// David Eberly, Geometric Tools, Redmond WA 98052 // Copyright (c) 1998-2021 // Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. // https://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt // https://www.geometrictools.com/License/Boost/LICENSE_1_0.txt // Version: 4.0.2019.08.13 #pragma once #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace gte { template class TIQuery, Ellipsoid3> { public: enum { ELLIPSOIDS_SEPARATED, ELLIPSOIDS_INTERSECTING, ELLIPSOID0_CONTAINS_ELLIPSOID1, ELLIPSOID1_CONTAINS_ELLIPSOID0 }; struct Result { // As solids, the ellipsoids intersect as long as they are not // separated. bool intersect; // This is one of the four enumerations listed above. int relationship; }; Result operator()(Ellipsoid3 const& ellipsoid0, Ellipsoid3 const& ellipsoid1) { Result result; Real const zero = (Real)0; Real const one = (Real)1; // Get the parameters of ellipsoid0. Vector3 K0 = ellipsoid0.center; Matrix3x3 R0; R0.SetCol(0, ellipsoid0.axis[0]); R0.SetCol(1, ellipsoid0.axis[1]); R0.SetCol(2, ellipsoid0.axis[2]); Matrix3x3 D0{ one / (ellipsoid0.extent[0] * ellipsoid0.extent[0]), zero, zero, zero, one / (ellipsoid0.extent[1] * ellipsoid0.extent[1]), zero, zero, zero, one / (ellipsoid0.extent[2] * ellipsoid0.extent[2]) }; // Get the parameters of ellipsoid1. Vector3 K1 = ellipsoid1.center; Matrix3x3 R1; R1.SetCol(0, ellipsoid1.axis[0]); R1.SetCol(1, ellipsoid1.axis[1]); R1.SetCol(2, ellipsoid1.axis[2]); Matrix3x3 D1{ one / (ellipsoid1.extent[0] * ellipsoid1.extent[0]), zero, zero, zero, one / (ellipsoid1.extent[1] * ellipsoid1.extent[1]), zero, zero, zero, one / (ellipsoid1.extent[2] * ellipsoid1.extent[2]) }; // Compute K2. Matrix3x3 D0NegHalf{ ellipsoid0.extent[0], zero, zero, zero, ellipsoid0.extent[1], zero, zero, zero, ellipsoid0.extent[2] }; Matrix3x3 D0Half{ one / ellipsoid0.extent[0], zero, zero, zero, one / ellipsoid0.extent[1], zero, zero, zero, one / ellipsoid0.extent[2] }; Vector3 K2 = D0Half * ((K1 - K0) * R0); // Compute M2. Matrix3x3 R1TR0D0NegHalf = MultiplyATB(R1, R0 * D0NegHalf); Matrix3x3 M2 = MultiplyATB(R1TR0D0NegHalf, D1) * R1TR0D0NegHalf; // Factor M2 = R*D*R^T. SymmetricEigensolver3x3 es; std::array D; std::array, 3> evec; es(M2(0, 0), M2(0, 1), M2(0, 2), M2(1, 1), M2(1, 2), M2(2, 2), false, +1, D, evec); Matrix3x3 R; R.SetCol(0, evec[0]); R.SetCol(1, evec[1]); R.SetCol(2, evec[2]); // Compute K = R^T*K2. Vector3 K = K2 * R; // Transformed ellipsoid0 is Z^T*Z = 1 and transformed ellipsoid1 // is (Z-K)^T*D*(Z-K) = 0. // The minimum and maximum squared distances from the origin of // points on transformed ellipsoid1 are used to determine whether // the ellipsoids intersect, are separated, or one contains the // other. Real minSqrDistance = std::numeric_limits::max(); Real maxSqrDistance = zero; int i; if (K == Vector3::Zero()) { // The special case of common centers must be handled // separately. It is not possible for the ellipsoids to be // separated. for (i = 0; i < 3; ++i) { Real invD = one / D[i]; if (invD < minSqrDistance) { minSqrDistance = invD; } if (invD > maxSqrDistance) { maxSqrDistance = invD; } } if (maxSqrDistance < one) { result.relationship = ELLIPSOID0_CONTAINS_ELLIPSOID1; } else if (minSqrDistance > (Real)1) { result.relationship = ELLIPSOID1_CONTAINS_ELLIPSOID0; } else { result.relationship = ELLIPSOIDS_INTERSECTING; } result.intersect = true; return result; } // The closest point P0 and farthest point P1 are solutions to // s0*D*(P0 - K) = P0 and s1*D*(P1 - K) = P1 for some scalars s0 // and s1 that are roots to the function // f(s) = d0*k0^2/(d0*s-1)^2 + d1*k1^2/(d1*s-1)^2 // + d2*k2^2/(d2*s-1)^2 - 1 // where D = diagonal(d0,d1,d2) and K = (k0,k1,k2). Real d0 = D[0], d1 = D[1], d2 = D[2]; Real c0 = K[0] * K[0], c1 = K[1] * K[1], c2 = K[2] * K[2]; // Sort the values so that d0 >= d1 >= d2. This allows us to // bound the roots of f(s), of which there are at most 6. std::vector> param(3); param[0] = std::make_pair(d0, c0); param[1] = std::make_pair(d1, c1); param[2] = std::make_pair(d2, c2); std::sort(param.begin(), param.end(), std::greater>()); std::vector> valid; valid.reserve(3); if (param[0].first > param[1].first) { if (param[1].first > param[2].first) { // d0 > d1 > d2 for (i = 0; i < 3; ++i) { if (param[i].second > (Real)0) { valid.push_back(param[i]); } } } else { // d0 > d1 = d2 if (param[0].second > (Real)0) { valid.push_back(param[0]); } param[1].second += param[0].second; if (param[1].second > (Real)0) { valid.push_back(param[1]); } } } else { if (param[1].first > param[2].first) { // d0 = d1 > d2 param[0].second += param[1].second; if (param[0].second > (Real)0) { valid.push_back(param[0]); } if (param[2].second > (Real)0) { valid.push_back(param[2]); } } else { // d0 = d1 = d2 param[0].second += param[1].second + param[2].second; if (param[0].second > (Real)0) { valid.push_back(param[0]); } } } size_t numValid = valid.size(); int numRoots; Real roots[6]; if (numValid == 3) { GetRoots(valid[0].first, valid[1].first, valid[2].first, valid[0].second, valid[1].second, valid[2].second, numRoots, roots); } else if (numValid == 2) { GetRoots(valid[0].first, valid[1].first, valid[0].second, valid[1].second, numRoots, roots); } else if (numValid == 1) { GetRoots(valid[0].first, valid[0].second, numRoots, roots); } else { // numValid cannot be zero because we already handled case K = 0 LogError("Unexpected condition."); } for (i = 0; i < numRoots; ++i) { Real s = roots[i]; Real p0 = d0 * K[0] * s / (d0 * s - (Real)1); Real p1 = d1 * K[1] * s / (d1 * s - (Real)1); Real p2 = d2 * K[2] * s / (d2 * s - (Real)1); Real sqrDistance = p0 * p0 + p1 * p1 + p2 * p2; if (sqrDistance < minSqrDistance) { minSqrDistance = sqrDistance; } if (sqrDistance > maxSqrDistance) { maxSqrDistance = sqrDistance; } } if (maxSqrDistance < one) { result.intersect = true; result.relationship = ELLIPSOID0_CONTAINS_ELLIPSOID1; } else if (minSqrDistance > (Real)1) { if (d0 * c0 + d1 * c1 + d2 * c2 > one) { result.intersect = false; result.relationship = ELLIPSOIDS_SEPARATED; } else { result.intersect = true; result.relationship = ELLIPSOID1_CONTAINS_ELLIPSOID0; } } else { result.intersect = true; result.relationship = ELLIPSOIDS_INTERSECTING; } return result; } private: void GetRoots(Real d0, Real c0, int& numRoots, Real* roots) { // f(s) = d0*c0/(d0*s-1)^2 - 1 Real const one = (Real)1; Real temp = std::sqrt(d0 * c0); Real inv = one / d0; numRoots = 2; roots[0] = (one - temp) * inv; roots[1] = (one + temp) * inv; } void GetRoots(Real d0, Real d1, Real c0, Real c1, int& numRoots, Real* roots) { // f(s) = d0*c0/(d0*s-1)^2 + d1*c1/(d1*s-1)^2 - 1 // with d0 > d1 Real const zero = (Real)0; Real const one = (Real)1; Real const two = (Real)2; Real d0c0 = d0 * c0; Real d1c1 = d1 * c1; std::function F = [&one, d0, d1, d0c0, d1c1](Real s) { Real invN0 = one / (d0 * s - one); Real invN1 = one / (d1 * s - one); Real term0 = d0c0 * invN0 * invN0; Real term1 = d1c1 * invN1 * invN1; Real f = term0 + term1 - one; return f; }; std::function DF = [&one, &two, d0, d1, d0c0, d1c1](Real s) { Real invN0 = one / (d0 * s - one); Real invN1 = one / (d1 * s - one); Real term0 = d0 * d0c0 * invN0 * invN0 * invN0; Real term1 = d1 * d1c1 * invN1 * invN1 * invN1; Real df = -two * (term0 + term1); return df; }; unsigned int const maxIterations = 1024; unsigned int iterations; numRoots = 0; // TODO: What role does epsilon play? Real const epsilon = (Real)0.001; Real multiplier0 = std::sqrt(two / (one - epsilon)); Real multiplier1 = std::sqrt(one / (one + epsilon)); Real sqrtd0c0 = std::sqrt(d0c0); Real sqrtd1c1 = std::sqrt(d1c1); Real invD0 = one / d0; Real invD1 = one / d1; Real temp0, temp1, smin, smax, s; // Compute root in (-infinity,1/d0). temp0 = (one - multiplier0 * sqrtd0c0) * invD0; temp1 = (one - multiplier0 * sqrtd1c1) * invD1; smin = std::min(temp0, temp1); LogAssert(F(smin) < zero, "Unexpected condition."); smax = (one - multiplier1 * sqrtd0c0) * invD0; LogAssert(F(smax) > zero, "Unexpected condition."); iterations = RootsBisection::Find(F, smin, smax, maxIterations, s); LogAssert(iterations > 0, "Unexpected condition."); roots[numRoots++] = s; // Compute roots (if any) in (1/d0,1/d1). It is the case that // F(1/d0) = +infinity, F'(1/d0) = -infinity // F(1/d1) = +infinity, F'(1/d1) = +infinity // F"(s) > 0 for all s in the domain of F // Compute the unique root r of F'(s) on (1/d0,1/d1). The // bisector needs only the signs at the endpoints, so we pass -1 // and +1 instead of the infinite values. If F(r) < 0, F(s) has // two roots in the interval. If F(r) = 0, F(s) has only one root // in the interval. Real smid; iterations = RootsBisection::Find(DF, invD0, invD1, -one, one, maxIterations, smid); LogAssert(iterations > 0, "Unexpected condition."); if (F(smid) < zero) { // Pass in signs rather than infinities, because the bisector // cares only about the signs. iterations = RootsBisection::Find(F, invD0, smid, one, -one, maxIterations, s); LogAssert(iterations > 0, "Unexpected condition."); roots[numRoots++] = s; iterations = RootsBisection::Find(F, smid, invD1, -one, one, maxIterations, s); LogAssert(iterations > 0, "Unexpected condition."); roots[numRoots++] = s; } // Compute root in (1/d1,+infinity). temp0 = (one + multiplier0 * sqrtd0c0) * invD0; temp1 = (one + multiplier0 * sqrtd1c1) * invD1; smax = std::max(temp0, temp1); LogAssert(F(smax) < zero, "Unexpected condition."); smin = (one + multiplier1 * sqrtd1c1) * invD1; LogAssert(F(smin) > zero, "Unexpected condition."); iterations = RootsBisection::Find(F, smin, smax, maxIterations, s); LogAssert(iterations > 0, "Unexpected condition."); roots[numRoots++] = s; } void GetRoots(Real d0, Real d1, Real d2, Real c0, Real c1, Real c2, int& numRoots, Real* roots) { // f(s) = d0*c0/(d0*s-1)^2 + d1*c1/(d1*s-1)^2 // + d2*c2/(d2*s-1)^2 - 1 with d0 > d1 > d2 Real const zero = (Real)0; Real const one = (Real)1; Real const three = (Real)3; Real d0c0 = d0 * c0; Real d1c1 = d1 * c1; Real d2c2 = d2 * c2; std::function F = [&one, d0, d1, d2, d0c0, d1c1, d2c2](Real s) { Real invN0 = one / (d0 * s - one); Real invN1 = one / (d1 * s - one); Real invN2 = one / (d2 * s - one); Real term0 = d0c0 * invN0 * invN0; Real term1 = d1c1 * invN1 * invN1; Real term2 = d2c2 * invN2 * invN2; Real f = term0 + term1 + term2 - one; return f; }; std::function DF = [&one, d0, d1, d2, d0c0, d1c1, d2c2](Real s) { Real const two = (Real)2; Real invN0 = one / (d0 * s - one); Real invN1 = one / (d1 * s - one); Real invN2 = one / (d2 * s - one); Real term0 = d0 * d0c0 * invN0 * invN0 * invN0; Real term1 = d1 * d1c1 * invN1 * invN1 * invN1; Real term2 = d2 * d2c2 * invN2 * invN2 * invN2; Real df = -two * (term0 + term1 + term2); return df; }; unsigned int const