#pragma once #include "setup.hpp" namespace glm { /// Qualify GLM types in term of alignment (packed, aligned) and precision in term of ULPs (lowp, mediump, highp) enum qualifier { packed_highp, ///< Typed data is tightly packed in memory and operations are executed with high precision in term of ULPs packed_mediump, ///< Typed data is tightly packed in memory and operations are executed with medium precision in term of ULPs for higher performance packed_lowp, ///< Typed data is tightly packed in memory and operations are executed with low precision in term of ULPs to maximize performance # if GLM_CONFIG_ALIGNED_GENTYPES == GLM_ENABLE aligned_highp, ///< Typed data is aligned in memory allowing SIMD optimizations and operations are executed with high precision in term of ULPs aligned_mediump, ///< Typed data is aligned in memory allowing SIMD optimizations and operations are executed with high precision in term of ULPs for higher performance aligned_lowp, // ///< Typed data is aligned in memory allowing SIMD optimizations and operations are executed with high precision in term of ULPs to maximize performance aligned = aligned_highp, ///< By default aligned qualifier is also high precision # endif highp = packed_highp, ///< By default highp qualifier is also packed mediump = packed_mediump, ///< By default mediump qualifier is also packed lowp = packed_lowp, ///< By default lowp qualifier is also packed packed = packed_highp, ///< By default packed qualifier is also high precision # if GLM_CONFIG_ALIGNED_GENTYPES == GLM_ENABLE && defined(GLM_FORCE_DEFAULT_ALIGNED_GENTYPES) defaultp = aligned_highp # else defaultp = highp # endif }; typedef qualifier precision; template<length_t L, typename T, qualifier Q = defaultp> struct vec; template<length_t C, length_t R, typename T, qualifier Q = defaultp> struct mat; template<typename T, qualifier Q = defaultp> struct qua; # if GLM_HAS_TEMPLATE_ALIASES template <typename T, qualifier Q = defaultp> using tvec1 = vec<1, T, Q>; template <typename T, qualifier Q = defaultp> using tvec2 = vec<2, T, Q>; template <typename T, qualifier Q = defaultp> using tvec3 = vec<3, T, Q>; template <typename T, qualifier Q = defaultp> using tvec4 = vec<4, T, Q>; template <typename T, qualifier Q = defaultp> using tmat2x2 = mat<2, 2, T, Q>; template <typename T, qualifier Q = defaultp> using tmat2x3 = mat<2, 3, T, Q>; template <typename T, qualifier Q = defaultp> using tmat2x4 = mat<2, 4, T, Q>; template <typename T, qualifier Q = defaultp> using tmat3x2 = mat<3, 2, T, Q>; template <typename T, qualifier Q = defaultp> using tmat3x3 = mat<3, 3, T, Q>; template <typename T, qualifier Q = defaultp> using tmat3x4 = mat<3, 4, T, Q>; template <typename T, qualifier Q = defaultp> using tmat4x2 = mat<4, 2, T, Q>; template <typename T, qualifier Q = defaultp> using tmat4x3 = mat<4, 3, T, Q>; template <typename T, qualifier Q = defaultp> using tmat4x4 = mat<4, 4, T, Q>; template <typename T, qualifier Q = defaultp> using tquat = qua<T, Q>; # endif namespace detail { template<glm::qualifier P> struct is_aligned { static const bool value = false; }; # if GLM_CONFIG_ALIGNED_GENTYPES == GLM_ENABLE template<> struct is_aligned<glm::aligned_lowp> { static const bool value = true; }; template<> struct is_aligned<glm::aligned_mediump> { static const bool value = true; }; template<> struct is_aligned<glm::aligned_highp> { static const bool value = true; }; # endif template<length_t L, typename T, bool is_aligned> struct storage { typedef struct type { T data[L]; } type; }; # if GLM_HAS_ALIGNOF template<length_t L, typename T> struct storage<L, T, true> { typedef struct alignas(L * sizeof(T)) type { T data[L]; } type; }; template<typename T> struct storage<3, T, true> { typedef struct alignas(4 * sizeof(T)) type { T data[4]; } type; }; # endif # if GLM_ARCH & GLM_ARCH_SSE2_BIT template<> struct storage<4, float, true> { typedef glm_f32vec4 type; }; template<> struct storage<4, int, true> { typedef glm_i32vec4 type; }; template<> struct storage<4, unsigned int, true> { typedef glm_u32vec4 type; }; template<> struct storage<2, double, true> { typedef glm_f64vec2 type; }; template<> struct storage<2, detail::int64, true> { typedef glm_i64vec2 type; }; template<> struct storage<2, detail::uint64, true> { typedef glm_u64vec2 type; }; # endif # if (GLM_ARCH & GLM_ARCH_AVX_BIT) template<> struct storage<4, double, true> { typedef glm_f64vec4 type; }; # endif # if (GLM_ARCH & GLM_ARCH_AVX2_BIT) template<> struct storage<4, detail::int64, true> { typedef glm_i64vec4 type; }; template<> struct storage<4, detail::uint64, true> { typedef glm_u64vec4 type; }; # endif # if GLM_ARCH & GLM_ARCH_NEON_BIT template<> struct storage<4, float, true> { typedef glm_f32vec4 type; }; template<> struct storage<4, int, true> { typedef glm_i32vec4 type; }; template<> struct storage<4, unsigned int, true> { typedef glm_u32vec4 type; }; # endif enum genTypeEnum { GENTYPE_VEC, GENTYPE_MAT, GENTYPE_QUAT }; template <typename genType> struct genTypeTrait {}; template <length_t C, length_t R, typename T> struct genTypeTrait<mat<C, R, T> > { static const genTypeEnum GENTYPE = GENTYPE_MAT; }; template<typename genType, genTypeEnum type> struct init_gentype { }; template<typename genType> struct init_gentype<genType, GENTYPE_QUAT> { GLM_FUNC_QUALIFIER GLM_CONSTEXPR static genType identity() { return genType(1, 0, 0, 0); } }; template<typename genType> struct init_gentype<genType, GENTYPE_MAT> { GLM_FUNC_QUALIFIER GLM_CONSTEXPR static genType identity() { return genType(1); } }; }//namespace detail }//namespace glm