// David Eberly, Geometric Tools, Redmond WA 98052 // Copyright (c) 1998-2021 // Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. // https://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt // https://www.geometrictools.com/License/Boost/LICENSE_1_0.txt // Version: 4.0.2019.08.13 #pragma once #include #include namespace gte { // Implementation for size known at compile time. template class CholeskyDecomposition { public: // Ensure that N > 0 at compile time. CholeskyDecomposition() { static_assert(N > 0, "Invalid size in CholeskyDecomposition constructor."); } // Disallow copies and moves. CholeskyDecomposition(CholeskyDecomposition const&) = delete; CholeskyDecomposition& operator=(CholeskyDecomposition const&) = delete; CholeskyDecomposition(CholeskyDecomposition&&) = delete; CholeskyDecomposition& operator=(CholeskyDecomposition&&) = delete; // On input, A is symmetric. Only the lower-triangular portion is // modified. On output, the lower-triangular portion is L where // A = L * L^T. bool Factor(Matrix& A) { for (int c = 0; c < N; ++c) { if (A(c, c) <= (Real)0) { return false; } A(c, c) = std::sqrt(A(c, c)); for (int r = c + 1; r < N; ++r) { A(r, c) /= A(c, c); } for (int k = c + 1; k < N; ++k) { for (int r = k; r < N; ++r) { A(r, k) -= A(r, c) * A(k, c); } } } return true; } // Solve L*Y = B, where L is lower triangular and invertible. The // input value of Y is B. On output, Y is the solution. void SolveLower(Matrix const& L, Vector& Y) { for (int r = 0; r < N; ++r) { for (int c = 0; c < r; ++c) { Y[r] -= L(r, c) * Y[c]; } Y[r] /= L(r, r); } } // Solve L^T*X = Y, where L is lower triangular (L^T is upper // triangular) and invertible. The input value of X is Y. On // output, X is the solution. void SolveUpper(Matrix const& L, Vector& X) { for (int r = N - 1; r >= 0; --r) { for (int c = r + 1; c < N; ++c) { X[r] -= L(c, r) * X[c]; } X[r] /= L(r, r); } } }; // Implementation for size known only at run time. template class CholeskyDecomposition { public: int const N; // Ensure that N > 0 at run time. CholeskyDecomposition(int n) : N(n) { } // Disallow copies and moves. This is required to avoid compiler // complaints about the 'int const N' member. CholeskyDecomposition(CholeskyDecomposition const&) = delete; CholeskyDecomposition& operator=(CholeskyDecomposition const&) = delete; CholeskyDecomposition(CholeskyDecomposition&&) = delete; CholeskyDecomposition& operator=(CholeskyDecomposition&&) = delete; // On input, A is symmetric. Only the lower-triangular portion is // modified. On output, the lower-triangular portion is L where // A = L * L^T. bool Factor(GMatrix& A) { if (A.GetNumRows() == N && A.GetNumCols() == N) { for (int c = 0; c < N; ++c) { if (A(c, c) <= (Real)0) { return false; } A(c, c) = std::sqrt(A(c, c)); for (int r = c + 1; r < N; ++r) { A(r, c) /= A(c, c); } for (int k = c + 1; k < N; ++k) { for (int r = k; r < N; ++r) { A(r, k) -= A(r, c) * A(k, c); } } } return true; } LogError("Matrix must be square."); } // Solve L*Y = B, where L is lower triangular and invertible. The // input value of Y is B. On output, Y is the solution. void SolveLower(GMatrix const& L, GVector& Y) { if (L.GetNumRows() == N && L.GetNumCols() == N && Y.GetSize() == N) { for (int r = 