You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

797 lines
31 KiB

#include "tinyply.h"
// Moved from origin tinyply.h
// tinyply implementation //
#include <algorithm>
#include <functional>
#include <type_traits>
#include <iostream>
#include <cstring>
#include <cassert>
namespace igl
namespace tinyply
template<typename T, typename T2> T2 endian_swap(const T & v) noexcept {assert(false);} //{ return v; }
template<> uint16_t IGL_INLINE endian_swap<uint16_t, uint16_t>(const uint16_t & v) noexcept { return (v << 8) | (v >> 8); }
template<> uint32_t IGL_INLINE endian_swap<uint32_t, uint32_t>(const uint32_t & v) noexcept { return (v << 24) | ((v << 8) & 0x00ff0000) | ((v >> 8) & 0x0000ff00) | (v >> 24); }
template<> uint64_t IGL_INLINE endian_swap<uint64_t, uint64_t>(const uint64_t & v) noexcept
return (((v & 0x00000000000000ffLL) << 56) |
((v & 0x000000000000ff00LL) << 40) |
((v & 0x0000000000ff0000LL) << 24) |
((v & 0x00000000ff000000LL) << 8) |
((v & 0x000000ff00000000LL) >> 8) |
((v & 0x0000ff0000000000LL) >> 24) |
((v & 0x00ff000000000000LL) >> 40) |
((v & 0xff00000000000000LL) >> 56));
template<> int16_t IGL_INLINE endian_swap<int16_t, int16_t>(const int16_t & v) noexcept { uint16_t r = endian_swap<uint16_t, uint16_t>(*(uint16_t*)&v); return *(int16_t*)&r; }
template<> int32_t IGL_INLINE endian_swap<int32_t, int32_t>(const int32_t & v) noexcept { uint32_t r = endian_swap<uint32_t, uint32_t>(*(uint32_t*)&v); return *(int32_t*)&r; }
template<> int64_t IGL_INLINE endian_swap<int64_t, int64_t>(const int64_t & v) noexcept { uint64_t r = endian_swap<uint64_t, uint64_t>(*(uint64_t*)&v); return *(int64_t*)&r; }
template<> float IGL_INLINE endian_swap<uint32_t, float>(const uint32_t & v) noexcept { union { float f; uint32_t i; }; i = endian_swap<uint32_t, uint32_t>(v); return f; }
template<> double IGL_INLINE endian_swap<uint64_t, double>(const uint64_t & v) noexcept { union { double d; uint64_t i; }; i = endian_swap<uint64_t, uint64_t>(v); return d; }
IGL_INLINE uint32_t hash_fnv1a(const std::string & str) noexcept
static const uint32_t fnv1aBase32 = 0x811C9DC5u;
static const uint32_t fnv1aPrime32 = 0x01000193u;
uint32_t result = fnv1aBase32;
for (auto & c : str) { result ^= static_cast<uint32_t>(c); result *= fnv1aPrime32; }
return result;
IGL_INLINE Type property_type_from_string(const std::string & t) noexcept
if (t == "int8" || t == "char") return Type::INT8;
else if (t == "uint8" || t == "uchar") return Type::UINT8;
else if (t == "int16" || t == "short") return Type::INT16;
else if (t == "uint16" || t == "ushort") return Type::UINT16;
else if (t == "int32" || t == "int") return Type::INT32;
else if (t == "uint32" || t == "uint") return Type::UINT32;
else if (t == "float32" || t == "float") return Type::FLOAT32;
else if (t == "float64" || t == "double") return Type::FLOAT64;
return Type::INVALID;
struct PlyFile::PlyFileImpl
struct PlyDataCursor
size_t byteOffset{ 0 };
size_t totalSizeBytes{ 0 };
struct ParsingHelper
std::shared_ptr<PlyData> data;
std::shared_ptr<PlyDataCursor> cursor;
uint32_t list_size_hint;
struct PropertyLookup
ParsingHelper * helper{ nullptr };
bool skip{ false };
size_t prop_stride{ 0 }; // precomputed
size_t list_stride{ 0 }; // precomputed
std::unordered_map<uint32_t, ParsingHelper> userData;
