89 lines
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89 lines
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3 months ago
// David Eberly, Geometric Tools, Redmond WA 98052
// Copyright (c) 1998-2021
// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
// https://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt
// https://www.geometrictools.com/License/Boost/LICENSE_1_0.txt
// Version: 4.0.2019.08.13
#pragma once
#include <Mathematics/Hypersphere.h>
#include <Mathematics/Vector3.h>
#include <vector>
namespace gte
// Compute the smallest bounding sphere whose center is the average of
// the input points.
template <typename Real>
bool GetContainer(int numPoints, Vector3<Real> const* points, Sphere3<Real>& sphere)
sphere.center = points[0];
for (int i = 1; i < numPoints; ++i)
sphere.center += points[i];
sphere.center /= (Real)numPoints;
sphere.radius = (Real)0;
for (int i = 0; i < numPoints; ++i)
Vector3<Real> diff = points[i] - sphere.center;
Real radiusSqr = Dot(diff, diff);
if (radiusSqr > sphere.radius)
sphere.radius = radiusSqr;
sphere.radius = std::sqrt(sphere.radius);
return true;
template <typename Real>
bool GetContainer(std::vector<Vector3<Real>> const& points, Sphere3<Real>& sphere)
return GetContainer(static_cast<int>(points.size()), points.data(), sphere);
// Test for containment of a point inside a sphere.
template <typename Real>
bool InContainer(Vector3<Real> const& point, Sphere3<Real> const& sphere)
Vector3<Real> diff = point - sphere.center;
return Length(diff) <= sphere.radius;
// Compute the smallest bounding sphere that contains the input spheres.
template <typename Real>
bool MergeContainers(Sphere3<Real> const& sphere0, Sphere3<Real> const& sphere1, Sphere3<Real>& merge)
Vector3<Real> cenDiff = sphere1.center - sphere0.center;
Real lenSqr = Dot(cenDiff, cenDiff);
Real rDiff = sphere1.radius - sphere0.radius;
Real rDiffSqr = rDiff * rDiff;
if (rDiffSqr >= lenSqr)
merge = (rDiff >= (Real)0 ? sphere1 : sphere0);
Real length = std::sqrt(lenSqr);
if (length > (Real)0)
Real coeff = (length + rDiff) / (((Real)2)*length);
merge.center = sphere0.center + coeff * cenDiff;
merge.center = sphere0.center;
merge.radius = (Real)0.5 * (length + sphere0.radius + sphere1.radius);
return true;