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"""Script to generate a fixture of a box falling on a saw."""
import argparse
import json
import pathlib
import numpy
import shapely.geometry
import shapely.ops
from fixture_utils import *
def generate_fixture(args):
"""Generate a fixture of a N boxes stacked on top of each other."""
numpy.random.seed(seed=0) # Deterministic random results
fixture = generate_custom_fixture(args)
rigid_bodies = fixture["rigid_body_problem"]["rigid_bodies"]
hx = 5
hy = 5
half_thickness = 0.5
box_polygons = [
generate_rectangle(hx, half_thickness, numpy.array([0, 0]), 0),
half_thickness, hy,
numpy.array([hx - half_thickness, hy + half_thickness]), 0),
half_thickness, hy,
numpy.array([-hx + half_thickness, hy + half_thickness]), 0),
hx, half_thickness,
[hx - 2 * half_thickness, 2 * hy + half_thickness] +
create_2D_rotation_matrix(numpy.pi / 4) @ [hx, -half_thickness],
numpy.pi / 4),
hx, half_thickness,
[-hx + 2 * half_thickness, 2 * hy + half_thickness] +
create_2D_rotation_matrix(-numpy.pi / 4) @ [-hx, -half_thickness],
-numpy.pi / 4)
box = shapely.ops.cascaded_union(box_polygons)
box = shapely.geometry.polygon.orient(box, 1)
box_vertices = numpy.array(box.exterior.coords)[:-1]
assert is_polygon_ccw(box_vertices)
box_polygons = numpy.array(
[polygon.exterior.coords for polygon in box_polygons])[:, :-1]
for polygon in box_polygons:
assert is_polygon_ccw(polygon)
box_edges = generate_ngon_edges(box_vertices.shape[0])
# Add the box
"vertices": box_vertices.tolist(),
"polygons": box_polygons.tolist(),
"edges": box_edges.tolist(),
"oriented": True,
"is_dof_fixed": [True, True, True]
radius = 0.5
block_hx = block_hy = numpy.sqrt(radius**2 / 2)
radius += 5e-2 # inflate the radius slightly
block = generate_box_body(block_hx, block_hy, [0, 0], 0, 1)
centers = numpy.zeros((args.num_blocks, 2))
width = 2 * (hx - 2 * half_thickness - radius)
height = 6 * hy
for i in range(args.num_blocks):
invalid_center = True
num_tries = 0
while invalid_center:
if num_tries > 100:
height *= 2
num_tries = 0
center = (numpy.random.random(2) * [width, height] +
[-width / 2, 2 * half_thickness + radius])
invalid_center = (numpy.linalg.norm(centers - center, axis=1) <
2 * radius).any()
num_tries += 1
centers[i] = center
block["position"] = center.tolist()
block["theta"] = numpy.random.random() * 45
return fixture
def main():
"""Parse command-line arguments to generate the desired fixture."""
parser = create_argument_parser(description="generate a tower of blocks",
default_gravity=[0, -9.81, 0],
help="number of blocks in the tower")
args = parser.parse_args()
if args.out_path is None:
directory = pathlib.Path(__file__).resolve().parents[1] / "fixtures"
args.out_path = (directory /
args.out_path.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
fixture = generate_fixture(args)
save_fixture(fixture, args.out_path)
if __name__ == "__main__":