// David Eberly, Geometric Tools, Redmond WA 98052 // Copyright (c) 1998-2021 // Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. // https://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt // https://www.geometrictools.com/License/Boost/LICENSE_1_0.txt // Version: 4.0.2019.08.13 #pragma once #include #include #include #include #include // This class contains various implementations for point-in-polyhedron // queries. The planes stored with the faces are used in all cases to // reject ray-face intersection tests, a quick culling operation. // // The algorithm is to cast a ray from the input point P and test for // intersection against each face of the polyhedron. If the ray only // intersects faces at interior points (not vertices, not edge points), // then the point is inside when the number of intersections is odd and // the point is outside when the number of intersections is even. If the // ray intersects an edge or a vertex, then the counting must be handled // differently. The details are tedious. As an alternative, the approach // here is to allow you to specify 2*N+1 rays, where N >= 0. You should // choose these rays randomly. Each ray reports "inside" or "outside". // Whichever result occurs N+1 or more times is the "winner". The input // rayQuantity is 2*N+1. The input array Direction must have rayQuantity // elements. If you are feeling lucky, choose rayQuantity to be 1. namespace gte { template class PointInPolyhedron3 { public: // For simple polyhedra with triangle faces. class TriangleFace { public: // When you view the face from outside, the vertices are // counterclockwise ordered. The indices array stores the indices // into the vertex array. std::array indices; // The normal vector is unit length and points to the outside of // the polyhedron. Plane3 plane; }; // The Contains query will use ray-triangle intersection queries. PointInPolyhedron3(int numPoints, Vector3 const* points, int numFaces, TriangleFace const* faces, int numRays, Vector3 const* directions) : mNumPoints(numPoints), mPoints(points), mNumFaces(numFaces), mTFaces(faces), mCFaces(nullptr), mSFaces(nullptr), mMethod(0), mNumRays(numRays), mDirections(directions) { } // For simple polyhedra with convex polygon faces. class ConvexFace { public: // When you view the face from outside, the vertices are // counterclockwise ordered. The indices array stores the indices // into the vertex array. std::vector indices; // The normal vector is unit length and points to the outside of // the polyhedron. Plane3 plane; }; // The Contains() query will use ray-convexpolygon intersection // queries. A ray-convexpolygon intersection query can be implemented // in many ways. In this context, uiMethod is one of three value: // 0 : Use a triangle fan and perform a ray-triangle intersection // query for each triangle. // 1 : Find the point of intersection of ray and plane of polygon. // Test whether that point is inside the convex polygon using an // O(N) test. // 2 : Find the point of intersection of ray and plane of polygon. // Test whether that point is inside the convex polygon using an // O(log N) test. PointInPolyhedron3(int numPoints, Vector3 const* points, int numFaces, ConvexFace const* faces, int numRays, Vector3 const* directions, unsigned int method) : mNumPoints(numPoints), mPoints(points), mNumFaces(numFaces), mTFaces(nullptr), mCFaces(faces), mSFaces(nullptr), mMethod(method), mNumRays(numRays), mDirections(directions) { } // For simple polyhedra with simple polygon faces that are generally // not all convex. class SimpleFace { public: // When you view the face from outside, the vertices are // counterclockwise ordered. The Indices array stores the indices // into the vertex array. std::vector indices; // The normal vector is unit length and points to the outside of // the polyhedron. Plane3 plane; // Each simple face may be triangulated. The indices are relative // to the vertex array. Each triple of indices represents a // triangle in the triangulation. std::vector triangles; }; // The Contains query will use ray-simplepolygon intersection queries. // A ray-simplepolygon intersection query can be implemented in a // couple of ways. In this context, uiMethod is one of two value: // 0 : Iterate over the triangles of each face and perform a // ray-triangle intersection query for each triangle. This // requires that the