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3 months ago
// David Eberly, Geometric Tools, Redmond WA 98052
// Copyright (c) 1998-2021
// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
// Version: 4.3.2019.12.27
#pragma once
// Least-squares fit of two parallel lines to points that presumably are
// clustered on the lines. The algorithm is described in
#include <Mathematics/Polynomial1.h>
#include <Mathematics/RootsPolynomial.h>
#include <Mathematics/Vector2.h>
namespace gte
template <typename Real>
class ApprParallelLines2
mR0(0), mR1(1), mR2(2), mR3(3), mR4(4), mR5(5), mR6(6)
// The constants are set here in case Real is a rational type,
// which avoids construction costs for those types.
void Fit(std::vector<Vector2<Real>> const& P, unsigned int maxIterations,
Vector2<Real>& C, Vector2<Real>& V, Real& radius)
// Compute the average of the samples.
size_t const n = P.size();
Real const invN = static_cast<Real>(1) / static_cast<Real>(n);
std::vector<Vector2<Real>> PAdjust = P;
Vector2<Real> A{ mR0, mR0 };
for (auto const& sample : PAdjust)
A += sample;
A *= invN;
// Subtract the average from the samples so that the replacement
// points have zero average.
for (auto& sample : PAdjust)
sample -= A;
// Compute the Zpq terms.
ZValues data(PAdjust);
// Compute F(sigma,gamma) = f0(sigma) + gamma * f1(sigma).
Polynomial1<Real> f0, f1;
ComputeF(data, f0, f1);
Polynomial1<Real> freduced0(4), freduced1(3);
for (int i = 0; i <= 4; ++i)
freduced0[i] = f0[2 * i];
for (int i = 0; i <= 3; ++i)
freduced1[i] = f1[2 * i + 1];
// Evaluate the error function at any (sigma,gamma). Choose (0,1)
// so that we do not have to process a root sigma=0 later.
Real minSigma = mR0, minGamma = mR1;
Real minK = data.Z03 / (mR2 * data.Z02);
Real minKSqr = minK * minK;
Real minRSqr = minKSqr + data.Z02;
Real minError = data.Z04 - mR4 * minK * data.Z03 + (mR4 * minKSqr - data.Z02) * data.Z02;
if (f1 != Polynomial1<Real>{ mR0 })
Polynomial1<Real> sigmaSqrPoly{ mR0, mR0, mR1 };
Polynomial1<Real> f0Sqr = f0 * f0, f1Sqr = f1 * f1;
Polynomial1<Real> h = sigmaSqrPoly * f1Sqr + (f0Sqr - f1Sqr);
Polynomial1<Real> hreduced(8);
for (int i = 0; i <= 8; ++i)
hreduced[i] = h[2 * i];
std::array<Real, 8> roots;
int numRoots = RootsPolynomial<Real>::Find(8, &hreduced[0],
for (int i = 0; i < numRoots; ++i)
Real sigmaSqr = roots[i];
if (sigmaSqr > mR0)
Real sigma = std::sqrt(sigmaSqr);
Real gamma = -freduced0(sigmaSqr) / (sigma * freduced1(sigmaSqr));
UpdateParameters(data, sigma, sigmaSqr, gamma,
minSigma, minGamma, minK, minRSqr, minError);
Polynomial1<Real> hreduced(4);
for (int i = 0; i <= 4; ++i)
hreduced[i] = f0[2 * i];
std::array<Real, 4> roots;
int numRoots = RootsPolynomial<Real>::Find(4, &hreduced[0],
for (int i = 0; i < numRoots; ++i)
Real sigmaSqr = roots[i];
if (sigmaSqr > mR0)
Real sigma = std::sqrt(sigmaSqr);
Real gamma = std::sqrt(sigma);
UpdateParameters(data, sigma, sigmaSqr, gamma,
minSigma, minGamma, minK, minRSqr, minError);
gamma = -gamma;
UpdateParameters(data, sigma, sigmaSqr, gamma,
minSigma, minGamma, minK, minRSqr, minError);
// Compute the minimizers V, C and radius. The center minK*U must have
// A added to it because the inputs P had A subtracted from them. The
// addition no longer guarantees that Dot(V,C) = 0, so the V-component
// of A+minK*U is projected out so that the returned center has only a
// U-component.
