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469 lines
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// Created by Wei Chen on 3/31/22
#ifndef LinSysSolver_hpp
#define LinSysSolver_hpp
#include <Eigen/Eigen>
#include <Eigen/Sparse>
#include <set>
#include <map>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <iostream>
#ifdef USE_TBB
#include <tbb/tbb.h>
namespace ssim {
template <typename vectorTypeI, typename vectorTypeS>
class LinSysSolver {
int numRows;
Eigen::VectorXi ia, ja;
std::vector<std::map<int, int>> IJ2aI;
Eigen::VectorXd a;
virtual ~LinSysSolver(void){};
virtual void set_pattern(const std::vector<std::set<int>>& vNeighbor)
numRows = static_cast<int>(vNeighbor.size()) * DIM_;
ia.resize(numRows + 1);
ia[0] = 1; // 1 + nnz above row i
ja.resize(0); // colI of each element
IJ2aI.resize(0); // map from matrix index to ja index
std::vector<Eigen::VectorXi> ja_v(vNeighbor.size());
std::vector<int> rowNNZ(numRows);
#ifdef USE_TBB
tbb::parallel_for(0, (int)vNeighbor.size(), 1, [&](int vI)
for (int vI = 0; vI < vNeighbor.size(); ++vI)
ja_v[vI].resize((vNeighbor[vI].size() + 1) * DIM_);
ja_v[vI][0] = vI * DIM_;
ja_v[vI][1] = ja_v[vI][0] + 1;
IJ2aI[ja_v[vI][0]][ja_v[vI][0]] = 0;
IJ2aI[ja_v[vI][0]][ja_v[vI][1]] = 1;
if constexpr (DIM_ == 3) {
ja_v[vI][2] = ja_v[vI][0] + 2;
IJ2aI[ja_v[vI][0]][ja_v[vI][2]] = 2;
int nnz = DIM_;
for (const auto& nbVI : vNeighbor[vI]) {
if (nbVI > vI) {
ja_v[vI][nnz] = nbVI * DIM_;
ja_v[vI][nnz + 1] = ja_v[vI][nnz] + 1;
IJ2aI[ja_v[vI][0]][ja_v[vI][nnz]] = nnz;
IJ2aI[ja_v[vI][0]][ja_v[vI][nnz + 1]] = nnz + 1;
if constexpr (DIM_ == 3) {
ja_v[vI][nnz + 2] = ja_v[vI][nnz] + 2;
IJ2aI[ja_v[vI][0]][ja_v[vI][nnz + 2]] = nnz + 2;
nnz += DIM_;
rowNNZ[ja_v[vI][0]] = nnz;
if constexpr (DIM_ == 2) {
ja_v[vI].conservativeResize(nnz * DIM_ - 1);
ja_v[vI].tail(nnz - 1) = ja_v[vI].segment(1, nnz - 1);
IJ2aI[ja_v[vI][0] + 1] = IJ2aI[ja_v[vI][0]];
IJ2aI[ja_v[vI][0] + 1].erase(ja_v[vI][0]);
rowNNZ[ja_v[vI][0] + 1] = nnz - 1;
else {
ja_v[vI].conservativeResize(nnz * DIM_ - 3);
ja_v[vI].segment(nnz, nnz - 1) = ja_v[vI].segment(1, nnz - 1);
ja_v[vI].tail(nnz - 2) = ja_v[vI].segment(2, nnz - 2);
IJ2aI[ja_v[vI][0] + 1] = IJ2aI[ja_v[vI][0]];
IJ2aI[ja_v[vI][0] + 1].erase(ja_v[vI][0]);
IJ2aI[ja_v[vI][0] + 2] = IJ2aI[ja_v[vI][0] + 1];
IJ2aI[ja_v[vI][0] + 2].erase(ja_v[vI][0] + 1);
rowNNZ[ja_v[vI][0] + 1] = nnz - 1;
rowNNZ[ja_v[vI][0] + 2] = nnz - 2;
#ifdef USE_TBB
for (int rowI = 0; rowI < numRows; ++rowI) {
ia[rowI + 1] = ia[rowI] + rowNNZ[rowI];
ja.resize(ia[numRows] - 1);
#ifdef USE_TBB
tbb::parallel_for(0, (int)vNeighbor.size(), 1, [&](int vI)
for (int vI = 0; vI < vNeighbor.size(); ++vI)
int rowIStart = vI * DIM_;
ja.segment(ia[rowIStart] - 1, ja_v[vI].size()) = ja_v[vI];
for (auto& indexI : IJ2aI[rowIStart]) {
indexI.second += ia[rowIStart] - 1;
for (auto& indexI : IJ2aI[rowIStart + 1]) {
indexI.second += ia[rowIStart + 1] - 2;
if constexpr (DIM_ == 3) {
for (auto& indexI : IJ2aI[rowIStart + 2]) {
indexI.second += ia[rowIStart + 2] - 3;
#ifdef USE_TBB
ja.array() += 1;
//NOTE: fixed verts nnz entries are not eliminated
virtual void load(const char* filePath, Eigen::VectorXd& rhs)
FILE* in = fopen(filePath, "rb");
size_t vecSize;
fread(&vecSize, sizeof(size_t), 1, in);
std::cout << "ia size " << vecSize << std::endl;
fread(, sizeof(ia[0]), vecSize, in);
fread(&vecSize, sizeof(size_t), 1, in);
std::cout << "ja size " << vecSize << std::endl;
fread(, sizeof(ja[0]), vecSize, in);
if (ia[0] == 0) {
ia.array() += 1;
ja.array() += 1;
