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3 months ago
// David Eberly, Geometric Tools, Redmond WA 98052
// Copyright (c) 1998-2021
// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
// Version: 4.0.2019.08.13
#pragma once
#include <Mathematics/ArbitraryPrecision.h>
#include <Mathematics/ApprOrthogonalPlane3.h>
#include <Mathematics/RootsPolynomial.h>
#include <Mathematics/GaussNewtonMinimizer.h>
#include <Mathematics/LevenbergMarquardtMinimizer.h>
// Let the torus center be C with plane of symmetry containing C and having
// directions D0 and D1. The axis of symmetry is the line containing C and
// having direction N (the plane normal). The radius from the center of the
// torus is r0 and the radius of the tube of the torus is r1. A point P may
// be written as P = C + x*D0 + y*D1 + z*N, where matrix [D0 D1 N] is
// orthogonal and has determinant 1. Thus, x = Dot(D0,P-C), y = Dot(D1,P-C)
// and z = Dot(N,P-C). The implicit equation defining the torus is
// (|P-C|^2 + r0^2 - r1^2)^2 - 4*r0^2*(|P-C|^2 - (Dot(N,P-C))^2) = 0
// Observe that D0 and D1 are not present in the equation, which is to be
// expected by the symmetry.
// Define u = r0^2 and v = r0^2 - r1^2. Define
// F(X;C,N,u,v) = (|P-C|^2 + v)^2 - 4*u*(|P-C|^2 - (Dot(N,P-C))^2)
// The nonlinear least-squares fitting of points {X[i]}_{i=0}^{n-1} computes
// C, N, u and v to minimize the error function
// E(C,N,u,v) = sum_{i=0}^{n-1} F(X[i];C,N,u,v)^2
// When the sample points are distributed so that there is large coverage
// by a purported fitted torus, a variation on fitting is the following.
// Compute the least-squares plane with origin C and normal N that fits the
// points. Define G(X;u,v) = F(X;C,N,u,v); the only variables now are u and
// v. Define L[i] = |X[i]-C|^2 and S[i] = 4 * (L[i] - (Dot(N,X[i]-C))^2).
// Define the error function
// H(u,v) = sum_{i=0}^{n-1} G(X[i];u,v)^2
// = sum_{i=0}^{n-1} ((v + L[i])^2 - S[i]*u)^2
// The first-order partial derivatives are
// dH/du = -2 sum_{i=0}^{n-1} ((v + L[i])^2 - S[i]*u) * S[i]
// dH/dv = 4 sum_{i=0}^{n-1} ((v + L[i])^2 - S[i]*u) * (v + L[i])
// Setting these to zero and expanding the terms, we have
// 0 = a2 * v^2 + a1 * v + a0 - b0 * u
// 0 = c3 * v^3 + c2 * v^2 + c1 * v + c0 - u * (d1 * v + d0)
// where a2 = sum(S[i]), a1 = 2*sum(S[i]*L[i]), a2 = sum(S[i]*L[i]^2),
// b0 = sum(S[i]^2), c3 = sum(1) = n, c2 = 3*sum(L[i]), c1 = 3*sum(L[i]^2),
// c0 = sum(L[i]^3), d1 = sum(S[i]) = a2 and d0 = sum(S[i]*L[i]) = a1/2.
// The first equation is solved for
// u = (a2 * v^2 + a1 * v + a0) / b0 = e2 * v^2 + e1 * v + e0
// and substituted into the second equation to obtain a cubic polynomial
// equation
// 0 = f3 * v^3 + f2 * v^2 + f1 * v + f0
// where f3 = c3 - d1 * e2, f2 = c2 - d1 * e1 - d0 * e2,
// f1 = c1 - d1 * e0 - d0 * e1 and f0 = c0 - d0 * e0. The positive v-roots
// are computed. For each root compute the corresponding u. For all pairs
// (u,v) with u > v > 0, evaluate H(u,v) and choose the pair that minimizes
// H(u,v). The torus radii are r0 = sqrt(u) and r1 = sqrt(u - v).
namespace gte
template <typename Real>
class ApprTorus3
// The unit-length normal is
// N = (cos(theta)*sin(phi), sin(theta)*sin(phi), cos(phi)
// for theta in [0,2*pi) and phi in [0,*pi). The radii are
// encoded as
// u = r0^2, v = r0^2 - r1^2
// with 0 < v < u. Let D = C - X[i] where X[i] is a sample point.
