// David Eberly, Geometric Tools, Redmond WA 98052 // Copyright (c) 1998-2021 // Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. // https://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt // https://www.geometrictools.com/License/Boost/LICENSE_1_0.txt // Version: 4.0.2019.08.13 #pragma once #include #include #include namespace gte { template class GMatrix { public: // The table is length zero and mNumRows and mNumCols are set to zero. GMatrix() : mNumRows(0), mNumCols(0) { } // The table is length numRows*numCols and the elements are // initialized to zero. GMatrix(int numRows, int numCols) { SetSize(numRows, numCols); std::fill(mElements.begin(), mElements.end(), (Real)0); } // For 0 <= r < numRows and 0 <= c < numCols, element (r,c) is 1 and // all others are 0. If either of r or c is invalid, the zero matrix // is created. This is a convenience for creating the standard // Euclidean basis matrices; see also MakeUnit(int,int) and // Unit(int,int). GMatrix(int numRows, int numCols, int r, int c) { SetSize(numRows, numCols); MakeUnit(r, c); } // The copy constructor, destructor, and assignment operator are // generated by the compiler. // Member access for which the storage representation is transparent. // The matrix entry in row r and column c is A(r,c). The first // operator() returns a const reference rather than a Real value. // This supports writing via standard file operations that require a // const pointer to data. void SetSize(int numRows, int numCols) { if (numRows > 0 && numCols > 0) { mNumRows = numRows; mNumCols = numCols; mElements.resize(mNumRows * mNumCols); } else { mNumRows = 0; mNumCols = 0; mElements.clear(); } } inline void GetSize(int& numRows, int& numCols) const { numRows = mNumRows; numCols = mNumCols; } inline int GetNumRows() const { return mNumRows; } inline int GetNumCols() const { return mNumCols; } inline int GetNumElements() const { return static_cast(mElements.size()); } inline Real const& operator()(int r, int c) const { if (0 <= r && r < GetNumRows() && 0 <= c && c < GetNumCols()) { #if defined(GTE_USE_ROW_MAJOR) return mElements[c + mNumCols * r]; #else return mElements[r + mNumRows * c]; #endif } LogError("Invalid index."); } inline Real& operator()(int r, int c) { if (0 <= r && r < GetNumRows() && 0 <= c && c < GetNumCols()) { #if defined(GTE_USE_ROW_MAJOR) return mElements[c + mNumCols * r]; #else return mElements[r + mNumRows * c]; #endif } LogError("Invalid index."); } // Member access by rows or by columns. The input vectors must have // the correct number of elements for the matrix size. void SetRow(int r, GVector const& vec) { if (0 <= r && r < mNumRows) { if (vec.GetSize() == GetNumCols()) { for (int c = 0; c < mNumCols; ++c) { operator()(r, c) = vec[c]; } } LogError("Mismatched sizes."); } LogError("Invalid index."); } void SetCol(int c, GVector const& vec) { if (0 <= c && c < mNumCols) { if (vec.GetSize() == GetNumRows()) { for (int r = 0; r < mNumRows; ++r) { operator()(r, c) = vec[r]; } return; } LogError("Mismatched sizes."); } LogError("Invalid index."); } GVector GetRow(int r) const { if (0 <= r && r < mNumRows) { GVector vec(mNumCols); for (int c = 0; c < mNumCols; ++c) { vec[c] = operator()(r, c); } return vec; } LogError("Invalid index."); } GVector GetCol(int c) const { if (0 <= c && c < mNumCols) { GVector vec(mNumRows); for (int r = 0; r < mNumRows; ++r) { vec[r] = operator()(r, c); } return vec; } LogError("Invalid index."); } // Member access by 1-dimensional index. NOTE: These accessors are // useful for the manipulation of matrix entries when it does not // matter whether storage is row-major or column-major. Do not use // constructs such as M[c+NumCols*r] or M[r+NumRows*c] that expose the // storage convention. inline Real const& operator[](int i) const { return mElements[i]; } inline Real& operator[](int i) { return mElements[i]; } // Comparisons for sorted containers and geometric ordering. inline bool operator==(GMatrix const& mat) const { return mNumRows == mat.mNumRows && mNumCols == mat.mNumCols && mElements == mat.mElements; } inline bool operator!