@ -7,235 +7,250 @@ |
#include <cassert> |
#include "Eigen/src/Core/Matrix.h" |
#include "Util.h" |
namespace da::sha { |
namespace top { |
Tensor3d Top3d::TopOptMainLoop() { |
Eigen::VectorXd xPhys_col(sp_mesh_->GetNumEles()); |
Eigen::VectorXi chosen_ele_id(sp_mesh_->GetChosenEleIdx()); |
bool flg_chosen = chosen_ele_id.size() != 0; |
if (!flg_chosen) { |
// no part chosen
xPhys_col.setConstant(sp_para_->volfrac); |
} else { |
// pick chosen part to sim
xPhys_col = sp_mesh_->GetInitEleRho(); |
xPhys_col(chosen_ele_id).setConstant(sp_para_->volfrac); |
} |
int loop = 0; |
double change = 1.0; |
double E0 = sp_fea_->sp_material_->E; |
double Emin = E0 * sp_para_->E_factor; |
// precompute
Eigen::VectorXd dv(sp_mesh_->GetNumEles()); |
dv.setOnes(); |
dv = H_ * (dv.array() / Hs_.array()).matrix().eval(); |
Eigen::VectorXd ele_to_write = |
Eigen::VectorXd::Zero(sp_mesh_->GetLx() * sp_mesh_->GetLy() * sp_mesh_->GetLz()); |
Eigen::VectorXi pixel_idx = sp_mesh_->GetPixelIdx(); |
spdlog::info("end precompute"); |
// // clear output dir
// clear_dir(CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR "/output");
namespace top { |
Tensor3d Top3d::TopOptMainLoop() { |
Eigen::VectorXd xPhys_col(sp_mesh_->GetNumEles()); |
Eigen::VectorXi chosen_ele_id(sp_mesh_->GetChosenEleIdx()); |
bool flg_chosen = chosen_ele_id.size() != 0; |
if (!flg_chosen) { |
// no part chosen
xPhys_col.setConstant(sp_para_->volfrac); |
} else { |
// pick chosen part to sim
xPhys_col = sp_mesh_->GetInitEleRho(); |
xPhys_col(chosen_ele_id).setConstant(sp_para_->volfrac); |
} |
int loop = 0; |
double change = 1.0; |
double E0 = sp_fea_->sp_material_->E; |
double Emin = E0 * sp_para_->E_factor; |
// precompute
Eigen::VectorXd dv(sp_mesh_->GetNumEles()); |
dv.setOnes(); |
dv = H_ * (dv.array() / Hs_.array()).matrix().eval(); |
Eigen::VectorXd ele_to_write = |
Eigen::VectorXd::Zero(sp_mesh_->GetLx() * sp_mesh_->GetLy() * sp_mesh_->GetLz()); |
Eigen::VectorXi pixel_idx = sp_mesh_->GetPixelIdx(); |
spdlog::info("end precompute"); |
// // clear output dir
// clear_dir(CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR "/output");
spdlog::info("using suitesparse solver"); |
spdlog::info("using suitesparse solver"); |
#else |
spdlog::warn("using Eigen built-in direct solver!"); |
spdlog::warn("using Eigen built-in direct solver!"); |
#endif |
// start iteration
while (change > sp_para_->tol_x && loop < sp_para_->max_loop) { |
++loop; |
Eigen::VectorXd sK = |
(sKe_ * (Emin + xPhys_col.array().pow(sp_para_->penal) * (E0 - Emin)).matrix().transpose()) |
.reshaped(); |
auto v_tri = Vec2Triplet(iK_, jK_, sK); |
K_.setFromTriplets(v_tri.begin(), v_tri.end()); |
IntroduceFixedDofs(K_, F_); |
// start iteration
while (change > sp_para_->tol_x && loop < sp_para_->max_loop) { |
++loop; |
// filter
xPhys_col = H_ * (xPhys_col.array() / Hs_.array()).matrix().eval(); |
Eigen::VectorXd sK = |
