// David Eberly, Geometric Tools, Redmond WA 98052 // Copyright (c) 1998-2021 // Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. // https://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt // https://www.geometrictools.com/License/Boost/LICENSE_1_0.txt // Version: 4.0.2019.08.13 #pragma once #include #include #include #include // Test for intersection of a box and a cone. The cone can be infinite // 0 <= minHeight < maxHeight = std::numeric_limits::max() // or finite (cone frustum) // 0 <= minHeight < maxHeight < std::numeric_limits::max(). // The algorithm is described in // https://www.geometrictools.com/Documentation/IntersectionBoxCone.pdf // and reports an intersection only when the intersection set has positive // volume. For example, let the box be outside the cone. If the box is // below the minHeight plane at the cone vertex and just touches the cone // vertex, no intersection is reported. If the box is above the maxHeight // plane and just touches the disk capping the cone, either at a single // point, a line segment of points or a polygon of points, no intersection // is reported. // TODO: These queries were designed when an infinite cone was defined // by choosing maxHeight of std::numeric_limits::max(). The Cone // class has been redesigned not to use std::numeric_limits to allow for // arithmetic systems that do not have representations for infinities // (such as BSNumber and BSRational). The intersection queries need to be // rewritten for the new class design. FOR NOW, the queries will work with // float/double when you create a cone using the cone-frustum constructor // Cone(ray, angle, minHeight, std::numeric_limits::max()). namespace gte { template class TIQuery, Cone<3, Real>> { public: struct Result { bool intersect; }; TIQuery() : mNumCandidateEdges(0) { // An edge is { v0, v1 }, where v0 and v1 are relative to mVertices // with v0 < v1. mEdges[0] = { 0, 1 }; mEdges[1] = { 1, 3 }; mEdges[2] = { 2, 3 }; mEdges[3] = { 0, 2 }; mEdges[4] = { 4, 5 }; mEdges[5] = { 5, 7 }; mEdges[6] = { 6, 7 }; mEdges[7] = { 4, 6 }; mEdges[8] = { 0, 4 }; mEdges[9] = { 1, 5 }; mEdges[10] = { 3, 7 }; mEdges[11] = { 2, 6 }; // A face is { { v0, v1, v2, v3 }, { e0, e1, e2, e3 } }, where // { v0, v1, v2, v3 } are relative to mVertices with // v0 = min(v0,v1,v2,v3) and where { e0, e1, e2, e3 } are relative // to mEdges. For example, mFaces[0] has vertices { 0, 4, 6, 2 }. // The edge { 0, 4 } is mEdges[8], the edge { 4, 6 } is mEdges[7], // the edge { 6, 2 } is mEdges[11] and the edge { 2, 0 } is // mEdges[3]; thus, the edge indices are { 8, 7, 11, 3 }. mFaces[0] = { { 0, 4, 6, 2 }, { 8, 7, 11, 3 } }; mFaces[1] = { { 1, 3, 7, 5 }, { 1, 10, 5, 9 } }; mFaces[2] = { { 0, 1, 5, 4 }, { 0, 9, 4, 8 } }; mFaces[3] = { { 2, 6, 7, 3 }, { 11, 6, 10, 2 } }; mFaces[4] = { { 0, 2, 3, 1 }, { 3, 2, 1, 0 } }; mFaces[5] = { { 4, 5, 7, 6 }, { 4, 5, 6, 7 } }; // Clear the edges. std::array ezero = { 0, 0 }; mCandidateEdges.fill(ezero); for (size_t r = 0; r < MAX_VERTICES; ++r) { mAdjacencyMatrix[r].fill(0); } mConfiguration[0] = &TIQuery::NNNN_0; mConfiguration[1] = &TIQuery::NNNZ_1; mConfiguration[2] = &TIQuery::NNNP_2; mConfiguration[3] = &TIQuery::NNZN_3; mConfiguration[4] = &TIQuery::NNZZ_4; mConfiguration[5] = &TIQuery::NNZP_5; mConfiguration[6] = &TIQuery::NNPN_6; mConfiguration[7] = &TIQuery::NNPZ_7; mConfiguration[8] = &TIQuery::NNPP_8; mConfiguration[9] = &TIQuery::NZNN_9; mConfiguration[10] = &TIQuery::NZNZ_10; mConfiguration[11] = &TIQuery::NZNP_11; mConfiguration[12] = &TIQuery::NZZN_12; mConfiguration[13] = &TIQuery::NZZZ_13; mConfiguration[14] = &TIQuery::NZZP_14; mConfiguration[15] = &TIQuery::NZPN_15; mConfiguration[16] = &TIQuery::NZPZ_16; mConfiguration[17] = &TIQuery::NZPP_17; mConfiguration[18] = &TIQuery::NPNN_18; mConfiguration[19] = &TIQuery::NPNZ_19; mConfiguration[20] = &TIQuery::NPNP_20; mConfiguration[21] = &TIQuery::NPZN_21; mConfiguration[22] = &TIQuery::NPZZ_22; mConfiguration[23] = &TIQuery::NPZP_23; mConfiguration[24] = &TIQuery::NPPN_24; mConfiguration[25] = &TIQuery::NPPZ_25; mConfiguration[26] = &TIQuery::NPPP_26; mConfiguration[27] = &TIQuery::ZNNN_27; mConfiguration[28] = &TIQuery::ZNNZ_28; mConfiguration[29] = &TIQuery::ZNNP_29; mConfiguration[30] = &TIQuery::ZNZN_30; mConfiguration[31] = &TIQuery::ZNZZ_31; mConfiguration[32] = &TIQuery::ZNZP_32; mConfiguration[33] = &TIQuery::ZNPN_33; mConfiguration[34] = &TIQuery::ZNPZ_34; mConfiguration[35] = &TIQuery::ZNPP_35; mConfiguration[36] = &TIQuery::ZZNN_36; mConfiguration[37] = &TIQuery::ZZNZ_37; mConfiguration[38] = &TIQuery::ZZNP_38; mConfiguration[39] = &TIQuery::ZZZN_39; mConfiguration[40] = &TIQuery::ZZZZ_40; mConfiguration[41] = &TIQuery::ZZZP_41; mConfiguration[42] = &TIQuery::ZZPN_42; mConfiguration[43] = &TIQuery::ZZPZ_43; mConfiguration[44] = &TIQuery::ZZPP_44; mConfiguration[45] = &TIQuery::ZPNN_45; mConfiguration[46] = &TIQuery::ZPNZ_46; mConfiguration[47] = &TIQuery::ZPNP_47; mConfiguration[48] = &TIQuery::ZPZN_48; mConfiguration[49] = &TIQuery::ZPZZ_49; mConfiguration[50] = &TIQuery::ZPZP_50; mConfiguration[51] = &TIQuery::ZPPN_51; mConfiguration[52] = &TIQuery::ZPPZ_52; mConfiguration[53] = &TIQuery::ZPPP_53; mConfiguration[54] = &TIQuery::PNNN_54; mConfiguration[55] = &TIQuery::PNNZ_55; mConfiguration[56] = &TIQuery::PNNP_56; mConfiguration[57] = &TIQuery::PNZN_57; mConfiguration[58] = &TIQuery::PNZZ_58; mConfiguration[59] = &TIQuery::PNZP_59; mConfiguration[60] = &TIQuery::PNPN_60; mConfiguration[61] = &TIQuery::PNPZ_61; mConfiguration[62] = &TIQuery::PNPP_62; mConfiguration[63] = &TIQuery::PZNN_63; mConfiguration[64] = &TIQuery::PZNZ_64; mConfiguration[65] = &TIQuery::PZNP_65; mConfiguration[66] = &TIQuery::PZZN_66; mConfiguration[67] = &TIQuery::PZZZ_67; mConfiguration[68] = &TIQuery::PZZP_68; mConfiguration[69] = &TIQuery::PZPN_69; mConfiguration[70] = &TIQuery::PZPZ_70; mConfiguration[71] = &TIQuery::PZPP_71; mConfiguration[72] = &TIQuery::PPNN_72; mConfiguration[73] = &TIQuery::PPNZ_73; mConfiguration[74] = &TIQuery::PPNP_74; mConfiguration[75] = &TIQuery::PPZN_75; mConfiguration[76] = &TIQuery::PPZZ_76; mConfiguration[77] = &TIQuery::PPZP_77; mConfiguration[78] = &TIQuery::PPPN_78; mConfiguration[79] = &TIQuery::PPPZ_79; mConfiguration[80] = &TIQuery::PPPP_80; } Result operator()(AlignedBox<3, Real> const& box, Cone<3, Real> const& cone) { Result result; // Quick-rejectance test. Determine whether the box is outside // the slab bounded by the minimum and maximum height planes. // When outside the slab, the box vertices are not required