// David Eberly, Geometric Tools, Redmond WA 98052
// Copyright (c) 1998-2021
// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
// https://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt
// https://www.geometrictools.com/License/Boost/LICENSE_1_0.txt
// Version: 4.0.2020.09.17

#pragma once

#include <Mathematics/Logger.h>
#include <Mathematics/Vector2.h>
#include <Mathematics/EdgeKey.h>
#include <list>
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <vector>

#include <fstream>

namespace gte
    template <typename Real>
    class BSPPolygon2
        // vertices
        typedef Vector2<Real> Vertex;
        typedef std::map<Vertex, int> VMap;
        typedef std::vector<Vertex> VArray;

        // edges
        typedef EdgeKey<true> Edge;
        typedef std::map<Edge, int> EMap;
        typedef std::vector<Edge> EArray;

        // Construction and destruction.
        BSPPolygon2(Real epsilon)
            mEpsilon(epsilon >= (Real)0 ? epsilon : (Real)0)


        // Copy semantics.
        BSPPolygon2(BSPPolygon2 const& polygon)
            *this = polygon;

        BSPPolygon2& operator=(BSPPolygon2 const& polygon)
            mEpsilon = polygon.mEpsilon;
            mVMap = polygon.mVMap;
            mVArray = polygon.mVArray;
            mEMap = polygon.mEMap;
            mEArray = polygon.mEArray;
            mTree = (polygon.mTree ? polygon.mTree->GetCopy() : nullptr);
            return *this;

        // Move semantics.
        BSPPolygon2(BSPPolygon2&& polygon)
            *this = std::move(polygon);

        BSPPolygon2& operator=(BSPPolygon2&& polygon)
            mEpsilon = polygon.mEpsilon;
            mVMap = std::move(polygon.mVMap);
            mVArray = std::move(polygon.mVArray);
            mEMap = std::move(polygon.mEMap);
            mEArray = std::move(polygon.mEArray);
            mTree = polygon.mTree;
            polygon.mTree = nullptr;
            return *this;

        // Support for deferred construction.
        int InsertVertex(Vertex const& vertex)
            auto iter = mVMap.find(vertex);
            if (iter != mVMap.end())
                // Vertex already in map, just return its unique index.
                return iter->second;

            // Vertex not in map, insert it and assign it a unique index.
            int i = static_cast<int>(mVArray.size());
            mVMap.insert(std::make_pair(vertex, i));
            return i;

        int InsertEdge(Edge const& edge)
            LogAssert(edge.V[0] != edge.V[1], "Degenerate edges not allowed.");

            auto iter = mEMap.find(edge);
            if (iter != mEMap.end())
                // Edge already in map, just return its unique index.
                return iter->second;

            // Edge not in map, insert it and assign it a unique index.
            int i = static_cast<int>(mEArray.size());
            mEMap.insert(std::make_pair(edge, i));
            return i;

        void Finalize()
            // The BSPTree2 constructor is badly designed. The '*this'
            // is passed as non-const but the previous code in this function
            // passed 'this->mEArray' as const. The mEArray can be modified
            // via '*this' in the BSPTree2 class, which led to an infinite
            // loop in a test data set for a bug report. For now, make a
            // copy of mEArray and pass it.
            EArray eArray = mEArray;
            mTree = std::make_shared<BSPTree2>(*this, eArray, mEpsilon);

        // Member access.
        inline int GetNumVertices() const
            return static_cast<int>(mVMap.size());

        inline Vertex const& GetVertex(int i) const
            return mVArray[i];

        inline int GetNumEdges() const
            return static_cast<int>(mEMap.size());

        inline Edge const& GetEdge(int i) const
            return mEArray[i];

        // negation
        BSPPolygon2 operator~() const
            LogAssert(mTree != nullptr, "Tree must exist.");

            BSPPolygon2 neg(mEpsilon);
            neg.mVMap = mVMap;
            neg.mVArray = mVArray;

            for (auto const& element : mEMap)
                auto const& edge = element.first;
                neg.InsertEdge(Edge(edge.V[1], edge.V[0]));

            neg.mTree = mTree->GetCopy();
            return neg;

        // intersection
        BSPPolygon2 operator&(BSPPolygon2 const& polygon) const
            LogAssert(mTree != nullptr, "Tree must exist.");

            BSPPolygon2 intersect(mEpsilon);
            GetInsideEdgesFrom(polygon, intersect);
            polygon.GetInsideEdgesFrom(*this, intersect);
            return intersect;

