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97 lines
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97 lines
2.6 KiB
1 year ago
#include <medusa/Medusa_fwd.hpp>
#include <medusa/bits/domains/BasicRelax.hpp>
#include <medusa/bits/domains/GeneralFill.hpp>
#include "Eigen/SparseCore"
#include "Eigen/IterativeLinearSolvers"
using namespace mm; // NOLINT
int main() {
// Construct a box [0,1]*[0,1]
BoxShape<Vec2d> box(0.0, 1.0);
BallShape<Vec2d> c0({0.25, 0.25}, 0.05);
BallShape<Vec2d> c1({0.25, 0.75}, 0.05);
BallShape<Vec2d> c2({0.75, 0.75}, 0.05);
BallShape<Vec2d> c3({0.75, 0.25}, 0.05);
// Discretize the domain
double step = 0.01;
DomainDiscretization<Vec2d> domain = (box-c0 - c1 - c2 - c3).discretizeBoundaryWithStep(step);
// Fill the domain
GeneralFill<Vec2d> fill;
domain.fill(fill, step);
// Relax the domain
BasicRelax relax;
relax(domain, step);
// Find support nodes
FindClosest find_support(9);
// Define approximation engine
WLS<Gaussians<Vec2d>, NoWeight<Vec2d>, ScaleToFarthest,
Eigen::LLT<Eigen::MatrixXd>> wls({9, 30.0});
// Compute shapes
auto storage = domain.computeShapes<sh::lap>(wls);
// Construct Sparse Matrix to store the shapes
int N = domain.size();
Eigen::SparseMatrix<double, Eigen::RowMajor> M(N, N);
// Construct vector to store the right hand side of the equation
Eigen::VectorXd rhs(N); rhs.setZero();
auto op = storage.implicitOperators(M, rhs);
for (int i : domain.interior()) {
op.lap(i) = 0;
for (int i : (domain.types() == -1)) {
double y = domain.pos(i, 1);
double x = domain.pos(i, 0);
if (x > 0.5) {
if (y > 0.5) {
op.value(i) = 1;
} else {
op.value(i) = -1;
} else {
if (y > 0.5) {
op.value(i) = -1;
} else {
op.value(i) = 1;
if (x == 0.0) {
op.value(i) = 0;
for (int i : (domain.types() == -2)) {
op.value(i) = 0;
for (int i : (domain.types() == -3)) {
op.value(i) = 0;
for (int i : (domain.types() == -4)) {
op.value(i) = 0;
Eigen::BiCGSTAB<decltype(M), Eigen::IncompleteLUT<double>> solver;
ScalarFieldd u = solver.solve(rhs);
HDF hdf("quadrupole.h5", HDF::DESTROY);
hdf.writeDomain("domain", domain);
hdf.writeDoubleArray("sol", u);
return 0;