// David Eberly, Geometric Tools, Redmond WA 98052 // Copyright (c) 1998-2021 // Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. // https://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt // https://www.geometrictools.com/License/Boost/LICENSE_1_0.txt // Version: 4.0.2019.08.13 #pragma once #include #include #include #include #include #include // The intersection queries are based on the document // https://www.geometrictools.com/Documentation/ClipConvexPolygonByHyperplane.pdf namespace gte { template class TIQuery>, Hyperplane> { public: enum class Configuration { SPLIT, POSITIVE_SIDE_VERTEX, POSITIVE_SIDE_EDGE, POSITIVE_SIDE_STRICT, NEGATIVE_SIDE_VERTEX, NEGATIVE_SIDE_EDGE, NEGATIVE_SIDE_STRICT, CONTAINED, INVALID_POLYGON }; struct Result { bool intersect; Configuration configuration; }; Result operator()(std::vector> const& polygon, Hyperplane const& hyperplane) { Result result; size_t const numVertices = polygon.size(); if (numVertices < 3) { // The convex polygon must have at least 3 vertices. result.intersect = false; result.configuration = Configuration::INVALID_POLYGON; return result; } // Determine on which side of the hyperplane each vertex lies. size_t numPositive = 0, numNegative = 0, numZero = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < numVertices; ++i) { Real h = Dot(hyperplane.normal, polygon[i]) - hyperplane.constant; if (h > (Real)0) { ++numPositive; } else if (h < (Real)0) { ++numNegative; } else { ++numZero; } } if (numPositive > 0) { if (numNegative > 0) { result.intersect = true; result.configuration = Configuration::SPLIT; } else if (numZero == 0) { result.intersect = false; result.configuration = Configuration::POSITIVE_SIDE_STRICT; } else if (numZero == 1) { result.intersect = true; result.configuration = Configuration::POSITIVE_SIDE_VERTEX; } else // numZero > 1 { result.intersect = true; result.configuration = Configuration::POSITIVE_SIDE_EDGE; } } else if (numNegative > 0) { if (numZero == 0) { result.intersect = false; result.configuration = Configuration::NEGATIVE_SIDE_STRICT; } else if (numZero == 1) { // The polygon touches the plane in a vertex or an edge. result.intersect = true; result.configuration = Configuration::NEGATIVE_SIDE_VERTEX; } else // numZero > 1 { result.intersect = true; result.configuration = Configuration::NEGATIVE_SIDE_EDGE; } } else // numZero == numVertices { result.intersect = true; result.configuration = Configuration::CONTAINED; } return result; } }; template class FIQuery>, Hyperplane> { public: enum class Configuration { SPLIT, POSITIVE_SIDE_VERTEX, POSITIVE_SIDE_EDGE, POSITIVE_SIDE_STRICT, NEGATIVE_SIDE_VERTEX, NEGATIVE_SIDE_EDGE, NEGATIVE_SIDE_STRICT, CONTAINED, INVALID_POLYGON }; struct Result { // The intersection is either empty, a single vertex, a single // edge or the polygon is contained by the hyperplane. Configuration configuration; std::vector> intersection; // If 'configuration' is POSITIVE_* or SPLIT, this polygon is the // portion of the query input 'polygon' on the positive side of // the hyperplane with possibly a vertex or edge on the hyperplane. std::vector> positivePolygon; // If 'configuration' is NEGATIVE_* or SPLIT, this polygon is the // portion of the query input 'polygon' on the negative side of // the hyperplane with possibly a vertex or edge on the hyperplane. std::vector> negativePolygon; }; Result operator()(std::vector> const& polygon, Hyperplane const& hyperplane) { Result result; size_t const numVertices = polygon.size(); if (numVertices < 3) { // The convex polygon must have at least 3 vertices. result.configuration = Configuration::INVALID_POLYGON; return result; } // Determine on which side of the hyperplane the vertices live. // The index maxPosIndex stores the index of the vertex on the // positive side of the hyperplane that is farthest from the // hyperplane. The index maxNegIndex stores the index of the // vertex on the negative side of the hyperplane that is farthest // from the hyperplane. If one or the other such vertex does not // exist, the corresponding index will remain its initial value of // max(size_t). std::vector height(numVertices); std::vector zeroHeightIndices; zeroHeightIndices.reserve(numVertices); size_t