(sKe_ * (Emin + xPhys_col.array().pow(sp_para_->penal) * (E0 - Emin)).matrix().transpose()) |
.reshaped(); |
auto v_tri = Vec2Triplet(iK_, jK_, sK); |
K_.setFromTriplets(v_tri.begin(), v_tri.end()); |
IntroduceFixedDofs(K_, F_); |
Eigen::CholmodSupernodalLLT<Eigen::SparseMatrix<double>> solver; |
Eigen::CholmodSupernodalLLT<Eigen::SparseMatrix<double>> solver; |
#else |
Eigen::SimplicialLLT<Eigen::SparseMatrix<double>> solver; |
Eigen::SimplicialLLT<Eigen::SparseMatrix<double>> solver; |
#endif |
solver.compute(K_); |
U_ = solver.solve(F_); |
// compliance
Eigen::VectorXd ce(sp_mesh_->GetNumEles()); |
for (int i = 0; i < sp_mesh_->GetNumEles(); ++i) { |
Eigen::VectorXi dofs_in_ele_i = sp_mesh_->MapEleId2Dofs(i); |
Eigen::VectorXd Ue = U_(dofs_in_ele_i); |
ce(i) = Ue.transpose() * Ke_ * Ue; |
} |
double c = |
ce.transpose() * (Emin + xPhys_col.array().pow(sp_para_->penal) * (E0 - Emin)).matrix(); |
double v = flg_chosen ? xPhys_col(chosen_ele_id).sum() : xPhys_col.sum(); |
Eigen::VectorXd dc = |
-sp_para_->penal * (E0 - Emin) * xPhys_col.array().pow(sp_para_->penal - 1.0) * ce.array(); |
// mma solver
size_t num_constrants = 1; |
size_t num_variables = flg_chosen ? chosen_ele_id.size() : sp_mesh_->GetNumEles(); |
auto mma = std::make_shared<MMASolver>(num_variables, num_constrants); |
Eigen::VectorXd variables_tmp = flg_chosen ? xPhys_col(chosen_ele_id) : xPhys_col; |
double f0val = c; |
Eigen::VectorXd df0dx = flg_chosen |
? dc(chosen_ele_id).eval() / dc(chosen_ele_id).cwiseAbs().maxCoeff() |
: dc / dc.cwiseAbs().maxCoeff(); |
double fval = v - num_variables * sp_para_->volfrac; |
Eigen::VectorXd dfdx = flg_chosen ? dv(chosen_ele_id) : dv; |
static Eigen::VectorXd low_bounds = Eigen::VectorXd::Zero(num_variables); |
static Eigen::VectorXd up_bounds = Eigen::VectorXd::Ones(num_variables); |
// spdlog::info("mma update");
mma->Update(variables_tmp.data(), df0dx.data(), &fval, dfdx.data(), low_bounds.data(), |
up_bounds.data()); |
if (flg_chosen) { |
change = (variables_tmp - xPhys_col(chosen_ele_id)).cwiseAbs().maxCoeff(); |
xPhys_col(chosen_ele_id) = variables_tmp; |
} else { |
change = (variables_tmp - xPhys_col).cwiseAbs().maxCoeff(); |
xPhys_col = variables_tmp; |
} |
spdlog::critical("Iter: {:3d}, Comp: {:.3e}, Vol: {:.2f}, Change: {:f}", loop, c, v, change); |
solver.compute(K_); |
U_ = solver.solve(F_); |
// compliance
Eigen::VectorXd ce(sp_mesh_->GetNumEles()); |
for (int i = 0; i < sp_mesh_->GetNumEles(); ++i) { |
Eigen::VectorXi dofs_in_ele_i = sp_mesh_->MapEleId2Dofs(i); |
Eigen::VectorXd Ue = U_(dofs_in_ele_i); |
ce(i) = Ue.transpose() * Ke_ * Ue; |
} |
double c = |
ce.transpose() * (Emin + xPhys_col.array().pow(sp_para_->penal) * (E0 - Emin)).matrix(); |
double v = flg_chosen ? xPhys_col(chosen_ele_id).sum() : xPhys_col.sum(); |
// sensitivity
Eigen::VectorXd dc_drho = |
-sp_para_->penal * (E0 - Emin) * xPhys_col.array().pow(sp_para_->penal - 1.0) * ce.array(); |
