@ -11928,4 +11928,43 @@ author = {Yvonnet, Julien and Auffray, Nicolas and Monchiet, Vincent}, |
publisher = {Elsevier}, |
} |
@article{Sigmund2018Buckling, |
title={Buckling strength topology optimization of 2D periodic materials based on linearized bifurcation analysis}, |
author={Thomsen, Christian Rye and Wang, Fengwen and Sigmund, Ole}, |
journal={Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering}, |
volume={339}, |
pages={115--136}, |
year={2018}, |
publisher={Elsevier} |
} |
@article{2020Extreme, |
title={Extreme 3D architected isotropic materials with tunable stiffness and buckling strength}, |
author={Wang, Fengwen and Sigmund, Ole}, |
year={2020} |
} |
@article{zhu2020Areview_8, |
title={Design of materials using topology optimization and energy-based homogenization approach in Matlab}, |
author={Xia, Liang and Breitkopf, Piotr}, |
journal={Structural and multidisciplinary optimization}, |
volume={52}, |
number={6}, |
pages={1229--1241}, |
year={2015}, |
publisher={Springer} |
} |
@article{gao2017adaptive, |
title={An adaptive continuation method for topology optimization of continuum structures considering buckling constraints}, |
author={Gao, Xingjun and Li, Lijuan and Ma, Haitao}, |
journal={International Journal of Applied Mechanics}, |
volume={9}, |
number={07}, |
pages={1750092}, |
year={2017}, |
publisher={World Scientific} |
} |
@Comment{jabref-meta: databaseType:bibtex;} |