9 changed files with 335 additions and 6 deletions
@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ |
set(SUB_PROJECT_NAME top-thermoelastic-box) |
add_executable(${SUB_PROJECT_NAME} main.cpp) |
target_link_libraries(${SUB_PROJECT_NAME} ${PROJECT_NAME}_lib) |
target_compile_definitions(${SUB_PROJECT_NAME} PUBLIC CONFIG_FILE="${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/config.json") |
target_compile_definitions(${SUB_PROJECT_NAME} PUBLIC OUTPUT_DIR="${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/output") |
target_compile_definitions(${SUB_PROJECT_NAME} PUBLIC ASSETS_DIR="${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/assets") |
@ -0,0 +1,80 @@ |
{ |
"TopologyOptimizationExample": "box","//": "USER DEFINED project name", |
"material": { |
"E": 7.2e10, "//": "Young's modulus", |
"poisson_ratio": 0.3, "//": "Poisson's ratio", |
"thermal_conductivity":237, "//unit": "W/(m*K)", |
"thermal_expansion_coefficient": 2.321e-5, "//unit": "1/K" |
}, |
"topology": { |
"max_loop": 150,"//": "Maximum number of iterations for topology optimization", |
"volfrac": 0.3,"//": "0~1, Volume ratio restriction", |
"penal": 3.0,"//": "Useless", |
"r_min": 1.05,"//": "Convolution kernel size, less than 1 will result in checkerboard phenomenon", |
"T_ref": 293.15,"//": "K, Reference/Environment temperature", |
"T_limit": 294,"//": "K, Maximum temperature limit in optimization", |
"R_E": 28,"//": "1~28, The higher the value, the closer the density is to 0 or 1", |
"R_lambda": 28,"//": "1~28, The higher the value, the closer the density is to 0 or 1", |
"R_beta":0,"//": "Useless" |
}, |
"model": { |
"regular_model": { |
"lx": 100,"//": "A lx * ly * lz rectangle", |
"ly": 30, |
"lz": 30 |
} |
}, |
"mechanical_boundary_condition":{ "//": "A [min[0],max[0]] * [min[1],max[1]] * [min[2],max[2]] rectangle boundary", |
"//": "NBC: Neumann boundary condition; DBC: Dirichlet boundary condition", |
"NBC": [ |
{ |
"min": [-0.01, 0.97, -0.01],"//": "0~1, A [min[0],max[0]] line, because y and z are the same", |
"max": [1.01, 1.01, 1.01],"//": "0~1", |
"val": [0, -1e9, 0],"//": "Pa, The z direction is subject to a -1e8 load" |
} |
], |
"DBC": [ |
{ |
"min": [-0.01, -0.01, -0.01], |
"max": [1.01, 0.05, 1.01], |
"dir": [1, 1, 1],"//": "0 or 1, indicates whether xyz directions are fixed" |
} |
] |
}, |
"thermal_boundary_condition": { |
"NBC": [ |
{ |
"min": [-0.01, 0.97, -0.01], |
"max": [1.01, 1.01, 1.01], |
"heat_flux": 0.18, "//": "W, >=0,18.355 for 324" |
} |
], |
"DBC": [ |
{ |
"min": [0.07, 0.45, -0.01], |
"max": [0.12, 0.58, 1.01], |
"temperature": 293.15, "//": "K, fixed temperature in DBC" |
}, |
{ |
"min": [0.27, 0.40, -0.01], |
"max": [0.32, 0.55, 1.01], |
"temperature": 293.15, "//": "K, fixed temperature in DBC" |
}, |
{ |
"min": [0.46, 0.40, -0.01], |
"max": [0.53, 0.55, 1.01], |
"temperature": 293.15, "//": "K, fixed temperature in DBC" |
}, |
{ |
"min": [0.67, 0.40, -0.01], |
"max": [0.72, 0.55, 1.01], |
"temperature": 293.15, "//": "K, fixed temperature in DBC" |
}, |
{ |
"min": [0.87, 0.40, -0.01], |
"max": [0.92, 0.57, 1.01], |
"temperature": 293.15, "//": "K, fixed temperature in DBC" |
} |
] |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,195 @@ |
// Created by cflin on 6/9/23.