Eigen::VectorXd dc_dx = drho_dx_ * dc_drho; |
// mma solver
size_t num_constrants = 1; |
size_t num_variables = flg_chosen ? chosen_ele_id.size() : sp_mesh_->GetNumEles(); |
auto mma = std::make_shared<MMASolver>(num_variables, num_constrants); |
Eigen::VectorXd variables_tmp = flg_chosen ? xPhys_col(chosen_ele_id) : xPhys_col; |
double f0val = c; |
Eigen::VectorXd df0dx = flg_chosen |
? dc_dx(chosen_ele_id).eval() / dc_dx(chosen_ele_id).cwiseAbs().maxCoeff() |
: dc_dx / dc_dx.cwiseAbs().maxCoeff(); |
double fval = v - num_variables * sp_para_->volfrac; |
Eigen::VectorXd dfdx = flg_chosen ? dv(chosen_ele_id) : dv; |
static Eigen::VectorXd low_bounds = Eigen::VectorXd::Zero(num_variables); |
static Eigen::VectorXd up_bounds = Eigen::VectorXd::Ones(num_variables); |
// spdlog::info("mma update");
mma->Update(variables_tmp.data(), df0dx.data(), &fval, dfdx.data(), low_bounds.data(), |
up_bounds.data()); |
if (flg_chosen) { |
change = (variables_tmp - xPhys_col(chosen_ele_id)).cwiseAbs().maxCoeff(); |
xPhys_col(chosen_ele_id) = variables_tmp; |
} else { |
change = (variables_tmp - xPhys_col).cwiseAbs().maxCoeff(); |
xPhys_col = variables_tmp; |
} |
spdlog::critical("Iter: {:3d}, Comp: {:.3e}, Vol: {:.2f}, Change: {:f}", loop, c, v, change); |
// extract vtk
ele_to_write(pixel_idx) = xPhys_col; |
Tensor3d ten_xPhys_to_write(sp_mesh_->GetLx() * sp_mesh_->GetLy() * sp_mesh_->GetLz(), 1, 1); |
for (int i = 0; i < ele_to_write.size(); ++i) { |
ten_xPhys_to_write(i, 0, 0) = ele_to_write(i); |
} |
ten_xPhys_to_write = ten_xPhys_to_write.reshape(Eigen::array<Eigen::DenseIndex, 3>{ |
sp_mesh_->GetLx(), sp_mesh_->GetLy(), sp_mesh_->GetLz()}); |
top::WriteTensorToVtk( |
da::WorkingResultDirectoryPath() / ("field_matrix" + std::to_string(loop) + ".vtk"), |
ten_xPhys_to_write, sp_mesh_); |
// extract vtk
ele_to_write(pixel_idx) = xPhys_col; |
Tensor3d ten_xPhys_to_write(sp_mesh_->GetLx() * sp_mesh_->GetLy() * sp_mesh_->GetLz(), 1, 1); |
for (int i = 0; i < ele_to_write.size(); ++i) { |
ten_xPhys_to_write(i, 0, 0) = ele_to_write(i); |
} |
ten_xPhys_to_write = ten_xPhys_to_write.reshape(Eigen::array<Eigen::DenseIndex, 3>{ |
sp_mesh_->GetLx(), sp_mesh_->GetLy(), sp_mesh_->GetLz()}); |
top::WriteTensorToVtk( |
da::WorkingResultDirectoryPath() / ("field_matrix" + std::to_string(loop) + ".vtk"), |
ten_xPhys_to_write, sp_mesh_); |
#endif |
} |
// result
rho_ = xPhys_col; |
// set 0 to rho of unchosen part
assert(xPhys_col.size()); |
Eigen::VectorXi continue_idx = |
Eigen::VectorXi::LinSpaced(xPhys_col.size(), 0, xPhys_col.size() - 1); |
Eigen::VectorXi unchosen_idx =flg_chosen? SetDifference(continue_idx, chosen_ele_id): Eigen::VectorXi(); |
{ |
xPhys_col(unchosen_idx).setZero(); |
ele_to_write(pixel_idx) = xPhys_col; |
Tensor3d ten_xPhys_to_write(sp_mesh_->GetLx() * sp_mesh_->GetLy() * sp_mesh_->GetLz(), 1, 1); |