by the // cone-box intersection query, so the vertices are not yet // computed. Real boxMinHeight(0), boxMaxHeight(0); ComputeBoxHeightInterval(box, cone, boxMinHeight, boxMaxHeight); // TODO: See the comments at the beginning of this file. Real coneMaxHeight = (cone.IsFinite() ? cone.GetMaxHeight() : std::numeric_limits::max()); if (boxMaxHeight <= cone.GetMinHeight() || boxMinHeight >= coneMaxHeight) { // There is no volumetric overlap of the box and the cone. The // box is clipped entirely. result.intersect = false; return result; } // Quick-acceptance test. Determine whether the cone axis // intersects the box. if (ConeAxisIntersectsBox(box, cone)) { result.intersect = true; return result; } // Test for box fully inside the slab. When inside the slab, the // box vertices are required by the cone-box intersection query, // so they are computed here; they are also required in the // remaining cases. Also when inside the slab, the box edges are // the candidates, so they are copied to mCandidateEdges. if (BoxFullyInConeSlab(box, boxMinHeight, boxMaxHeight, cone)) { result.intersect = CandidatesHavePointInsideCone(cone); return result; } // Clear the candidates array and adjacency matrix. ClearCandidates(); // The box intersects at least one plane. Compute the box-plane // edge-interior intersection points. Insert the box subedges into // the array of candidate edges. ComputeCandidatesOnBoxEdges(cone); // Insert any relevant box face-interior clipped edges into the array // of candidate edges. ComputeCandidatesOnBoxFaces(); result.intersect = CandidatesHavePointInsideCone(cone); return result; } protected: // The constants here are described in the comments below. enum { NUM_BOX_VERTICES = 8, NUM_BOX_EDGES = 12, NUM_BOX_FACES = 6, MAX_VERTICES = 32, VERTEX_MIN_BASE = 8, VERTEX_MAX_BASE = 20, MAX_CANDIDATE_EDGES = 496, NUM_CONFIGURATIONS = 81 }; // The box topology is that of a cube whose vertices have components // in {0,1}. The cube vertices are indexed by // 0: (0,0,0), 1: (1,0,0), 2: (1,1,0), 3: (0,1,0) // 4: (0,0,1), 5: (1,0,1), 6: (1,1,1), 7: (0,1,1) // The first 8 vertices are the box corners, the next 12 vertices are // reserved for hmin-edge points and the final 12 vertices are reserved // for the hmax-edge points. The conservative upper bound of the number // of vertices is 8 + 12 + 12 = 32. std::array, MAX_VERTICES> mVertices; // The box has 12 edges stored in mEdges. An edge is mEdges[i] = // { v0, v1 }, where the indices v0 and v1 are relative to mVertices // with v0 < v1. std::array, NUM_BOX_EDGES> mEdges; // The box has 6 faces stored in mFaces. A face is mFaces[i] = // { { v0, v1, v2, v3 }, { e0, e1, e2, e3 } }, where the face corner // vertices are { v0, v1, v2, v3 }. These indices are relative to // mVertices. The indices { e0, e1, e2, e3 } are relative to mEdges. // The index e0 refers to edge { v0, v1 }, the index e1 refers to edge // { v1, v2 }, the index e2 refers to edge { v2, v3 } and the index e3 // refers to edge { v3, v0 }. The ordering of vertices for the faces // is/ counterclockwise when viewed from outside the box. The choice // of initial vertex affects how you implement the graph data // structure. In this implementation, the initial vertex has minimum // index for all vertices