bool isBinary = false;
bool isBigEndian = false;
std::vector<PlyElement> elements;
std::vector<std::string> comments;
std::vector<std::string> objInfo;
uint8_t scratch[64]; // large enough for max list size
void read(std::istream & is);
void write(std::ostream & os, bool isBinary);
std::shared_ptr<PlyData> request_properties_from_element(const std::string & elementKey,
const std::vector<std::string> propertyKeys,
const uint32_t list_size_hint);
void add_properties_to_element(const std::string & elementKey,
const std::vector<std::string> propertyKeys,
const Type type, const size_t count, uint8_t * data, const Type listType, const size_t listCount);
size_t read_property_binary(const size_t & stride, void * dest, size_t & destOffset, std::istream & is) noexcept;
size_t read_property_ascii(const Type & t, const size_t & stride, void * dest, size_t & destOffset, std::istream & is);
std::vector<std::vector<PropertyLookup>> make_property_lookup_table();
bool parse_header(std::istream & is);
void parse_data(std::istream & is, bool firstPass);
void read_header_format(std::istream & is);
void read_header_element(std::istream & is);
void read_header_property(std::istream & is);
void read_header_text(std::string line, std::vector<std::string> & place, int erase = 0);
void write_header(std::ostream & os) noexcept;
void write_ascii_internal(std::ostream & os) noexcept;
void write_binary_internal(std::ostream & os) noexcept;
void write_property_ascii(Type t, std::ostream & os, uint8_t * src, size_t & srcOffset);
void write_property_binary(std::ostream & os, uint8_t * src, size_t & srcOffset, const size_t & stride) noexcept;
IGL_INLINE PlyProperty::PlyProperty(std::istream & is) : isList(false)
std::string type;
is >> type;
if (type == "list")
std::string countType;
is >> countType >> type;
listType = property_type_from_string(countType);
isList = true;
propertyType = property_type_from_string(type);
is >> name;
IGL_INLINE PlyElement::PlyElement(std::istream & is)
is >> name >> size;
template<typename T> IGL_INLINE T ply_read_ascii(std::istream & is)
T data;
is >> data;
return data;
template<typename T, typename T2>
IGL_INLINE void endian_swap_buffer(uint8_t * data_ptr, const size_t num_bytes, const size_t stride)
for (size_t count = 0; count < num_bytes; count += stride)
*(reinterpret_cast<T2 *>(data_ptr)) = endian_swap<T, T2>(*(reinterpret_cast<const T *>(data_ptr)));
data_ptr += stride;
template<typename T> void ply_cast_ascii(void * dest, std::istream & is)
*(static_cast<T *>(dest)) = ply_read_ascii<T>(is);
IGL_INLINE int64_t find_element(const std::string & key, const std::vector<PlyElement> & list)
for (size_t i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) if (list[i].name == key) return i;
return -1;
IGL_INLINE int64_t find_property(const std::string & key, const std::vector<PlyProperty> & list)
for (size_t i = 0; i < list.size(); ++i) if (list[i].name == key) return i;
return -1;
// The `userData` table is an easy data structure for capturing what data the
// user would like out of the ply file, but an inner-loop hash lookup is non-ideal.
// The property lookup table flattens the table down into a 2D array optimized
// for parsing. The first index is the element, and the second index is the property.