        // union
        BSPPolygon2 operator|(BSPPolygon2 const& polygon) const
            return ~(~*this & ~polygon);

        // difference
        BSPPolygon2 operator-(BSPPolygon2 const& polygon) const
            return *this & ~polygon;

        // exclusive or
        BSPPolygon2 operator^(BSPPolygon2 const& polygon) const
            return (*this - polygon) | (polygon - *this);

        // point location (-1 inside, 0 on polygon, 1 outside)
        int PointLocation(Vertex const& vertex) const
            LogAssert(mTree != nullptr, "Tree must exist.");
            return mTree->PointLocation(*this, vertex);

        // debugging support
        void Print(std::string const& filename) const
            std::ofstream output(filename);

            int const numVertices = GetNumVertices();
            output << "vquantity = " << numVertices << std::endl;
            for (int i = 0; i < numVertices; ++i)
                output << i << "  (" << mVArray[i][0] << ',' << mVArray[i][1] << ')' << std::endl;
            output << std::endl;

            int const numEdges = GetNumEdges();
            output << "equantity = " << numEdges << std::endl;
            for (int i = 0; i < numEdges; ++i)
                output << "  <" << mEArray[i].V[0] << ',' << mEArray[i].V[1] << '>' << std::endl;
            output << std::endl;

            output << "bsp tree" << std::endl;
            if (mTree)
                mTree->Print(output, 0, 'r');
            output << std::endl;

        // Binary space partitioning tree support for polygon Boolean
        // operations.
        class BSPTree2
            // Construction and destruction.
            BSPTree2(Real epsilon)
                mEpsilon(epsilon >= (Real)0 ? epsilon : (Real)0)

            BSPTree2(BSPPolygon2& polygon, EArray const& edges, Real epsilon)
                mEpsilon(epsilon >= (Real)0 ? epsilon : (Real)0)
                LogAssert(edges.size() > 0, "Invalid input.");

                // Construct splitting line from first edge.
                Vertex end0 = polygon.GetVertex(edges[0].V[0]);
                Vertex end1 = polygon.GetVertex(edges[0].V[1]);

                // Add edge to coincident list.

                // Split remaining edges.
                EArray posArray, negArray;
                for (size_t i = 1; i < edges.size(); ++i)
                    int v0 = edges[i].V[0];
                    int v1 = edges[i].V[1];
                    Vertex vertex0 = polygon.GetVertex(v0);
                    Vertex vertex1 = polygon.GetVertex(v1);

                    Vertex intr;
                    int vmid;

                    switch (Classify(end0, end1, vertex0, vertex1, intr))
                    case TRANSVERSE_POSITIVE:
                        // modify edge <V0,V1> to <V0,I>, add new edge <I,V1>
                        vmid = polygon.InsertVertex(intr);
                        if (vmid == v0 || vmid == v1)
                            // The intersection point is within epsilon of an
                            // endpoint.
                            polygon.SplitEdge(v0, v1, vmid);
                            posArray.push_back(Edge(vmid, v1));
                            negArray.push_back(Edge(v0, vmid));
                    case TRANSVERSE_NEGATIVE:
                        // modify edge <V0,V1> to <V0,I>, add new edge <I,V1>
                        vmid = polygon.InsertVertex(intr);
                        if (vmid == v0 || vmid == v1)
                            // The intersection point is within epsilon of an
                            // endpoint.
                            polygon.SplitEdge(v0, v1, vmid);
                            posArray.push_back(Edge(v0, vmid));
                            negArray.push_back(Edge(vmid, v1));
                    case ALL_POSITIVE:
                    case ALL_NEGATIVE:
                    default:  // COINCIDENT

                if (posArray.size() > 0)
                    mPosChild = std::make_shared<BSPTree2>(polygon, posArray, mEpsilon);

                if (negArray.size() > 0)
                    mNegChild = std::make_shared<BSPTree2>(polygon, negArray, mEpsilon);


            // Disallow copying and assignment.  Use GetCopy() instead to
            // obtain a deep copy of the BSP tree.
            BSPTree2(const BSPTree2&) = delete;
            BSPTree2& operator= (const BSPTree2&) = delete;

            std::shared_ptr<BSPTree2> GetCopy() const
                auto tree = std::make_shared<BSPTree2>(mEpsilon);

                tree->mCoincident = mCoincident;

                if (mPosChild)
                    tree->mPosChild = mPosChild->GetCopy();

                if (mNegChild)
                    tree->mNegChild = mNegChild->GetCopy();

                return tree;

