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#include <medusa/Medusa_fwd.hpp>
#include <medusa/bits/domains/GeneralFill.hpp>
#include <Eigen/SparseCore>
#include <Eigen/IterativeLinearSolvers>
#include <Eigen/SparseLU>
#define EPS 0.0000001 // small number
/// Basic medusa example -- Natural convection on irregular domain - extension of de Vahl Davis test
/// --
/// - implicit RBF-FD solution with PHS basis on scattered nodes
/// - explicit pressure correction
/// - irregular domain
/// - no internal iterations
/// - using ghost nodes
using namespace mm; // NOLINT
typedef Vec2d vec_t;
typedef double scal_t;
int main() {
// case setup
scal_t dt = 0.01; // time step
scal_t time = 2; // time
int n = 25; // no. of support nodes
scal_t dl = 0.02; // target distance between nodes
scal_t mu = 0.071; // viscosity
scal_t rho = 1.0; // density
scal_t lam = 0.01; // thermal conductivity
scal_t c_p = 1.0; // specificheat capacity
scal_t g_0 = -500; // gravitational acceleration
Vec2d g{0, g_0};
scal_t beta = 0.71; // thermal expansion coefficient
scal_t T_ref = 0; // reference temperature
scal_t T_cold = -1.0; // boundary conditions
scal_t T_hot = 1.0;
double Ra = std::abs(g_0) * beta * rho * rho * c_p * std::pow(1, 3) *
std::abs(T_hot - T_cold) / (lam * mu);
std::cout << "Pr = " << mu * c_p / lam << " Ra = " << Ra << std::endl;
// domain
BoxShape<vec_t> box(0.0, 1.0);;
DomainDiscretization<vec_t> domain = box.discretizeBoundaryWithStep(dl);
// Obstacles
Range<double> o_r = {0.24, 0.06, 0.15, 0.05, 0.2, 0.09, 0.09, 0.13};
Range<vec_t> o_c = {{0.95, 0.13}, {0.02, 0.5}, {0.55, 0.95}, {0.73, 0.4},
{0.03, 0.0}, {0.39, 0.62}, {1, 1}, {1, 0.4}};
Range<int> o_t = {-16, -15, -14, -15, -14, -16, -14, -16};
// cold side obstacles - 16, hot side obstacles - 15, Neumann side -14
for (auto i=0; i < o_t.size() ; ++i) {
BallShape<vec_t> ball(o_c[i], o_r[i]);
DomainDiscretization<vec_t> obstacle = ball.discretizeBoundaryWithStep(dl);
obstacle.types() = o_t[i];
// Fill domain
GeneralFill<vec_t> fill;
fill(domain, dl);
// remove corner nodes
Range<int> corner = domain.positions().filter([](const vec_t& p) {
return ((p[0] < EPS && (p[1] < EPS || p[1] > 1 - EPS)) ||
(p[0] > 1 - EPS && (p[1] < EPS || p[1] > 1 - EPS)));
// boundary maps
Range<int> hot_side_obstacles = domain.types() == -15;
Range<int> cold_side_obstacles = domain.types() == -16;
Range<int> neumann_side_obstacles = domain.types() == -14;
Range<int> left_idx = domain.types() == -1;
Range<int> right_idx = domain.types() == -2;
Range<int> top_idx = domain.types() == -3;
Range<int> bottom_idx = domain.types() == -4;
top_idx = top_idx + neumann_side_obstacles;
Range<int> interior = domain.interior();
Range<int> boundary = domain.boundary();
// ghost nodes
Range<int> gh(domain.size(), -100);
for (int i : boundary) {
gh[i] = domain.addInternalNode(domain.pos(i) + domain.normal(i) * dl, 9);
int N = domain.size();
// operator discretization
Polyharmonic<double, 3> ph; // construct Polyharmonic
RBFFD<Polyharmonic<double, 3>, vec_t, ScaleToClosest> appr(ph, Monomials<vec_t>(2));
// field initialization
VectorField2d u_1(domain.size());
ScalarFieldd p = ScalarFieldd::Zero(domain.size());
ScalarFieldd T_1(domain.size());
// dirichlet boundary conditions
T_1 = (T_cold + T_hot) / 2;
T_1[left_idx] = T_cold;
T_1[right_idx] = T_hot;
ScalarFieldd T_2 = T_1;
VectorField2d u_2 = u_1;
// pressure correction matrix -- note N + 1, for additional constraint
