# Transitively list all link libraries of a target (recursive call) function(igl_get_dependencies_recursive OUTPUT_VARIABLE TARGET) get_target_property(_aliased ${TARGET} ALIASED_TARGET) if(_aliased) set(TARGET ${_aliased}) endif() get_target_property(_IMPORTED ${TARGET} IMPORTED) get_target_property(_TYPE ${TARGET} TYPE) if(_IMPORTED OR (${_TYPE} STREQUAL "INTERFACE_LIBRARY")) get_target_property(TARGET_DEPENDENCIES ${TARGET} INTERFACE_LINK_LIBRARIES) else() get_target_property(TARGET_DEPENDENCIES ${TARGET} LINK_LIBRARIES) endif() # MKL-specific list of runtime dependencies get_property(RUNTIME_DEPENDENCIES TARGET ${TARGET} PROPERTY mkl_RUNTIME_DEPENDENCIES) if(RUNTIME_DEPENDENCIES) list(APPEND TARGET_DEPENDENCIES ${RUNTIME_DEPENDENCIES}) endif() set(VISITED_TARGETS ${${OUTPUT_VARIABLE}}) foreach(DEPENDENCY IN ITEMS ${TARGET_DEPENDENCIES}) if(TARGET ${DEPENDENCY}) get_target_property(_aliased ${DEPENDENCY} ALIASED_TARGET) if(_aliased) set(DEPENDENCY ${_aliased}) endif() if(NOT (DEPENDENCY IN_LIST VISITED_TARGETS)) list(APPEND VISITED_TARGETS ${DEPENDENCY}) igl_get_dependencies_recursive(VISITED_TARGETS ${DEPENDENCY}) endif() endif() endforeach() set(${OUTPUT_VARIABLE} ${VISITED_TARGETS} PARENT_SCOPE) endfunction() # Transitively list all link libraries of a target function(igl_get_dependencies OUTPUT_VARIABLE TARGET) set(DISCOVERED_TARGETS "") igl_get_dependencies_recursive(DISCOVERED_TARGETS ${TARGET}) set(${OUTPUT_VARIABLE} ${DISCOVERED_TARGETS} PARENT_SCOPE) endfunction() # Copy .dll dependencies to a target executable's folder. This function must be called *after* all the CMake # dependencies of the executable target have been defined, otherwise some .dlls might not be copied to the target # folder. function(igl_copy_dll target) if(NOT WIN32) return() endif() # Sanity checks get_target_property(TYPE ${target} TYPE) if(NOT ${TYPE} STREQUAL "EXECUTABLE") message(FATAL_ERROR "igl_copy_dll() was called on a non-executable target: ${target}") endif() # Create a custom command to do the actual copy. This needs to be executed before Catch2's POST_BUILD command, # so we define this as a PRE_LINK command for the executable target. add_custom_command( TARGET ${target} PRE_LINK COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E touch "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/runtime_deps/copy_dll_${target}_$<CONFIG>.cmake" COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -P "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/runtime_deps/copy_dll_${target}_$<CONFIG>.cmake" COMMENT "Copying dlls for target ${target}" ) # Retrieve all target dependencies igl_get_dependencies(TARGET_DEPENDENCIES ${target}) # Iterate over dependencies, and create a copy rule for each .dll that we find set(COPY_SCRIPT_CONTENT "") foreach(DEPENDENCY IN ITEMS ${TARGET_DEPENDENCIES}) get_target_property(TYPE ${DEPENDENCY} TYPE) if(NOT (${TYPE} STREQUAL "SHARED_LIBRARY" OR ${TYPE} STREQUAL "MODULE_LIBRARY")) continue() endif() # Instruction to copy target file if it exists string(APPEND COPY_SCRIPT_CONTENT "if(EXISTS \"$<TARGET_FILE:${DEPENDENCY}>\")\n " "execute_process(COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E copy_if_different " "\"$<TARGET_FILE:${DEPENDENCY}>\" " "\"$<TARGET_FILE_DIR:${target}>/$<TARGET_FILE_NAME:${DEPENDENCY}>\")\n" "endif()\n" ) endforeach() # Finally generate one script for each configuration supported by this generator message(STATUS "Populating copy rules for target: ${target}") file(GENERATE OUTPUT ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/runtime_deps/copy_dll_${target}_$<CONFIG>.cmake CONTENT "${COPY_SCRIPT_CONTENT}" ) endfunction()