// The parameters P = (C0,C1,C2,theta,phi,u,v).
// F[i](C,theta,phi,u,v) =
// (|D|^2 + v)^2 - 4*u*(|D|^2 - Dot(N,D)^2)
mFFunction = [this](GVector<Real> const& P, GVector<Real>& F)
Real csTheta = std::cos(P[3]);
Real snTheta = std::sin(P[3]);
Real csPhi = std::cos(P[4]);
Real snPhi = std::sin(P[4]);
Vector<3, Real> C = { P[0], P[1], P[2] };
Vector<3, Real> N = { csTheta * snPhi, snTheta * snPhi, csPhi };
Real u = P[5];
Real v = P[6];
for (int i = 0; i < mNumPoints; ++i)
Vector<3, Real> D = C - mPoints[i];
Real DdotD = Dot(D, D), NdotD = Dot(N, D);
Real sum = DdotD + v;
F[i] = sum * sum - (Real)4 * u * (DdotD - NdotD * NdotD);
// dF[i]/dC = 4 * (|D|^2 + v) * D - 8 * u * (I - N*N^T) * D
// dF[i]/dTheta = 8 * u * Dot(dN/dTheta, D)
// dF[i]/dPhi = 8 * u * Dot(dN/dPhi, D)
// dF[i]/du = -4 * u * (|D|^2 - Dot(N,D)^2)
// dF[i]/dv = 2 * (|D|^2 + v)
mJFunction = [this](GVector<Real> const& P, GMatrix<Real>& J)
Real const r2(2), r4(4), r8(8);
Real csTheta = std::cos(P[3]);
Real snTheta = std::sin(P[3]);
Real csPhi = std::cos(P[4]);
Real snPhi = std::sin(P[4]);
Vector<3, Real> C = { P[0], P[1], P[2] };
Vector<3, Real> N = { csTheta * snPhi, snTheta * snPhi, csPhi };
Real u = P[5];
Real v = P[6];
for (int row = 0; row < mNumPoints; ++row)
Vector<3, Real> D = C - mPoints[row];
Real DdotD = Dot(D, D), NdotD = Dot(N, D);
Real sum = DdotD + v;
Vector<3, Real> dNdTheta{ -snTheta * snPhi, csTheta * snPhi, (Real)0 };
Vector<3, Real> dNdPhi{ csTheta * csPhi, snTheta * csPhi, -snPhi };
Vector<3, Real> temp = r4 * sum * D - r8 * u * (D - NdotD * N);
J(row, 0) = temp[0];
J(row, 1) = temp[1];
J(row, 2) = temp[2];
J(row, 3) = r8 * u * Dot(dNdTheta, D);
J(row, 4) = r8 * u * Dot(dNdPhi, D);
J(row, 5) = -r4 * u * (DdotD - NdotD * NdotD);
J(row, 6) = r2 * sum;
// When the samples are distributed approximately uniformly near a
// torus, use this method. For example, if the purported torus has
// center (0,0,0) and normal (0,0,1), you want the (x,y,z) samples
// to occur in all 8 octants. If the samples occur, say, only in
// one octant, this method will estimate a C and N that are nowhere
// near (0,0,0) and (0,0,1). The function sets the output variables
// C, N, r0 and r1 as the fitted torus.
