import sys import os import pathlib import json import textwrap import argparse import numpy from scipy.spatial.transform import Rotation import pymesh sys.path.append(str(pathlib.Path(__file__).resolve().parents[2] / "tools" / "fixtures")) # noqa import fixture_utils def convert_to_ipc_msh(input_path, output_path, remesh=False): input_mesh = pymesh.load_mesh(str(input_path)) if input_mesh.num_voxels == 0: # tetrahedralize the mesh tetgen = pymesh.tetgen() tetgen.points = input_mesh.vertices tetgen.triangles = input_mesh.faces tetgen.split_boundary = remesh tetgen.max_radius_edge_ratio = 2.0 tetgen.min_dihedral_angle = 0.0 tetgen.merge_coplanar = remesh output_mesh = tetgen.mesh # Reorient faces faces = output_mesh.faces.copy() faces[:, [1, 2]] = faces[:, [2, 1]] output_mesh = pymesh.form_mesh( output_mesh.vertices, faces, output_mesh.voxels) else: # mesh is already a tet mesh, just convert to IPC compatible output_mesh = input_mesh if remesh: pymesh.save_mesh( str(output_path.with_suffix(".obj")), output_mesh, ascii=True) with open(output_path, mode='w') as f: f.write("$MeshFormat\n4 0 8\n$EndMeshFormat\n") f.write("$Entities\n0 0 0 1\n") f.write("0 {:g} {:g} {:g} {:g} {:g} {:g} 0 0\n".format( *output_mesh.nodes.min(axis=0), *output_mesh.nodes.max(axis=0))) f.write("$EndEntities\n") f.write("$Nodes\n") f.write("1 {0:d}\n0 3 0 {0:d}\n".format(output_mesh.num_nodes)) for i, node in enumerate(output_mesh.nodes): f.write("{:d} {:g} {:g} {:g}\n".format(i + 1, *node)) f.write("$EndNodes\n") f.write("$Elements\n") f.write("1 {0:d}\n0 3 4 {0:d}\n".format(output_mesh.num_elements)) for i, element in enumerate(output_mesh.elements): f.write("{:d} {:d} {:d} {:d} {:d}\n".format(i + 1, *(element + 1))) f.write("$EndElements\n") f.write("$Surface\n") f.write("{:d}\n".format(output_mesh.num_faces)) for face in output_mesh.faces: f.write("{:d} {:d} {:d}\n".format(*(face + 1))) f.write("$EndSurface\n") def convert_to_obj(input_path, output_path): pymesh.save_mesh(str(output_path), pymesh.load_mesh(str(input_path))) def fixture_to_ipc_script(fixture, output_path, remesh=False): timestep = fixture.get("timestep", 0.01) if "max_time" in fixture: max_time = fixture["max_time"] elif "max_iterations" in fixture: max_time = fixture["max_iterations"] * timestep else: max_time = 10 dhat = fixture.get("distance_barrier_constraint", {}).get( "initial_barrier_activation_distance", 1e-3) bodies = fixture["rigid_body_problem"]["rigid_bodies"] is_remeshed = {} shapes = [] disabled_shapes = [] for body in bodies: if "type" in body: is_static = body["type"] == "static" elif "is_dof_fixed" in body: is_static = (body["is_dof_fixed"] if isinstance( body["is_dof_fixed"], bool) else all(body["is_dof_fixed"])) else: is_static = False is_kinematic = body.get("type", "dynamic") == "kinematic" surface_mesh_path = pathlib.Path(body["mesh"]) if not surface_mesh_path.exists(): surface_mesh_path = ( fixture_utils.get_meshes_dir_path() / surface_mesh_path) if not is_static: try: msh_path = surface_mesh_path.with_suffix('.msh').resolve() msh_path = ( pathlib.Path(__file__).resolve().parent / "meshes" / msh_path.relative_to(fixture_utils.get_meshes_dir_path())) msh_path.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) except: msh_path = surface_mesh_path.with_suffix('.msh') if not msh_path.exists() or is_remeshed.get(surface_mesh_path, remesh): convert_to_ipc_msh(surface_mesh_path, msh_path, remesh) is_remeshed[surface_mesh_path] = remesh mesh_path = msh_path elif surface_mesh_path.suffix != ".obj": try: obj_path = surface_mesh_path.with_suffix('.obj').resolve() obj_path = ( pathlib.Path(__file__).resolve().parent / "meshes" / obj_path.relative_to(fixture_utils.get_meshes_dir_path())) obj_path.