SimpleFace::Triangles array be initialized // for each face. // 1 : Find the point of intersection of ray and plane of polygon. // Test whether that point is inside the polygon using an O(N) // test. The SimpleFace::Triangles array is not used for this // method, so it does not have to be initialized for each face. PointInPolyhedron3(int numPoints, Vector3 const* points, int numFaces, SimpleFace const* faces, int numRays, Vector3 const* directions, unsigned int method) : mNumPoints(numPoints), mPoints(points), mNumFaces(numFaces), mTFaces(nullptr), mCFaces(nullptr), mSFaces(faces), mMethod(method), mNumRays(numRays), mDirections(directions) { } // This function will select the actual algorithm based on which // constructor you used for this class. bool Contains(Vector3 const& p) const { if (mTFaces) { return ContainsT0(p); } if (mCFaces) { if (mMethod == 0) { return ContainsC0(p); } return ContainsC1C2(p, mMethod); } if (mSFaces) { if (mMethod == 0) { return ContainsS0(p); } if (mMethod == 1) { return ContainsS1(p); } } return false; } private: // For all types of faces. The ray origin is the test point. The ray // direction is one of those passed to the constructors. The plane // origin is a point on the plane of the face. The plane normal is a // unit-length normal to the face and that points outside the // polyhedron. static bool FastNoIntersect(Ray3 const& ray, Plane3 const& plane) { Real planeDistance = Dot(plane.normal, ray.origin) - plane.constant; Real planeAngle = Dot(plane.normal, ray.direction); if (planeDistance < (Real)0) { // The ray origin is on the negative side of the plane. if (planeAngle <= (Real)0) { // The ray points away from the plane. return true; } } if (planeDistance > (Real)0) { // The ray origin is on the positive side of the plane. if (planeAngle >= (Real)0) { // The ray points away from the plane. return true; } } return false; } // For triangle faces. bool ContainsT0(Vector3 const& p) const { int insideCount = 0; TIQuery, Triangle3> rtQuery; Triangle3 triangle; Ray3 ray; ray.origin = p; for (int j = 0; j < mNumRays; ++j) { ray.direction = mDirections[j]; // Zero intersections to start with. bool odd = false; TriangleFace const* face = mTFaces; for (int i = 0; i < mNumFaces; ++i, ++face) { // Attempt to quickly cull the triangle. if (FastNoIntersect(ray, face->plane)) { continue; } // Get the triangle vertices. for (int k = 0; k < 3; ++k) { triangle.v[k] = mPoints[face->indices[k]]; } // Test for intersection. if (rtQuery(ray, triangle).intersect) { // The ray intersects the triangle. odd = !odd; } } if (odd) { insideCount++; } } return insideCount > mNumRays / 2; } // For convex faces. bool ContainsC0(Vector3 const& p) const { int insideCount = 0; TIQuery, Triangle3> rtQuery; Triangle3 triangle; Ray3 ray; ray.origin = p; for (int j = 0; j < mNumRays; ++j) { ray.direction = mDirections[j]; // Zero intersections to start with. bool odd = false; ConvexFace const* face = mCFaces; for (int i = 0; i < mNumFaces; ++i, ++face) { // Attempt to quickly cull the triangle. if (FastNoIntersect(ray, face->plane)) { continue; } // Process the triangles in a trifan of the face. size_t numVerticesM1 = face->indices.size() - 1; triangle.v[0] = mPoints[face->indices[0]]; for (size_t k = 1; k < numVerticesM1; ++k) { triangle.v[1] = mPoints[face->indices[k]]; triangle.v[2] = mPoints[face->indices[k + 1]]; if (rtQuery(ray, triangle).intersect) { // The ray intersects the triangle. odd = !odd; } } } if (odd) { insideCount++; } } return insideCount > mNumRays / 2; } bool ContainsC1C2(Vector3 const& p, unsigned int method) const { int insideCount = 0; FIQuery, Plane3> rpQuery; Ray3 ray; ray.origin = p; for (int j = 0; j < mNumRays; ++j) { ray.direction = mDirections[j]; // Zero intersections to start with. bool odd = false; ConvexFace const* face = mCFaces; for (int i = 0; i < mNumFaces; ++i, ++face) { // Attempt to quickly cull the triangle. if (FastNoIntersect(ray, face->plane)) { continue; } // Compute the ray-plane intersection. auto result = rpQuery(ray, face->plane); // If you trigger this assertion, numerical round-off // errors have led to a discrepancy between // FastNoIntersect and the Find() result. LogAssert(result.intersect, "Unexpected condition."); // Get a coordinate system for the plane. Use vertex 0 // as the origin. Vector3 const& V0 = mPoints[face->indices[0]]; Vector3 