// The return value is a pair <bool,Real>. The first element is
// 'true' when the estimate is valid, in which case the second
// element is the least-squares error for that estimate. If any
// unexpected condition occurs that prevents computing an estimate,
// the first element is 'false' and the second element is
// std::numeric_limits<Real>::max().
std::pair<bool, Real>
operator()(int numPoints, Vector<3, Real> const* points,
Vector<3, Real>& C, Vector<3, Real>& N, Real& r0, Real& r1) const
ApprOrthogonalPlane3<Real> fitter;
if (!fitter.Fit(numPoints, points))
return std::make_pair(false, std::numeric_limits<Real>::max());
C = fitter.GetParameters().first;
N = fitter.GetParameters().second;
Real const zero(0);
Real a0 = zero, a1 = zero, a2 = zero, b0 = zero;
Real c0 = zero, c1 = zero, c2 = zero, c3 = (Real)numPoints;
for (int i = 0; i < numPoints; ++i)
Vector<3, Real> delta = points[i] - C;
Real dot = Dot(N, delta);
Real L = Dot(delta, delta), L2 = L * L, L3 = L * L2;
Real S = (Real)4 * (L - dot * dot), S2 = S * S;
a2 += S;
a1 += S * L;
a0 += S * L2;
b0 += S2;
c2 += L;
c1 += L2;
c0 += L3;
Real d1 = a2;
Real d0 = a1;
a1 *= (Real)2;
c2 *= (Real)3;
c1 *= (Real)3;
Real invB0 = (Real)1 / b0;
Real e0 = a0 * invB0;
Real e1 = a1 * invB0;
Real e2 = a2 * invB0;
Rational f0 = c0 - d0 * e0;
Rational f1 = c1 - d1 * e0 - d0 * e1;
Rational f2 = c2 - d1 * e1 - d0 * e2;
Rational f3 = c3 - d1 * e2;
std::map<Real, int> rmMap;
RootsPolynomial<Real>::SolveCubic(f0, f1, f2, f3, rmMap);
Real hmin = std::numeric_limits<Real>::max();
Real umin = zero, vmin = zero;
for (auto const& element : rmMap)
Real v = element.first;
if (v > zero)
Real u = e0 + v * (e1 + v * e2);
if (u > v)
Real h = zero;
for (int i = 0; i < numPoints; ++i)
Vector<3, Real> delta = points[i] - C;
Real dot = Dot(N, delta);
Real L = Dot(delta, delta);
Real S = (Real)4 * (L - dot * dot);
Real sum = v + L;
Real term = sum * sum - S * u;
h += term * term;
if (h < hmin)
hmin = h;
umin = u;
vmin = v;
if (hmin == std::numeric_limits<Real>::max())
return std::make_pair(false, std::numeric_limits<Real>::max());
r0 = std::sqrt(umin);
r1 = std::sqrt(umin - vmin);
return std::make_pair(true, hmin);
// If you want to specify that C, N, r0 and r1 are the initial guesses
// for the minimizer, set the parameter useTorusInputAsInitialGuess to
// 'true'. If you want the function to compute initial guesses, set
// useTorusInputAsInitialGuess to 'false'. A Gauss-Newton minimizer
// is used to fit a torus using nonlinear least-squares. The fitted
// torus is returned in C, N, r0 and r1. See GteGaussNewtonMinimizer.h
// for a description of the least-squares algorithm and the parameters
// that it requires.
typename GaussNewtonMinimizer<Real>::Result
operator()(int numPoints, Vector<3, Real> const* points,
size_t maxIterations, Real updateLengthTolerance, Real errorDifferenceTolerance,
bool useTorusInputAsInitialGuess,
Vector<3, Real>& C, Vector<3, Real>& N, Real& r0, Real& r1) const
mNumPoints = numPoints;
mPoints = points;
GaussNewtonMinimizer<Real> minimizer(7, mNumPoints, mFFunction, mJFunction);
if (!useTorusInputAsInitialGuess)
operator()(numPoints, points, C, N, r0, r1);
GVector<Real> initial(7);
// The initial guess for the plane origin.
initial[0] = C[0];
initial[1] = C[1];
initial[2] = C[2];
// The initial guess for the plane normal. The angles must be
// extracted for spherical coordinates.
if (std::fabs(N[2]) < (Real)1)
initial[3] = std::atan2(N[1], N[0]);
initial[4] = std::acos(N[2]);
initial[3] = (Real)0;
initial[4] = (Real)0;
// The initial guess for the radii-related parameters.
initial[5] = r0 * r0;
initial[6] = initial[5] - r1 * r1;
auto result = minimizer(initial, maxIterations, updateLengthTolerance,
// No test is made for result.converged so that we return some
// estimates of the torus. The caller can decide how to respond
// when result.converged is false.
