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import numpy as np
import scipy.sparse
import scipy.sparse.linalg
def mmasub(m,n,iter,xval,xmin,xmax,xold1,xold2,
# Version September 2007 (and a small change August 2008)
# Krister Svanberg <>
# Department of Mathematics, SE-10044 Stockholm, Sweden.
# This function mmasub performs one MMA-iteration, aimed at
# solving the nonlinear programming problem:
# Minimize f_0(x) + a_0*z + sum( c_i*y_i + 0.5*d_i*(y_i)^2 )
# subject to f_i(x) - a_i*z - y_i <= 0, i = 1,...,m
# xmin_j <= x_j <= xmax_j, j = 1,...,n
# z >= 0, y_i >= 0, i = 1,...,m
# *** INPUT:
# m = The number of general constraints.
# n = The number of variables x_j.
# iter = Current iteration number ( =1 the first time mmasub is called).
# xval = Column vector with the current values of the variables x_j.
# xmin = Column vector with the lower bounds for the variables x_j.
# xmax = Column vector with the upper bounds for the variables x_j.
# xold1 = xval, one iteration ago (provided that iter>1).
# xold2 = xval, two iterations ago (provided that iter>2).
# f0val = The value of the objective function f_0 at xval.
# df0dx = Column vector with the derivatives of the objective function
# f_0 with respect to the variables x_j, calculated at xval.
# fval = Column vector with the values of the constraint functions f_i,
# calculated at xval.
# dfdx = (m x n)-matrix with the derivatives of the constraint functions
# f_i with respect to the variables x_j, calculated at xval.
# dfdx(i,j) = the derivative of f_i with respect to x_j.
# low = Column vector with the lower asymptotes from the previous
# iteration (provided that iter>1).
# upp = Column vector with the upper asymptotes from the previous
# iteration (provided that iter>1).
# a0 = The constants a_0 in the term a_0*z.
# a = Column vector with the constants a_i in the terms a_i*z.
# c = Column vector with the constants c_i in the terms c_i*y_i.
# d = Column vector with the constants d_i in the terms 0.5*d_i*(y_i)^2.
# *** OUTPUT:
# xmma = Column vector with the optimal values of the variables x_j
# in the current MMA subproblem.
# ymma = Column vector with the optimal values of the variables y_i
# in the current MMA subproblem.
# zmma = Scalar with the optimal value of the variable z
# in the current MMA subproblem.
# lam = Lagrange multipliers for the m general MMA constraints.
# xsi = Lagrange multipliers for the n constraints alfa_j - x_j <= 0.
# eta = Lagrange multipliers for the n constraints x_j - beta_j <= 0.
# mu = Lagrange multipliers for the m constraints -y_i <= 0.
# zet = Lagrange multiplier for the single constraint -z <= 0.
# s = Slack variables for the m general MMA constraints.
# low = Column vector with the lower asymptotes, calculated and used
# in the current MMA subproblem.
# upp = Column vector with the upper asymptotes, calculated and used
# in the current MMA subproblem.
epsimin = 1e-10
# epsimin = sqrt(m+n)*10^(-9);
#epsimin = 1e-7
#raa0 = 1e-5
move = 1.0
# move = 0.05 # MODIFICATION BY DK
#albefa = 0.1
#asyinit = 0.5
#asyincr = 1.2
#asydecr = 0.7
# asyincr = 1.05 # MODIFICATION BY DK
# asydecr = 0.65 # MODIFICATION BY DK
eeen = np.ones((n,1))
eeem = np.ones((m,1))
zeron = np.zeros((n,1))
# Calculation of the asymptotes low and upp :
if iter < 2.5:
low = xval - asyinit*(xmax-xmin)
upp = xval + asyinit*(xmax-xmin)
zzz = (xval-xold1)*(xold1-xold2)
factor = eeen
factor[zzz > 0] = asyincr
factor[zzz < 0] = asydecr
low = xval - factor*(xold1 - low)
upp = xval + factor*(upp - xold1)
lowmin = xval - 10*(xmax-xmin)
lowmax = xval - 0.01*(xmax-xmin)
uppmin = xval + 0.01*(xmax-xmin)
uppmax = xval + 10*(xmax-xmin)
low = np.maximum(low,lowmin)
low = np.minimum(low,lowmax)
upp = np.minimum(upp,uppmax)
upp = np.maximum(upp,uppmin)
# Calculation of the bounds alfa and beta :
zzz1 = low + albefa*(xval-low)
zzz2 = xval - move*(xmax-xmin)
zzz = np.maximum(zzz1,zzz2)
alfa = np.maximum(zzz,xmin)
zzz1 = upp - albefa*(upp-xval)
zzz2 = xval + move*(xmax-xmin)
zzz = np.minimum(zzz1,zzz2)
beta = np.minimum(zzz,xmax)