0; r < N; ++r) { for (int c = 0; c < r; ++c) { Y[r] -= L(r, c) * Y[c]; } Y[r] /= L(r, r); } return; } LogError("Invalid size."); } // Solve L^T*X = Y, where L is lower triangular (L^T is upper // triangular) and invertible. The input value of X is Y. On // output, X is the solution. void SolveUpper(GMatrix const& L, GVector& X) { if (L.GetNumRows() == N && L.GetNumCols() == N && X.GetSize() == N) { for (int r = N - 1; r >= 0; --r) { for (int c = r + 1; c < N; ++c) { X[r] -= L(c, r) * X[c]; } X[r] /= L(r, r); } } else { LogError("Invalid size."); } } }; // Implementation for sizes known at compile time. template class BlockCholeskyDecomposition { public: // Let B represent the block size and N represent the number of // blocks. The matrix A is (N*B)-by-(N*B) but partitioned into an // N-by-N matrix of blocks, each block of size B-by-B. The value // N*B is NumDimensions. enum { NumDimensions = NumBlocks * BlockSize }; typedef std::array, NumBlocks> BlockVector; typedef std::array, NumBlocks>, NumBlocks> BlockMatrix; // Ensure that BlockSize > 0 and NumBlocks > 0 at compile time. BlockCholeskyDecomposition() { static_assert(BlockSize > 0 && NumBlocks > 0, "Invalid size in BlockCholeskyDecomposition constructor."); } // Disallow copies and moves. BlockCholeskyDecomposition(BlockCholeskyDecomposition const&) = delete; BlockCholeskyDecomposition& operator=(BlockCholeskyDecomposition const&) = delete; BlockCholeskyDecomposition(BlockCholeskyDecomposition&&) = delete; BlockCholeskyDecomposition& operator=(BlockCholeskyDecomposition&&) = delete; // Treating the matrix as a 2D table of scalars with NUM_DIMENSIONS // rows and NUM_DIMENSIONS columns, look up the correct block that // stores the requested element and return a reference. Real Get(BlockMatrix const& M, int row, int col) { int b0 = col / BlockSize, b1 = row / BlockSize; int i0 = col % BlockSize, i1 = row % BlockSize; auto const& block = M[b1][b0]; return block(i1, i0); } void Set(BlockMatrix& M, int row, int col, Real value) { int b0 = col / BlockSize, b1 = row / BlockSize; int i0 = col % BlockSize, i1 = row % BlockSize; auto& block = M[b1][b0]; block(i1, i0) = value; } bool Factor(BlockMatrix& A) { for (int c = 0; c < NumBlocks; ++c) { if (!mDecomposer.Factor(A[c][c])) { return false; } for (int r = c + 1; r < NumBlocks; ++r) { LowerTriangularSolver(r, c, A); } for (int k = c + 1; k < NumBlocks; ++k) { for (int r = k; r < NumBlocks; ++r) { SubtractiveUpdate(r, k, c, A); } } } return true; } // Solve L*Y = B, where L is an invertible lower-triangular block // matrix whose diagonal blocks are lower-triangular matrices. // The input B is a block vector of commensurate size. The input // value of Y is B. On output, Y is the solution. void SolveLower(BlockMatrix const& L, BlockVector& Y) { for (int r = 0; r < NumBlocks; ++r) { auto& Yr = Y[r]; for (int c = 0; c < r; ++c) { auto const& Lrc = L[r][c]; auto const& Yc = Y[c]; for (int i = 0; i < BlockSize; ++i) { for (int j = 0; j < BlockSize; ++j) { Yr[i] -= Lrc(i, j) * Yc[j]; } } } mDecomposer.SolveLower(L[r][r], Yr); } } // Solve L^T*X = Y, where L is an invertible lower-triangular block // matrix (L^T is an upper-triangular block matrix) whose diagonal // blocks are lower-triangular matrices. The