V = Vector2<Real>{ minGamma, minSigma };
C = A + minK * Vector2<Real>{ -minSigma, minGamma };
C -= Dot(C, V) * V;
radius = std::sqrt(minRSqr);
struct ZValues
ZValues(std::vector<Vector2<Real>> const& P)
Z20(0), Z11(0), Z02(0),
Z30(0), Z21(0), Z12(0), Z03(0),
Z40(0), Z31(0), Z22(0), Z13(0), Z04(0)
Real const invN = static_cast<Real>(1) / static_cast<Real>(P.size());
for (auto const& sample : P)
Real xx = sample[0] * sample[0];
Real xy = sample[0] * sample[1];
Real yy = sample[1] * sample[1];
Real xxx = xx * sample[0];
Real xxy = xy * sample[0];
Real xyy = xy * sample[1];
Real yyy = yy * sample[1];
Real xxxx = xxx * sample[0];
Real xxxy = xxx * sample[1];
Real xxyy = xx * yy;
Real xyyy = yyy * sample[0];
Real yyyy = yyy * sample[1];
Z20 += xx;
Z11 += xy;
Z02 += yy;
Z30 += xxx;
Z21 += xxy;
Z12 += xyy;
Z03 += yyy;
Z40 += xxxx;
Z31 += xxxy;
Z22 += xxyy;
Z13 += xyyy;
Z04 += yyyy;
Z20 *= invN;
Z11 *= invN;
Z02 *= invN;
Z30 *= invN;
Z21 *= invN;
Z12 *= invN;
Z03 *= invN;
Z40 *= invN;
Z31 *= invN;
Z22 *= invN;
Z13 *= invN;
Z04 *= invN;
Real Z20, Z11, Z02;
Real Z30, Z21, Z12, Z03;
Real Z40, Z31, Z22, Z13, Z04;
// Given two polynomials A0+gamma*B0 and A1+gamma*B1, the product is
// [A0*A1+(1-sigma^2)*B0*B1] + gamma*[A0*B1+B0*A1] = A2+gamma*B2.
void ComputeProduct(
Polynomial1<Real> const& A0, Polynomial1<Real> const& B0,
Polynomial1<Real> const& A1, Polynomial1<Real> const& B1,
Polynomial1<Real>& A2, Polynomial1<Real>& B2)
Polynomial1<Real> gammaSqr{ mR1, mR0, -mR1 };
A2 = A0 * A1 + gammaSqr * B0 * B1;
B2 = A0 * B1 + B0 * A1;
void ComputeF(ZValues const& data, Polynomial1<Real>& f0, Polynomial1<Real>& f1)
// Compute the apq and bpq terms.
Polynomial1<Real> a11(2);
a11[0] = data.Z11;
a11[2] = -mR2 * data.Z11;
Polynomial1<Real> b11(1);
b11[1] = data.Z02 - data.Z20;
Polynomial1<Real> a20(2);
a20[0] = data.Z02;
a20[2] = data.Z20 - data.Z02;
Polynomial1<Real> b20(1);
b20[1] = -mR2 * data.Z11;
Polynomial1<Real> a30(3);
a30[1] = -mR3;
a30[3] = mR3 * data.Z12 - data.Z30;
Polynomial1<Real> b30(2);
b30[0] = data.Z03;
b30[2] = mR3 * data.Z21 - data.Z03;
Polynomial1<Real> a21(3);
a21[1] = data.Z03 - mR2 * data.Z21;
a21[3] = mR3 * data.Z21 - data.Z03;
Polynomial1<Real> b21(2);
b21[0] = data.Z12;
b21[2] = data.Z30 - mR3 * data.Z12;
Polynomial1<Real> a40(4);
a40[0] = data.Z04;
a40[2] = mR6 * data.Z22 - mR2 * data.Z04;
a40[4] = data.Z40 - mR6 * data.Z22 + data.Z04;
Polynomial1<Real> b40(3);
b40[1] = -mR4 * data.Z13;
b40[3] = mR4 * (data.Z13 - data.Z31);
Polynomial1<Real> a31(4);
a31[0] = data.Z13;
a31[2] = mR3 * data.Z31 - mR5 * data.Z13;
a31[4] = mR4 * (data.Z13 - data.Z31);
Polynomial1<Real> b31(3);
b31[1] = data.Z04 - mR3 * data.Z22;
b31[3] = mR6 * data.Z22 - data.Z40 - data.Z04;
// Compute S20^2 = c0 + gamma*d0.