=(GMatrix const& mat) const { return mNumRows == mat.mNumRows && mNumCols == mat.mNumCols && mElements != mat.mElements; } inline bool operator< (GMatrix const& mat) const { return mNumRows == mat.mNumRows && mNumCols == mat.mNumCols && mElements < mat.mElements; } inline bool operator<=(GMatrix const& mat) const { return mNumRows == mat.mNumRows && mNumCols == mat.mNumCols && mElements <= mat.mElements; } inline bool operator> (GMatrix const& mat) const { return mNumRows == mat.mNumRows && mNumCols == mat.mNumCols && mElements > mat.mElements; } inline bool operator>=(GMatrix const& mat) const { return mNumRows == mat.mNumRows && mNumCols == mat.mNumCols && mElements >= mat.mElements; } // Special matrices. // All components are 0. void MakeZero() { std::fill(mElements.begin(), mElements.end(), (Real)0); } // Component (r,c) is 1, all others zero. void MakeUnit(int r, int c) { if (0 <= r && r < mNumRows && 0 <= c && c < mNumCols) { MakeZero(); operator()(r, c) = (Real)1; return; } LogError("Invalid index."); } // Diagonal entries 1, others 0, even when nonsquare. void MakeIdentity() { MakeZero(); int const numDiagonal = (mNumRows <= mNumCols ? mNumRows : mNumCols); for (int i = 0; i < numDiagonal; ++i) { operator()(i, i) = (Real)1; } } static GMatrix Zero(int numRows, int numCols) { GMatrix M(numRows, numCols); M.MakeZero(); return M; } static GMatrix Unit(int numRows, int numCols, int r, int c) { GMatrix M(numRows, numCols); M.MakeUnit(r, c); return M; } static GMatrix Identity(int numRows, int numCols) { GMatrix M(numRows, numCols); M.MakeIdentity(); return M; } protected: // The matrix is stored as a 1-dimensional array. The convention of // row-major or column-major is your choice. int mNumRows, mNumCols; std::vector mElements; }; // Unary operations. template GMatrix operator+(GMatrix const& M) { return M; } template GMatrix operator-(GMatrix const& M) { GMatrix result(M.GetNumRows(), M.GetNumCols()); for (int i = 0; i < M.GetNumElements(); ++i) { result[i] = -M[i]; } return result; } // Linear-algebraic operations. template GMatrix operator+(GMatrix const& M0, GMatrix const& M1) { GMatrix result = M0; return result += M1; } template GMatrix operator-(GMatrix const& M0, GMatrix const& M1) { GMatrix result = M0; return result -= M1; } template GMatrix operator*(GMatrix const& M, Real scalar) { GMatrix result = M; return result *= scalar; } template GMatrix operator*(Real scalar, GMatrix const& M) { GMatrix result = M; return result *= scalar; } template GMatrix operator/(GMatrix const& M, Real scalar) { GMatrix result = M; return result /= scalar; } template GMatrix& operator+=(GMatrix& M0, GMatrix const& M1) { if (M0.GetNumRows() == M1.GetNumRows() && M0.GetNumCols() == M1.GetNumCols()) { for (int i = 0; i < M0.GetNumElements(); ++i) { M0[i] += M1[i]; } return M0; } LogError("Mismatched sizes"); } template GMatrix& operator-=(GMatrix& M0, GMatrix const& M1) { if (M0.GetNumRows() == M1.GetNumRows() && M0.GetNumCols() == M1.GetNumCols()) { for (int i = 0; i < M0.GetNumElements(); ++i) { M0[i] -= M1[i]; } return M0; } LogError("Mismatched sizes"); } template GMatrix& operator*=(GMatrix& M, Real scalar) { for (int i = 0; i < M.GetNumElements(); ++i) { M[i] *= scalar; } return M; } template GMatrix& operator/=(GMatrix& M, Real scalar) { if (scalar != (Real)0) { Real invScalar = ((Real)1) / scalar; for (int i = 0; i < M.GetNumElements(); ++i) { M[i] *= invScalar; } return M; } LogError("Division by zero."); } // Geometric operations. template Real L1Norm(GMatrix const& M) { Real sum(0); for (int i = 0; i < M.GetNumElements(); ++i) { sum += std::fabs(M[i]); } return sum; } template Real L2Norm(GMatrix const& M) { Real sum(0); for (int i = 0; i < M.GetNumElements(); ++i) { sum += M[i] * M[i]; } return std::sqrt(sum); } template Real LInfinityNorm(GMatrix const& M) { Real maxAbsElement(0); for (int i = 0; i < M.GetNumElements(); ++i) { Real absElement = std::fabs(M[i]); if (absElement > maxAbsElement) { maxAbsElement = absElement; } } return maxAbsElement; } template GMatrix Inverse(GMatrix const& M, bool* reportInvertibility = nullptr) { if (M.GetNumRows() == M.GetNumCols()) { GMatrix invM(M.GetNumRows(), M.GetNumCols()); Real determinant; bool invertible = GaussianElimination()(M.GetNumRows(), &M[0], &invM[0], determinant, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, 0, nullptr); if (reportInvertibility) { *reportInvertibility = invertible; } return invM; } LogError("Matrix must be square."); } template Real Determinant(GMatrix const& M) { if (M.GetNumRows() == M.GetNumCols()) { Real determinant; GaussianElimination()(M.GetNumRows(), &M[0], nullptr, determinant, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, 