# Calculations of p0, q0, P, Q and b.
xmami = xmax-xmin
xmamieps = 0.00001*eeen
xmami = np.maximum(xmami,xmamieps)
xmamiinv = eeen/xmami
#print(xmamiinv.shape) #112 x 1
ux1 = upp-xval
ux2 = ux1*ux1
xl1 = xval-low
xl2 = xl1*xl1
uxinv = eeen/ux1
xlinv = eeen/xl1
# p0 = zeron
# q0 = zeron
p0 = np.maximum(df0dx,0)
q0 = np.maximum(-df0dx,0)
# p0(find(df0dx > 0)) = df0dx(find(df0dx > 0))
# q0(find(df0dx < 0)) = -df0dx(find(df0dx < 0))
pq0 = 0.001*(p0 + q0) + raa0*xmamiinv
p0 = p0 + pq0
q0 = q0 + pq0
p0 = p0*ux2
q0 = q0*xl2
#P = coo_matrix((m,n))
#Q = coo_matrix((m,n))
P = np.maximum(dfdx,0)
Q = np.maximum(-dfdx,0)
# P(find(dfdx > 0)) = dfdx(find(dfdx > 0))
# Q(find(dfdx < 0)) = -dfdx(find(dfdx < 0))
#print("--",(eeem @ xmamiinv.T).shape)
PQ = 0.001*(P + Q) + raa0 * eeem @ xmamiinv.T
P = P + PQ
Q = Q + PQ
P = P @ scipy.sparse.spdiags(ux2.T,0,n,n)
Q = Q @ scipy.sparse.spdiags(xl2.T,0,n,n)
b = P @ uxinv + Q @ xlinv - fval
# %%% Solving the subproblem by a primal-dual Newton method
xmma,ymma,zmma,lam,xsi,eta,mu,zet,s = subsolve(m,n,epsimin,low,upp,alfa,
return xmma, ymma, zmma, lam, xsi, eta, mu, zet, s, low, upp
def subsolve(m,n,epsimin,low,upp,alfa,beta,p0,q0,P,Q,a0,a,b,c,d):
