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% @Author: Jingqiao Hu
% @Date: 2020-10-29 15:04:15
% @LastEditTime: 2021-04-14 15:49:47
% NOTE: nely & nelx is globaly & globalx
function [freedofs,fixeddofs,F,loadnid] = designDomain(opt,nelx,nely,vF, nodes, microx, x_offset)
alldofs = 2*(nelx+1)*(nely+1);
switch opt
case 'bending'
fixeddofs = [1, 2*(nely+1), 2*(nely+1)*(nelx+1)];
% mimicking contact force
[F,loadnid] = mimicking_contact_F(vF, nelx, nely, microx, x_offset);
% 3-point concentrate force
loadnid = [(nely+1) * (microx*x_offset+1) * 2, ...
(nely+1) * ((nelx+1+1)/2-1) * 2 + 2, ...
(nely+1) * (nelx+1-microx*x_offset) * 2];
% vF = [vF/2, -vF, vF/2];
case 'MBB'
fixeddofs = [1:2:2*(nely+1),2*(nely+1)*(nelx+1)];
loadnid = 2;
vF = -vF;
case 'cantilever'
fixeddofs = 1:2*(nely+1);
loadnid = 2*(nely+1)*(nelx+1);
vF = -vF;
case 'cant2'
fixeddofs = 1:2*(nely+1);
loadnid = [2*(nely+1)*(nelx+1)-1, 2*(nely+1)*(nelx+1)];
vF = -vF;
case 'Lshape'
% fixeddofs = [2*(nely+1):2*(nely+1):(2*(nely+1)*nelx/2)];
fixeddofs = [2*(nely+1):2*(nely+1):(2*(nely+1)*nelx/2),...
loadnid = 2*nelx*(nely+1)+nely+2;
case 'michell'
fixeddofs = 1:2*(nely+1);
loadnid = [((nely+1)*(nelx+1)-nely/2)*2, ((nely+1)*(nelx+1)-nely/2)*2-1];
vF = [-vF,vF]*sqrt(2)/2;
case 'miche2'
fixeddofs = 1:2*(nely+1);
loadnid = (nelx*(nely+1)+1) : (nelx+1)*(nely+1);
loadnid = [loadnid*2-1];
vF = vF/length(loadnid(:));
case 'bridge1'
loadnid = [2*(nely+1)];
vF = -vF;
fixeddofs = union(1:2:2*(nely+1),[2*(nelx+1)*(nely+1),2*(nelx+1)*(nely+1)-1]);
case 'bridge2'
loadnid = [2*(nely+1)*(nelx/2+1),2*(nely+1)];
vF = [-vF, -2*vF];
fixeddofs = union(1:2:2*(nely+1),[2*(nelx+1)*(nely+1),2*(nelx+1)*(nely+1)-1]);
case 'internal'
f1 = 1:2:2*(nely+1)-1; % left
f2 = 2:2*(nely+1):2+2*(nely+1)*nelx; % up
f3 = 1+2*(nely+1)*nelx:2:2*(nely+1)*(nelx+1)-1; % right
f4 = 2*(nely+1):2*nely+2:2*(nelx+1)*(nely+1); % down
loadnid = [f2,f3];
vF = repmat(vF*-1, size(loadnid));
fixeddofs = [1:2:2*(nely+1), 2*(nely+1):2*(nely+1):2*(nely+1)*(nelx+1)];
case 'two-loads'
% vF = 2*vF;
fixeddofs = union([1:2:2*(nely+1)],2*(nely+1)*(nelx+1)-[1:1:2*(nely+1)]+1);
loadnid = [2,2*(nely+1)];
vF = [-vF,vF];
% case 'bending'
% fixeddofs = [1:2:2*(nely+1),2*(nely+1)*(nelx+1)];
% loadnid = [2*(nely+1), 2*(nely+1)*(nelx+1), 2*(nely+1)*(nelx)+1];
% vF = [vF, -vF, -vF];
case 'stretch'
fixeddofs = 1:2*(nely+1);
loadnid = 2*(nely+1)*nelx+1:2:alldofs;
freedofs = setdiff(1:alldofs,fixeddofs);
if ~strcmp(opt, 'bending')
F = sparse(loadnid,1,vF,alldofs,1);
% % nonregular mesh
% if nargin > 4