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) except: obj_path = surface_mesh_path.with_suffix('.obj') if not obj_path.exists(): convert_to_obj(surface_mesh_path, obj_path) mesh_path = obj_path else: mesh_path = surface_mesh_path mesh_path = os.path.relpath( mesh_path.resolve(), output_path.parent.resolve()) if "dimensions" in body: vertices = pymesh.load_mesh(str(surface_mesh_path)).vertices initial_dimensions = abs( vertices.max(axis=0) - vertices.min(axis=0)) initial_dimensions[initial_dimensions == 0] = 1 scale = numpy.array(body["dimensions"], dtype=float) scale /= initial_dimensions else: scale = body.get("scale", [1, 1, 1]) if isinstance(scale, int) or isinstance(scale, float): scale = [scale] * 3 if "rotation" in body: rotation = Rotation.from_euler( "xyz", body["rotation"], degrees=True).as_euler("zyx", degrees=True)[::-1] else: rotation = [0, 0, 0] linear_velocity = body.get("linear_velocity", [0, 0, 0]) angular_velocity = body.get("angular_velocity", [0, 0, 0]) force = body.get("force", [0, 0, 0]) if "force" in body: nbc = (" NBC -1e300 -1e300 -1e300 1e300 1e300 1e300 " " {:g} {:g} {:g}".format(*body["force"])) else: nbc = "" if "torque" in body: print("External torque is not supported in IPC! Dropping it!") if is_static: velocity_str = "linearVelocity 0 0 0" elif is_kinematic: velocity_str = ( "linearVelocity {:g} {:g} {:g} angularVelocity {:g} {:g} {:g}".format( *linear_velocity, *angular_velocity)) else: velocity_str = ( "initVel {:g} {:g} {:g} {:g} {:g} {:g}".format( *linear_velocity, *angular_velocity)) body_line = "{} {:g} {:g} {:g} {:g} {:g} {:g} {:g} {:g} {:g} material {:g} 2e11 0.3 {}{}".format( mesh_path, *body.get("position", [0, 0, 0]), *rotation, *scale, body.get("density", 1000), velocity_str, nbc) is_enabled = (body.get("enabled", True) or body.get( "ipc_comparison_enabled", False)) if is_enabled: shapes.append(body_line) else: disabled_shapes.append(f"# {body_line}") epsv = fixture.get("friction_constraints", {}).get( "static_friction_speed_bound", 1e-3) friction_iterations = fixture.get( "friction_constraints", {}).get("iterations", 1) gravity = "" if sum(fixture["rigid_body_problem"].get("gravity", [0, 0, 0])) == 0: gravity = "turnOffGravity" # velocity_conv_tol = fixture.get( # "newton_solver", {}).get("velocity_conv_tol", 1e-2) velocity_conv_tol = fixture.get( "ipc_solver", {}).get("velocity_conv_tol", 1e-2) return textwrap.dedent(f"""\ energy NH warmStart 0 time {max_time} {timestep} {gravity} shapes input {len(shapes)} {{}} {{}} selfCollisionOn selfFric {fixture["rigid_body_problem"].get("coefficient_friction", 0)} constraintSolver interiorPoint dHat {dhat} epsv {epsv} useAbsParameters fricIterAmt {friction_iterations} tol 1 {velocity_conv_tol} # useAbsTol """).format("\n".join(shapes), "\n".join(disabled_shapes)) def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description="Convert a rigid fixture to a IPC script") parser.add_argument( "-i", "--input", metavar="path/to/input", type=pathlib.Path, dest="input", default=None, help="path to input json(s)", nargs="+") parser.add_argument( "--remesh", action="store_true", default=False, help="remesh meshes") args, _ = parser.parse_known_args() for input in args.input: print(f"Converting {input}") try: output = input.with_suffix(".txt").resolve() output = ( pathlib.Path(__file__).resolve().parent / "scripts" / output.relative_to(fixture_utils.get_fixture_dir_path())) output.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) except: output = input.with_suffix(".txt") with open(input) as input_file: fixture = json.load(input_file) ipc_script = fixture_to_ipc_script(fixture, output, args.remesh) with open(output, 'w') as ipc_script_file: ipc_script_file.write(ipc_script) if __name__ == "__main__": main()