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import json
import pathlib
import copy
import math
import itertools
import numpy
import context
from fixture_utils import (
save_fixture, get_fixture_dir_path, get_meshes_dir_path)
link_thickness = 0.3 # padded_link_thickness (actual thickness: 0.190211)
link_height = 1.5
link_width = 1
scene = {
"scene_type": "distance_barrier_rb_problem",
"solver": "ipc_solver",
"timestep": 0.001,
"max_time": 1.0,
"rigid_body_problem": {
"gravity": [0, -9.8, 0],
"rigid_bodies": [{
"mesh": "sphere.obj",
"position": [0, 0, 2],
"scale": 0.25,
"linear_velocity": [0, 0, -120],
"density": 7680
}, {
"mesh": "plane.obj",
"position": [0, -5.01, 0],
"type": "static"
bodies = scene["rigid_body_problem"]["rigid_bodies"]
wall_meshes_dir = get_meshes_dir_path() / "fracture" / "wall"
wall_pieces = sorted(list(wall_meshes_dir.glob(
"wall-piece-*.obj")), key=lambda p: str(p))
for mesh in wall_pieces:
"mesh": "fracture/wall/" + str(,
"density": 2500
save_fixture(scene, get_fixture_dir_path() / "3D" / "fracture" / "wall.json")