Eigen::SparseLU<Eigen::SparseMatrix<double>> solver_p;
Eigen::SparseMatrix<double, Eigen::RowMajor> M(N + 1, N + 1);
Eigen::VectorXd rhs(N + 1);
auto storage = domain.computeShapes<sh::lap | sh::grad>(appr);
auto op_v = storage.explicitVectorOperators(); // vector operators
auto op_s = storage.explicitOperators(); // scalar operators
auto op_i = storage.implicitOperators(M, rhs);
Range<int> per_row(N+1, n+1);
per_row[N] = N;
// pressure correction
for (int i : interior) {
for (int i : boundary) {
op_i.neumann(i, domain.normal(i)).eval(1);
// ghost nodes
for (int i : boundary) {
op_i.lap(i, gh[i]).eval(1);
// regularization
// set the last row and column of the matrix
for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i) {
M.coeffRef(N, i) = 1;
M.coeffRef(i, N) = 1;
// set the sum of all values
rhs[N] = 0.0;
Eigen::SparseMatrix<double> MM(M);
// time loop
for (int time_step = 0; time_step < std::floor(time / dt); ++time_step) {
prn(time_step / time * dt);
// implicit navier stokes
Eigen::SparseMatrix<double, Eigen::RowMajor> M_v(2 * N, 2 * N);
Eigen::VectorXd rhs_vec(2 * N);
Eigen::BiCGSTAB<Eigen::SparseMatrix<double, Eigen::RowMajor>,
Eigen::IncompleteLUT<double>> solver_u;
Range<int> per_row_v(2 * N, n);
auto op_iv = storage.implicitVectorOperators(M_v, rhs_vec);
for (int i : domain.all()) {
1 / dt * op_iv.value(i) + op_iv.grad(i, u_1[i]) + (-1 * mu / rho) * op_iv.lap(i)
= u_1[i] / dt + 1 * g * (1 - beta * (T_1[i] - T_ref));
Eigen::VectorXd solution = solver_u.solveWithGuess(rhs_vec, u_1.asLinear());
u_2 = VectorField2d::fromLinear(solution);
// pressure correction
for (int i : interior) rhs(i) = rho / dt * op_v.div(u_2, i);
for (int i : boundary) rhs(i) = rho / dt * u_2[i].dot(domain.normal(i));
// ghost nodes
for (int i : boundary) {
rhs(gh[i]) = 0;
ScalarFieldd P_c = solver_p.solve(rhs).head(N);
for (int i = 0; i < interior.size(); ++i) {
int c = interior[i];
u_2[c] -= dt / rho * op_s.grad(P_c, c);
// force BCs
u_2[boundary] = 0;
// ghost nodes
for (int i : boundary) {
// implicit heat transfer
Eigen::SparseMatrix<double, Eigen::RowMajor> M_T(N, N);
Eigen::BiCGSTAB<Eigen::SparseMatrix<double, Eigen::RowMajor>,
Eigen::IncompleteLUT<double>> solver_T;
Eigen::VectorXd rhs_T(N);
auto op_t = storage.implicitOperators(M_T, rhs_T);
Range<int> per_row(N, n);
// heat transfer
for (int i : interior) {
op_t.value(i) + (-dt * lam / rho / c_p) * op_t.lap(i) +
dt * op_t.grad(i, u_2[i]) = T_1(i);
// BCs
for (int i : top_idx + bottom_idx) {
op_t.neumann(i, domain.normal(i)) = 0;
for (int i : left_idx) op_t.value(i) = T_hot;
for (int i : right_idx) op_t.value(i) = T_cold;
for (int i : cold_side_obstacles) op_t.value(i) = T_cold;
for (int i : hot_side_obstacles) op_t.value(i) = T_hot;
// ghost nodes
for (int i : top_idx + bottom_idx) {
op_t.value(i, gh[i]) + (-dt * lam / rho / c_p) * op_t.lap(i, gh[i]) +
dt * op_t.grad(i, u_2[i], gh[i]) = T_1(i);
for (int i : left_idx) op_t.value(gh[i]) = T_hot;
for (int i : right_idx) op_t.value(gh[i]) = T_cold;
for (int i : hot_side_obstacles) op_t.value(gh[i]) = T_hot;
for (int i : cold_side_obstacles) op_t.value(gh[i]) = T_cold;
T_2 = solver_T.solveWithGuess(rhs_T, T_1);
std::ofstream out_file("dvd_imp_phs_2D_data.m");
out_file << "positions = " << domain.positions() << ";" << std::endl;
out_file << "u = " << u_2 << ";" << std::endl;
out_file << "T = " << T_2 << ";" << std::endl;
return 0;