# -------------------------------------------------------------
# This is the file subsolv.m
# Version Dec 2006.
# Krister Svanberg <>
# Department of Mathematics, KTH,
# SE-10044 Stockholm, Sweden.
# This function subsolv solves the MMA subproblem:
# minimize SUM[ p0j/(uppj-xj) + q0j/(xj-lowj) ] + a0*z +
# + SUM[ ci*yi + 0.5*di*(yi)^2 ],
# subject to SUM[ pij/(uppj-xj) + qij/(xj-lowj) ] - ai*z - yi <= bi,
# alfaj <= xj <= betaj, yi >= 0, z >= 0.
# Input: m, n, low, upp, alfa, beta, p0, q0, P, Q, a0, a, b, c, d.
# Output: xmma,ymma,zmma, slack variables and Lagrange multiplers.
een = np.ones((n,1))
eem = np.ones((m,1))
epsi = 1
# epsvecn = epsi*een
# epsvecm = epsi*eem
x = 0.5*(alfa+beta)
y = eem
z = 1
lam = eem
xsi = een/(x-alfa)
xsi = np.maximum(xsi,een)
eta = een/(beta-x)
eta = np.maximum(eta,een)
mu = np.maximum(eem,0.5*c)
zet = 1
s = eem
itera = 0
while epsi > epsimin:
epsvecn = epsi*een
epsvecm = epsi*eem
ux1 = upp-x
xl1 = x-low
ux2 = ux1*ux1
xl2 = xl1*xl1
uxinv1 = een/ux1
xlinv1 = een/xl1
plam = p0 + P.T @ lam
qlam = q0 + Q.T @ lam
gvec = P @ uxinv1 + Q @ xlinv1
dpsidx = plam/ux2 - qlam/xl2
rex = dpsidx - xsi + eta
rey = c + d*y - mu - lam
rez = a0 - zet - a.T @ lam
relam = gvec - a*z - y + s - b
rexsi = xsi*(x-alfa) - epsvecn
reeta = eta*(beta-x) - epsvecn
remu = mu*y - epsvecm
rezet = zet*z - epsi
res = lam*s - epsvecm
residu1 = np.concatenate((rex,rey,rez), axis = 0)
residu2 = np.concatenate((relam, rexsi, reeta, remu, np.array([[rezet]]), res), axis = 0)
residu = np.concatenate((residu1, residu2), axis = 0)
residunorm = np.linalg.norm(residu)
residumax = np.amax(np.absolute(residu))
ittt = 0
while (residumax > 0.9*epsi) and (ittt < 200):
ittt = ittt + 1
itera = itera + 1
ux1 = upp-x
xl1 = x-low
ux2 = ux1*ux1
xl2 = xl1*xl1
ux3 = ux1*ux2
xl3 = xl1*xl2
uxinv1 = een/ux1
xlinv1 = een/xl1
uxinv2 = een/ux2
xlinv2 = een/xl2
plam = p0 + P.T @ lam
qlam = q0 + Q.T @ lam
gvec = P @ uxinv1 + Q @ xlinv1
GG = P @ scipy.sparse.spdiags(uxinv2.T,0,n,n) - Q @ scipy.sparse.spdiags(xlinv2.T,0,n,n)
dpsidx = plam/ux2 - qlam/xl2
# print('line 261, ittt=',ittt)
# print(np.amin(np.absolute(x-alfa)))
# print(np.amin(np.absolute(beta-x)))
# print()
delx = dpsidx - epsvecn/(x-alfa) + epsvecn/(beta-x)
dely = c + d*y - lam - epsvecm/y
delz = a0 - a.T@lam - epsi/z
dellam = gvec - a*z - y - b + epsvecm/lam
diagx = plam/ux3 + qlam/xl3
diagx = 2*diagx + xsi/(x-alfa) + eta/(beta-x)
diagxinv = een/diagx
diagy = d + mu/y
diagyinv = eem/diagy
diaglam = s/lam
diaglamyi = diaglam + diagyinv
if m < n:
blam = dellam + dely/diagy - GG @ (delx/diagx)
bb = np.concatenate((blam, delz), axis = 0)
Alam = scipy.sparse.spdiags(diaglamyi.T,0,m,m) + GG @ scipy.sparse.spdiags(diagxinv.T,0,n,n) @ GG.T
AA = np.concatenate((np.concatenate((Alam, a), axis = 1),
np.concatenate((a.T, np.array([[-zet/z]])), axis = 1)), axis = 0)
