// David Eberly, Geometric Tools, Redmond WA 98052 // Copyright (c) 1998-2021 // Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. // https://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt // https://www.geometrictools.com/License/Boost/LICENSE_1_0.txt // Version: 4.0.2019.12.05 #pragma once #include <Mathematics/ApprQuery.h> #include <Mathematics/Array2.h> #include <Mathematics/GMatrix.h> #include <array> // The samples are (x[i],y[i],z[i],w[i]) for 0 <= i < S. Think of w as a // function of x, y, and z, say w = f(x,y,z). The function fits the samples // with a polynomial of degree d0 in x, degree d1 in y, and degree d2 in z, // say // w = sum_{i=0}^{d0} sum_{j=0}^{d1} sum_{k=0}^{d2} c[i][j][k]*x^i*y^j*z^k // The method is a least-squares fitting algorithm. The mParameters stores // c[i][j][k] = mParameters[i+(d0+1)*(j+(d1+1)*k)] for a total of // (d0+1)*(d1+1)*(d2+1) coefficients. The observation type is // std::array<Real,4>, which represents a tuple (x,y,z,w). // // WARNING. The fitting algorithm for polynomial terms // (1,x,x^2,...,x^d0), (1,y,y^2,...,y^d1), (1,z,z^2,...,z^d2) // is known to be nonrobust for large degrees and for large magnitude data. // One alternative is to use orthogonal polynomials // (f[0](x),...,f[d0](x)), (g[0](y),...,g[d1](y)), (h[0](z),...,h[d2](z)) // and apply the least-squares algorithm to these. Another alternative is to // transform // (x',y',z',w') = ((x-xcen)/rng, (y-ycen)/rng, (z-zcen)/rng, w/rng) // where xmin = min(x[i]), xmax = max(x[i]), xcen = (xmin+xmax)/2, // ymin = min(y[i]), ymax = max(y[i]), ycen = (ymin+ymax)/2, zmin = min(z[i]), // zmax = max(z[i]), zcen = (zmin+zmax)/2, and // rng = max(xmax-xmin,ymax-ymin,zmax-zmin). Fit the (x',y',z',w') points, // w' = sum_{i=0}^{d0} sum_{j=0}^{d1} sum_{k=0}^{d2} c'[i][j][k] * // (x')^i*(y')^j*(z')^k // The original polynomial is evaluated as // w = rng * sum_{i=0}^{d0} sum_{j=0}^{d1} sum_{k=0}^{d2} c'[i][j][k] * // ((x-xcen)/rng)^i * ((y-ycen)/rng)^j * ((z-zcen)/rng)^k namespace gte { template <typename Real> class ApprPolynomial4 : public ApprQuery<Real, std::array<Real, 4>> { public: // Initialize the model parameters to zero. ApprPolynomial4(int xDegree, int yDegree, int zDegree) : mXDegree(xDegree), mYDegree(yDegree), mZDegree(zDegree), mXDegreeP1(xDegree + 1), mYDegreeP1(yDegree + 1), mZDegreeP1(zDegree + 1), mSize(mXDegreeP1* mYDegreeP1* mZDegreeP1), mParameters(mSize, (Real)0), mYZCoefficient(mYDegreeP1 * mZDegreeP1, (Real)0), mZCoefficient(mZDegreeP1, (Real)0) { mXDomain[0] = std::numeric_limits<Real>::max(); mXDomain[1] = -mXDomain[0]; mYDomain[0] = std::numeric_limits<Real>::max(); mYDomain[1] = -mYDomain[0]; mZDomain[0] = std::numeric_limits<Real>::max(); mZDomain[1] = -mZDomain[0]; } // Basic fitting algorithm. See ApprQuery.h for the various Fit(...) // functions that you can call. virtual bool FitIndexed( size_t numObservations, std::array<Real, 4> const* observations, size_t numIndices, int const* indices) override { if (this->ValidIndices(numObservations, observations, numIndices, indices)) { int s, i0, j0, k0, n0, i1, j1, k1, n1; // Compute the powers of x, y, and z. int numSamples = static_cast<int>(numIndices); int twoXDegree = 2 * mXDegree; int twoYDegree = 2 * mYDegree; int twoZDegree = 2 * mZDegree; Array2<Real> xPower(twoXDegree + 1, numSamples); Array2<Real> yPower(twoYDegree + 1, numSamples); Array2<Real> zPower(twoZDegree + 1, numSamples); for (s = 0; s < numSamples; ++s) { Real x = observations[indices[s]][0]; Real y = observations[indices[s]][1]; Real z = observations[indices[s]][2]; mXDomain[0] = std::min(x, mXDomain[0]); mXDomain[1] = std::max(x, mXDomain[1]); mYDomain[0] = std::min(y, mYDomain[0]); mYDomain[1] = std::max(y, mYDomain[1]); mZDomain[0] = std::min(z, mZDomain[0]); mZDomain[1] = std::max(z, mZDomain[1]); xPower[s][0] = (Real)1; for (i0 = 1; i0 <= twoXDegree; ++i0) { xPower[s][i0] = x * xPower[s][i0 - 1]; } yPower[s][0] = (Real)1; for (j0 = 1; j0 <= twoYDegree; ++j0) { yPower[s][j0] = y * yPower[s][j0 - 1]; } zPower[s][0] = (Real)1; for (k0 = 1; k0 <= twoZDegree; ++k0) { zPower[s][k0] = z * zPower[s][k0 - 1]; } } // Matrix A is the Vandermonde matrix and vector B is the // right-hand side of the linear system A*X = B. GMatrix<Real> A(mSize, mSize); GVector<Real> B(mSize); for (k0 = 0; k0 <= mZDegree; ++k0) { for (j0 = 0; j0 <= mYDegree; ++j0) { for (i0 = 0; i0 <= mXDegree; ++i0) { Real sum = (Real)0; n0 = i0 + mXDegreeP1 * (j0 + mYDegreeP1 * k0); for (s = 0; s < numSamples; ++s) { Real w = observations[indices[s]][3]; sum += w * xPower[s][i0] * yPower[s][j0] * zPower[s][k0]; } B[n0] = sum; for (k1 = 0; k1 <= mZDegree; ++k1) { for (j1 = 0; j1 <= mYDegree; ++j1) { for (i1 = 0; i1 <= mXDegree; ++i1) { sum = (Real)0; n1 = i1 + mXDegreeP1 * (j1 + mYDegreeP1 * k1); for (s = 0; s < numSamples; ++s) { sum += xPower[s][i0 + i1] * yPower[s][j0 + j1] * zPower[s][k0 + k1]; } A(n0, n1) = sum; } } } } } } // Solve for the polynomial coefficients. GVector<Real> coefficients = Inverse(A) * B; bool hasNonzero = false; for (int i = 0; i < mSize; ++i) { mParameters[i] = coefficients[i]; if (coefficients[i] != (Real)0) { hasNonzero = true; } } return hasNonzero; } std::fill(mParameters.begin(), mParameters.end(), (Real)0); return false; } // Get the parameters for the best fit. std::vector<Real> const& GetParameters() const { return mParameters; } virtual size_t GetMinimumRequired() const override { return static_cast<size_t>(mSize); } // Compute the model error for the specified observation for the // current model parameters. The returned value for observation // (x0,y0,z0,w0) is |w(x0,y0,z0) - w0|, where w(x,y,z) is the fitted // polynomial. virtual Real Error(std::array<Real, 4> const& observation) const override { Real w = Evaluate(observation[0], observation[1], observation[2]); Real error = std::fabs(w - observation[3]); return error; } virtual void CopyParameters(ApprQuery<Real, std::array<Real, 4>> const* input) override { auto source = dynamic_cast<ApprPolynomial4 const*>(input); if (source) { *this = *source; } } // Evaluate the polynomial. The domain intervals are provided so you // can interpolate ((x,y,z) in domain) or extrapolate ((x,y,z) not in // domain). std::array<Real, 2> const& GetXDomain() const { return mXDomain; } std::array<Real, 2> const& GetYDomain() const { return mYDomain; } std::array<Real, 2> const& GetZDomain() const { return mZDomain; } Real Evaluate(Real x, Real y, Real z) const { int i0, i1, i2; Real w; for (i2 = 0; i2 <= mZDegree; ++i2) { for (i1 = 0; i1 <= mYDegree; ++i1) { i0 = mXDegree; w = mParameters[i0 + mXDegreeP1 * (i1 + mYDegreeP1 * i2)]; while (--i0 >= 0) { w = mParameters[i0 + mXDegreeP1 * (i1 + mYDegreeP1 * i2)] + w * x; } mYZCoefficient[i1 + mYDegree * i2] = w; } } for (i2 = 0; i2 <= mZDegree; ++i2) { i1 = mYDegree; w = mYZCoefficient[i1 + mYDegreeP1 * i2]; while (--i1 >= 0) { w = mParameters[i1 + mYDegreeP1 * i2] + w * y; } mZCoefficient[i2] = w; } i2 = mZDegree; w = mZCoefficient[i2]; while (--i2 >= 0) { w = mZCoefficient[i2] + w * z; } return w; } private: int mXDegree, mYDegree, mZDegree; int mXDegreeP1, mYDegreeP1, mZDegreeP1, mSize; std::array<Real, 2> mXDomain, mYDomain, mZDomain; std::vector<Real> mParameters; // These arrays are used by Evaluate() to avoid reallocation of the // 'vector's for each call. The member is mutable because, to the // user, the call to Evaluate does not modify the polynomial. mutable std::vector<Real> mYZCoefficient; mutable std::vector<Real> mZCoefficient; }; }