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3 months ago
// David Eberly, Geometric Tools, Redmond WA 98052
// Copyright (c) 1998-2021
// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
// Version: 5.1.2020.09.18
#pragma once
// UniqueVerticesSimplices allows mesh generation and elimination of duplicate
// and/or unused vertices. The vertices have type VertexType, which must have
// a less-than comparison predicate because it is used as the key type in
// std::map. The IndexType can be any signed or unsigned integer type, not
// including 1-byte types or bool. The mesh can be in any dimension D >= 2. In
// 2 dimensions, the mesh is a collection of edges. In 3 dimensions, the mesh
// is a collection of triangles. Generally, the mesh is a collection of
// D-dimensional simplices. The following operations are supported, either for
// a mesh topology consisting of indices or of arrays, each array representing
// a simplex.
// 1. Generate an indexed simplex representation from an array of simplices,
// each simplex represented by D contiguous vertices. Presumably, the
// simplices share vertices. The output is an array of unique simplices
// (a vertex pool) and an array of D-element arrays of indices into the
// pool, each such array representing a simplex.
// 2. Remove duplicate vertices from a vertex pool used by an indexed
// simplex representation. A new vertex pool of unique vertices is
// generated and the indexed simplices are modified to be indices into
// this vertex pool.
// 3. Remove unused vertices from a vertex pool used by an indexed simplex
// representation. A new vertex pool of unique vertices is generated and
// the indexed simplices are modified to be indices into the new vertex
// pool.
// 4. Remove duplicate and unused vertices from a vertex pool, a combination
// of the operations in #2 and #3.
// In the Geometric Tools distribution, the class is used for polygon Boolean
// operations (D = 2) and for compactifying triangle meshes (D = 3).
#include <Mathematics/Logger.h>
#include <array>
#include <map>
#include <type_traits>
#include <vector>
namespace gte
template <typename VertexType, typename IndexType, size_t Dimension>
class UniqueVerticesSimplices
// The index type must be an integral type that does not include
// bool. MSVS 2019 16.7.3 does not trigger this static assertion
// when IndexType is bool. Instead, it complains about using
// .data() for the std::vector<bool> objects and about comparing
// bool values to 0 in the LogAssert statements, after which the
// compilation terminates.
std::is_integral<IndexType>::value &&
!std::is_same<IndexType, bool>::value,
"Invalid index type.");
// See #1 in the comments at the beginning of this file. The
// preconditions are
// 1. inVertices.size() is a positive multiple of D
// The postconditions are
// 1. outVertices has unique vertices
// 2. outIndices.size() = inVertices.size()
// 3. 0 <= outIndices[i] < outVertices.size()
void GenerateIndexedSimplices(
std::vector<VertexType> const& inVertices,
std::vector<VertexType>& outVertices,
std::vector<IndexType>& outIndices)
inVertices.size() > 0 &&
inVertices.size() % Dimension == 0,
"Invalid number of vertices.");
RemoveDuplicates(inVertices, outVertices,;
// See #1 in the comments at the beginning of this file. The
// preconditions are
// 1. inVertices.size() is a positive multiple of Dimension
// The postconditions are
// 1. outVertices has unique vertices
// 2. outSimplices.size() = inVertices.size() / Dimension
// 3. 0 <= outSimplices[s][d] < outVertices.size()
void GenerateIndexedSimplices(
std::vector<VertexType> const& inVertices,
std::vector<VertexType>& outVertices,
std::vector<std::array<IndexType, Dimension>>& outSimplices)
inVertices.size() > 0 &&
inVertices.size() % Dimension == 0,
"Invalid number of vertices.");
outSimplices.resize(inVertices.size() / Dimension);
IndexType* outIndices = reinterpret_cast<IndexType*>(;
RemoveDuplicates(inVertices, outVertices, outIndices);
// See #2 in the comments at the beginning of the file. The
// preconditions are
// 1. inVertices.size() is positive
// 2. inIndices.size() is a positive multiple of Dimension
// 3. 0 <= inIndices[i] < inVertices.size()
// The postconditions are
// 1. outVertices has unique vertices
// 2. outIndices.size() = inIndices.size()