#include <memory> |
#include <nlohmann/json.hpp> |
#include "Boundary.h" |
#include "Mesh/HeatMesh.h" |
#include "Util.h" |
#include "ThermoelasticTop3d.h" |
#include "FEA/MechanicalLinearFEA.h" |
#include "FEA/ThermalLinearFEA.h" |
#include "TensorWrapper.h" |
int main() { |
using namespace da::sha; |
using top::fs_path; |
using std::string; |
top::fs_path output_dir(OUTPUT_DIR); |
top::fs_path config_file(CONFIG_FILE); |
top::fs_path assets_dir(ASSETS_DIR); |
spdlog::info("Algo read from '{}'", config_file.string()); |
spdlog::info("Algo output to '{}'", output_dir.string()); |
spdlog::info("assets dir: '{}'", assets_dir.string()); |
// read json
std::ifstream f(config_file.c_str()); |
if (!f) { |
spdlog::critical("f open fail!"); |
exit(-7); |
} |
nlohmann::json j_config = nlohmann::json::parse(f); |
// read title
std::string condition = j_config["TopologyOptimizationExample"]; |
spdlog::critical("TopologyOptimizationExample: {}", condition); |
// set topology parameters
auto para = std::make_shared<top::CtrlPara>(); |
para->max_loop = j_config["topology"]["max_loop"]; |
para->volfrac = j_config["topology"]["volfrac"]; |
para->r_min = j_config["topology"]["r_min"]; |
para->penal = j_config["topology"]["penal"]; |
para->T_ref = j_config["topology"]["T_ref"]; |
para->T_limit = j_config["topology"]["T_limit"]; |
para->R_E = j_config["topology"]["R_E"]; |
para->R_lambda = j_config["topology"]["R_lambda"]; |
para->R_beta = j_config["topology"]["R_beta"]; |
// set material parameters
double E = j_config["material"]["E"]; |
double Poisson_ratio = j_config["material"]["poisson_ratio"]; |
double thermal_conductivity = j_config["material"]["thermal_conductivity"]; |
double thermal_expansion_coefficient = j_config["material"]["thermal_expansion_coefficient"]; |
auto material = std::make_shared<top::Material>(E, Poisson_ratio, thermal_conductivity, |
thermal_expansion_coefficient); |
// set fea
auto sp_mech_fea = std::make_shared<top::MechanicalLinearFEA>(material);// for mechanical
auto sp_thermal_fea = std::make_shared<top::ThermalLinearFEA>(material);// for thermal
// set mesh(regular)
int len_x = j_config["model"]["regular_model"]["lx"]; |
int len_y = j_config["model"]["regular_model"]["ly"]; |
int len_z = j_config["model"]["regular_model"]["lz"]; |
std::shared_ptr<top::Mesh> sp_mech_mesh; |
std::shared_ptr<top::HeatMesh> sp_thermal_mesh; |
sp_mech_mesh = std::make_shared<top::Mesh>(len_x, len_y, len_z); |
sp_thermal_mesh = std::make_shared<top::HeatMesh>(len_x, len_y, len_z); |
// initialize Top3d
auto sp_mech_top3d = std::make_shared<top::Top3d>(para, sp_mech_fea, sp_mech_mesh); |
auto sp_thermal_top3d = std::make_shared<top::Top3d>(para, sp_thermal_fea, sp_thermal_mesh); |
// auxiliary class(Boundary) help to get boundary coordinates
// see the comments in Boundary.h for more information
top::Boundary mech_bdr(sp_mech_mesh); |
top::Boundary thermal_bdr(sp_thermal_mesh); |
{ |
// add Dirichlet boundary, see the comments in Top3d::AddDBC for more information
