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// This file is part of libigl, a simple c++ geometry processing library.
// Copyright (C) 2017 Alec Jacobson <>
// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License
// v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, You can
// obtain one at
#include "igl_inline.h"
#include <Eigen/Core>
#include <Eigen/Sparse>
namespace igl
// CROUZEIX_RAVIART_COTMATRIX Compute the Crouzeix-Raviart cotangent
// stiffness matrix.
// See for example "Discrete Quadratic Curvature Energies" [Wardetzky, Bergou,
// Harmon, Zorin, Grinspun 2007]
// Inputs:
// V #V by dim list of vertex positions
// F #F by 3/4 list of triangle/tetrahedron indices
// Outputs:
// L #E by #E edge/face-based diagonal cotangent matrix
// E #E by 2/3 list of edges/faces
// EMAP #F*3/4 list of indices mapping allE to E
// See also: crouzeix_raviart_massmatrix
template <typename DerivedV, typename DerivedF, typename LT, typename DerivedE, typename DerivedEMAP>
void crouzeix_raviart_cotmatrix(
const Eigen::MatrixBase<DerivedV> & V,
const Eigen::MatrixBase<DerivedF> & F,
Eigen::SparseMatrix<LT> & L,
Eigen::PlainObjectBase<DerivedE> & E,
Eigen::PlainObjectBase<DerivedEMAP> & EMAP);
// wrapper if E and EMAP are already computed (better match!)
template <typename DerivedV, typename DerivedF, typename DerivedE, typename DerivedEMAP, typename LT>
void crouzeix_raviart_cotmatrix(
const Eigen::MatrixBase<DerivedV> & V,
const Eigen::MatrixBase<DerivedF> & F,
const Eigen::MatrixBase<DerivedE> & E,
const Eigen::MatrixBase<DerivedEMAP> & EMAP,
Eigen::SparseMatrix<LT> & L);
# include "crouzeix_raviart_cotmatrix.cpp"