// David Eberly, Geometric Tools, Redmond WA 98052 // Copyright (c) 1998-2021 // Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. // https://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt // https://www.geometrictools.com/License/Boost/LICENSE_1_0.txt // Version: 4.0.2019.08.13 #pragma once #include #include // WARNING. The implementation allows you to transform the inputs (x,y,z) to // the unit cube and perform the interpolation in that space. The idea is // to keep the floating-point numbers to order 1 for numerical stability of // the algorithm. The classical thin-plate spline algorithm does not include // this transformation. The interpolation is invariant to translations and // rotations of (x,y,z) but not to scaling. The following document is about // thin plate splines. // https://www.geometrictools.com/Documentation/ThinPlateSplines.pdf namespace gte { template class IntpThinPlateSpline3 { public: // Construction. Data points are (x,y,z,f(x,y,z)). The smoothing // parameter must be nonnegative IntpThinPlateSpline3(int numPoints, Real const* X, Real const* Y, Real const* Z, Real const* F, Real smooth, bool transformToUnitCube) : mNumPoints(numPoints), mX(numPoints), mY(numPoints), mZ(numPoints), mSmooth(smooth), mA(numPoints), mInitialized(false) { LogAssert(numPoints >= 4 && X != nullptr && Y != nullptr && Z != nullptr && F != nullptr && smooth >= (Real)0, "Invalid input."); int i, row, col; if (transformToUnitCube) { // Map input (x,y,z) to unit cube. This is not part of the // classical thin-plate spline algorithm, because the // interpolation is not invariant to scalings. auto extreme = std::minmax_element(X, X + mNumPoints); mXMin = *extreme.first; mXMax = *extreme.second; mXInvRange = (Real)1 / (mXMax - mXMin); for (i = 0; i < mNumPoints; ++i) { mX[i] = (X[i] - mXMin) * mXInvRange; } extreme = std::minmax_element(Y, Y + mNumPoints); mYMin = *extreme.first; mYMax = *extreme.second; mYInvRange = (Real)1 / (mYMax - mYMin); for (i = 0; i < mNumPoints; ++i) { mY[i] = (Y[i] - mYMin) * mYInvRange; } extreme = std::minmax_element(Z, Z + mNumPoints); mZMin = *extreme.first; mZMax = *extreme.second; mZInvRange = (Real)1 / (mZMax - mZMin); for (i = 0; i < mNumPoints; ++i) { mZ[i] = (Z[i] - mZMin) * mZInvRange; } } else { // The classical thin-plate spline uses the data as is. The // values mXMax, mYMax, and mZMax are not used, but they are // initialized anyway (to irrelevant numbers). mXMin = (Real)0; mXMax = (Real)1; mXInvRange = (Real)1; mYMin = (Real)0; mYMax = (Real)1; mYInvRange = (Real)1; mZMin = (Real)0; mZMax = (Real)1; mZInvRange = (Real)1; std::copy(X, X + mNumPoints, mX.begin()); std::copy(Y, Y + mNumPoints, mY.begin()); std::copy(Z, Z + mNumPoints, mZ.begin()); } // Compute matrix A = M + lambda*I [NxN matrix]. GMatrix AMat(mNumPoints, mNumPoints); for (row = 0; row < mNumPoints; ++row) { for (col = 0; col < mNumPoints; ++col) { if (row == col) { AMat(row, col) = mSmooth; } else { Real dx = mX[row] - mX[col]; Real dy = mY[row] - mY[col]; Real dz = mZ[row] - mZ[col]; Real t = std::sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy + dz * dz); AMat(row, col) = Kernel(t); } } } // Compute matrix B [Nx4 matrix]. GMatrix BMat(mNumPoints, 4); for (row = 0; row < mNumPoints; ++row) { BMat(row, 0) = (Real)1; BMat(row, 1) = mX[row]; BMat(row, 2) = mY[row]; BMat(row, 3) = mZ[row]; } // Compute A^{-1}. bool invertible; GMatrix invAMat = Inverse(AMat, &invertible); if (!invertible) { return; } // Compute P = B^t A^{-1} [4xN matrix]. GMatrix PMat = MultiplyATB(BMat, invAMat); // Compute Q = P B = B^t A^{-1} B [4x4 matrix]. GMatrix QMat = PMat * BMat; // Compute Q^{-1}. GMatrix invQMat = Inverse(QMat, &invertible); if (!invertible) { return; } // Compute P*w. std::array prod; for (row = 0; row < 4; ++row) { prod[row] = (Real)0; for (i = 0; i < mNumPoints; ++i) { prod[row] += PMat(row, i) * F[i]; } } // Compute 'b' vector for smooth thin plate spline. for (row = 0; row < 4; ++row) { mB[row] = (Real)0; for (i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { mB[row] += invQMat(row, i) * prod[i]; } } // Compute w-B*b. std::vector tmp(mNumPoints); for (row = 0; row < mNumPoints; ++row) { tmp[row] = F[row]; for (i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { tmp[row] -= BMat(row, i) * mB[i]; } } // Compute 'a' vector for smooth thin plate spline. for (row = 0; row < mNumPoints; ++row) { mA[row] = (Real)0; for (i = 0; i < mNumPoints; ++i) { mA[row] += invAMat(row, i) * tmp[i]; } } mInitialized = true; } // Check this after the constructor call to see whether the thin plate // spline coefficients were successfully computed. If so, then calls // to operator()(Real,Real,Real) will work properly. TODO: This // needs to be removed because the constructor now throws exceptions? inline bool IsInitialized() const { return mInitialized; } // Evaluate the interpolator. If IsInitialized()returns 'false', the // operator will return std::numeric_limits::max(). Real operator()(Real x, Real y, Real z) const { if (mInitialized) { // Map (x,y,z) to the unit cube. x = (x - mXMin) * mXInvRange; y = (y - mYMin) * mYInvRange; z = (z - mZMin) * mZInvRange; Real result = mB[0] + mB[1] * x + mB[2] * y + mB[3] * z; for (int i = 0; i < mNumPoints; ++i) { Real dx = x - mX[i]; Real dy = y - mY[i]; Real dz = z - mZ[i]; Real t = std::sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy + dz * dz); result += mA[i] * Kernel(t); } return result; } return std::numeric_limits::max(); } // Compute the functional value a^T*M*a when lambda is zero or // lambda*w^T*(M+lambda*I)*w when lambda is positive. See the thin // plate splines PDF for a description of these quantities. Real ComputeFunctional() const { Real functional = (Real)0; for (int row = 0; row < mNumPoints; ++row) { for (int col = 0; col < mNumPoints; ++col) { if (row == col) { functional += mSmooth * mA[row] * mA[col]; } else { Real dx = mX[row] - mX[col]; Real dy = mY[row] - mY[col]; Real dz = mZ[row] - mZ[col]; Real t = std::sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy + dz * dz); functional += Kernel(t) * mA[row] * mA[col]; } } } if (mSmooth > (Real)0) { functional *= mSmooth; } return functional; } private: // Kernel(t) = -|t| static Real Kernel(Real t) { return -std::fabs(t); } // Input data. int mNumPoints; std::vector mX; std::vector mY; std::vector mZ; Real mSmooth; // Thin plate spline coefficients. The A[] coefficients are associated // with the Green's functions G(x,y,z,*) and the B[] coefficients are // associated with the affine term B[0] + B[1]*x + B[2]*y + B[3]*z. std::vector mA; // mNumPoints elements std::array mB; // Extent of input data. Real mXMin, mXMax, mXInvRange; Real mYMin, mYMax, mYInvRange; Real mZMin, mZMax, mZInvRange; bool mInitialized; }; }