            // Polygon Boolean operation support.
            void Negate()
                // Reverse coincident edge directions.
                for (auto& edge : mCoincident)
                    std::swap(edge.V[0], edge.V[1]);

                // Swap positive and negative subtrees.
                std::swap(mPosChild, mNegChild);

                if (mPosChild)

                if (mNegChild)

            void GetPartition(BSPPolygon2 const& polygon, Vertex const& v0,
                Vertex const& v1, BSPPolygon2& pos, BSPPolygon2& neg,
                BSPPolygon2& coSame, BSPPolygon2& coDiff) const
                // Construct splitting line from first coincident edge.
                Vertex end0 = polygon.GetVertex(mCoincident[0].V[0]);
                Vertex end1 = polygon.GetVertex(mCoincident[0].V[1]);

                Vertex intr;

                switch (Classify(end0, end1, v0, v1, intr))
                case TRANSVERSE_POSITIVE:
                    GetPosPartition(polygon, intr, v1, pos, neg, coSame, coDiff);
                    GetNegPartition(polygon, v0, intr, pos, neg, coSame, coDiff);
                case TRANSVERSE_NEGATIVE:
                    GetPosPartition(polygon, v0, intr, pos, neg, coSame, coDiff);
                    GetNegPartition(polygon, intr, v1, pos, neg, coSame, coDiff);
                case ALL_POSITIVE:
                    GetPosPartition(polygon, v0, v1, pos, neg, coSame, coDiff);
                case ALL_NEGATIVE:
                    GetNegPartition(polygon, v0, v1, pos, neg, coSame, coDiff);
                default:  // COINCIDENT
                    GetCoPartition(polygon, v0, v1, pos, neg, coSame, coDiff);

            // Point-in-polygon support (-1 outside, 0 on polygon, +1 inside).
            int PointLocation(BSPPolygon2 const& polygon, Vertex const& vertex) const
                // Construct splitting line from first coincident edge.
                Vertex end0 = polygon.GetVertex(mCoincident[0].V[0]);
                Vertex end1 = polygon.GetVertex(mCoincident[0].V[1]);

                switch (Classify(end0, end1, vertex))
                case ALL_POSITIVE:
                    if (mPosChild)
                        return mPosChild->PointLocation(polygon, vertex);
                        return 1;
                case ALL_NEGATIVE:
                    if (mNegChild)
                        return mNegChild->PointLocation(polygon, vertex);
                        return -1;
                default:  // COINCIDENT
                    return CoPointLocation(polygon, vertex);

            void Print(std::ofstream& outFile, int level, char type) const
                for (size_t i = 0; i < mCoincident.size(); ++i)
                    for (int j = 0; j < 4 * level; ++j)
                        outFile << ' ';

                    outFile << type << " <" << mCoincident[i].V[0] << ',' <<
                        mCoincident[i].V[1] << ">" << std::endl;

                if (mPosChild)
                    mPosChild->Print(outFile, level + 1, 'p');

                if (mNegChild)
                    mNegChild->Print(outFile, level + 1, 'n');


            int Classify(Vertex const& end0, Vertex const& end1,
                Vertex const& v0, Vertex const& v1, Vertex& intr) const
                Vertex dir = end1 - end0;
                Vertex nor = Perp(dir);
                Vertex diff0 = v0 - end0;
                Vertex diff1 = v1 - end0;

                Real d0 = Dot(nor, diff0);
                Real d1 = Dot(nor, diff1);

                if (d0 * d1 < (Real)0)
                    // Edge <V0,V1> transversely crosses line.  Compute point
                    // of intersection I = V0 + t*(V1 - V0).
                    Real t = d0 / (d0 - d1);
                    if (t > mEpsilon)
                        if (t < (Real)1 - mEpsilon)
                            intr = v0 + t * (v1 - v0);
                            if (d1 > (Real)0)
                                return TRANSVERSE_POSITIVE;
                                return TRANSVERSE_NEGATIVE;
                            // T is effectively 1 (numerical round-off issue),
                            // so set d1 = 0 and go on to other cases.
                            d1 = (Real)0;
                        // T is effectively 0 (numerical round-off issue), so
                        // set d0 = 0 and go on to other cases.
                        d0 = (Real)0;

                if (d0 > (Real)0 || d1 > (Real)0)
                    // edge on positive side of line
                    return ALL_POSITIVE;