% [fixeddofs, freedofs, F] = FEA_init_nonregular(nodes, fixeddofs, loadnid,vF);
% end
% figure; scatter(nodes(:,1),nodes(:,2)); axis equal; hold on
% % % % scatter(nodes(round(fixeddofs/2), 1),nodes(round(fixeddofs/2), 2), 'filled'); axis equal; hold on
% scatter(nodes(loadnid/2, 1),nodes(loadnid/2, 2), 'filled'); axis equal; hold on
% % scatter(nodes(loadnid, 1),nodes(loadnid, 2), 'filled'); axis equal; hold on
% only located on that macro-nodes
function [F,loadnid] = mimicking_contact_F(vF, globalx, globaly, microx, x_offset)
nelx = globalx / microx;
nely = globaly / microx;
fj1 = nely+1;
fi1 = x_offset+1;
fv1 = vF/2;
F1 = neighbors_F(fi1, fj1, fv1, 1, nelx, nely);
fj2 = 1;
fi2 = (nelx+1+1) / 2;
fv2 = -vF;
F2 = neighbors_F(fi2, fj2, fv2, 1, nelx, nely);
fj3 = nely+1;
fi3 = nelx+1 - x_offset;
fv3 = vF/2;
F3 = neighbors_F(fi3, fj3, fv3, 1, nelx, nely);
F = F1 + F2 + F3;
F_macro = reshape(F', [], 1);
% [nodes, eles, eleNum, nodeNum] = GenerateMesh(nelx, nely, nelx, nely);
% figure; scatter(nodes(:,1),nodes(:,2)); axis equal; hold on;
% scatter(nodes(loadnid/2, 1),nodes(loadnid/2, 2), 'filled'); axis equal; hold on
loadnid = [];
% now F is only on macro-nodes, expand to full-scale
[~,~,edofMat_ma,~] = forAssemble(nelx, nely);
F_full = zeros((globalx+1)*(globaly+1), 2);
for i = 1:nelx
for j = 1:nely
edof = edofMat_ma(j+(i-1)*nely, :);
Fe = reshape(F_macro(edof), 2, [])';
% the macro-nodes corresponding to micro-nodes: [x,1],[x,x],[1,x],[1,1]
micro_nodes = [microx+1, 1;
microx+1, microx+1;
1, microx+1;
1, 1];
for im = 1:4
jj = micro_nodes(im, 1);
ii = micro_nodes(im, 2);
fulli = (i-1)*microx + ii;
fullj = (j-1)*microx + jj;
full_nid = (fulli - 1) * (globaly+1) + fullj;
F_full(full_nid, :) = Fe(im, :);
% loadnid = [loadnid, full_nid];
F = reshape(F_full', [], 1);
% using pressure to mimicking contact force
function F = mimicking_contact_F2(vF, nelx, nely, microx)
fj1 = nely;
fi1 = microx;
fv1 = vF/2;
F1 = neighbors_F(fi1, fj1, fv1, microx, nelx, nely);
fj2 = 1;
fi2 = (nelx+1+1) / 2;
fv2 = -vF;
F2 = neighbors_F(fi2, fj2, fv2, microx, nelx, nely);
fj3 = nely;
fi3 = nelx - microx;
fv3 = vF/2;
F3 = neighbors_F(fi3, fj3, fv3, microx, nelx, nely);
F = F1 + F2 + F3;
F = reshape(F', [], 1);
function F = neighbors_F(f_i, f_j, fv, step, nelx, nely)
nodes_num = (nelx+1)*(nely+1);
F = zeros(nodes_num, 2);
for i = max(f_i-step, 1) : min(f_i+step, nelx+1)
for j = max(f_j-step, 1) : min(f_j+step, nely+1)
fx1 = fv * (1 - ((i-f_i)/step)^2);
fy1 = fv * (1 - ((j-f_j)/step)^2);
nid = j + (i-1) * (nely+1);
F(nid, :) = [0, fy1];