input value of X is Y. // On output, X is the solution. void SolveUpper(BlockMatrix const& L, BlockVector& X) { for (int r = NumBlocks - 1; r >= 0; --r) { auto& Xr = X[r]; for (int c = r + 1; c < NumBlocks; ++c) { auto const& Lcr = L[c][r]; auto const& Xc = X[c]; for (int i = 0; i < BlockSize; ++i) { for (int j = 0; j < BlockSize; ++j) { Xr[i] -= Lcr(j, i) * Xc[j]; } } } mDecomposer.SolveUpper(L[r][r], Xr); } } private: // Solve G(c,c)*G(r,c)^T = A(r,c)^T for G(r,c). The matrices // G(c,c) and A(r,c) are known quantities, and G(c,c) occupies // the lower triangular portion of A(c,c). The solver stores // its results in-place, so A(r,c) stores the G(r,c) result. void LowerTriangularSolver(int r, int c, BlockMatrix& A) { auto const& Acc = A[c][c]; auto& Arc = A[r][c]; for (int j = 0; j < BlockSize; ++j) { for (int i = 0; i < j; ++i) { Real Lji = Acc(j, i); for (int k = 0; k < BlockSize; ++k) { Arc(k, j) -= Lji * Arc(k, i); } } Real Ljj = Acc(j, j); for (int k = 0; k < BlockSize; ++k) { Arc(k, j) /= Ljj; } } } void SubtractiveUpdate(int r, int k, int c, BlockMatrix& A) { auto const& Arc = A[r][c]; auto const& Akc = A[k][c]; auto& Ark = A[r][k]; for (int j = 0; j < BlockSize; ++j) { for (int i = 0; i < BlockSize; ++i) { for (int m = 0; m < BlockSize; ++m) { Ark(j, i) -= Arc(j, m) * Akc(i, m); } } } } CholeskyDecomposition mDecomposer; }; // Implementation for sizes known only at run time. template class BlockCholeskyDecomposition { public: // Let B represent the block size and N represent the number of // blocks. The matrix A is (N*B)-by-(N*B) but partitioned into an // N-by-N matrix of blocks, each block of size B-by-B. The value // N*B is NumDimensions. int const BlockSize; int const NumBlocks; int const NumDimensions; // The number of elements in a BlockVector object must be NumBlocks // and each GVector element has BlockSize components. typedef std::vector> BlockVector; // The BlockMatrix is an array of NumBlocks-by-NumBlocks matrices. // Each block matrix is stored in row-major order. The BlockMatrix // elements themselves are stored in row-major order. The block // matrix element M = BlockMatrix[col + NumBlocks * row] is of size // BlockSize-by-BlockSize (in row-major order) and is in the (row,col) // location of the full matrix of blocks. typedef std::vector> BlockMatrix; // Ensure that BlockSize > 0 and NumDimensions > 0 at run time. BlockCholeskyDecomposition(int blockSize, int numBlocks) : BlockSize(blockSize), NumBlocks(numBlocks), NumDimensions(numBlocks * blockSize), mDecomposer(blockSize) { LogAssert(blockSize > 0 && numBlocks > 0, "Invalid input."); } // Disallow copies and moves. This is required to avoid compiler // complaints about the 'int const' members. BlockCholeskyDecomposition(BlockCholeskyDecomposition const&) = delete; BlockCholeskyDecomposition& operator=(BlockCholeskyDecomposition const&) = delete; BlockCholeskyDecomposition(BlockCholeskyDecomposition&&) = delete; BlockCholeskyDecomposition& operator=(BlockCholeskyDecomposition&&) = delete; // Treating the matrix as a 2D table of scalars with NumDimensions // rows and NumDimensions columns, look up the correct block that // stores the requested element and return a reference. Real Get(BlockMatrix const& M, int row, int