assert(j_config.count("mechanical_boundary_condition")); |
assert(j_config["mechanical_boundary_condition"].count("DBC")); |
assert(j_config["mechanical_boundary_condition"].count("NBC")); |
int DBCNum = j_config["mechanical_boundary_condition"]["DBC"].size(); |
for (int _i = 0; _i < DBCNum; ++_i) { |
const auto &DBCI = j_config["mechanical_boundary_condition"]["DBC"][_i]; |
Eigen::Vector3d minBBox(DBCI["min"][0], DBCI["min"][1], DBCI["min"][2]); |
Eigen::Vector3d maxBBox(DBCI["max"][0], DBCI["max"][1], DBCI["max"][2]); |
Eigen::Vector3i dir(DBCI["dir"][0], DBCI["dir"][1], DBCI["dir"][2]); |
top::Dir t_dir(minBBox, maxBBox, dir); |
sp_mech_top3d->AddDBC(mech_bdr.GetChosenCoordsByRelativeAlignedBox(t_dir.box), |
t_dir.dir); |
} |
// add Neumann boundary, see the comments in Top3d::AddNBC for more information
int NBCNum = j_config["mechanical_boundary_condition"]["NBC"].size(); |
for (int _i = 0; _i < NBCNum; ++_i) { |
const auto &NBCI = j_config["mechanical_boundary_condition"]["NBC"][_i]; |
Eigen::Vector3d minBBox(NBCI["min"][0], NBCI["min"][1], NBCI["min"][2]); |
Eigen::Vector3d maxBBox(NBCI["max"][0], NBCI["max"][1], NBCI["max"][2]); |
Eigen::Vector3d val(NBCI["val"][0], NBCI["val"][1], NBCI["val"][2]); |
top::Neu t_neu(minBBox, maxBBox, val); |
Eigen::MatrixXi coords = mech_bdr.GetChosenCoordsByRelativeAlignedBox(t_neu.box); |
sp_mech_top3d->AddNBC(coords, t_neu.val / coords.rows()); |
} |
} |
{ |
// add Dirichlet boundary, see the comments in Top3d::AddDBC for more information
assert(j_config.count("thermal_boundary_condition")); |
assert(j_config["thermal_boundary_condition"].count("DBC")); |
assert(j_config["thermal_boundary_condition"].count("NBC")); |
int DBCNum = j_config["thermal_boundary_condition"]["DBC"].size(); |
for (int _i = 0; _i < DBCNum; ++_i) { |
const auto &DBCI = j_config["thermal_boundary_condition"]["DBC"][_i]; |
Eigen::Vector3d minBBox(DBCI["min"][0], DBCI["min"][1], DBCI["min"][2]); |
Eigen::Vector3d maxBBox(DBCI["max"][0], DBCI["max"][1], DBCI["max"][2]); |
top::Dir t_dir(minBBox, maxBBox, Eigen::Vector3i(1, 0, 0)); |
sp_thermal_top3d->AddDBC(mech_bdr.GetChosenCoordsByRelativeAlignedBox(t_dir.box), |
t_dir.dir, DBCI["temperature"]); |
} |
// add Neumann boundary, see the comments in Top3d::AddNBC for more information
int NBCNum = j_config["thermal_boundary_condition"]["NBC"].size(); |
for (int _i = 0; _i < NBCNum; ++_i) { |
const auto &NBCI = j_config["thermal_boundary_condition"]["NBC"][_i]; |
Eigen::Vector3d minBBox(NBCI["min"][0], NBCI["min"][1], NBCI["min"][2]); |
Eigen::Vector3d maxBBox(NBCI["max"][0], NBCI["max"][1], NBCI["max"][2]); |
Eigen::Vector3d val(NBCI["heat_flux"], 0, 0); |
top::Neu t_neu(minBBox, maxBBox, val); |
Eigen::MatrixXi coords = mech_bdr.GetChosenCoordsByRelativeAlignedBox(t_neu.box); |
sp_thermal_top3d->AddNBC(coords, t_neu.val / coords.rows()); |
} |
} |
// init thermoelastic top3d
top::ThermoelasticTop3d ther_top3d(sp_mech_top3d, sp_thermal_top3d); |