numPositive = 0, numNegative = 0; Real maxPosHeight = -std::numeric_limits::max(); Real maxNegHeight = std::numeric_limits::max(); size_t maxPosIndex = std::numeric_limits::max(); size_t maxNegIndex = std::numeric_limits::max(); for (size_t i = 0; i < numVertices; ++i) { height[i] = Dot(hyperplane.normal, polygon[i]) - hyperplane.constant; if (height[i] > (Real)0) { ++numPositive; if (height[i] > maxPosHeight) { maxPosHeight = height[i]; maxPosIndex = i; } } else if (height[i] < (Real)0) { ++numNegative; if (height[i] < maxNegHeight) { maxNegHeight = height[i]; maxNegIndex = i; } } else { zeroHeightIndices.push_back(i); } } if (numPositive > 0) { if (numNegative > 0) { result.configuration = Configuration::SPLIT; bool doSwap = (maxPosHeight < -maxNegHeight); if (doSwap) { for (auto& h : height) { h = -h; } std::swap(maxPosIndex, maxNegIndex); } SplitPolygon(polygon, height, maxPosIndex, result); if (doSwap) { std::swap(result.positivePolygon, result.negativePolygon); } } else { size_t numZero = zeroHeightIndices.size(); if (numZero == 0) { result.configuration = Configuration::POSITIVE_SIDE_STRICT; } else if (numZero == 1) { result.configuration = Configuration::POSITIVE_SIDE_VERTEX; result.intersection = { polygon[zeroHeightIndices[0]] }; } else // numZero > 1 { result.configuration = Configuration::POSITIVE_SIDE_EDGE; result.intersection = { polygon[zeroHeightIndices[0]], polygon[zeroHeightIndices[1]] }; } result.positivePolygon = polygon; } } else if (numNegative > 0) { size_t numZero = zeroHeightIndices.size(); if (numZero == 0) { result.configuration = Configuration::NEGATIVE_SIDE_STRICT; } else if (numZero == 1) { result.configuration = Configuration::NEGATIVE_SIDE_VERTEX; result.intersection = { polygon[zeroHeightIndices[0]] }; } else // numZero > 1 { result.configuration = Configuration::NEGATIVE_SIDE_EDGE; result.intersection = { polygon[zeroHeightIndices[0]], polygon[zeroHeightIndices[1]] }; } result.negativePolygon = polygon; } else // numZero == numVertices { result.configuration = Configuration::CONTAINED; result.intersection = polygon; } return result; } protected: void SplitPolygon(std::vector> const& polygon, std::vector const& height, size_t maxPosIndex, Result& result) { // Find the largest contiguous subset of indices for which // height[i] >= 0. size_t const numVertices = polygon.size(); std::list> positiveList; positiveList.push_back(polygon[maxPosIndex]); size_t end0 = maxPosIndex; size_t end0prev = std::numeric_limits::max(); for (size_t i = 0; i < numVertices; ++i) { end0prev = (end0 + numVertices - 1) % numVertices; if (height[end0prev] >= (Real)0) { positiveList.push_front(polygon[end0prev]); end0 = end0prev; } else { break; } } size_t end1 = maxPosIndex; size_t end1next = std::numeric_limits::max(); for (size_t i = 0; i < numVertices; ++i) { end1next = (end1 + 1) % numVertices; if (height[end1next] >= (Real)0) { positiveList.push_back(polygon[end1next]); end1 = end1next; } else { break; } } size_t index = end1next; std::list> negativeList; for (size_t i = 0; i < numVertices; ++i) { negativeList.push_back(polygon[index]); index = (index + 1) % numVertices; if (index == end0) { break; } } // Clip the polygon. if (height[end0] > (Real)0) { Real t = -height[end0prev] / (height[end0] - height[end0prev]); Real omt = (Real)1 - t; Vector V = omt * polygon[end0prev] + t * polygon[end0]; positiveList.push_front(V); negativeList.push_back(V); result.intersection.push_back(V); } else { negativeList.push_back(polygon[end0]); result.intersection.push_back(polygon[end0]); } if (height[end1] > (Real)0) { Real t = -height[end1next] / (height[end1] - height[end1next]); Real omt = (Real)1 - t; Vector V = omt * polygon[end1next] + t * polygon[end1]; positiveList.push_back(V); negativeList.push_front(V); result.intersection.push_back(V); } else { negativeList.push_front(polygon[end1]); result.intersection.push_back(polygon[end1]); } result.positivePolygon.reserve(positiveList.size()); for (auto const& p : positiveList) { result.positivePolygon.push_back(p); } result.negativePolygon.reserve(negativeList.size()); for (auto const& p : negativeList) { result.negativePolygon.push_back(p); } } }; }