C[0] = result.minLocation[0];
C[1] = result.minLocation[1];
C[2] = result.minLocation[2];
Real theta = result.minLocation[3];
Real phi = result.minLocation[4];
Real csTheta = std::cos(theta);
Real snTheta = std::sin(theta);
Real csPhi = std::cos(phi);
Real snPhi = std::sin(phi);
N[0] = csTheta * snPhi;
N[1] = snTheta * snPhi;
N[2] = csPhi;
Real u = result.minLocation[5];
Real v = result.minLocation[6];
r0 = std::sqrt(u);
r1 = std::sqrt(u - v);
mNumPoints = 0;
mPoints = nullptr;
return result;
// If you want to specify that C, N, r0 and r1 are the initial guesses
// for the minimizer, set the parameter useTorusInputAsInitialGuess to
// 'true'. If you want the function to compute initial guesses, set
// useTorusInputAsInitialGuess to 'false'. A Gauss-Newton minimizer
// is used to fit a torus using nonlinear least-squares. The fitted
// torus is returned in C, N, r0 and r1. See GteGaussNewtonMinimizer.h
// for a description of the least-squares algorithm and the parameters
// that it requires.
typename LevenbergMarquardtMinimizer<Real>::Result
operator()(int numPoints, Vector<3, Real> const* points,
size_t maxIterations, Real updateLengthTolerance, Real errorDifferenceTolerance,
Real lambdaFactor, Real lambdaAdjust, size_t maxAdjustments,
bool useTorusInputAsInitialGuess,
Vector<3, Real>& C, Vector<3, Real>& N, Real& r0, Real& r1) const
mNumPoints = numPoints;
mPoints = points;
LevenbergMarquardtMinimizer<Real> minimizer(7, mNumPoints, mFFunction, mJFunction);
if (!useTorusInputAsInitialGuess)
operator()(numPoints, points, C, N, r0, r1);
GVector<Real> initial(7);
// The initial guess for the plane origin.
initial[0] = C[0];
initial[1] = C[1];
initial[2] = C[2];
// The initial guess for the plane normal. The angles must be
// extracted for spherical coordinates.
if (std::fabs(N[2]) < (Real)1)
initial[3] = std::atan2(N[1], N[0]);
initial[4] = std::acos(N[2]);
initial[3] = (Real)0;
initial[4] = (Real)0;
// The initial guess for the radii-related parameters.
initial[5] = r0 * r0;
initial[6] = initial[5] - r1 * r1;
auto result = minimizer(initial, maxIterations, updateLengthTolerance,
errorDifferenceTolerance, lambdaFactor, lambdaAdjust, maxAdjustments);
// No test is made for result.converged so that we return some
// estimates of the torus. The caller can decide how to respond
// when result.converged is false.
C[0] = result.minLocation[0];
C[1] = result.minLocation[1];
C[2] = result.minLocation[2];
Real theta = result.minLocation[3];
Real phi = result.minLocation[4];
Real csTheta = std::cos(theta);
Real snTheta = std::sin(theta);
Real csPhi = std::cos(phi);
Real snPhi = std::sin(phi);
N[0] = csTheta * snPhi;
N[1] = snTheta * snPhi;
N[2] = csPhi;
Real u = result.minLocation[5];
Real v = result.minLocation[6];
r0 = std::sqrt(u);
r1 = std::sqrt(u - v);
mNumPoints = 0;
mPoints = nullptr;
return result;
typedef BSRational<UIntegerAP32> Rational;
mutable int mNumPoints;
mutable Vector<3, Real> const* mPoints;
std::function<void(GVector<Real> const&, GVector<Real>&)> mFFunction;
std::function<void(GVector<Real> const&, GMatrix<Real>&)> mJFunction;