0, nullptr); return determinant; } LogError("Matrix must be square."); } // M^T template GMatrix Transpose(GMatrix const& M) { GMatrix result(M.GetNumCols(), M.GetNumRows()); for (int r = 0; r < M.GetNumRows(); ++r) { for (int c = 0; c < M.GetNumCols(); ++c) { result(c, r) = M(r, c); } } return result; } // M*V template GVector operator*(GMatrix const& M, GVector const& V) { if (V.GetSize() == M.GetNumCols()) { GVector result(M.GetNumRows()); for (int r = 0; r < M.GetNumRows(); ++r) { result[r] = (Real)0; for (int c = 0; c < M.GetNumCols(); ++c) { result[r] += M(r, c) * V[c]; } } return result; } LogError("Mismatched sizes."); } // V^T*M template GVector operator*(GVector const& V, GMatrix const& M) { if (V.GetSize() == M.GetNumRows()) { GVector result(M.GetNumCols()); for (int c = 0; c < M.GetNumCols(); ++c) { result[c] = (Real)0; for (int r = 0; r < M.GetNumRows(); ++r) { result[c] += V[r] * M(r, c); } } return result; } LogError("Mismatched sizes."); } // A*B template GMatrix operator*(GMatrix const& A, GMatrix const& B) { return MultiplyAB(A, B); } template GMatrix MultiplyAB(GMatrix const& A, GMatrix const& B) { if (A.GetNumCols() == B.GetNumRows()) { GMatrix result(A.GetNumRows(), B.GetNumCols()); int const numCommon = A.GetNumCols(); for (int r = 0; r < result.GetNumRows(); ++r) { for (int c = 0; c < result.GetNumCols(); ++c) { result(r, c) = (Real)0; for (int i = 0; i < numCommon; ++i) { result(r, c) += A(r, i) * B(i, c); } } } return result; } LogError("Mismatched sizes."); } // A*B^T template GMatrix MultiplyABT(GMatrix const& A, GMatrix const& B) { if (A.GetNumCols() == B.GetNumCols()) { GMatrix result(A.GetNumRows(), B.GetNumRows()); int const numCommon = A.GetNumCols(); for (int r = 0; r < result.GetNumRows(); ++r) { for (int c = 0; c < result.GetNumCols(); ++c) { result(r, c) = (Real)0; for (int i = 0; i < numCommon; ++i) { result(r, c) += A(r, i) * B(c, i); } } } return result; } LogError("Mismatched sizes."); } // A^T*B template GMatrix MultiplyATB(GMatrix const& A, GMatrix const& B) { if (A.GetNumRows() == B.GetNumRows()) { GMatrix result(A.GetNumCols(), B.GetNumCols()); int const numCommon = A.GetNumRows(); for (int r = 0; r < result.GetNumRows(); ++r) { for (int c = 0; c < result.GetNumCols(); ++c) { result(r, c) = (Real)0; for (int i = 0; i < numCommon; ++i) { result(r, c) += A(i, r) * B(i, c); } } } return result; } LogError("Mismatched sizes."); } // A^T*B^T template GMatrix MultiplyATBT(GMatrix const& A, GMatrix const& B) { if (A.GetNumRows() == B.GetNumCols()) { GMatrix result(A.GetNumCols(), B.GetNumRows()); int const numCommon = A.GetNumRows(); for (int r = 0; r < result.GetNumRows(); ++r) { for (int c = 0; c < result.GetNumCols(); ++c) { result(r, c) = (Real)0; for (int i = 0; i < numCommon; ++i) { result(r, c) += A(i, r) * B(c, i); } } } return result; } LogError("Mismatched sizes."); } // M*D, D is square diagonal (stored as vector) template GMatrix MultiplyMD(GMatrix const& M, GVector const& D) { if (D.GetSize() == M.GetNumCols()) { GMatrix result(M.GetNumRows(), M.GetNumCols()); for (int r = 0; r < result.GetNumRows(); ++r) { for (int c = 0; c < result.GetNumCols(); ++c) { result(r, c) = M(r, c) * D[c]; } } return result; } LogError("Mismatched sizes."); } // D*M, D is square diagonal (stored as vector) template GMatrix MultiplyDM(GVector const& D, GMatrix const& M) { if (D.GetSize() == M.GetNumRows()) { GMatrix result(M.GetNumRows(), M.GetNumCols()); for (int r = 0; r < result.GetNumRows(); ++r) { for (int c = 0; c < result.GetNumCols(); ++c) { result(r, c) = D[r] * M(r, c); } } return result; } LogError("Mismatched sizes."); } // U*V^T, U is N-by-1, V is M-by-1, result is N-by-M. template GMatrix OuterProduct(GVector const& U, GVector const& V) { GMatrix result(U.GetSize(), V.GetSize()); for (int r = 0; r < result.GetNumRows(); ++r) { for (int c = 0; c < result.GetNumCols(); ++c) { result(r, c) = U[r] * V[c]; } } return result; } // Initialization to a diagonal matrix whose diagonal entries are the // components of D, even when nonsquare. template void MakeDiagonal(GVector const& D, GMatrix& M) { int const numRows = M.GetNumRows(); int const numCols = M.GetNumCols(); int const numDiagonal = (numRows <= numCols ? numRows : numCols); M.MakeZero(); for (int i = 0; i < numDiagonal; ++i) { M(i, i) = D[i]; } } }