// process topology optimization
top::Tensor3d ten_rho = ther_top3d.TopOptMainLoop(); |
// extract rho (txt or vtk)
fs_path rho_txt_path = output_dir / "txt" / (condition + "_rho.txt"); |
write_tensor3d(rho_txt_path, ten_rho, sp_mech_mesh->GetOrigin(), |
sp_mech_mesh->GetOrigin() + sp_mech_mesh->GetLenBox()); |
spdlog::info("write density txt to: {}", rho_txt_path.c_str()); |
fs_path rho_vtk_path = output_dir / "vtk" / (condition + "_rho.vtk"); |
WriteTensorToVtk(rho_vtk_path, ten_rho, sp_mech_mesh); |
spdlog::info("write density vtk to: {}", rho_vtk_path.c_str()); |
// extract temperature(vtk)
fs_path U_vtk_path = output_dir / "vtk" / (condition + "_U.vtk"); |
WriteUToVtk(U_vtk_path, ther_top3d.GetTemperature(), sp_mech_mesh); |
spdlog::info("write displacement norm vtk to: {}", U_vtk_path.c_str()); |
// extract stress field(txt or vtk)
auto vonStress = ther_top3d.GetVonStress(); |
fs_path stressVon_txt_pah = output_dir / "txt" / (condition + "_stressVon.txt"); |
write_tensor3d(stressVon_txt_pah, vonStress, sp_mech_mesh->GetOrigin(), |
sp_mech_mesh->GetOrigin() + sp_mech_mesh->GetLenBox()); |
spdlog::info("write stressVon txt to: {}", stressVon_txt_pah.c_str()); |
fs_path stressVon_vtk_pah = output_dir / "vtk" / (condition + "_stressVon.vtk"); |
WriteTensorToVtk(stressVon_vtk_pah, vonStress, sp_mech_mesh); |
spdlog::info("write stressVon vtk to: {}", stressVon_vtk_pah.c_str()); |
auto v_tenosr = ther_top3d.GetTensorOfStress(Eigen::Vector3d{0, 1, 2}); |
fs_path stressX_txt_pah = output_dir / "txt" / (condition + "_stressX.txt"); |
write_tensor3d(stressX_txt_pah, v_tenosr[0], sp_mech_mesh->GetOrigin(), |
sp_mech_mesh->GetOrigin() + sp_mech_mesh->GetLenBox()); |
spdlog::info("write stressX txt to: {}", stressX_txt_pah.c_str()); |
fs_path stressX_vtk_path = output_dir / "vtk" / (condition + "_stressX.vtk"); |
WriteTensorToVtk(stressX_vtk_path, v_tenosr[0], sp_mech_mesh); |
spdlog::info("write stressX vtk to: {}", stressX_vtk_path.c_str()); |
fs_path stressY_txt_pah = output_dir / "txt" / (condition + "_stressY.txt"); |
write_tensor3d(stressY_txt_pah, v_tenosr[1], sp_mech_mesh->GetOrigin(), |
sp_mech_mesh->GetOrigin() + sp_mech_mesh->GetLenBox()); |
spdlog::info("write stressY txt to: {}", stressY_txt_pah.c_str()); |
fs_path stressY_vtk_path = output_dir / "vtk" / (condition + "_stressY.vtk"); |
WriteTensorToVtk(stressY_vtk_path, v_tenosr[1], sp_mech_mesh); |
spdlog::info("write stressY vtk to: {}", stressY_vtk_path.c_str()); |
fs_path stressZ_txt_pah = output_dir / "txt" / (condition + "_stressZ.txt"); |
write_tensor3d(stressZ_txt_pah, v_tenosr[2], sp_mech_mesh->GetOrigin(), |
sp_mech_mesh->GetOrigin() + sp_mech_mesh->GetLenBox()); |
spdlog::info("write stressZ txt to: {}", stressZ_txt_pah.c_str()); |
fs_path stressZ_vtk_path = output_dir / "vtk" / (condition + "_stressZ.vtk"); |
WriteTensorToVtk(stressZ_vtk_path, v_tenosr[2], sp_mech_mesh); |
spdlog::info("write stressZ vtk to: {}", stressZ_vtk_path.c_str()); |
} |
Reference in new issue