solut = scipy.sparse.linalg.spsolve(AA,bb)[:,np.newaxis]
dlam = solut[0:m]
dz = solut[m,0]
dx = -delx/diagx - (GG.T @ dlam)/diagx
diaglamyiinv = eem/diaglamyi
dellamyi = dellam + dely/diagy
Axx = scipy.sparse.spdiags(diagx.T,0,n,n) + GG.T @ scipy.sparse.spdiags(diaglamyiinv.T,0,m,m) @ GG
azz = zet/z + a.T @ (a/diaglamyi)
axz = -GG.T @ (a/diaglamyi)
bx = delx + GG.T @ (dellamyi/diaglamyi)
bz = delz - a.T @ (dellamyi/diaglamyi)
AA = np.concatenate((np.concatenate((Axx, axz), axis = 1),
np.concatenate((axz.T, azz), axis = 1)), axis = 0)
bb = np.concatenate((-bx, -bz),axis = 0)
solut = scipy.sparse.linalg.spsolve(AA,bb)
dx = solut[0:n]
dz = solut[n,0]
dlam = (GG @ dx)/diaglamyi - dz*(a/diaglamyi) + dellamyi/diaglamyi
dy = -dely/diagy + dlam/diagy
dxsi = -xsi + epsvecn/(x-alfa) - (xsi*dx)/(x-alfa)
deta = -eta + epsvecn/(beta-x) + (eta*dx)/(beta-x)
dmu = -mu + epsvecm/y - (mu*dy)/y
dzet = -zet + epsi/z - zet*dz/z
ds = -s + epsvecm/lam - (s*dlam)/lam
xx = np.concatenate((y, np.array([[z]]), lam, xsi, eta, mu, np.array([[zet]]), s), axis = 0)
dxx = np.concatenate((dy, np.array([[dz]]), dlam, dxsi, deta, dmu, np.array([[dzet]]), ds), axis = 0)
stepxx = -1.01*dxx/xx
stmxx = np.amax(stepxx)
stepalfa = -1.01*dx/(x-alfa)
stmalfa = np.amax(stepalfa)
stepbeta = 1.01*dx/(beta-x)
stmbeta = np.amax(stepbeta)
stmalbe = np.maximum(stmalfa,stmbeta)
stmalbexx = np.maximum(stmalbe,stmxx)
stminv = np.maximum(stmalbexx,1)
steg = 1/stminv
xold = x
yold = y
zold = z
lamold = lam
xsiold = xsi
etaold = eta
muold = mu
zetold = zet
sold = s
itto = 0
resinew = 2*residunorm
while (resinew > residunorm) and (itto < 50):
itto = itto+1
x = xold + steg*dx
y = yold + steg*dy
z = zold + steg*dz
lam = lamold + steg*dlam
xsi = xsiold + steg*dxsi
eta = etaold + steg*deta
mu = muold + steg*dmu
zet = zetold + steg*dzet
s = sold + steg*ds
ux1 = upp-x
xl1 = x-low
ux2 = ux1*ux1
xl2 = xl1*xl1
uxinv1 = een/ux1
xlinv1 = een/xl1
plam = p0 + P.T @ lam
qlam = q0 + Q.T @ lam
gvec = P @ uxinv1 + Q @ xlinv1
dpsidx = plam/ux2 - qlam/xl2
rex = dpsidx - xsi + eta
rey = c + d*y - mu - lam
rez = a0 - zet - a.T @ lam
relam = gvec - a*z - y + s - b
rexsi = xsi*(x-alfa) - epsvecn
reeta = eta*(beta-x) - epsvecn
remu = mu*y - epsvecm
rezet = zet*z - epsi
res = lam*s - epsvecm
residu1 = np.concatenate((rex, rey, rez), axis = 0)
residu2 = np.concatenate((relam, rexsi, reeta, remu, np.array([[rezet]]), res), axis = 0)
residu = np.concatenate((residu1, residu2), axis = 0)
resinew = np.linalg.norm(residu)
steg = steg/2
residunorm = resinew
residumax = np.amax(np.absolute(residu))
steg = 2*steg
if ittt > 198:
epsi = 0.1*epsi
# store final output
xmma = x
ymma = y
zmma = z
lamma = lam
xsimma = xsi
etamma = eta
mumma = mu
zetmma = zet
smma = s
return xmma, ymma, zmma, lamma, xsimma, etamma, mumma, zetmma, smma