IGL_INLINE std::vector<std::vector<PlyFile::PlyFileImpl::PropertyLookup>> PlyFile::PlyFileImpl::make_property_lookup_table()
std::vector<std::vector<PropertyLookup>> element_property_lookup;
for (auto & element : elements)
std::vector<PropertyLookup> lookups;
for (auto & property :
PropertyLookup f;
auto cursorIt = userData.find(hash_fnv1a( +;
if (cursorIt != userData.end()) f.helper = &cursorIt->second;
else f.skip = true;
f.prop_stride = PropertyTable[property.propertyType].stride;
if (property.isList) f.list_stride = PropertyTable[property.listType].stride;
return element_property_lookup;
IGL_INLINE bool PlyFile::PlyFileImpl::parse_header(std::istream & is)
std::string line;
bool success = true;
while (std::getline(is, line))
std::istringstream ls(line);
std::string token;
ls >> token;
if (token == "ply" || token == "PLY" || token == "") continue;
else if (token == "comment") read_header_text(line, comments, 8);
else if (token == "format") read_header_format(ls);
else if (token == "element") read_header_element(ls);
else if (token == "property") read_header_property(ls);
else if (token == "obj_info") read_header_text(line, objInfo, 9);
else if (token == "end_header") break;
else success = false; // unexpected header field
return success;
IGL_INLINE void PlyFile::PlyFileImpl::read_header_text(std::string line, std::vector<std::string>& place, int erase)
place.push_back((erase > 0) ? line.erase(0, erase) : line);
IGL_INLINE void PlyFile::PlyFileImpl::read_header_format(std::istream & is)
std::string s;
(is >> s);
if (s == "binary_little_endian") isBinary = true;
else if (s == "binary_big_endian") isBinary = isBigEndian = true;
IGL_INLINE void PlyFile::PlyFileImpl::read_header_element(std::istream & is)
IGL_INLINE void PlyFile::PlyFileImpl::read_header_property(std::istream & is)
if (!elements.size()) throw std::runtime_error("no elements defined; file is malformed");
IGL_INLINE size_t PlyFile::PlyFileImpl::read_property_binary(const size_t & stride, void * dest, size_t & destOffset, std::istream & is) noexcept
destOffset += stride;*)dest, stride);
return stride;
IGL_INLINE size_t PlyFile::PlyFileImpl::read_property_ascii(const Type & t, const size_t & stride, void * dest, size_t & destOffset, std::istream & is)
destOffset += stride;
switch (t)
case Type::INT8: *((int8_t *)dest) = static_cast<int8_t>(ply_read_ascii<int32_t>(is)); break;
case Type::UINT8: *((uint8_t *)dest) = static_cast<uint8_t>(ply_read_ascii<uint32_t>(is)); break;
case Type::INT16: ply_cast_ascii<int16_t>(dest, is); break;
case Type::UINT16: ply_cast_ascii<uint16_t>(dest, is); break;
case Type::INT32: ply_cast_ascii<int32_t>(dest, is); break;
case Type::UINT32: ply_cast_ascii<uint32_t>(dest, is); break;
case Type::FLOAT32: ply_cast_ascii<float>(dest, is); break;
case Type::FLOAT64: ply_cast_ascii<double>(dest, is); break;
case Type::INVALID: throw std::invalid_argument("invalid ply property");
return stride;
IGL_INLINE void PlyFile::PlyFileImpl::write_property_ascii(Type t, std::ostream & os, uint8_t * src, size_t & srcOffset)
switch (t)
case Type::INT8: os << static_cast<int32_t>(*reinterpret_cast<int8_t*>(src)); break;
case Type::UINT8: os << static_cast<uint32_t>(*reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(src)); break;
case Type::INT16: os << *reinterpret_cast<int16_t*>(src); break;
case Type::UINT16: os << *reinterpret_cast<uint16_t*>(src); break;
case Type::INT32: os << *reinterpret_cast<int32_t*>(src); break;
case Type::UINT32: os << *reinterpret_cast<uint32_t*>(src); break;
case Type::FLOAT32: os << *reinterpret_cast<float*>(src); break;