maxIterations = 1024; unsigned int iterations; numRoots = 0; // TODO: What role does epsilon play? Real epsilon = (Real)0.001; Real multiplier0 = std::sqrt(three / (one - epsilon)); Real multiplier1 = std::sqrt(one / (one + epsilon)); Real sqrtd0c0 = std::sqrt(d0c0); Real sqrtd1c1 = std::sqrt(d1c1); Real sqrtd2c2 = std::sqrt(d2c2); Real invD0 = one / d0; Real invD1 = one / d1; Real invD2 = one / d2; Real temp0, temp1, temp2, smin, smax, s; // Compute root in (-infinity,1/d0). temp0 = (one - multiplier0 * sqrtd0c0) * invD0; temp1 = (one - multiplier0 * sqrtd1c1) * invD1; temp2 = (one - multiplier0 * sqrtd2c2) * invD2; smin = std::min(std::min(temp0, temp1), temp2); LogAssert(F(smin) < zero, "Unexpected condition."); smax = (one - multiplier1 * sqrtd0c0) * invD0; LogAssert(F(smax) > zero, "Unexpected condition."); iterations = RootsBisection::Find(F, smin, smax, maxIterations, s); LogAssert(iterations > 0, "Unexpected condition."); roots[numRoots++] = s; // Compute roots (if any) in (1/d0,1/d1). It is the case that // F(1/d0) = +infinity, F'(1/d0) = -infinity // F(1/d1) = +infinity, F'(1/d1) = +infinity // F"(s) > 0 for all s in the domain of F // Compute the unique root r of F'(s) on (1/d0,1/d1). The // bisector needs only the signs at the endpoints, so we pass -1 // and +1 instead of the infinite values. If F(r) < 0, F(s) has // two roots in the interval. If F(r) = 0, F(s) has only one root // in the interval. Real smid; iterations = RootsBisection::Find(DF, invD0, invD1, -one, one, maxIterations, smid); LogAssert(iterations > 0, "Unexpected condition."); if (F(smid) < zero) { // Pass in signs rather than infinities, because the bisector cares // only about the signs. iterations = RootsBisection::Find(F, invD0, smid, one, -one, maxIterations, s); LogAssert(iterations > 0, "Unexpected condition."); roots[numRoots++] = s; iterations = RootsBisection::Find(F, smid, invD1, -one, one, maxIterations, s); LogAssert(iterations > 0, "Unexpected condition."); roots[numRoots++] = s; } // Compute roots (if any) in (1/d1,1/d2). It is the case that // F(1/d1) = +infinity, F'(1/d1) = -infinity // F(1/d2) = +infinity, F'(1/d2) = +infinity // F"(s) > 0 for all s in the domain of F // Compute the unique root r of F'(s) on (1/d1,1/d2). The // bisector needs only the signs at the endpoints, so we pass -1 // and +1 instead of the infinite values. If F(r) < 0, F(s) has // two roots in the interval. If F(r) = 0, F(s) has only one root // in the interval. iterations = RootsBisection::Find(DF, invD1, invD2, -one, one, maxIterations, smid); LogAssert(iterations > 0, "Unexpected condition."); if (F(smid) < zero) { // Pass in signs rather than infinities, because the bisector // cares only about the signs. iterations = RootsBisection::Find(F, invD1, smid, one, -one, maxIterations, s); LogAssert(iterations > 0, "Unexpected condition."); roots[numRoots++] = s; iterations = RootsBisection::Find(F, smid, invD2, -one, one, maxIterations, s); LogAssert(iterations > 0, "Unexpected condition."); roots[numRoots++] = s; } // Compute root in (1/d2,+infinity). temp0 = (one + multiplier0 * sqrtd0c0) * invD0; temp1 = (one + multiplier0 * sqrtd1c1) * invD1; temp2 = (one + multiplier0 * sqrtd2c2) * invD2; smax = std::max(std::max(temp0, temp1), temp2); LogAssert(F(smax) < zero, "Unexpected condition."); smin = (one + multiplier1 * sqrtd2c2) * invD2; LogAssert(F(smin) > zero, "Unexpected condition."); iterations = RootsBisection::Find(F, smin, smax, maxIterations, s); LogAssert(iterations > 0, "Unexpected condition."); roots[numRoots++] = s; } }; }