fread(&vecSize, sizeof(size_t), 1, in);
std::cout << "a size " << vecSize << std::endl;
fread(, sizeof(a[0]), vecSize, in);
fread(&vecSize, sizeof(size_t), 1, in);
std::cout << "rhs size " << vecSize << std::endl;
fread(, sizeof(rhs[0]), vecSize, in);
numRows = vecSize;
std::cout << "load done" << std::endl;
virtual void write(const char* filePath, const Eigen::VectorXd& rhs)
FILE* out = fopen(filePath, "wb");
size_t vecSize = ia.size();
fwrite(&vecSize, sizeof(vecSize), 1, out);
fwrite(, sizeof(ia[0]), ia.size(), out);
vecSize = ja.size();
fwrite(&vecSize, sizeof(vecSize), 1, out);
fwrite(, sizeof(ja[0]), ja.size(), out);
vecSize = a.size();
fwrite(&vecSize, sizeof(vecSize), 1, out);
fwrite(, sizeof(a[0]), a.size(), out);
vecSize = rhs.size();
fwrite(&vecSize, sizeof(vecSize), 1, out);
fwrite(, sizeof(rhs[0]), rhs.size(), out);
virtual void set_pattern(const Eigen::SparseMatrix<double>& mtr)
//NOTE: mtr must be SPD
numRows = static_cast<int>(mtr.rows());
memcpy(, mtr.innerIndexPtr(),
mtr.nonZeros() * sizeof(mtr.innerIndexPtr()[0]));
ia.conservativeResize(numRows + 1);
memcpy(, mtr.outerIndexPtr(),
(numRows + 1) * sizeof(mtr.outerIndexPtr()[0]));
memcpy(, mtr.valuePtr(),
mtr.nonZeros() * sizeof(mtr.valuePtr()[0]));
virtual void analyze_pattern(void) = 0;
virtual bool factorize(void) = 0;
virtual void solve(Eigen::VectorXd& rhs,
Eigen::VectorXd& result)
= 0;
virtual void multiply(const Eigen::VectorXd& x,
Eigen::VectorXd& Ax)
assert(x.size() == numRows);
assert(IJ2aI.size() == numRows);
for (int rowI = 0; rowI < numRows; ++rowI) {
for (const auto& colI : IJ2aI[rowI]) {
Ax[rowI] += a[colI.second] * x[colI.first];
if (rowI != colI.first) {
Ax[colI.first] += a[colI.second] * x[rowI];
virtual void outputFactorization(const std::string& filePath)
assert(0 && "please implement!");
virtual double coeffMtr(int rowI, int colI) const
if (rowI > colI) {
// return only upper right part for symmetric matrix
int temp = rowI;
rowI = colI;
colI = temp;
assert(rowI < IJ2aI.size());
const auto finder = IJ2aI[rowI].find(colI);
if (finder != IJ2aI[rowI].end()) {
return a[finder->second];
else {
return 0.0;
virtual void getCoeffMtr(Eigen::SparseMatrix<double>& mtr) const
mtr.resize(numRows, numRows);
mtr.reserve(a.size() * 2 - numRows);
for (int rowI = 0; rowI < numRows; rowI++) {
for (const auto& colIter : IJ2aI[rowI]) {
mtr.insert(rowI, colIter.first) = a[colIter.second];
if (rowI != colIter.first) {
mtr.insert(colIter.first, rowI) = a[colIter.second];
virtual void getCoeffMtr_lower(Eigen::SparseMatrix<double>& mtr) const
assert(numRows > 0);
mtr.conservativeResize(numRows, numRows);
memcpy(mtr.innerIndexPtr(),, ja.size() * sizeof(ja[0]));
memcpy(mtr.outerIndexPtr(),, ia.size() * sizeof(ia[0]));
memcpy(mtr.valuePtr(),, a.size() * sizeof(a[0]));
virtual void getTriplets(const Eigen::VectorXi& nodeList,
std::vector<Eigen::Triplet<double>>& triplet) const
std::map<int, int> rowIMapper;
for (int i = 0; i < nodeList.size(); ++i) {
int startI = i * DIM_;
int startRowI = nodeList[i] * DIM_;
rowIMapper[startRowI] = startI;
rowIMapper[startRowI + 1] = startI + 1;
if constexpr (DIM_ == 3) {
rowIMapper[startRowI + 2] = startI + 2;
for (int rowI = 0; rowI < numRows; rowI++) {
auto rowIFinder = rowIMapper.find(rowI);
for (const auto& colIter : IJ2aI[rowI]) {
auto colIFinder = rowIMapper.find(colIter.first);
if (rowIFinder != rowIMapper.end() && colIFinder != rowIMapper.end()) {
triplet.emplace_back(rowIFinder->second, colIFinder->second, a[colIter.second]);
if (rowIFinder->second != colIFinder->second) {