of that face. The faces themselves are // listed as -x face, +x face, -y face, +y face, -z face and +z face. struct Face { std::array v, e; }; std::array mFaces; // Store the signed distances from the minimum and maximum height // planes for the cone to the projection of the box vertices onto the // cone axis. std::array mProjectionMin, mProjectionMax; // The mCandidateEdges array stores the edges of the clipped box that // are candidates for containing the optimizing point. The maximum // number of candidate edges is 1 + 2 + ... + 31 = 496, which is a // conservative bound because not all pairs of vertices form edges on // box faces. The candidate edges are stored as (v0,v1) with v0 < v1. // The implementation is designed so that during a single query, the // number of candidate edges can only grow. size_t mNumCandidateEdges; std::array, MAX_CANDIDATE_EDGES> mCandidateEdges; // The mAdjancencyMatrix is a simple representation of edges in the // graph G = (V,E) that represents the (wireframe) clipped box. An // edge (r,c) does not exist when mAdjancencyMatrix[r][c] = 0. If an // edge (r,c) does exist, it is appended to mCandidateEdges at index k // and the adjacency matrix is set to mAdjacencyMatrix[r][c] = 1. // This allows for a fast edge-in-graph test and a fast and efficient // clear of mCandidateEdges and mAdjacencyMatrix. std::array, MAX_VERTICES> mAdjacencyMatrix; typedef void (TIQuery::* ConfigurationFunction)(size_t, Face const&); std::array mConfiguration; static void ComputeBoxHeightInterval(AlignedBox<3, Real> const& box, Cone<3, Real> const& cone, Real& boxMinHeight, Real& boxMaxHeight) { Vector<3, Real> C, e; box.GetCenteredForm(C, e); Vector<3, Real> const& V = cone.ray.origin; Vector<3, Real> const& U = cone.ray.direction; Vector<3, Real> CmV = C - V; Real DdCmV = Dot(U, CmV); Real radius = e[0] * std::abs(U[0]) + e[1] * std::abs(U[1]) + e[2] * std::abs(U[2]); boxMinHeight = DdCmV - radius; boxMaxHeight = DdCmV + radius; } static bool ConeAxisIntersectsBox(AlignedBox<3, Real> const& box, Cone<3, Real> const& cone) { if (cone.IsFinite()) { Segment<3, Real> segment; segment.p[0] = cone.ray.origin + cone.GetMinHeight() * cone.ray.direction; segment.p[1] = cone.ray.origin + cone.GetMaxHeight() * cone.ray.direction; auto sbResult = TIQuery, AlignedBox<3, Real>>()(segment, box); if (sbResult.intersect) { return true; } } else { Ray<3, Real> ray; ray.origin = cone.ray.origin + cone.GetMinHeight() * cone.ray.direction; ray.direction = cone.ray.direction; auto rbResult = TIQuery, AlignedBox<3, Real>>()(ray, box); if (rbResult.intersect) { return true; } } return false; } bool BoxFullyInConeSlab(AlignedBox<3, Real> const& box, Real boxMinHeight, Real boxMaxHeight, Cone<3, Real> const& cone) { // Compute the box vertices relative to cone vertex as origin. mVertices[0] = { box.min[0], box.min[1], box.min[2] }; mVertices[1] = { box.max[0], box.min[1], box.min[2] }; mVertices[2] = { box.min[0], box.max[1], box.min[2] }; mVertices[3] = { box.max[0], box.max[1], box.min[2] }; mVertices[4] = { box.min[0], box.min[1], box.max[2] }; mVertices[5] = { box.max[0], box.min[1], box.max[2] }; mVertices[6] = { box.min[0], box.max[1], box.max[2] }; mVertices[7] = { box.max[0], box.max[1], box.max[2] }; for (int i = 0; i < NUM_BOX_VERTICES; ++i) { mVertices[i] -= cone.ray.origin; } Real coneMaxHeight = (cone.IsFinite() ? cone.GetMaxHeight() : std::numeric_limits::max()); if (cone.GetMinHeight() <= boxMinHeight && boxMaxHeight <= coneMaxHeight) { // The box is fully inside, so no clipping is necessary. std::copy(mEdges.begin(), mEdges.end(), mCandidateEdges.begin()); mNumCandidateEdges = 12; return true; } return false; } static bool HasPointInsideCone(Vector<3, Real> const& P0, Vector<3, Real> const& P1, Cone<3, Real> const& cone) { // Define F(X) = Dot(U,X - V)/|X - V|, where U is the unit-length // cone axis direction and V is the cone vertex. The incoming // points P0 and P1 are relative to V; that is, the original // points are X0 = P0 + V and X1 = P1 + V. The segment // and cone intersect when a segment point X is inside the cone; // that is, when F(X) > cosAngle. The comparison is converted to // an equivalent one that does not involve divisions in order to // avoid a division by zero if a vertex or edge contain (0,0,0). // The function is G(X) = Dot(U,X-V) - cosAngle*Length(X-V). Vector<3, Real> const& U = cone.ray.direction; // Test whether P0 or P1 is inside the cone. Real g = Dot(U, P0) - cone.cosAngle * Length(P0); if (g > (Real)0) { // X0 = P0 + V is inside the cone. return true; } g = Dot(U, P1) - cone.cosAngle * Length(P1); if (g > (Real)0) { // X1 = P1 + V is inside the cone. return true; } // Test whether an interior segment point is inside the cone. Vector<3, Real> E = P1 - P0; Vector<3, Real> crossP0U = Cross(P0, U); Vector<3, Real> crossP0E = Cross(P0, E); Real dphi0 = Dot(crossP0E, crossP0U); if (dphi0 > (Real)0) { Vector3 crossP1U = Cross(P1, U); Real dphi1 = Dot(crossP0E, crossP1U); if (dphi1 < (Real)0) { Real t = dphi0 / (dphi0 - dphi1); Vector<3, Real> PMax = P0 + t * E; g = Dot(U, PMax) - cone.cosAngle * Length(PMax); if (g > (Real)0) { // The edge point XMax = Pmax + V is inside the cone. return true; } } } return false; } bool CandidatesHavePointInsideCone(Cone<3, Real> const& cone) const { for (size_t i = 0; i < mNumCandidateEdges; ++i) { auto const& edge = mCandidateEdges[i]; Vector<3, Real> const& P0 = mVertices[edge[0]]; Vector<3, Real> const& P1 = mVertices[edge[1]]; if (HasPointInsideCone(P0, P1, cone)) { return true; } } return false; } void ComputeCandidatesOnBoxEdges(Cone<3, Real> const& cone) { for (size_t i = 0; i < NUM_BOX_VERTICES; ++i) { Real h = Dot(cone.ray.direction, mVertices[i]); Real coneMaxHeight = (cone.IsFinite() ? cone.GetMaxHeight() : std::numeric_limits::max()); mProjectionMin[i] = cone.GetMinHeight() - h; mProjectionMax[i] = h - coneMaxHeight; } size_t v0 = VERTEX_MIN_BASE, v1 = VERTEX_MAX_BASE; for (size_t i = 0; i < NUM_BOX_EDGES; ++i, ++v0, ++v1) { auto const& edge = mEdges[i]; // In the next blocks, the sign comparisons can be expressed // instead as "s0 * s1 < 0". The multiplication could lead to // floating-point underflow where the product becomes 0, so I // avoid that approach. // Process the hmin-plane. Real p0Min = mProjectionMin[edge[0]]; Real p1Min = mProjectionMin[edge[1]]; bool clipMin = (p0Min < (Real)0 && p1Min >(Real)0) || (p0Min > (Real)0 && p1Min < (Real)0); if (clipMin) { mVertices[v0] = (p1Min * mVertices[edge[0]] - p0Min * mVertices[edge[1]]) / (p1Min - p0Min); } // Process the hmax-plane. Real p0Max = mProjectionMax[edge[0]]; Real p1Max = mProjectionMax[edge[1]]; bool clipMax = (p0Max < (Real)0 && p1Max >(Real)0) || (p0Max > (Real)0 && p1Max < (Real)0); if (clipMax) { mVertices[v1] = (p1Max * mVertices[edge[0]] - p0Max * mVertices[edge[1]]) / (p1Max - p0Max); } // Get the candidate edges that are contained by the box edges. if (clipMin) { if (clipMax) { InsertEdge(v0, v1); } else { if (p0Min < (Real)0) { InsertEdge(edge[0], v0); } else // p1Min < 0 { InsertEdge(edge[1], v0); } } } else if (clipMax) { if (p0Max < (Real)0) { InsertEdge(edge[0], v1); } else // p1Max < 0 { InsertEdge(edge[1], v1); } } else { // No clipping has occurred. If the edge is inside the box, // it is a candidate edge. To be inside the box, the p*min // and p*max values must be nonpositive. if (p0Min <= (Real)0 && p1Min <= (Real)0 && p0Max <= (Real)0 && p1Max <= (Real)0) { InsertEdge(edge[0], edge[1]); } } } } void ComputeCandidatesOnBoxFaces() { Real p0, p1, p2, p3; size_t b0, b1, b2, b3, index; for (size_t i = 0; i < NUM_BOX_FACES; ++i) { auto const& face = mFaces[i]; // Process the hmin-plane. p0 = mProjectionMin[face.v[0]]; p1 = mProjectionMin[face.v[1]]; p2 = mProjectionMin[face.v[2]]; p3 = mProjectionMin[face.v[3]]; b0 = (p0 < (Real)0 ? 0 : (p0 > (Real)0 ? 2 : 1)); b1 = (p1 < (Real)0 ? 0 : (p1 > (Real)0 ? 2 : 1)); b2 = (p2 < (Real)0 ? 0 : (p2 > (Real)0 ? 2 : 1)); b3 = (p3 < (Real)0 ? 0 : (p3 > (Real)0 ? 2 : 1)); index = b3 + 3 * (b2 + 3 * (b1 + 3 * b0)); (this->*mConfiguration[index])(VERTEX_MIN_BASE, face); // Process the hmax-plane. p0 = mProjectionMax[face.v[0]]; p1 = mProjectionMax[face.v[1]]; p2 = mProjectionMax[face.v[2]]; p3 = mProjectionMax[face.v[3]]; b0 = (p0 < (Real)0 ? 0 : (p0 > (Real)0 ? 2 : 1)); b1 = (p1 < (Real)0 ? 0 : (p1 > (Real)0 ? 2 : 1)); b2 = (p2 < (Real)0 ? 0 : (p2 > (Real)0 ? 2 : 1)); b3 = (p3 < (Real)0 ? 0 : (p3 > (Real)0 ? 2 : 1)); index = b3 + 3 * (b2 + 3 * (b1 + 3 * b0)); (this->*mConfiguration[index])(VERTEX_MAX_BASE, face); } } void ClearCandidates() { for (size_t i = 0; i < mNumCandidateEdges; ++i) { auto const& edge = mCandidateEdges[i]; mAdjacencyMatrix[edge[0]][edge[1]] = 0; mAdjacencyMatrix[edge[1]][edge[0]] = 0; } mNumCandidateEdges = 0; } void InsertEdge(size_t v0, size_t v1) { if (mAdjacencyMatrix[v0][v1] == 0) { mAdjacencyMatrix[v0][v1] = 1; mAdjacencyMatrix[v1][v0] = 1; mCandidateEdges[mNumCandidateEdges] = { v0, v1 }; ++mNumCandidateEdges; } } // The 81 possible configurations for a box face. The N stands for a // '-', the Z stands for '0' and the P stands for '+'. These are // listed in the order that maps to the array mConfiguration. Thus, // NNNN maps to mConfiguration[0], NNNZ maps to mConfiguration[1], and // so on. void NNNN_0(size_t, Face const&) { } void NNNZ_1(size_t, Face const&) { } void NNNP_2(size_t base, Face const& face) { InsertEdge(base + face.e[2], base + face.e[3]); } void NNZN_3(size_t, Face const&) { } void NNZZ_4(size_t, Face const&) { } void NNZP_5(size_t base, Face const& face) { InsertEdge(face.v[2], base + face.e[3]); } void NNPN_6(size_t base, Face const& face) { InsertEdge(base + face.e[1], base + face.e[2]); } void NNPZ_7(size_t base, Face const& face) { InsertEdge(base + face.e[1], face.v[3]); } void NNPP_8(size_t base, Face