// 3. 0 <= outIndices[i] < outVertices.size()
void RemoveDuplicateVertices(
std::vector<VertexType> const& inVertices,
std::vector<IndexType> const& inIndices,
std::vector<VertexType>& outVertices,
std::vector<IndexType>& outIndices)
inVertices.size() > 0,
"Invalid number of vertices.");
inIndices.size() > 0 &&
inIndices.size() % Dimension == 0,
"Invalid number of indices.");
IndexType const numVertices = static_cast<IndexType>(inVertices.size());
for (auto index : inIndices)
0 <= index && index < numVertices,
"Invalid index.");
std::vector<IndexType> inToOutMapping(inVertices.size());
RemoveDuplicates(inVertices, outVertices,;
for (size_t i = 0; i < inIndices.size(); ++i)
outIndices[i] = inToOutMapping[inIndices[i]];
// See #2 in the comments at the beginning of the file. The
// preconditions are
// 1. inVertices.size() is positive
// 2. inSimplices.size() is positive
// 3. 0 <= inSimplices[s][d] < inVertices.size()
// The postconditions are
// 1. outVertices has unique vertices
// 2. outSimplices.size() = inSimplices.size()
// 3. 0 <= outSimplices[s][d] < outVertices.size()
void RemoveDuplicateVertices(
std::vector<VertexType> const& inVertices,
std::vector<std::array<IndexType, Dimension>> const& inSimplices,
std::vector<VertexType>& outVertices,
std::vector<std::array<IndexType, Dimension>>& outSimplices)
inVertices.size() > 0,
"Invalid number of vertices.");
LogAssert(inSimplices.size() > 0,
"Invalid number of simplices.");
IndexType const numVertices = static_cast<IndexType>(inVertices.size());
for (auto const& simplex : inSimplices)
for (size_t d = 0; d < Dimension; ++d)
0 <= simplex[d] && simplex[d] < numVertices,
"Invalid index.");
std::vector<IndexType> inToOutMapping(inVertices.size());
RemoveDuplicates(inVertices, outVertices,;
size_t const numSimplices = inSimplices.size();
for (size_t s = 0; s < numSimplices; ++s)
for (size_t d = 0; d < Dimension; ++d)
outSimplices[s][d] = inToOutMapping[inSimplices[s][d]];
// See #3 in the comments at the beginning of the file. The
// preconditions are
// 1. inVertices.size() is positive
// 2. inIndices.size() is a positive multiple of Dimension
// 3. 0 <= inIndices[i] < inVertices.size()
// The postconditions are
// 1. outVertices.size() is positive
// 2. outIndices.size() = inIndices.size()
// 3. 0 <= outIndices[i] < outVertices.size()
// 4. each outVertices[v] occurs at least once in outIndices[]
void RemoveUnusedVertices(
std::vector<VertexType> const& inVertices,
std::vector<IndexType> const& inIndices,
std::vector<VertexType>& outVertices,
std::vector<IndexType>& outIndices)
LogAssert(inVertices.size() > 0,
"Invalid number of vertices.");
inIndices.size() > 0 &&
inIndices.size() % Dimension == 0,
"Invalid number of indices.");
IndexType const numVertices = static_cast<IndexType>(inVertices.size());
for (auto index : inIndices)
0 <= index && index < numVertices,
"Invalid index.");
RemoveUnused(inVertices, inIndices.size(),,
// See #3 in the comments at the beginning of the file. The
// preconditions are
// 1. inVertices.size() is positive
// 2. inSimplices.size() is positive
// 3. 0 <= inSimplices[s][d] < inVertices.size()
// The postconditions are
// 1. outVertices.size() is positive
// 2. outSimplices.size() = inSimplices.size()
// 3. 0 <= outSimplices[s][d] < outVertices.size()
// 4. each outVertices[v] occurs at least once in outSimplices[][]
void RemoveUnusedVertices(
std::vector<VertexType> const& inVertices,
std::vector<std::array<IndexType, Dimension>> const& inSimplices,
std::vector<VertexType>& outVertices,
std::vector<std::array<IndexType, Dimension>>& outSimplices)
inVertices.size() > 0,
"Invalid number of vertices.");
inSimplices.size() > 0,
"Invalid number of simplices.");
IndexType const numVertices = static_cast<IndexType>(inVertices.size());
for (auto const& simplex : inSimplices)
for (size_t d = 0; d < Dimension; ++d)
0 <= simplex[d] && simplex[d] < numVertices,
"Invalid index.");
size_t const numInIndices = Dimension * inSimplices.size();
IndexType const* inIndices = reinterpret_cast<IndexType const*>(;
IndexType* outIndices = reinterpret_cast<IndexType*>(;
RemoveUnused(inVertices, numInIndices, inIndices, outVertices, outIndices);
// See #4 and the preconditions for RemoveDuplicateVertices and for
// RemoveUnusedVertices.