                if (d0 < (Real)0 || d1 < (Real)0)
                    // edge on negative side of line
                    return ALL_NEGATIVE;

                return COINCIDENT;

            void GetPosPartition(BSPPolygon2 const& polygon, Vertex const& v0,
                Vertex const& v1, BSPPolygon2& pos, BSPPolygon2& neg,
                BSPPolygon2& coSame, BSPPolygon2& coDiff) const
                if (mPosChild)
                    mPosChild->GetPartition(polygon, v0, v1, pos, neg, coSame, coDiff);
                    int i0 = pos.InsertVertex(v0);
                    int i1 = pos.InsertVertex(v1);
                    pos.InsertEdge(Edge(i0, i1));

            void GetNegPartition(BSPPolygon2 const& polygon, Vertex const& v0,
                Vertex const& v1, BSPPolygon2& pos, BSPPolygon2& neg,
                BSPPolygon2& coSame, BSPPolygon2& coDiff) const
                if (mNegChild)
                    mNegChild->GetPartition(polygon, v0, v1, pos, neg, coSame, coDiff);
                    int i0 = neg.InsertVertex(v0);
                    int i1 = neg.InsertVertex(v1);
                    neg.InsertEdge(Edge(i0, i1));

            class Interval
                Interval(Real inT0, Real inT1, bool inSameDir, bool inTouching)

                Real t0, t1;
                bool sameDir, touching;

            void GetCoPartition(BSPPolygon2 const& polygon, Vertex const& v0,
                Vertex const& v1, BSPPolygon2& pos, BSPPolygon2& neg,
                BSPPolygon2& coSame, BSPPolygon2& coDiff) const
                // Segment the line containing V0 and V1 by the coincident
                // intervals that intersect <V0,V1>.
                Vertex dir = v1 - v0;
                Real tmax = Dot(dir, dir);

                Vertex end0, end1;
                Real t0, t1;
                bool sameDir;

                std::list<Interval> intervals;
                typename std::list<Interval>::iterator iter;

                for (auto const& edge : mCoincident)
                    end0 = polygon.GetVertex(edge.V[0]);
                    end1 = polygon.GetVertex(edge.V[1]);

                    t0 = Dot(dir, end0 - v0);
                    if (std::fabs(t0) <= mEpsilon)
                        t0 = (Real)0;
                    else if (std::fabs(t0 - tmax) <= mEpsilon)
                        t0 = tmax;

                    t1 = Dot(dir, end1 - v0);
                    if (std::fabs(t1) <= mEpsilon)
                        t1 = (Real)0;
                    else if (std::fabs(t1 - tmax) <= mEpsilon)
                        t1 = tmax;

                    sameDir = (t1 > t0);
                    if (!sameDir)
                        Real save = t0;
                        t0 = t1;
                        t1 = save;

                    if (t1 > (Real)0 && t0 < tmax)
                        if (intervals.empty())
                            intervals.push_front(Interval(t0, t1, sameDir, true));
                            for (iter = intervals.begin(); iter != intervals.end(); ++iter)
                                if (std::fabs(t1 - iter->t0) <= mEpsilon)
                                    t1 = iter->t0;

                                if (t1 <= iter->t0)
                                    // [t0,t1] is on the left of [I.t0,I.t1]
                                    intervals.insert(iter, Interval(t0, t1, sameDir, true));

                                // Theoretically, the intervals are disjoint
                                // or intersect only at an end point.  The
                                // assert makes sure that [t0,t1] is to the
                                // right of [I.t0,I.t1].
                                if (std::fabs(t0 - iter->t1) <= mEpsilon)
                                    t0 = iter->t1;

                                LogAssert(t0 >= iter->t1, "Invalid ordering in BSPTree2::GetCoPartition.");

                                auto last = std::prev(intervals.end());
                                if (iter == last)
                                    intervals.push_back(Interval(t0, t1, sameDir, true));

                if (intervals.empty())
                    GetPosPartition(polygon, v0, v1, pos, neg, coSame, coDiff);
                    GetNegPartition(polygon, v0, v1, pos, neg, coSame, coDiff);

                // Insert outside intervals between the touching intervals.
                // It is possible that two touching intervals are adjacent,
                // so this is not just a simple alternation of touching and
                // outside intervals.
                Interval& front = intervals.front();
                if (front.t0 > (Real)0)
                    intervals.push_front(Interval((Real)0, front.t0, front.sameDir, false));
                    front.t0 = (Real)0;