col) { int b0 = col / BlockSize, b1 = row / BlockSize; int i0 = col % BlockSize, i1 = row % BlockSize; auto const& block = M[GetIndex(b1, b0)]; return block(i1, i0); } void Set(BlockMatrix& M, int row, int col, Real value) { int b0 = col / BlockSize, b1 = row / BlockSize; int i0 = col % BlockSize, i1 = row % BlockSize; auto& block = M[GetIndex(b1, b0)]; block(i1, i0) = value; } bool Factor(BlockMatrix& A) { for (int c = 0; c < NumBlocks; ++c) { if (!mDecomposer.Factor(A[GetIndex(c, c)])) { return false; } for (int r = c + 1; r < NumBlocks; ++r) { LowerTriangularSolver(r, c, A); } for (int k = c + 1; k < NumBlocks; ++k) { for (int r = k; r < NumBlocks; ++r) { SubtractiveUpdate(r, k, c, A); } } } return true; } // Solve L*Y = B, where L is an invertible lower-triangular block // matrix whose diagonal blocks are lower-triangular matrices. // The input B is a block vector of commensurate size. The input // value of Y is B. On output, Y is the solution. void SolveLower(BlockMatrix const& L, BlockVector& Y) { for (int r = 0; r < NumBlocks; ++r) { auto& Yr = Y[r]; for (int c = 0; c < r; ++c) { auto const& Lrc = L[GetIndex(r, c)]; auto const& Yc = Y[c]; for (int i = 0; i < NumBlocks; ++i) { for (int j = 0; j < NumBlocks; ++j) { Yr[i] -= Lrc[GetIndex(i, j)] * Yc[j]; } } } mDecomposer.SolveLower(L[GetIndex(r, r)], Yr); } } // Solve L^T*X = Y, where L is an invertible lower-triangular block // matrix (L^T is an upper-triangular block matrix) whose diagonal // blocks are lower-triangular matrices. The input value of X is Y. // On output, X is the solution. void SolveUpper(BlockMatrix const& L, BlockVector& X) { for (int r = NumBlocks - 1; r >= 0; --r) { auto& Xr = X[r]; for (int c = r + 1; c < NumBlocks; ++c) { auto const& Lcr = L[GetIndex(c, r)]; auto const& Xc = X[c]; for (int i = 0; i < BlockSize; ++i) { for (int j = 0; j < BlockSize; ++j) { Xr[i] -= Lcr[GetIndex(j, i)] * Xc[j]; } } } mDecomposer.SolveUpper(L[GetIndex(r, r)], Xr); } } private: // Compute the 1-dimensional index of the block matrix in a // 2-dimensional BlockMatrix object. inline int GetIndex(int row, int col) const { return col + row * NumBlocks; } // Solve G(c,c)*G(r,c)^T = A(r,c)^T for G(r,c). The matrices // G(c,c) and A(r,c) are known quantities, and G(c,c) occupies // the lower triangular portion of A(c,c). The solver stores // its results in-place, so A(r,c) stores the G(r,c) result. void LowerTriangularSolver(int r, int c, BlockMatrix& A) { auto const& Acc = A[GetIndex(c, c)]; auto& Arc = A[GetIndex(r, c)]; for (int j = 0; j < BlockSize; ++j) { for (int i = 0; i < j; ++i) { Real Lji = Acc[GetIndex(j, i)]; for (int k = 0; k < BlockSize; ++k) { Arc[GetIndex(k, j)] -= Lji * Arc[GetIndex(k, i)]; } } Real Ljj = Acc[GetIndex(j, j)]; for (int k = 0; k < BlockSize; ++k) { Arc[GetIndex(k, j)] /= Ljj; } } } void SubtractiveUpdate(int r, int k, int c, BlockMatrix& A) { auto const& Arc = A[GetIndex(r, c)]; auto const& Akc = A[GetIndex(k, c)]; auto& Ark = A[GetIndex(r, k)]; for (int j = 0; j < BlockSize; ++j) { for (int i = 0; i < BlockSize; ++i) { for (int m = 0; m < BlockSize; ++m) { Ark[GetIndex(j, i)] -= Arc[GetIndex(j, m)] * Akc[GetIndex(i, m)]; } } } } // The decomposer has size BlockSize. CholeskyDecomposition mDecomposer; }; }