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135 lines
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#pragma once
#include "assert.hpp"
#include "DomainDiscretization_fwd.hpp"
namespace meshless {
template<typename vec>
const vec& DomainDiscretization<vec>::normal(int i) const {
assert_msg(0 <= i && i <= size(), "Index %d out of range [0, %d)", i, size());
assert_msg(types_[i] < 0, "Node %d must be a boundary node, got type %d.", i, types_[i]);
assert_msg(boundaryMap_[i] != -1, "Node %d does not have a normal. Maybe you manually set"
" supports and positions instead of using addInternalNode* methods?",
return normals_[boundaryMap_[i]];
template<typename vec>
vec& DomainDiscretization<vec>::normal(int i) {
assert_msg(0 <= i && i <= size(), "Index %d out of range [0, %d)", i, size());
assert_msg(types_[i] < 0, "Node %d must be a boundary node, got type %d.", i, types_[i]);
assert_msg(boundaryMap_[i] != -1, "Node %d does not have a normal. Maybe you manually set"
" supports and positions instead of using addInternalNode* methods?",
return normals_[boundaryMap_[i]];
template<typename vec>
int DomainDiscretization<vec>::addInternalNode(const vec& point, int type) {
assert_msg(type > 0, "This function is for adding internal points, but got type %d, which is "
"not positive. Use addBoundaryNode to add boundary nodes.",
return addNode(point, type);
template<typename vec>
int DomainDiscretization<vec>::addInternalNodeWithT(const vec& point, double t, int type) {
assert_msg(type > 0, "This function is for adding internal points, but got type %d, which is "
"not positive. Use addBoundaryNode to add boundary nodes.",
return addNodeWithT(point, t, type);
* Adds a boundary node with given type and normal to the domain.
* @param point Coordinates of the node to add.
* @param type Type of the point, must be negative.
* @param normal Outside unit normal to the boundary at point `point`.
* @return The index of the new node.
* @sa addInternalNode
template<typename vec>
int DomainDiscretization<vec>::addBoundaryNode(const vec& point, int type, const vec& normal) {
assert_msg(type < 0, "Type of boundary points must be negative, got %d.", type);
int idx = addNode(point, type);
boundaryMap_[idx] = normals_.size();
return idx;
template<typename vec>
int DomainDiscretization<vec>::addBoundaryNodeWithT(const vec& point, double t, int type, const vec& normal) {
assert_msg(type < 0, "Type of boundary points must be negative, got %d.", type);
int idx = addNodeWithT(point, t, type);
boundaryMap_[idx] = normals_.size();
return idx;
template<typename vec>
int DomainDiscretization<vec>::addNode(const vec& point, int type) {
return positions_.size() - 1;
template<typename vec>
int DomainDiscretization<vec>::addNodeWithT(const vec& point, double t, int type) {
return positions_.size() - 1;
template<class vec>
template<typename search_struc>
void DomainDiscretization<vec>::makeDiscreteContainsStructure(search_struc& search) const {
int size = boundary().size();
std::vector<vec> boundary_points(size);
for(int i = 0; i < boundaryMap_.size(); i++) {
if(boundaryMap_[i] == -1)
boundary_points[boundaryMap_[i]] = positions_[i];
//bool DomainDiscretization::contains(const vec& point)const;
template<typename vec>
template<typename search_struc>
bool DomainDiscretization<vec>::discreteContains(const Eigen::Vector3d& point, search_struc& search, int num)const {
assert_msg((search.size() != 0), "Search structure should not be empty.");
auto closet = search.query(point, num);
auto closet_indexs = closet.first;
for(int i = 0; i < closet_indexs.size(); i++) {
auto idx = closet_indexs[i];
auto n = normals_[idx];
auto closet_point = search.get(idx);
if( - closet_point) >= 0) {
return false;
// for (auto idx : closet_indexs)
// {
// auto n = normals_[idx];
// auto closet_point = search.get(idx);
// if ( - closet_point) >= 0)
// {
// return false;
// }
// }
return true;
// int closest_index = search.query(point, 1).first[0];
// auto closest_point = search.get(closest_index);
// auto n = normals_[closest_index];
// return - closest_point) < 0;