const& face) { InsertEdge(base + face.e[1], base + face.e[3]); } void NZNN_9(size_t, Face const&) { } void NZNZ_10(size_t, Face const&) { } void NZNP_11(size_t base, Face const& face) { InsertEdge(base + face.e[2], face.v[3]); InsertEdge(base + face.e[3], face.v[3]); } void NZZN_12(size_t, Face const&) { } void NZZZ_13(size_t, Face const&) { } void NZZP_14(size_t base, Face const& face) { InsertEdge(face.v[2], face.v[3]); InsertEdge(base + face.e[3], face.v[3]); } void NZPN_15(size_t base, Face const& face) { InsertEdge(base + face.e[2], face.v[1]); } void NZPZ_16(size_t, Face const& face) { InsertEdge(face.v[1], face.v[3]); } void NZPP_17(size_t base, Face const& face) { InsertEdge(base + face.e[3], face.v[1]); } void NPNN_18(size_t base, Face const& face) { InsertEdge(base + face.e[0], base + face.e[1]); } void NPNZ_19(size_t base, Face const& face) { InsertEdge(base + face.e[0], face.v[1]); InsertEdge(base + face.e[1], face.v[1]); } void NPNP_20(size_t base, Face const& face) { InsertEdge(base + face.e[0], face.v[1]); InsertEdge(base + face.e[1], face.v[1]); InsertEdge(base + face.e[2], face.v[3]); InsertEdge(base + face.e[3], face.v[3]); } void NPZN_21(size_t base, Face const& face) { InsertEdge(base + face.e[0], face.v[2]); } void NPZZ_22(size_t base, Face const& face) { InsertEdge(base + face.e[0], face.v[1]); InsertEdge(face.v[1], face.v[2]); } void NPZP_23(size_t base, Face const& face) { InsertEdge(base + face.e[0], face.v[1]); InsertEdge(face.v[1], face.v[2]); InsertEdge(base + face.e[3], face.v[2]); InsertEdge(face.v[2], face.v[3]); } void NPPN_24(size_t base, Face const& face) { InsertEdge(base + face.e[0], base + face.e[2]); } void NPPZ_25(size_t base, Face const& face) { InsertEdge(base + face.e[0], face.v[3]); } void NPPP_26(size_t base, Face const& face) { InsertEdge(base + face.e[0], base + face.e[3]); } void ZNNN_27(size_t, Face const&) { } void ZNNZ_28(size_t, Face const&) { } void ZNNP_29(size_t base, Face const& face) { InsertEdge(base + face.e[2], face.v[0]); } void ZNZN_30(size_t, Face const&) { } void ZNZZ_31(size_t, Face const&) { } void ZNZP_32(size_t, Face const& face) { InsertEdge(face.v[0], face.v[2]); } void ZNPN_33(size_t base, Face const& face) { InsertEdge(base + face.e[1], face.v[2]); InsertEdge(base + face.e[2], face.v[2]); } void ZNPZ_34(size_t base, Face const& face) { InsertEdge(base + face.e[1], face.v[2]); InsertEdge(face.v[2], face.v[3]); } void ZNPP_35(size_t base, Face const& face) { InsertEdge(face.v[0], base + face.e[1]); } void ZZNN_36(size_t, Face const&) { } void ZZNZ_37(size_t, Face const&) { } void ZZNP_38(size_t base, Face const& face) { InsertEdge(face.v[0], face.v[3]); InsertEdge(face.v[3], base + face.e[2]); } void ZZZN_39(size_t, Face const&) { } void ZZZZ_40(size_t, Face const&) { } void ZZZP_41(size_t, Face const& face) { InsertEdge(face.v[0], face.v[3]); InsertEdge(face.v[3], face.v[2]); } void ZZPN_42(size_t base, Face const& face) { InsertEdge(face.v[1], face.v[2]); InsertEdge(face.v[2], base + face.e[2]); } void ZZPZ_43(size_t, Face const& face) { InsertEdge(face.v[1], face.v[2]); InsertEdge(face.v[2], face.v[3]); } void ZZPP_44(size_t, Face const&) { } void ZPNN_45(size_t base, Face const& face) { InsertEdge(face.v[0], base + face.e[1]); } void ZPNZ_46(size_t