2, Real>> PPQuery; PPQuery ppQuery; for (int i1 = 2, i0 = 0; i0 < 3; i1 = i0++) { // Create the clipping line for the current edge. The edge // normal N points inside the triangle. Vector2 P = triangle0.v[i0]; Vector2 N = Perp(triangle0.v[i1] - triangle0.v[i0]); Hyperplane<2, Real> clippingLine(N, Dot(N, P)); // Do the clipping operation. auto ppResult = ppQuery(polygon, clippingLine); if (ppResult.positivePolygon.size() == 0) { // The current clipped polygon is outside triangle0. return result; } polygon = std::move(ppResult.positivePolygon); } result.intersection = polygon; return result; } }; }