// This file is part of libigl, a simple c++ geometry processing library. // // Copyright (C) 2014 Daniele Panozzo // // This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License // v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, You can // obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. #include "ViewerData.h" #include "ViewerCore.h" #include "../per_face_normals.h" #include "../material_colors.h" #include "../per_vertex_normals.h" // Really? Just for GL_NEAREST? #include "gl.h" #include IGL_INLINE igl::opengl::ViewerData::ViewerData() : dirty(MeshGL::DIRTY_ALL), show_faces (~unsigned(0)), show_lines (~unsigned(0)), face_based (false), double_sided (false), invert_normals (false), show_overlay (~unsigned(0)), show_overlay_depth(~unsigned(0)), show_vertex_labels(0), show_face_labels (0), show_custom_labels(0), show_texture (false), use_matcap (false), point_size(30), line_width(0.5f), label_size(1), line_color(0,0,0,1), label_color(0,0,0.04,1), shininess(35.0f), id(-1), is_visible (~unsigned(0)) { clear(); }; IGL_INLINE void igl::opengl::ViewerData::set_face_based(bool newvalue) { if (face_based != newvalue) { face_based = newvalue; dirty = MeshGL::DIRTY_ALL; } } // Helpers that draws the most common meshes IGL_INLINE void igl::opengl::ViewerData::set_mesh( const Eigen::MatrixXd& _V, const Eigen::MatrixXi& _F) { using namespace std; Eigen::MatrixXd V_temp; // If V only has two columns, pad with a column of zeros if (_V.cols() == 2) { V_temp = Eigen::MatrixXd::Zero(_V.rows(),3); V_temp.block(0,0,_V.rows(),2) = _V; } else V_temp = _V; if (V.rows() == 0 && F.rows() == 0) { V = V_temp; F = _F; compute_normals(); uniform_colors( Eigen::Vector3d(GOLD_AMBIENT[0], GOLD_AMBIENT[1], GOLD_AMBIENT[2]), Eigen::Vector3d(GOLD_DIFFUSE[0], GOLD_DIFFUSE[1], GOLD_DIFFUSE[2]), Eigen::Vector3d(GOLD_SPECULAR[0], GOLD_SPECULAR[1], GOLD_SPECULAR[2])); // Generates a checkerboard texture grid_texture(); } else { if (_V.rows() == V.rows() && _F.rows() == F.rows()) { V = V_temp; F = _F; } else cerr << "ERROR (set_mesh): The new mesh has a different number of vertices/faces. Please clear the mesh before plotting."<0 && C.cols() == 1) { assert(false && "deprecated: call set_data directly instead"); return set_data(C); } // Ambient color should be darker color const auto ambient = [](const MatrixXd & C)->MatrixXd { MatrixXd T = 0.1*C; T.col(3) = C.col(3); return T; }; // Specular color should be a less saturated and darker color: dampened // highlights const auto specular = [](const MatrixXd & C)->MatrixXd { const double grey = 0.3; MatrixXd T = grey+0.1*(C.array()-grey); T.col(3) = C.col(3); return T; }; if (C.rows() == 1) { for (unsigned i=0;i& R, const Eigen::Matrix& G, const Eigen::Matrix& B) { texture_R = R; texture_G = G; texture_B = B; texture_A = Eigen::Matrix::Constant(R.rows(),R.cols(),255); dirty |= MeshGL::DIRTY_TEXTURE; } IGL_INLINE void igl::opengl::ViewerData::set_texture( const Eigen::Matrix& R, const Eigen::Matrix& G, const Eigen::Matrix& B, const Eigen::Matrix& A) { texture_R = R; texture_G = G; texture_B = B; texture_A = A; dirty |= MeshGL::DIRTY_TEXTURE; } IGL_INLINE void igl::opengl::ViewerData::set_data( const Eigen::VectorXd & D, double caxis_min, double caxis_max, igl::ColorMapType cmap, int