basis[3]; basis[0] = face->plane.normal; ComputeOrthogonalComplement(1, basis); // Project the intersection onto the plane. Vector3 diff = result.point - V0; Vector2 projIntersect{ Dot(basis[1], diff), Dot(basis[2], diff) }; // Project the face vertices onto the plane of the face. if (face->indices.size() > mProjVertices.size()) { mProjVertices.resize(face->indices.size()); } // Project the remaining vertices. Vertex 0 is always the // origin. size_t numIndices = face->indices.size(); mProjVertices[0] = Vector2::Zero(); for (size_t k = 1; k < numIndices; ++k) { diff = mPoints[face->indices[k]] - V0; mProjVertices[k][0] = Dot(basis[1], diff); mProjVertices[k][1] = Dot(basis[2], diff); } // Test whether the intersection point is in the convex // polygon. PointInPolygon2 PIP(static_cast(mProjVertices.size()), &mProjVertices[0]); if (method == 1) { if (PIP.ContainsConvexOrderN(projIntersect)) { // The ray intersects the triangle. odd = !odd; } } else { if (PIP.ContainsConvexOrderLogN(projIntersect)) { // The ray intersects the triangle. odd = !odd; } } } if (odd) { insideCount++; } } return insideCount > mNumRays / 2; } // For simple faces. bool ContainsS0(Vector3 const& p) const { int insideCount = 0; TIQuery, Triangle3> rtQuery; Triangle3 triangle; Ray3 ray; ray.origin = p; for (int j = 0; j < mNumRays; ++j) { ray.direction = mDirections[j]; // Zero intersections to start with. bool odd = false; SimpleFace const* face = mSFaces; for (int i = 0; i < mNumFaces; ++i, ++face) { // Attempt to quickly cull the triangle. if (FastNoIntersect(ray, face->plane)) { continue; } // The triangulation must exist to use it. size_t numTriangles = face->triangles.size() / 3; LogAssert(numTriangles > 0, "Triangulation must exist."); // Process the triangles in a triangulation of the face. int const* currIndex = &face->triangles[0]; for (size_t t = 0; t < numTriangles; ++t) { // Get the triangle vertices. for (int k = 0; k < 3; ++k) { triangle.v[k] = mPoints[*currIndex++]; } // Test for intersection. if (rtQuery(ray, triangle).intersect) { // The ray intersects the triangle. odd = !odd; } } } if (odd) { insideCount++; } } return insideCount > mNumRays / 2; } bool ContainsS1(Vector3 const& p) const { int insideCount = 0; FIQuery, Plane3> rpQuery; Ray3 ray; ray.origin = p; for (int j = 0; j < mNumRays; ++j) { ray.direction = mDirections[j]; // Zero intersections to start with. bool odd = false; SimpleFace const* face = mSFaces; for (int i = 0; i < mNumFaces; ++i, ++face) { // Attempt to quickly cull the triangle. if (FastNoIntersect(ray, face->plane)) { continue; } // Compute the ray-plane intersection. auto result = rpQuery(ray, face->plane); // If you trigger this assertion, numerical round-off // errors have led to a discrepancy between // FastNoIntersect and the Find() result. LogAssert(result.intersect, "Unexpected condition."); // Get a coordinate system for the plane. Use vertex 0 // as the origin. Vector3 const& V0 = mPoints[face->indices[0]]; Vector3 basis[3]; basis[0] = face->plane.normal; ComputeOrthogonalComplement(1, basis); // Project the intersection onto the plane. Vector3 diff = result.point - V0; Vector2 projIntersect{ Dot(basis[1], diff), Dot(basis[2], diff) }; // Project the face vertices onto the plane of the face. if (face->indices.size() > mProjVertices.size()) { mProjVertices.resize(face->indices.size()); } // Project the remaining vertices. Vertex 0 is always the // origin. size_t numIndices = face->indices.size(); mProjVertices[0] = Vector2::Zero(); for (size_t k = 1; k < numIndices; ++k) { diff = mPoints[face->indices[k]] - V0; mProjVertices[k][0] = Dot(basis[1], diff); mProjVertices[k][1] = Dot(basis[2], diff); } // Test whether the intersection point is in the convex // polygon. PointInPolygon2 PIP(static_cast(mProjVertices.size()), &mProjVertices[0]); if (PIP.Contains(projIntersect)) { // The ray intersects the triangle. odd = !odd; } } if (odd) { insideCount++; } } return insideCount > mNumRays / 2; } int mNumPoints; Vector3 const* mPoints; int mNumFaces; TriangleFace const* mTFaces; ConvexFace const* mCFaces; SimpleFace const* mSFaces; unsigned int mMethod; int mNumRays; Vector3 const* mDirections; // Temporary storage for those methods that reduce the problem to 2D // point-in-polygon queries. The array stores the projections of // face vertices onto the plane of the face. It is resized as needed. mutable std::vector> mProjVertices; }; }