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145 lines
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#include <catch2/catch.hpp>
#include <ghc/fs_std.hpp> // filesystem
#include <igl/Timer.h>
#include <nlohmann/json.hpp>
#include <io/serialize_json.hpp>
#include <logger.hpp>
#include <physics/pose.hpp>
using namespace ipc;
using namespace ipc::rigid;
TEST_CASE("2D rigid body hash grid", "[hashgrid][rigid_body][2D]")
TEST_CASE("3D rigid body hash grid", "[hashgrid][rigid_body][3D]")
void compute_scene_conservative_bbox(
const std::vector<nlohmann::json>& bodies,
Eigen::Vector3d& scene_min,
Eigen::Vector3d& scene_max)
for (const auto& body : bodies) {
Eigen::MatrixXd V;
from_json(body["vertices"], V);
double radius = V.rowwise().norm().maxCoeff();
Eigen::Vector3d p0, p1;
Eigen::Vector3d r0, r1;
from_json(body["pose_t0"]["position"], p0);
from_json(body["pose_t0"]["rotation"], r0);
from_json(body["pose_t1"]["position"], p1);
from_json(body["pose_t1"]["rotation"], r1);
if ((r0.array() == r1.array()).all()) {
auto R = construct_rotation_matrix(VectorMax3d(r0));
Eigen::MatrixXd V0 = (V * R.transpose()).rowwise() + p0.transpose();
scene_min = scene_min.cwiseMin(V0.colwise().minCoeff().transpose());
scene_max = scene_max.cwiseMax(V0.colwise().maxCoeff().transpose());
Eigen::MatrixXd V1 = (V * R.transpose()).rowwise() + p1.transpose();
scene_min = scene_min.cwiseMin(V1.colwise().minCoeff().transpose());
scene_max = scene_max.cwiseMax(V1.colwise().maxCoeff().transpose());
} else {
scene_min = scene_min.cwiseMin((p0.array() - radius).matrix());
scene_max = scene_max.cwiseMax((p0.array() + radius).matrix());
scene_min = scene_min.cwiseMin((p1.array() - radius).matrix());
scene_max = scene_max.cwiseMax((p1.array() + radius).matrix());
Vector3I compute_scene_bbox(
const std::vector<nlohmann::json>& bodies, int num_subdivisions)
Vector3I scene_bbox = Vector3I::Constant(Interval::empty());
double ti0 = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < num_subdivisions; i++) {
double ti1 = ti0 + 1.0 / num_subdivisions;
Interval t(ti0, ti1);
for (const auto& body : bodies) {
Eigen::Vector3d p0d, p1d;
Eigen::Vector3d r0d, r1d;
from_json(body["pose_t0"]["position"], p0d);
from_json(body["pose_t0"]["rotation"], r0d);
from_json(body["pose_t1"]["position"], p1d);
from_json(body["pose_t1"]["rotation"], r1d);
Vector3I p0 = p0d.cast<Interval>(), p1 = p1d.cast<Interval>();
Vector3I r0 = r0d.cast<Interval>(), r1 = r1d.cast<Interval>();
Vector3I p = (p1 - p0) * t + p0;
Vector3I r = (r1 - r0) * t + r0;
auto R = construct_rotation_matrix(VectorMax3I(r));
Eigen::MatrixXd V;
from_json(body["vertices"], V);
MatrixXI VI = (V * R.transpose()).rowwise() + p.transpose();
for (int i = 0; i < VI.rows(); i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < VI.cols(); j++) {
scene_bbox(j) = hull(scene_bbox(j), VI(i, j));
ti0 = ti1;
return scene_bbox;
// TEST_CASE("Large hashgrid", "[hashgrid][rigid_body][3D]")
// {
// // Load json file
// std::string filename = "large-rb-hashgrid-001.json";
// fs::path data_path =
// fs::path(__FILE__).parent_path().parent_path() /
// "data" / "large-rb-hashgrid" / filename;
// std::ifstream input(data_path.string());
// REQUIRE(input.is_open());
// nlohmann::json json = nlohmann::json::parse(input);
// std::vector<nlohmann::json> bodies = json["bodies"];
// Eigen::Vector3d conservative_min, conservative_max;
// compute_scene_conservative_bbox(bodies, conservative_min,
// conservative_max); conservative_min.array() -= 1e-8;
// conservative_max.array() += 1e-8;
// fmt::print("num_subdivisions,scene_bbox_diag,time\n");
// igl::Timer timer;
// for (int n = 1; n < 20; n++) {
// timer.start();
// Vector3I scene_bbox = compute_scene_bbox(bodies, n);
// timer.stop();
// Eigen::Vector3d scene_min, scene_max;
// for (int i = 0; i < scene_bbox.size(); i++) {
// assert(!empty(scene_bbox(i)));
// scene_min(i) = scene_bbox(i).lower();
// scene_max(i) = scene_bbox(i).upper();
// }
// if ((scene_min.array() >= conservative_min.array()).all()
// && (scene_max.array() <= conservative_max.array()).all()) {
// fmt::print("========================\n");
// }
// std::cout << logger::fmt_eigen((scene_min - conservative_min).eval())
// << std::endl;
// std::cout << logger::fmt_eigen((conservative_max - scene_max).eval())
// << std::endl;
// fmt::print(
// "{:d},{:g},{:g}\n", n, (scene_max - scene_min).norm(),
// timer.getElapsedTime());
// }
// }