base, Face const& face) { InsertEdge(face.v[0], face.v[1]); InsertEdge(face.v[1], base + face.e[1]); } void ZPNP_47(size_t base, Face const& face) { InsertEdge(face.v[0], face.v[1]); InsertEdge(face.v[1], base + face.e[1]); InsertEdge(base + face.e[2], face.v[3]); InsertEdge(face.v[3], face.v[0]); } void ZPZN_48(size_t, Face const& face) { InsertEdge(face.v[0], face.v[2]); } void ZPZZ_49(size_t, Face const& face) { InsertEdge(face.v[0], face.v[1]); InsertEdge(face.v[1], face.v[2]); } void ZPZP_50(size_t, Face const&) { } void ZPPN_51(size_t base, Face const& face) { InsertEdge(face.v[0], base + face.e[2]); } void ZPPZ_52(size_t, Face const&) { } void ZPPP_53(size_t, Face const&) { } void PNNN_54(size_t base, Face const& face) { InsertEdge(base + face.e[3], base + face.e[0]); } void PNNZ_55(size_t base, Face const& face) { InsertEdge(face.v[3], base + face.e[0]); } void PNNP_56(size_t base, Face const& face) { InsertEdge(base + face.e[2], base + face.e[0]); } void PNZN_57(size_t base, Face const& face) { InsertEdge(base + face.e[3], face.v[0]); InsertEdge(face.v[0], base + face.e[0]); } void PNZZ_58(size_t base, Face const& face) { InsertEdge(face.v[3], face.v[0]); InsertEdge(face.v[0], base + face.e[0]); } void PNZP_59(size_t base, Face const& face) { InsertEdge(face.v[2], base + face.e[0]); } void PNPN_60(size_t base, Face const& face) { InsertEdge(base + face.e[3], face.v[0]); InsertEdge(face.v[0], base + face.e[0]); InsertEdge(base + face.e[1], face.v[2]); InsertEdge(face.v[2], base + face.e[2]); } void PNPZ_61(size_t base, Face const& face) { InsertEdge(face.v[3], face.v[0]); InsertEdge(face.v[0], base + face.e[0]); InsertEdge(base + face.e[1], face.v[2]); InsertEdge(face.v[2], face.v[3]); } void PNPP_62(size_t base, Face const& face) { InsertEdge(base + face.e[0], base + face.e[1]); } void PZNN_63(size_t base, Face const& face) { InsertEdge(base + face.e[3], face.v[1]); } void PZNZ_64(size_t, Face const& face) { InsertEdge(face.v[3], face.v[1]); } void PZNP_65(size_t base, Face const& face) { InsertEdge(base + face.e[2], face.v[1]); } void PZZN_66(size_t base, Face const& face) { InsertEdge(base + face.e[3], face.v[0]); InsertEdge(face.v[0], face.v[1]); } void PZZZ_67(size_t, Face const&) { } void PZZP_68(size_t, Face const&) { } void PZPN_69(size_t base, Face const& face) { InsertEdge(base + face.e[3], face.v[0]); InsertEdge(face.v[0], face.v[1]); InsertEdge(face.v[1], face.v[2]); InsertEdge(face.v[2], base + face.e[2]); } void PZPZ_70(size_t, Face const&) { } void PZPP_71(size_t, Face const&) { } void PPNN_72(size_t base, Face const& face) { InsertEdge(base + face.e[3], base + face.e[1]); } void PPNZ_73(size_t base, Face const& face) { InsertEdge(face.v[3], base + face.e[1]); } void PPNP_74(size_t base, Face const& face) { InsertEdge(base + face.e[2], base + face.e[1]); } void PPZN_75(size_t base, Face const& face) { InsertEdge(base + face.e[2], face.v[2]); } void PPZZ_76(size_t, Face const&) { } void PPZP_77(size_t, Face const&) { } void PPPN_78(size_t base, Face const& face) { InsertEdge(base + face.e[3], base + face.e[2]); } void PPPZ_79(size_t, Face const&) { } void PPPP_80(size_t, Face const&) { } }; // Template alias for convenience. template using TIAlignedBox3Cone3 = TIQuery, Cone<3, Real>>; }