Polynomial1<Real> c0, d0;
ComputeProduct(a20, b20, a20, b20, c0, d0);
// Compute S31 * S20^2 = c1 + gamma*d1.
Polynomial1<Real> c1, d1;
ComputeProduct(a31, b31, c0, d0, c1, d1);
// Compute S21 * S20 = c2 + gamma*d2.
Polynomial1<Real> c2, d2;
ComputeProduct(a21, b21, a20, b20, c2, d2);
// Compute S30 * (S21 * S20) = c3 + gamma*d3.
Polynomial1<Real> c3, d3;
ComputeProduct(a30, b30, c2, d2, c3, d3);
// Compute S30 * S11 = c4 + gamma*d4.
Polynomial1<Real> c4, d4;
ComputeProduct(a30, b30, a11, b11, c4, d4);
// Compute S30 * (S30 * S11) = c5 + gamma*d5.
Polynomial1<Real> c5, d5;
ComputeProduct(a30, b30, c4, d4, c5, d5);
// Compute S20^2 * S11 = c6 + gamma*d6.
Polynomial1<Real> c6, d6;
ComputeProduct(c0, d0, a11, b11, c6, d6);
// Compute S20 * (S20^2 * S11) = c7 + gamma*d7.
Polynomial1<Real> c7, d7;
ComputeProduct(a20, b20, c6, d6, c7, d7);
// Compute F = 2*S31*S20^2 - 3*S30*S21*S20 + S30^2*S11
// - 2*S20^3*S11 = f0 + gamma*f1, where f0 is even of degree 8
// and f1 is odd of degree 7.
f0 = mR2 * (c1 - c7) - mR3 * c3 + c5;
f1 = mR2 * (d1 - d7) - mR3 * d3 + d5;
void UpdateParameters(ZValues const& data, Real const& sigma, Real const& sigmaSqr,
Real const& gamma, Real& minSigma, Real& minGamma, Real& minK,
Real& minRSqr, Real& minError)
// Rather than evaluate apq(sigma) and bpq(sigma), the
// polynomials are evaluated at sigmaSqr to avoid the
// rounding errors that are inherent by computing
// s = sqrt(ssqr); ssqr = s * s;
Real A20 = data.Z02 + (data.Z20 - data.Z02) * sigmaSqr;
Real B20 = -mR2 * data.Z11 * sigma;
Real S20 = A20 + gamma * B20;
Real A30 = -sigma * (mR3 * data.Z12 + (data.Z30 - mR3 * data.Z12) * sigmaSqr);
Real B30 = data.Z03 + (mR3 * data.Z21 - data.Z03) * sigmaSqr;
Real S30 = A30 + gamma * B30;
Real A40 = data.Z04 + ((mR6 * data.Z22 - mR2 * data.Z04)
+ (data.Z40 - mR6 * data.Z22 + data.Z04) * sigmaSqr) * sigmaSqr;
Real B40 = -mR4 * sigma * (data.Z13 + (data.Z31 - data.Z13) * sigmaSqr);
Real S40 = A40 + gamma * B40;
Real k = S30 / (mR2 * S20);
Real ksqr = k * k;
Real rsqr = ksqr + S20;
Real error = S40 - mR4 * k * S30 + (mR4 * ksqr - S20) * S20;
if (error < minError)
minSigma = sigma;
minGamma = gamma;
minK = k;
minRSqr = rsqr;
minError = error;
Real const mR0, mR1, mR2, mR3, mR4, mR5, mR6;