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3 months ago
// David Eberly, Geometric Tools, Redmond WA 98052
// Copyright (c) 1998-2021
// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
// Version: 4.0.2019.08.13
#pragma once
#include <Mathematics/Hypersphere.h>
#include <Mathematics/Vector2.h>
// Least-squares fit of a circle to a set of points. The algorithms are
// described in Section 5 of
// FitUsingLengths uses the algorithm of Section 5.1.
// FitUsingSquaredLengths uses the algorithm of Section 5.2.
namespace gte
template <typename Real>
class ApprCircle2
// The return value is 'true' when the linear system of the algorithm
// is solvable, 'false' otherwise. If 'false' is returned, the circle
// center and radius are set to zero values.
bool FitUsingSquaredLengths(int numPoints, Vector2<Real> const* points, Circle2<Real>& circle)
// Compute the average of the data points.
Real const zero(0);
Vector2<Real> A = { zero, zero };
for (int i = 0; i < numPoints; ++i)
A += points[i];
Real invNumPoints = ((Real)1) / static_cast<Real>(numPoints);
A *= invNumPoints;
// Compute the covariance matrix M of the Y[i] = X[i]-A and the
// right-hand side R of the linear system M*(C-A) = R.
Real M00 = zero, M01 = zero, M11 = zero;
Vector2<Real> R = { zero, zero };
for (int i = 0; i < numPoints; ++i)
Vector2<Real> Y = points[i] - A;
Real Y0Y0 = Y[0] * Y[0];
Real Y0Y1 = Y[0] * Y[1];
Real Y1Y1 = Y[1] * Y[1];
M00 += Y0Y0;
M01 += Y0Y1;
M11 += Y1Y1;
R += (Y0Y0 + Y1Y1) * Y;
R *= (Real)0.5;
// Solve the linear system M*(C-A) = R for the center C.
Real det = M00 * M11 - M01 * M01;
if (det != zero)
{[0] = A[0] + (M11 * R[0] - M01 * R[1]) / det;[1] = A[1] + (M00 * R[1] - M01 * R[0]) / det;
Real rsqr = zero;
for (int i = 0; i < numPoints; ++i)
Vector2<Real> delta = points[i] -;
rsqr += Dot(delta, delta);
rsqr *= invNumPoints;
circle.radius = std::sqrt(rsqr);
return true;
{ = { zero, zero };
circle.radius = zero;
return false;
// Fit the points using lengths to drive the least-squares algorithm.
// If initialCenterIsAverage is set to 'false', the initial guess for
// the initial circle center is computed as the average of the data
// points. If the data points are clustered along a small arc, the
// algorithm is slow to converge. If initialCenterIsAverage is set to
// 'true', the incoming circle center is used as-is to start the
// iterative algorithm. This approach tends to converge more rapidly
// than when using the average of points but can be much slower than
// FitUsingSquaredLengths.
// The value epsilon may be chosen as a positive number for the
// comparison of consecutive estimated circle centers, terminating the
// iterations when the center difference has length less than or equal
// to epsilon.
// The return value is the number of iterations used. If is is the
// input maxIterations, you can either accept the result or polish the
// result by calling the function again with initialCenterIsAverage
// set to 'true'.
unsigned int FitUsingLengths(int numPoints, Vector2<Real> const* points,
unsigned int maxIterations, bool initialCenterIsAverage,
Circle2<Real>& circle, Real epsilon = (Real)0)
// Compute the average of the data points.
Vector2<Real> average = points[0];
for (int i = 1; i < numPoints; ++i)
average += points[i];
Real invNumPoints = ((Real)1) / static_cast<Real>(numPoints);
average *= invNumPoints;
// The initial guess for the center.
if (initialCenterIsAverage)
{ = average;
Real epsilonSqr = epsilon * epsilon;
unsigned int iteration;
for (iteration = 0; iteration < maxIterations; ++iteration)
// Update the iterates.
Vector2<Real> current =;
// Compute average L, dL/da, dL/db.
Real lenAverage = (Real)0;
Vector2<Real> derLenAverage = Vector2<Real>::Zero();
for (int i = 0; i < numPoints; ++i)
Vector2<Real> diff = points[i] -;
Real length = Length(diff);
if (length > (Real)0)
lenAverage += length;
Real invLength = ((Real)1) / length;
derLenAverage -= invLength * diff;
lenAverage *= invNumPoints;
derLenAverage *= invNumPoints; = average + lenAverage * derLenAverage;
circle.radius = lenAverage;
Vector2<Real> diff = - current;
Real diffSqrLen = Dot(diff, diff);
if (diffSqrLen <= epsilonSqr)
return ++iteration;