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203 lines
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203 lines
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import pymesh
import json
import pathlib
import copy
import math
import itertools
import numpy
from scipy.spatial.transform import Rotation
import context
from fixture_utils import save_fixture, get_fixture_dir_path, get_meshes_dir_path
scale = 1
barring = {
"mesh": "507-movements/227-chain-pully/barring.obj",
"rotation": [90, 0, 0],
"scale": scale
pin = {
"mesh": "507-movements/227-chain-pully/pin.obj",
"rotation": [90, 0, 0],
"scale": scale
link = {
"mesh": "507-movements/227-chain-pully/link.obj",
"rotation": [90, 0, 0],
"scale": scale
link_hole_center = 2.45905
link_width = 2 * link_hole_center
link_vertical_offsets = [0.763387, 0.940965]
def circle_points(num_links, angle_offset=0, radius_offset=0):
angles = numpy.linspace(angle_offset, 2 * numpy.pi + angle_offset,
num=num_links, endpoint=False).reshape(-1, 1)
radius = link_width / (2 * numpy.sin(numpy.pi / num_links)) + radius_offset
x = radius * numpy.cos(angles)
y = radius * numpy.sin(angles)
z = numpy.zeros(angles.shape)
return numpy.hstack([x, y, z])
def line_points(start, dir, num_links):
points = numpy.empty((num_links + 1, 3))
points[0] = start
dir /= numpy.linalg.norm(dir)
for i in range(num_links):
points[i + 1] = points[i] + link_width * dir
return points
def export_polyline(points, offset=0, loops=True):
for point in points:
print("v {:g} {:g} {:g}".format(*point))
for i in range(len(points) - 1):
print(f"l {i + 1 + offset:d} {i + 2 + offset:d}")
if loops:
print(f"l {len(points) + offset:d} {1 + offset:d}")
def polyline_to_chain(points):
"""Assumes the lines are the links length"""
assert((points[0] != points[-1]).any()) # no loop
chain = []
num_points = points.shape[0]
assert(num_points % 2 == 0)
for i in range(num_points):
pi0 = points[i]
pi1 = points[(i + 1) % num_points]
chain[-1]["position"] = (scale * (pi1 + pi0) / 2).tolist()
chain[-1]["position"][2] = scale * link_vertical_offsets[i % 2]
chain[-1]["rotation"][2] = numpy.arctan2(
*(pi1 - pi0)[:2][::-1]) * 180 / numpy.pi
chain[-1]["position"][2] *= -1
chain[-1]["position"] = (scale * pi0).tolist()
chain[-1]["position"] = (scale * pi1).tolist()
return chain
def generate_sprocket(num_links):
angles = numpy.linspace(0, 2 * numpy.pi, num=num_links,
endpoint=False).reshape(-1, 1)
angle_offset = (angles[0] + angles[1]) / 2
points = circle_points(num_links, angle_offset, radius_offset=-1.5)
spike = pymesh.load_mesh(str(get_meshes_dir_path() /
spikes = []
for i in range(num_links):
R = Rotation.from_euler(
'xyz', [90, 0, (i + 0.5) * 360 / num_links], degrees=True)
R = R.as_matrix()
pymesh.form_mesh(spike.vertices @ R.T + points[i], spike.faces)
points = circle_points(num_links, 0, radius_offset=-1)
x = points[:, 0].reshape(-1, 1)
y = points[:, 1].reshape(-1, 1)
points = numpy.vstack([numpy.hstack([x, y, numpy.full(angles.shape, spike.vertices[:, 1].min())]),
numpy.hstack([x, y, numpy.full(angles.shape, spike.vertices[:, 1].max())])])
sprocket = pymesh.convex_hull(
pymesh.form_mesh(points, numpy.empty((0, 3))))
print("Union of spikes")
for spike in spikes:
sprocket = pymesh.boolean(sprocket, spike, operation="union")
pymesh.save_mesh(str(get_meshes_dir_path() /
def main():
scene = {
"scene_type": "distance_barrier_rb_problem",
"solver": "ipc_solver",
"timestep": 0.01,
"max_time": 5.0,
"distance_barrier_constraint": {
"initial_barrier_activation_distance": 1e-3 * scale
"rigid_body_problem": {
"gravity": [0, -9.81, 0],
"rigid_bodies": []
num_links_1 = 20
num_links_2 = 8
cpoints1 = circle_points(num_links_1)
cpoints1 = cpoints1[:cpoints1.shape[0] // 2 + 1]
cpoints2 = circle_points(num_links_2)
cpoints2 = cpoints2[:cpoints2.shape[0] // 2 + 1]
cpoints2[:, 1] *= -1
dx = cpoints2[-1, 0] - cpoints1[-1, 0]
dlen = 10 * link_width
dy = numpy.sqrt(dlen**2 - dx**2)
cpoints2[:, 1] -= dy
dir1 = numpy.array([dx, -dy, 0])
lpoints1 = line_points(cpoints1[-1], dir1, 10)
dir2 = dir1.copy()
dir2[1] *= -1
lpoints2 = line_points(cpoints2[0], dir2, 10)
points = numpy.vstack(
[cpoints1[:], # circle
lpoints1[1:-1], # line down
lpoints2[1:-1] # line up
R = numpy.array([[0, 1, 0],
[-1, 0, 0],
[0, 0, 1]])
points = points @ R.T
# export_polyline(points, offset=0, loops=True)
scene["rigid_body_problem"]["rigid_bodies"] = polyline_to_chain(points)
bodies = scene["rigid_body_problem"]["rigid_bodies"]
# generate_sprocket(num_links_1)
"mesh": "507-movements/227-chain-pully/sprocket-20teeth.obj",
"angular_velocity": [0, 0, 100],
"scale": scale,
"type": "kinematic",
"is_dof_fixed": ([True] * 5 + [False])
# generate_sprocket(num_links_2)
"mesh": "507-movements/227-chain-pully/sprocket-8teeth.obj",
"scale": scale,
"type": "dynamic",
"is_dof_fixed": ([True] * 5 + [False])
save_fixture(scene, get_fixture_dir_path() / "3D" /
"mechanisms/507-movements" / "227-chain-pully-scaled-up.json")
if __name__ == "__main__":