void RemoveDuplicateAndUnusedVertices(
std::vector<VertexType> const& inVertices,
std::vector<IndexType> const& inIndices,
std::vector<VertexType>& outVertices,
std::vector<IndexType>& outIndices)
std::vector<VertexType> tempVertices;
std::vector<IndexType> tempIndices;
RemoveDuplicateVertices(inVertices, inIndices, tempVertices, tempIndices);
RemoveUnusedVertices(tempVertices, tempIndices, outVertices, outIndices);
// See #4 and the preconditions for RemoveDuplicateVertices and for
// RemoveUnusedVertices.
void RemoveDuplicateAndUnusedVertices(
std::vector<VertexType> const& inVertices,
std::vector<std::array<IndexType, Dimension>> const& inSimplices,
std::vector<VertexType>& outVertices,
std::vector<std::array<IndexType, Dimension>>& outSimplices)
std::vector<VertexType> tempVertices;
std::vector<std::array<IndexType, Dimension>> tempSimplices;
RemoveDuplicateVertices(inVertices, inSimplices, tempVertices, tempSimplices);
RemoveUnusedVertices(tempVertices, tempSimplices, outVertices, outSimplices);
void RemoveDuplicates(
std::vector<VertexType> const& inVertices,
std::vector<VertexType>& outVertices,
IndexType* inToOutMapping)
// Construct the unique vertices.
size_t const numInVertices = inVertices.size();
size_t numOutVertices = 0;
std::map<VertexType, IndexType> vmap;
for (size_t i = 0; i < numInVertices; ++i)
auto const iter = vmap.find(inVertices[i]);
if (iter != vmap.end())
// The vertex is a duplicate of one inserted earlier into
// the map. Its index i will be modified to that of the
// first-found vertex.
inToOutMapping[i] = iter->second;
// The vertex occurs for the first time.
inToOutMapping[i] = static_cast<IndexType>(numOutVertices);
// Pack the unique vertices into an array.
for (auto const& element : vmap)
outVertices[element.second] = element.first;
void RemoveUnused(
std::vector<VertexType> const& inVertices,
size_t const numInIndices,
IndexType const* inIndices,
std::vector<VertexType>& outVertices,
IndexType* outIndices)
// Get the unique set of used indices.
std::set<IndexType> usedIndices;
for (size_t i = 0; i < numInIndices; ++i)
// Locate the used vertices and pack them into an array.
size_t numOutVertices = 0;
std::map<IndexType, IndexType> vmap;
for (auto oldIndex : usedIndices)
outVertices[numOutVertices] = inVertices[oldIndex];
vmap.insert(std::make_pair(oldIndex, static_cast<IndexType>(numOutVertices)));
// Reassign the old indices to the new indices.
for (size_t i = 0; i < numInIndices; ++i)
outIndices[i] = vmap.find(inIndices[i])->second;