case Type::FLOAT64: os << *reinterpret_cast<double*>(src); break;
case Type::INVALID: throw std::invalid_argument("invalid ply property");
os << " ";
srcOffset += PropertyTable[t].stride;
IGL_INLINE void PlyFile::PlyFileImpl::write_property_binary(std::ostream & os, uint8_t * src, size_t & srcOffset, const size_t & stride) noexcept
os.write((char *)src, stride);
srcOffset += stride;
IGL_INLINE void PlyFile::PlyFileImpl::read(std::istream & is)
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<PlyData>> buffers;
for (auto & entry : userData) buffers.push_back(;
// Discover if we can allocate up front without parsing the file twice
uint32_t list_hints = 0;
for (auto & b : buffers) for (auto & entry : userData) {list_hints += entry.second.list_size_hint;(void)b;}
// No list hints? Then we need to calculate how much memory to allocate
if (list_hints == 0)
parse_data(is, true);
// Count the number of properties (required for allocation)
// e.g. if we have properties x y and z requested, we ensure
// that their buffer points to the same PlyData
std::unordered_map<PlyData*, int32_t> unique_data_count;
for (auto & ptr : buffers) unique_data_count[ptr.get()] += 1;
// Since group-requested properties share the same cursor,
// we need to find unique cursors so we only allocate once
std::sort(buffers.begin(), buffers.end());
buffers.erase(std::unique(buffers.begin(), buffers.end()), buffers.end());
// We sorted by ptrs on PlyData, need to remap back onto its cursor in the userData table
for (auto & b : buffers)
for (auto & entry : userData)
if ( == b && b->buffer.get() == nullptr)
// If we didn't receive any list hints, it means we did two passes over the
// file to compute the total length of all (potentially) variable-length lists
if (list_hints == 0)
b->buffer = Buffer(entry.second.cursor->totalSizeBytes);
// otherwise, we can allocate up front, skipping the first pass.
const size_t list_size_multiplier = (>isList ? entry.second.list_size_hint : 1);
auto bytes_per_property =>count * PropertyTable[>t].stride * list_size_multiplier;
bytes_per_property *= unique_data_count[b.get()];
b->buffer = Buffer(bytes_per_property);
// Populate the data
parse_data(is, false);
// In-place big-endian to little-endian swapping if required
if (isBigEndian)
for (auto & b : buffers)
uint8_t * data_ptr = b->buffer.get();
const size_t stride = PropertyTable[b->t].stride;
const size_t buffer_size_bytes = b->buffer.size_bytes();
switch (b->t)
case Type::INT16: endian_swap_buffer<int16_t, int16_t>(data_ptr, buffer_size_bytes, stride); break;
case Type::UINT16: endian_swap_buffer<uint16_t, uint16_t>(data_ptr, buffer_size_bytes, stride); break;
case Type::INT32: endian_swap_buffer<int32_t, int32_t>(data_ptr, buffer_size_bytes, stride); break;
case Type::UINT32: endian_swap_buffer<uint32_t, uint32_t>(data_ptr, buffer_size_bytes, stride); break;
case Type::FLOAT32: endian_swap_buffer<uint32_t, float>(data_ptr, buffer_size_bytes, stride); break;
case Type::FLOAT64: endian_swap_buffer<uint64_t, double>(data_ptr, buffer_size_bytes, stride); break;
default: break;
IGL_INLINE void PlyFile::PlyFileImpl::write(std::ostream & os, bool _isBinary)
for (auto & d : userData) { d.second.cursor->byteOffset = 0; }
if (_isBinary)
isBinary = true;
isBigEndian = false;
isBinary = false;
isBigEndian = false;
IGL_INLINE void PlyFile::PlyFileImpl::write_binary_internal(std::ostream & os) noexcept
isBinary = true;
uint8_t listSize[4] = { 0, 0, 0, 0 };
size_t dummyCount = 0;
auto element_property_lookup = make_property_lookup_table();
size_t element_idx = 0;