num_steps) { if(!show_texture) { Eigen::MatrixXd CM; igl::colormap(cmap,Eigen::VectorXd::LinSpaced(num_steps,0,1).eval(),0,1,CM); set_colormap(CM); } Eigen::MatrixXd UV = ((D.array()-caxis_min)/(caxis_max-caxis_min)).replicate(1,2); if(D.size() == V.rows()) { set_uv(UV); }else { assert(D.size() == F.rows()); Eigen::MatrixXi UV_F = Eigen::VectorXi::LinSpaced(F.rows(),0,F.rows()-1).replicate(1,3); set_uv(UV,UV_F); } } IGL_INLINE void igl::opengl::ViewerData::set_data(const Eigen::VectorXd & D, igl::ColorMapType cmap, int num_steps) { const double caxis_min = D.minCoeff(); const double caxis_max = D.maxCoeff(); return set_data(D,caxis_min,caxis_max,cmap,num_steps); } IGL_INLINE void igl::opengl::ViewerData::set_colormap(const Eigen::MatrixXd & CM) { assert(CM.cols() == 3 && "colormap CM should have 3 columns"); // Convert to R,G,B textures const Eigen::Matrix R = (CM.col(0)*255.0).cast(); const Eigen::Matrix G = (CM.col(1)*255.0).cast(); const Eigen::Matrix B = (CM.col(2)*255.0).cast(); set_colors(Eigen::RowVector3d(1,1,1)); set_texture(R,G,B); show_texture = ~unsigned(0); meshgl.tex_filter = GL_NEAREST; meshgl.tex_wrap = GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE; } IGL_INLINE void igl::opengl::ViewerData::set_points( const Eigen::MatrixXd& P, const Eigen::MatrixXd& C) { // clear existing points points.resize(0,0); add_points(P,C); } IGL_INLINE void igl::opengl::ViewerData::add_points(const Eigen::MatrixXd& P, const Eigen::MatrixXd& C) { Eigen::MatrixXd P_temp; // If P only has two columns, pad with a column of zeros if (P.cols() == 2) { P_temp = Eigen::MatrixXd::Zero(P.rows(),3); P_temp.block(0,0,P.rows(),2) = P; } else P_temp = P; int lastid = points.rows(); points.conservativeResize(points.rows() + P_temp.rows(),6); for (unsigned i=0; i(); set_edges(PV,E, C.rows() == 1?C:C.replicate<2,1>()); } IGL_INLINE void igl::opengl::ViewerData::add_edges(const Eigen::MatrixXd& P1, const Eigen::MatrixXd& P2, const Eigen::MatrixXd& C) { Eigen::MatrixXd P1_temp,P2_temp; // If P1 only has two columns, pad with a column of zeros if (P1.cols() == 2) { P1_temp = Eigen::MatrixXd::Zero(P1.rows(),3); P1_temp.block(0,0,P1.rows(),2) = P1; P2_temp = Eigen::MatrixXd::Zero(P2.rows(),3); P2_temp.block(0,0,P2.rows(),2) = P2; } else { P1_temp = P1; P2_temp = P2; } int lastid = lines.rows(); lines.conservativeResize(lines.rows() + P1_temp.rows(),9); for (unsigned i=0; i& str) { assert(P.rows() == str.size() && "position # and label # do not match!"); assert(P.cols() == 3 && "dimension of label positions incorrect!"); labels_positions = P; labels_strings = str; dirty |= MeshGL::DIRTY_CUSTOM_LABELS; } IGL_INLINE void igl::opengl::ViewerData::clear_labels() { labels_positions.resize(0,3); labels_strings.clear(); } IGL_INLINE void igl::opengl::ViewerData::clear() { V = Eigen::MatrixXd (0,3); F = Eigen::MatrixXi (0,3); F_material_ambient = Eigen::MatrixXd (0,4); F_material_diffuse = Eigen::MatrixXd (0,4); F_material_specular = Eigen::MatrixXd (0,4); V_material_ambient = Eigen::MatrixXd (0,4); V_material_diffuse = Eigen::MatrixXd (0,4); V_material_specular = Eigen::MatrixXd (0,4); F_normals = Eigen::MatrixXd (0,3); V_normals = Eigen::MatrixXd (0,3); V_uv = Eigen::MatrixXd (0,2); F_uv = Eigen::MatrixXi (0,3); lines = Eigen::MatrixXd (0,9); points = Eigen::MatrixXd (0,6); vertex_labels_positions = Eigen::MatrixXd (0,3); face_labels_positions = Eigen::MatrixXd (0,3); labels_positions = Eigen::MatrixXd (0,3); vertex_labels_strings.clear(); face_labels_strings.clear(); labels_strings.clear(); face_based = false; double_sided = false; invert_normals = false; show_texture = false; use_matcap = false; } IGL_INLINE void igl::opengl::ViewerData::compute_normals() { if(V.cols() == 2) { F_normals = Eigen::RowVector3d(0,0,1).replicate(F.rows(),1); V_normals = Eigen::RowVector3d(0,0,1).replicate(V.rows(),1); }else { assert(V.cols() == 3); igl::per_face_normals(V, F, F_normals); igl::per_vertex_normals(V, F, F_normals, V_normals); } dirty |= MeshGL::DIRTY_NORMAL; } IGL_INLINE void igl::opengl::ViewerData::uniform_colors( const Eigen::Vector3d& ambient, const Eigen::Vector3d& diffuse, const Eigen::Vector3d& specular) { Eigen::Vector4d ambient4; Eigen::Vector4d diffuse4; Eigen::Vector4d specular4; ambient4 << ambient, 1; diffuse4 << diffuse, 1; specular4 << specular, 1; uniform_colors(ambient4,diffuse4,specular4); } IGL_INLINE void igl::opengl::ViewerData::uniform_colors( const Eigen::Vector4d& ambient, const Eigen::Vector4d& diffuse, const Eigen::Vector4d& specular) { V_material_ambient.resize(V.rows(),4); V_material_diffuse.resize(V.rows(),4); V_material_specular.resize(V.rows(),4); for (unsigned i=0; i=size2 && j>=size2)) texture_R(i,j) = 255; } } texture_G = texture_R; texture_B = texture_R; texture_A = Eigen::Matrix::Constant(texture_R.rows(),texture_R.cols(),255); dirty |= MeshGL::DIRTY_TEXTURE; } // Populate VBOs of a particular label stype (Vert, Face, Custom) IGL_INLINE void igl::opengl::ViewerData::update_labels( igl::opengl::MeshGL& meshgl, igl::opengl::MeshGL::TextGL& GL_labels, const Eigen::MatrixXd& positions, const std::vector& strings ){ if (positions.rows()>0) { int numCharsToRender = 0; for(size_t p=0; p(); GL_labels.label_char_vbo(idx) = (float)(label.at(c)); GL_labels.label_offset_vbo(idx) = c; GL_labels.label_indices_vbo(idx) = idx; idx++; } } } } IGL_INLINE void igl::opengl::ViewerData::updateGL( const igl::opengl::ViewerData& data, const bool invert_normals, igl::opengl::MeshGL& meshgl ) { if (!meshgl.is_initialized) { meshgl.init(); } bool per_corner_uv = (data.F_uv.rows() == data.F.rows()); bool per_corner_normals = (data.F_normals.rows() == 3 * data.F.rows()); meshgl.dirty |= data.dirty; // Input: // X #F by dim quantity // Output: // X_vbo #F*3 by dim scattering per corner const auto per_face = [&data]( const Eigen::MatrixXd & X, MeshGL::RowMatrixXf & X_vbo) { assert(X.cols() == 4); X_vbo.resize(data.F.rows()*3,4); for (unsigned i=0; i(); }; // Input: // X #V by dim quantity // Output: // X_vbo #F*3 by dim scattering per corner const auto per_corner = [&data]( const Eigen::MatrixXd & X, MeshGL::RowMatrixXf & X_vbo) { X_vbo.resize(data.F.rows()*3,X.cols()); for (unsigned i=0; i(); }; if (!data.face_based) { if (!