triplet.emplace_back(colIFinder->second, rowIFinder->second, a[colIter.second]);
virtual void setCoeff(int rowI, int colI, double val)
if (rowI <= colI) {
assert(rowI < IJ2aI.size());
const auto finder = IJ2aI[rowI].find(colI);
assert(finder != IJ2aI[rowI].end());
a[finder->second] = val;
virtual void setCoeff(const LinSysSolver<vectorTypeI, vectorTypeS>* other,
double multiplier)
assert(numRows == other->numRows);
assert(ja.size() == other->a.size());
a = multiplier * other->a;
virtual void setZero(void)
virtual void setUnit_row(int rowI)
assert(numRows == IJ2aI.size());
assert(rowI < numRows);
for (const auto& colIter : IJ2aI[rowI]) {
a[colIter.second] = (colIter.first == rowI);
virtual void setUnit_row(int rowI, std::unordered_map<int, double>& rowVec)
assert(numRows == IJ2aI.size());
assert(rowI < numRows);
for (const auto& colIter : IJ2aI[rowI]) {
rowVec[colIter.first] = a[colIter.second];
a[colIter.second] = (colIter.first == rowI);
virtual void setZeroCol(int colI){
for(int rowI=0; rowI<numRows; ++rowI){
const auto finder = IJ2aI[rowI].find(colI);
if(finder != IJ2aI[rowI].end()){
a[finder->second] = 0.0;
virtual void setUnit_col(int colI, const std::set<int>& rowVIs)
assert(numRows == IJ2aI.size());
assert(colI < numRows);
for (const auto& rowVI : rowVIs) {
for (int dimI = 0; dimI < DIM_; ++dimI) {
int rowI = rowVI * DIM_ + dimI;
assert(rowI < numRows);
if (rowI <= colI) {
const auto finder = IJ2aI[rowI].find(colI);
if (finder != IJ2aI[rowI].end()) {
a[finder->second] = (rowI == colI);
virtual void setUnit_col_dim1(int colI, const std::set<int>& rowVIs)
assert(numRows == IJ2aI.size());
assert(colI < numRows);
for (const auto& rowI : rowVIs) {
assert(rowI < numRows);
if (rowI <= colI) {
const auto finder = IJ2aI[rowI].find(colI);
if (finder != IJ2aI[rowI].end()) {
a[finder->second] = (rowI == colI);
virtual void addCoeff(int rowI, int colI, double val)
if (rowI <= colI) {
assert(rowI < IJ2aI.size());
const auto finder = IJ2aI[rowI].find(colI);
assert(finder != IJ2aI[rowI].end());
a[finder->second] += val;
virtual void precondition_diag(const Eigen::VectorXd& input, Eigen::VectorXd& output)
assert(numRows == input.size());
for (int rowI = 0; rowI < numRows; ++rowI) {
const auto finder = IJ2aI[rowI].find(rowI);
assert(finder != IJ2aI[rowI].end());
output[rowI] = input[rowI] / a[finder->second];
virtual void getMaxDiag(double& maxDiag)
maxDiag = -std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity();
for (int rowI = 0; rowI < numRows; ++rowI) {
const auto finder = IJ2aI[rowI].find(rowI);
assert(finder != IJ2aI[rowI].end());
if (maxDiag < a[finder->second]) {
maxDiag = a[finder->second];
virtual void addCoeff(const LinSysSolver<vectorTypeI, vectorTypeS>* other,
double multiplier)
assert(numRows == other->numRows);
if (a.size() == other->a.size()) {
a += multiplier * other->a;
else {
for (int rowI = 0; rowI < numRows; ++rowI) {
for (const auto& colIter : other->IJ2aI[rowI]) {
const auto finder = IJ2aI[rowI].find(colIter.first);
if (finder != IJ2aI[rowI].end()) {
a[finder->second] += multiplier * other->a[colIter.second];
virtual int getNumRows(void) const
return numRows;
virtual int getNumNonzeros(void) const
return a.size();
virtual const std::vector<std::map<int, int>>& getIJ2aI(void) const
return IJ2aI;
virtual Eigen::VectorXi& get_ia(void) { return ia; }
virtual Eigen::VectorXi& get_ja(void) { return ja; }
virtual Eigen::VectorXd& get_a(void) { return a; }
virtual const Eigen::VectorXd& get_a(void) const { return a; }
} // namespace SIM
#endif /* LinSysSolver_hpp */