for (auto & e : elements)
for (size_t i = 0; i < e.size; ++i)
size_t property_index = 0;
for (auto & p :
auto & f = element_property_lookup[element_idx][property_index];
auto * helper = f.helper;
if (f.skip || helper == nullptr) continue;
if (p.isList)
std::memcpy(listSize, &p.listCount, sizeof(uint32_t));
write_property_binary(os, listSize, dummyCount, f.list_stride);
write_property_binary(os, (helper->data->buffer.get() + helper->cursor->byteOffset), helper->cursor->byteOffset, f.prop_stride * p.listCount);
write_property_binary(os, (helper->data->buffer.get() + helper->cursor->byteOffset), helper->cursor->byteOffset, f.prop_stride);
IGL_INLINE void PlyFile::PlyFileImpl::write_ascii_internal(std::ostream & os) noexcept
auto element_property_lookup = make_property_lookup_table();
size_t element_idx = 0;
for (auto & e : elements)
for (size_t i = 0; i < e.size; ++i)
size_t property_index = 0;
for (auto & p :
auto & f = element_property_lookup[element_idx][property_index];
auto * helper = f.helper;
if (f.skip || helper == nullptr) continue;
if (p.isList)
os << p.listCount << " ";
for (size_t j = 0; j < p.listCount; ++j)
write_property_ascii(p.propertyType, os, (helper->data->buffer.get() + helper->cursor->byteOffset), helper->cursor->byteOffset);
write_property_ascii(p.propertyType, os, (helper->data->buffer.get() + helper->cursor->byteOffset), helper->cursor->byteOffset);
os << "\n";
IGL_INLINE void PlyFile::PlyFileImpl::write_header(std::ostream & os) noexcept
const std::locale & fixLoc = std::locale("C");
os << "ply\n";
if (isBinary) os << ((isBigEndian) ? "format binary_big_endian 1.0" : "format binary_little_endian 1.0") << "\n";
else os << "format ascii 1.0\n";
for (const auto & comment : comments) os << "comment " << comment << "\n";
auto property_lookup = make_property_lookup_table();
size_t element_idx = 0;
for (auto & e : elements)
os << "element " << << " " << e.size << "\n";
size_t property_idx = 0;
for (const auto & p :
PropertyLookup & lookup = property_lookup[element_idx][property_idx];
if (!lookup.skip)
if (p.isList)
os << "property list " << PropertyTable[p.listType].str << " "
<< PropertyTable[p.propertyType].str << " " << << "\n";
os << "property " << PropertyTable[p.propertyType].str << " " << << "\n";
os << "end_header\n";
IGL_INLINE std::shared_ptr<PlyData> PlyFile::PlyFileImpl::request_properties_from_element(const std::string & elementKey,
const std::vector<std::string> propertyKeys,
const uint32_t list_size_hint)
if (elements.empty()) throw std::runtime_error("header had no elements defined. malformed file?");
if (elementKey.empty()) throw std::invalid_argument("`elementKey` argument is empty");
if (propertyKeys.empty()) throw std::invalid_argument("`propertyKeys` argument is empty");
std::shared_ptr<PlyData> out_data = std::make_shared<PlyData>();
const int64_t elementIndex = find_element(elementKey, elements);
std::vector<std::string> keys_not_found;
// Sanity check if the user requested element is in the pre-parsed header
if (elementIndex >= 0)
// We found the element
const PlyElement & element = elements[elementIndex];
// Each key in `propertyKey` gets an entry into the userData map (keyed by a hash of
// element name and property name), but groups of properties (requested from the
// public api through this function) all share the same `ParsingHelper`. When it comes
// time to .read(), we check the number of unique PlyData shared pointers
// and allocate a single buffer that will be used by each property key group.
// That way, properties like, {"x", "y", "z"} will all be put into the same buffer.