(per_corner_uv || per_corner_normals)) { // Vertex positions if (meshgl.dirty & MeshGL::DIRTY_POSITION) meshgl.V_vbo = data.V.cast(); // Vertex normals if (meshgl.dirty & MeshGL::DIRTY_NORMAL) { meshgl.V_normals_vbo = data.V_normals.cast(); if (invert_normals) meshgl.V_normals_vbo = -meshgl.V_normals_vbo; } // Per-vertex material settings if (meshgl.dirty & MeshGL::DIRTY_AMBIENT) meshgl.V_ambient_vbo = data.V_material_ambient.cast(); if (meshgl.dirty & MeshGL::DIRTY_DIFFUSE) meshgl.V_diffuse_vbo = data.V_material_diffuse.cast(); if (meshgl.dirty & MeshGL::DIRTY_SPECULAR) meshgl.V_specular_vbo = data.V_material_specular.cast(); // Face indices if (meshgl.dirty & MeshGL::DIRTY_FACE) meshgl.F_vbo = data.F.cast(); // Texture coordinates if (meshgl.dirty & MeshGL::DIRTY_UV) { meshgl.V_uv_vbo = data.V_uv.cast(); } } else { // Per vertex properties with per corner UVs if (meshgl.dirty & MeshGL::DIRTY_POSITION) { per_corner(data.V,meshgl.V_vbo); } if (meshgl.dirty & MeshGL::DIRTY_AMBIENT) { meshgl.V_ambient_vbo.resize(data.F.rows()*3,4); per_corner(data.V_material_ambient,meshgl.V_ambient_vbo); } if (meshgl.dirty & MeshGL::DIRTY_DIFFUSE) { meshgl.V_diffuse_vbo.resize(data.F.rows()*3,4); per_corner(data.V_material_diffuse,meshgl.V_diffuse_vbo); } if (meshgl.dirty & MeshGL::DIRTY_SPECULAR) { meshgl.V_specular_vbo.resize(data.F.rows()*3,4); per_corner(data.V_material_specular,meshgl.V_specular_vbo); } if (meshgl.dirty & MeshGL::DIRTY_NORMAL) { meshgl.V_normals_vbo.resize(data.F.rows()*3,3); per_corner(data.V_normals,meshgl.V_normals_vbo); if (invert_normals) meshgl.V_normals_vbo = -meshgl.V_normals_vbo; } if (meshgl.dirty & MeshGL::DIRTY_FACE) { meshgl.F_vbo.resize(data.F.rows(),3); for (unsigned i=0; i0) { meshgl.V_uv_vbo.resize(data.F.rows()*3,2); for (unsigned i=0; i(); } } } else { if (meshgl.dirty & MeshGL::DIRTY_POSITION) { per_corner(data.V,meshgl.V_vbo); } if (meshgl.dirty & MeshGL::DIRTY_AMBIENT) { per_face(data.F_material_ambient,meshgl.V_ambient_vbo); } if (meshgl.dirty & MeshGL::DIRTY_DIFFUSE) { per_face(data.F_material_diffuse,meshgl.V_diffuse_vbo); } if (meshgl.dirty & MeshGL::DIRTY_SPECULAR) { per_face(data.F_material_specular,meshgl.V_specular_vbo); } if (meshgl.dirty & MeshGL::DIRTY_NORMAL) { meshgl.V_normals_vbo.resize(data.F.rows()*3,3); for (unsigned i=0; i() : data.F_normals.row(i).cast(); if (invert_normals) meshgl.V_normals_vbo = -meshgl.V_normals_vbo; } if (meshgl.dirty & MeshGL::DIRTY_FACE) { meshgl.F_vbo.resize(data.F.rows(),3); for (unsigned i=0; i0) { meshgl.V_uv_vbo.resize(data.F.rows()*3,2); for (unsigned i=0; i(); } } if (meshgl.dirty & MeshGL::DIRTY_TEXTURE) { meshgl.tex_u = data.texture_R.rows(); meshgl.tex_v = data.texture_R.cols(); meshgl.tex.resize(data.texture_R.size()*4); for (unsigned i=0;i(i, 0).cast(); meshgl.lines_V_vbo.row(2*i+1) = data.lines.block<1, 3>(i, 3).cast(); meshgl.lines_V_colors_vbo.row(2*i+0) = data.lines.block<1, 3>(i, 6).cast(); meshgl.lines_V_colors_vbo.row(2*i+1) = data.lines.block<1, 3>(i, 6).cast(); meshgl.lines_F_vbo(2*i+0) = 2*i+0; meshgl.lines_F_vbo(2*i+1) = 2*i+1; } } if (meshgl.dirty & MeshGL::DIRTY_OVERLAY_POINTS) { meshgl.points_V_vbo.resize(data.points.rows(),3); meshgl.points_V_colors_vbo.resize(data.points.rows(),3); meshgl.points_F_vbo.resize(data.points.rows(),1); for (unsigned i=0; i(i, 0).cast(); meshgl.points_V_colors_vbo.row(i) = data.points.block<1, 3>(i, 3).cast(); meshgl.points_F_vbo(i) = i; } } if (meshgl.dirty & MeshGL::DIRTY_FACE_LABELS) { if(face_labels_positions.rows()==0) { face_labels_positions.conservativeResize(F.rows(), 3); Eigen::MatrixXd faceNormals = F_normals.normalized(); for (int f=0; f