#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { using namespace Eigen; using namespace std; Eigen::MatrixXd V; Eigen::MatrixXi F; igl::opengl::glfw::Viewer viewer; // Load a mesh in OFF format igl::readOBJ(TUTORIAL_SHARED_PATH "/armadillo.obj", V, F); const auto update_distance = [&](const int vid) { Eigen::VectorXi VS,FS,VT,FT; // The selected vertex is the source VS.resize(1); VS << vid; // All vertices are the targets VT.setLinSpaced(V.rows(),0,V.rows()-1); Eigen::VectorXd d; std::cout<<"Computing geodesic distance to vertex "<bool { int fid; Eigen::Vector3f bc; // Cast a ray in the view direction starting from the mouse position double x = viewer.current_mouse_x; double y = viewer.core().viewport(3) - viewer.current_mouse_y; if(igl::unproject_onto_mesh( Eigen::Vector2f(x,y), viewer.core().view, viewer.core().proj, viewer.core().viewport, V, F, fid, bc)) { int max; bc.maxCoeff(&max); int vid = F(fid,max); update_distance(vid); return true; } return false; }; viewer.data().set_mesh(V,F); viewer.data().show_lines = false; cout << "Click on mesh to define new source.\n" << std::endl; update_distance(0); return viewer.launch(); }