ParsingHelper helper; = out_data;>count = element.size; // how many items are in the element?>isList = false;>t = Type::INVALID;
helper.cursor = std::make_shared<PlyDataCursor>();
helper.list_size_hint = list_size_hint;
// Find each of the keys
for (const auto & key : propertyKeys)
const int64_t propertyIndex = find_property(key,;
if (propertyIndex < 0) keys_not_found.push_back(key);
if (keys_not_found.size())
std::stringstream ss;
for (auto & str : keys_not_found) ss << str << ", ";
throw std::invalid_argument("the following property keys were not found in the header: " + ss.str());
for (const auto & key : propertyKeys)
const int64_t propertyIndex = find_property(key,;
const PlyProperty & property =[propertyIndex];>t = property.propertyType;>isList = property.isList;
auto result = userData.insert(std::pair<uint32_t, ParsingHelper>(hash_fnv1a( +, helper));
if (result.second == false)
throw std::invalid_argument("element-property key has already been requested: " + + " " +;
// Sanity check that all properties share the same type
std::vector<Type> propertyTypes;
for (const auto & key : propertyKeys)
const int64_t propertyIndex = find_property(key,;
const PlyProperty & property =[propertyIndex];
if (std::adjacent_find(propertyTypes.begin(), propertyTypes.end(), std::not_equal_to<Type>()) != propertyTypes.end())
throw std::invalid_argument("all requested properties must share the same type.");
else throw std::invalid_argument("the element key was not found in the header: " + elementKey);
return out_data;
IGL_INLINE void PlyFile::PlyFileImpl::add_properties_to_element(const std::string & elementKey,
const std::vector<std::string> propertyKeys,
const Type type, const size_t count, uint8_t * data, const Type listType, const size_t listCount)
ParsingHelper helper; = std::make_shared<PlyData>();>count = count;>t = type;>buffer = Buffer(data); // we should also set size for safety reasons
helper.cursor = std::make_shared<PlyDataCursor>();
auto create_property_on_element = [&](PlyElement & e)
for (auto key : propertyKeys)
PlyProperty newProp = (listType == Type::INVALID) ? PlyProperty(type, key) : PlyProperty(listType, type, key, listCount);
userData.insert(std::pair<uint32_t, ParsingHelper>(hash_fnv1a(elementKey + key), helper));;
const int64_t idx = find_element(elementKey, elements);
if (idx >= 0)
PlyElement & e = elements[idx];
PlyElement newElement = (listType == Type::INVALID) ? PlyElement(elementKey, count) : PlyElement(elementKey, count);
IGL_INLINE void PlyFile::PlyFileImpl::parse_data(std::istream & is, bool firstPass)
std::function<void(PropertyLookup & f, const PlyProperty & p, uint8_t * dest, size_t & destOffset, std::istream & is)> read;
std::function<size_t(PropertyLookup & f, const PlyProperty & p, std::istream & is)> skip;
const auto start = is.tellg();
uint32_t listSize = 0;
size_t dummyCount = 0;
std::string skip_ascii_buffer;
// Special case mirroring read_property_binary but for list types; this
// has an additional big endian check to flip the data in place immediately
// after reading. We do this as a performance optimization; endian flipping is
// done on regular properties as a post-process after reading (also for optimization)
// but we need the correct little-endian list count as we read the file.
auto read_list_binary = [this](const Type & t, void * dst, size_t & destOffset, const size_t & stride, std::istream & _is) noexcept
destOffset += stride;*)dst, stride);
if (isBigEndian)
switch (t)
case Type::INT16: *(int16_t*)dst = endian_swap<int16_t, int16_t>(*(int16_t*)dst); break;
case Type::UINT16: *(uint16_t*)dst = endian_swap<uint16_t, uint16_t>(*(uint16_t*)dst); break;
case Type::INT32: *(int32_t*)dst = endian_swap<int32_t, int32_t>(*(int32_t*)dst); break;
case Type::UINT32: *(uint32_t*)dst = endian_swap<uint32_t, uint32_t>(*(uint32_t*)dst); break;
default: break;
return stride;
if (isBinary)
read = [this, &listSize, &dummyCount, &read_list_binary](PropertyLookup & f, const PlyProperty & p, uint8_t * dest, size_t & destOffset, std::istream & _is) noexcept
if (!p.isList)
