// This file is part of libigl, a simple c++ geometry processing library. // // Copyright (C) 2014 Daniele Panozzo // // This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License // v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, You can // obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. #ifndef IGL_OPENGL_MESHGL_H #define IGL_OPENGL_MESHGL_H // Coverts mesh data inside a igl::ViewerData class in an OpenGL // compatible format The class includes a shader and the opengl calls to plot // the data #include #include namespace igl { namespace opengl { class MeshGL { public: typedef unsigned int GLuint; typedef unsigned int GLint; enum DirtyFlags { DIRTY_NONE = 0x0000, DIRTY_POSITION = 0x0001, DIRTY_UV = 0x0002, DIRTY_NORMAL = 0x0004, DIRTY_AMBIENT = 0x0008, DIRTY_DIFFUSE = 0x0010, DIRTY_SPECULAR = 0x0020, DIRTY_TEXTURE = 0x0040, DIRTY_FACE = 0x0080, DIRTY_MESH = 0x00FF, DIRTY_OVERLAY_LINES = 0x0100, DIRTY_OVERLAY_POINTS = 0x0200, DIRTY_VERTEX_LABELS = 0x0400, DIRTY_FACE_LABELS = 0x0800, DIRTY_CUSTOM_LABELS = 0x1000, DIRTY_ALL = 0xFFFF }; bool is_initialized = false; GLuint vao_mesh; GLuint vao_overlay_lines; GLuint vao_overlay_points; GLuint shader_mesh; GLuint shader_overlay_lines; GLuint shader_overlay_points; GLuint shader_text; GLuint vbo_V; // Vertices of the current mesh (#V x 3) GLuint vbo_V_uv; // UV coordinates for the current mesh (#V x 2) GLuint vbo_V_normals; // Vertices of the current mesh (#V x 3) GLuint vbo_V_ambient; // Ambient material (#V x 3) GLuint vbo_V_diffuse; // Diffuse material (#V x 3) GLuint vbo_V_specular; // Specular material (#V x 3) GLuint vbo_F; // Faces of the mesh (#F x 3) GLuint vbo_tex; // Texture GLuint vbo_lines_F; // Indices of the line overlay GLuint vbo_lines_V; // Vertices of the line overlay GLuint vbo_lines_V_colors; // Color values of the line overlay GLuint vbo_points_F; // Indices of the point overlay GLuint vbo_points_V; // Vertices of the point overlay GLuint vbo_points_V_colors; // Color values of the point overlay // Temporary copy of the content of each VBO typedef Eigen::Matrix RowMatrixXf; RowMatrixXf V_vbo; RowMatrixXf V_normals_vbo; RowMatrixXf V_ambient_vbo; RowMatrixXf V_diffuse_vbo; RowMatrixXf V_specular_vbo; RowMatrixXf V_uv_vbo; RowMatrixXf lines_V_vbo; RowMatrixXf lines_V_colors_vbo; RowMatrixXf points_V_vbo; RowMatrixXf points_V_colors_vbo; // Text Rendering struct TextGL { uint32_t dirty_flag; GLuint vao_labels; GLuint vbo_labels_pos; GLuint vbo_labels_characters; GLuint vbo_labels_offset; GLuint vbo_labels_indices; RowMatrixXf label_pos_vbo; RowMatrixXf label_char_vbo; RowMatrixXf label_offset_vbo; Eigen::Matrix label_indices_vbo; void init_buffers(); void free_buffers(); }; TextGL vertex_labels; TextGL face_labels; TextGL custom_labels; GLuint font_atlas; int tex_u; int tex_v; GLint tex_filter; GLint tex_wrap; Eigen::Matrix tex; Eigen::Matrix F_vbo; Eigen::Matrix lines_F_vbo; Eigen::Matrix points_F_vbo; // Marks dirty buffers that need to be uploaded to OpenGL uint32_t dirty; IGL_INLINE MeshGL(); // Initialize shaders and buffers IGL_INLINE void init(); // Release all resources IGL_INLINE void free(); // Create a new set of OpenGL buffer objects IGL_INLINE void init_buffers(); // Bind the underlying OpenGL buffer objects for subsequent mesh draw calls IGL_INLINE void bind_mesh(); /// Draw the currently buffered mesh (either solid or wireframe) IGL_INLINE void draw_mesh(bool solid); // Bind the underlying OpenGL buffer objects for subsequent line overlay draw calls IGL_INLINE void bind_overlay_lines(); /// Draw the currently buffered line overlay IGL_INLINE void draw_overlay_lines(); // Bind the underlying OpenGL buffer objects for subsequent point overlay draw calls IGL_INLINE void bind_overlay_points(); /// Draw the currently buffered point overlay IGL_INLINE void draw_overlay_points(); // Text Binding and Draw functions IGL_INLINE void init_text_rendering(); IGL_INLINE void bind_labels(const TextGL& labels); IGL_INLINE void draw_labels(const TextGL& labels); // Release the OpenGL buffer objects IGL_INLINE void free_buffers(); }; } } #ifndef IGL_STATIC_LIBRARY # include "MeshGL.cpp" #endif #endif