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222 lines
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// Created by cflin on 4/7/23.
#include <vector>
#include <set>
#include <memory>
#include <fstream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <Eigen/Eigen>
#include <igl/readOBJ.h>
#include <spdlog/spdlog.h>
#include "SimTargetOption.h"
#include "CHOLMODSolver.hpp"
#include "EigenLibSolver.hpp"
#include "BoundaryConditions.hpp"
#include "Config.hpp"
#include <igl/read_triangle_mesh.h>
namespace ipc::rigid {
class UIStaticSimState;
namespace ssim {
struct Model {
Eigen::MatrixX3d V;
Eigen::MatrixX3i F;
Model() = default;
Model(const Eigen::MatrixX3d &V, const Eigen::MatrixX3i &F) : V(V), F(F) {}
int NumVertex() const {
return V.rows();
struct MaterialProperty {
float Youngs_Modulus = 1.0f;
float Poisson_ratio = 0.3f;
float density = 1.0f;
class StaticSim {
using MeshModel = Model;
using Mesh = Model;
friend class ipc::rigid::UIStaticSimState;
StaticSim(const SimTargetOption &option, const std::string &jsonPath);
~StaticSim() {}
void simulation();
* update BC's absBBox
void updateBC();
* Given query points Q, compute their displacements and stress
* @param Q (nQ, 3), query points
* @param QU return value, (nQ), norm of displacements
* @param Qstress return value, (nQ, 6), stress size is (6) on each query point
void postprocess(Eigen::MatrixXd &Q,
Eigen::VectorXd &QU,
Eigen::MatrixXd &Qstress);
Eigen::MatrixXd EvaluateTarget(SimTargetOption::Target target) {
if (!option_.is_option_set(target) || map_target_to_evaluated_[target].size()==0) {
// If no cache, update option_ and map_
// Return cache
return map_target_to_evaluated_[target];
// return surf tri mesh of tet mesh
Model get_mesh();
void computeFeatures();
void computeK();
void solve();
void setBC();
void prepare_surf_result();
void MapAppendTarget(int target);
Eigen::VectorXi getSurfTriForBox(const Eigen::Vector3d &minBox,
const Eigen::Vector3d &maxBox);
MaterialProperty &get_material_property() {
return material_property_;
// Return: #mesh.V.rows() x 1
Eigen::MatrixXd EvaluateUNorm() const;
// Return: #mesh.V.rows() x 1
Eigen::MatrixXd EvaluateUX() const;
// Return: #mesh.V.rows() x 1
Eigen::MatrixXd EvaluateUY() const;
// Return: #mesh.V.rows() x 1
Eigen::MatrixXd EvaluateUZ() const;
// Return: #mesh.V.rows() x 1
Eigen::MatrixXd EvaluateSNorm() const;
// Return: #mesh.V.rows() x 1
Eigen::MatrixXd EvaluateSVonMises() const;
// Return: #mesh.V.rows() x 1
Eigen::MatrixXd EvaluateSX() const;
// Return: #mesh.V.rows() x 1
Eigen::MatrixXd EvaluateSY() const;
// Return: #mesh.V.rows() x 1
Eigen::MatrixXd EvaluateSZ() const;
// Return: 1 x 1
Eigen::MatrixXd EvaluateCompliance() const;
void writePntVTK(const std::string &path, const Eigen::MatrixXd &V) {
std::ofstream out(path);
out << "# vtk DataFile Version 3.0\n"
"Volume Mesh\n"
out << "POINTS " << V.rows() << " float" << std::endl;
for (int i = 0; i < V.rows(); ++i) {
out << std::setprecision(4) << V.row(i).x() << " " << V.row(i).y() << " " << V.row(i).z() << std::endl;
out << "CELLS " << V.rows() << " " << V.rows() * (1 + 1) << std::endl;
for (int i = 0; i < V.rows(); ++i) {
out << "1 " << i << std::endl;
out << "CELL_TYPES " << V.rows() << std::endl;
for (int i = 0; i < V.rows(); ++i) {
out << 1 << std::endl;
MeshModel mesh_;
MaterialProperty material_property_;
SimTargetOption option_;
std::vector<Eigen::MatrixXd> map_target_to_evaluated_;
std::vector<DirichletBC> DirichletBCs;
std::vector<NeumannBC> NeumannBCs;
Eigen::Matrix<double, 6, 6> D; // constitutive matrix
// owned data
int nN, nEle, nDof;
Eigen::MatrixXd TV; // vertices coordinates
Eigen::MatrixXd TV1; // deformed vertices coordinates
Eigen::MatrixXi TT; // vertice index of each tetrahedron
Eigen::MatrixXi SF;
int eleNodeNum;
int eleDofNum;
std::vector<Eigen::VectorXi> eDof;
// owned features
Eigen::VectorXd load; // load of each dof
Eigen::VectorXd U; // dofs' displacement to be computed
Eigen::VectorXi DBC_nI; // vertex in DBC
Eigen::VectorXi isDBC; // 0: not in DBC, 1: in DBC
Eigen::VectorXi SVI; // vertice indices of surface nodes
Eigen::MatrixXi F_surf; // boundary vertice indices in surface triangles mesh
std::unordered_map<int, int> vI2SVI;
// indices for fast access
std::vector<std::set<int>> vNeighbor; // records all vertices' indices adjacent to each vertice
std::vector<std::set<std::pair<int, int>>> vFLoc;
std::shared_ptr<LinSysSolver<Eigen::VectorXi, Eigen::VectorXd>> linSysSolver;
// resulted data to evaluate
double compliance_;
Eigen::MatrixXd surf_U_;
Eigen::MatrixXd surf_stress_;
Eigen::VectorXd surf_vonstress_;
Eigen::VectorXi DBC_faceIdx_;
Eigen::VectorXi DBC_vertexIdx_;
Eigen::VectorXi NBC_faceIdx_;
Eigen::VectorXi NBC_vertexIdx_;
} // ssim