return read_property_binary(f.prop_stride, dest + destOffset, destOffset, _is);
read_list_binary(p.listType, &listSize, dummyCount, f.list_stride, _is); // the list size
return read_property_binary(f.prop_stride * listSize, dest + destOffset, destOffset, _is); // properties in list
skip = [this, &listSize, &dummyCount, &read_list_binary](PropertyLookup & f, const PlyProperty & p, std::istream & _is) noexcept
if (!p.isList)
{*)scratch, f.prop_stride);
return f.prop_stride;
read_list_binary(p.listType, &listSize, dummyCount, f.list_stride, _is); // the list size (does not count for memory alloc)
auto bytes_to_skip = f.prop_stride * listSize;
return bytes_to_skip;
read = [this, &listSize, &dummyCount](PropertyLookup & f, const PlyProperty & p, uint8_t * dest, size_t & destOffset, std::istream & _is) noexcept
if (!p.isList)
read_property_ascii(p.propertyType, f.prop_stride, dest + destOffset, destOffset, _is);
read_property_ascii(p.listType, f.list_stride, &listSize, dummyCount, _is); // the list size
for (size_t i = 0; i < listSize; ++i)
read_property_ascii(p.propertyType, f.prop_stride, dest + destOffset, destOffset, _is);
skip = [this, &listSize, &dummyCount, &skip_ascii_buffer](PropertyLookup & f, const PlyProperty & p, std::istream & _is) noexcept
if (p.isList)
read_property_ascii(p.listType, f.list_stride, &listSize, dummyCount, _is); // the list size (does not count for memory alloc)
for (size_t i = 0; i < listSize; ++i) _is >> skip_ascii_buffer; // properties in list
return listSize * f.prop_stride;
_is >> skip_ascii_buffer;
return f.prop_stride;
std::vector<std::vector<PropertyLookup>> element_property_lookup = make_property_lookup_table();
size_t element_idx = 0;
size_t property_idx = 0;
ParsingHelper * helper {nullptr};
// This is the inner import loop
for (auto & element : elements)
for (size_t count = 0; count < element.size; ++count)
property_idx = 0;
for (auto & property :
PropertyLookup & lookup = element_property_lookup[element_idx][property_idx];
if (!lookup.skip)
helper = lookup.helper;
if (firstPass)
helper->cursor->totalSizeBytes += skip(lookup, property, is);
// These lines will be changed when tinyply supports
// variable length lists. We add it here so our header data structure
// contains enough info to write it back out again (e.g. transcoding).
if (property.listCount == 0) property.listCount = listSize;
if (property.listCount != listSize) throw std::runtime_error("variable length lists are not supported yet.");
read(lookup, property, helper->data->buffer.get(), helper->cursor->byteOffset, is);
skip(lookup, property, is);
// Reset istream position to the start of the data
if (firstPass) is.seekg(start, is.beg);
// Wrap the public interface:
IGL_INLINE PlyFile::PlyFile() { impl.reset(new PlyFileImpl()); }
IGL_INLINE PlyFile::~PlyFile() { }
IGL_INLINE bool PlyFile::parse_header(std::istream & is) { return impl->parse_header(is); }
IGL_INLINE void PlyFile::read(std::istream & is) { return impl->read(is); }
IGL_INLINE void PlyFile::write(std::ostream & os, bool isBinary) { return impl->write(os, isBinary); }
IGL_INLINE std::vector<PlyElement> PlyFile::get_elements() const { return impl->elements; }
IGL_INLINE std::vector<std::string> & PlyFile::get_comments() { return impl->comments; }
IGL_INLINE std::vector<std::string> PlyFile::get_info() const { return impl->objInfo; }
IGL_INLINE bool PlyFile::is_binary_file() const { return impl->isBinary; }
IGL_INLINE std::shared_ptr<PlyData> PlyFile::request_properties_from_element(const std::string & elementKey,
const std::vector<std::string> propertyKeys,
const uint32_t list_size_hint)
return impl->request_properties_from_element(elementKey, propertyKeys, list_size_hint);
IGL_INLINE void PlyFile::add_properties_to_element(const std::string & elementKey,
const std::vector<std::string> propertyKeys,
const Type type, const size_t count, uint8_t * data, const Type listType, const size_t listCount)
return impl->add_properties_to_element(elementKey, propertyKeys, type, count, data, listType, listCount);
} // tinyply
} // igl