                Interval& back = intervals.back();
                if (back.t1 < tmax)
                    intervals.push_back(Interval(back.t1, tmax, back.sameDir, false));
                    back.t1 = tmax;

                typename std::list<Interval>::iterator iter0 = intervals.begin();
                typename std::list<Interval>::iterator iter1 = intervals.begin();
                for (++iter1; iter1 != intervals.end(); ++iter0, ++iter1)
                    t0 = iter0->t1;
                    t1 = iter1->t0;
                    if (t1 - t0 > mEpsilon)
                        iter0 = intervals.insert(iter1, Interval(t0, t1, true, false));

                // Process the segmentation.
                Real invTMax = (Real)1 / tmax;
                t0 = intervals.front().t0 * invTMax;
                end1 = v0 + (intervals.front().t0 * invTMax) * dir;
                for (iter = intervals.begin(); iter != intervals.end(); ++iter)
                    end0 = end1;
                    t1 = iter->t1 * invTMax;
                    end1 = v0 + (iter->t1 * invTMax) * dir;

                    if (iter->touching)
                        Edge edge;
                        if (iter->sameDir)
                            edge.V[0] = coSame.InsertVertex(end0);
                            edge.V[1] = coSame.InsertVertex(end1);
                            if (edge.V[0] != edge.V[1])
                            edge.V[0] = coDiff.InsertVertex(end1);
                            edge.V[1] = coDiff.InsertVertex(end0);
                            if (edge.V[0] != edge.V[1])
                        GetPosPartition(polygon, end0, end1, pos, neg, coSame, coDiff);
                        GetNegPartition(polygon, end0, end1, pos, neg, coSame, coDiff);

            // point-in-polygon support
            int Classify(Vertex const& end0, Vertex const& end1, Vertex const& vertex) const
                Vertex dir = end1 - end0;
                Vertex nor = Perp(dir);
                Vertex diff = vertex - end0;
                Real c = Dot(nor, diff);

                if (c > mEpsilon)
                    return ALL_POSITIVE;

                if (c < -mEpsilon)
                    return ALL_NEGATIVE;

                return COINCIDENT;

            int CoPointLocation(BSPPolygon2 const& polygon, Vertex const& vertex) const
                for (auto const& edge : mCoincident)
                    Vertex end0 = polygon.GetVertex(edge.V[0]);
                    Vertex end1 = polygon.GetVertex(edge.V[1]);
                    Vertex dir = end1 - end0;
                    Vertex diff = vertex - end0;
                    Real tmax = Dot(dir, dir);
                    Real t = Dot(dir, diff);

                    if (-mEpsilon <= t && t <= tmax + mEpsilon)
                        return 0;

                // It does not matter which subtree you use.
                if (mPosChild)
                    return mPosChild->PointLocation(polygon, vertex);

                if (mNegChild)
                    return mNegChild->PointLocation(polygon, vertex);

                return 0;

            Real mEpsilon;
            EArray mCoincident;
            std::shared_ptr<BSPTree2> mPosChild;
            std::shared_ptr<BSPTree2> mNegChild;

        void SplitEdge(int v0, int v1, int vmid)
            // Find the edge in the map to get the edge-array index.
            auto iter = mEMap.find(Edge(v0, v1));
            LogAssert(iter != mEMap.end(), "Edge does not exist.");

            int eIndex = iter->second;

            // Delete edge <V0,V1>.

            // Insert edge <V0,VM>.
            mEArray[eIndex].V[1] = vmid;
            mEMap.insert(std::make_pair(mEArray[eIndex], eIndex));

            // Insert edge <VM,V1>.
            InsertEdge(Edge(vmid, v1));

        void GetInsideEdgesFrom(BSPPolygon2 const& polygon, BSPPolygon2& inside) const
            LogAssert(mTree != nullptr, "Tree must exist.");

            BSPPolygon2 ignore(mEpsilon);
            const int numEdges = polygon.GetNumEdges();
            for (int i = 0; i < numEdges; ++i)
                int v0 = polygon.mEArray[i].V[0];
                int v1 = polygon.mEArray[i].V[1];
                Vertex vertex0 = polygon.mVArray[v0];
                Vertex vertex1 = polygon.mVArray[v1];
                mTree->GetPartition(*this, vertex0, vertex1, ignore, inside, inside, ignore);

        Real mEpsilon;
        VMap mVMap;
        VArray mVArray;
        EMap mEMap;
        EArray mEArray;
        std::shared_ptr<BSPTree2> mTree;