for (int i = 0; i < ele_to_write.size(); ++i) { |
ten_xPhys_to_write(i, 0, 0) = ele_to_write(i); |
} |
ten_xPhys_to_write = ten_xPhys_to_write.reshape(Eigen::array<Eigen::DenseIndex, 3>{ |
sp_mesh_->GetLx(), sp_mesh_->GetLy(), sp_mesh_->GetLz()}); |
rho_field_zero_filled_ = ten_xPhys_to_write; |
} |
{ |
xPhys_col(unchosen_idx).setOnes(); |
ele_to_write(pixel_idx) = xPhys_col; |
Tensor3d ten_xPhys_to_write(sp_mesh_->GetLx() * sp_mesh_->GetLy() * sp_mesh_->GetLz(), 1, 1); |
for (int i = 0; i < ele_to_write.size(); ++i) { |
ten_xPhys_to_write(i, 0, 0) = ele_to_write(i); |
} |
ten_xPhys_to_write = ten_xPhys_to_write.reshape(Eigen::array<Eigen::DenseIndex, 3>{ |
sp_mesh_->GetLx(), sp_mesh_->GetLy(), sp_mesh_->GetLz()}); |
rho_field_one_filled_ = ten_xPhys_to_write; |
} |
return rho_field_zero_filled_; |
} |
std::vector<Tensor3d> Top3d::GetTensorOfStress(const Eigen::VectorXd &which_col_of_stress) { |
Eigen::VectorXd ele_to_write = |
Eigen::VectorXd::Zero(sp_mesh_->GetLx() * sp_mesh_->GetLy() * sp_mesh_->GetLz()); |
Eigen::VectorXi pixel_idx = sp_mesh_->GetPixelIdx(); |
// stress
Eigen::MatrixXd mat_stress(sp_mesh_->GetNumEles(), 6); |
Eigen::MatrixXd B=sp_fea_->computeBe({0, 0, 0}); |
for (int i = 0; i < sp_mesh_->GetNumEles(); ++i) { |
Eigen::VectorXi dofs_in_ele_i = sp_mesh_->MapEleId2Dofs(i); |
Eigen::VectorXd Ue = U_(dofs_in_ele_i); |
mat_stress.row(i) = rho_(i) * sp_fea_->computeD() * B * Ue; |
} |
// fill
std::vector<Tensor3d> vt; |
for (int i = 0; i < which_col_of_stress.size(); ++i) { |
ele_to_write(pixel_idx) = mat_stress.col(which_col_of_stress(i)); |
vt.push_back(GetTensorFromCol(ele_to_write)); |
} |
return vt; |
} |
Tensor3d Top3d::GetTensorFromCol(const Eigen::VectorXd &proprty_col) { |
Tensor3d ten_prop_to_write(sp_mesh_->GetLx() * sp_mesh_->GetLy() * sp_mesh_->GetLz(), 1, 1); |
assert(proprty_col.size() == ten_prop_to_write.size()); |
for (int i = 0; i < proprty_col.size(); ++i) { |
ten_prop_to_write(i, 0, 0) = proprty_col(i); |
} |
ten_prop_to_write = ten_prop_to_write.reshape( |
Eigen::array<Eigen::DenseIndex, 3>{sp_mesh_->GetLx(), sp_mesh_->GetLy(), sp_mesh_->GetLz()}); |
return ten_prop_to_write; |
} |
void Top3d::Precompute() { |
Eigen::MatrixXi mat_ele2dofs = sp_mesh_->GetEleId2DofsMap(); |
int dofs_each_ele = sp_mesh_->Get_NUM_NODES_EACH_ELE() * |
sp_mesh_->Get_DOFS_EACH_NODE(); // 24 for mathe; 8 for heat
iK_ = Eigen::KroneckerProduct(mat_ele2dofs, Eigen::VectorXi::Ones(dofs_each_ele)) |
.transpose() |
.reshaped(); |
jK_ = Eigen::KroneckerProduct(mat_ele2dofs, Eigen::RowVectorXi::Ones(dofs_each_ele)) |
.transpose() |
.reshaped(); |
Ke_=sp_fea_->computeKe(1.0); |
sKe_ = Ke_.reshaped(); |
// precompute filter
Eigen::VectorXi iH = Eigen::VectorXi::Ones( |
sp_mesh_->GetNumEles() * std::pow(2.0 * (std::ceil(sp_para_->r_min) - 1.0) + 1, 3)); |
Eigen::VectorXi jH = iH; |
Eigen::VectorXd sH(iH.size()); |
sH.setZero(); |
int cnt = 0; |
Hs_ = Eigen::VectorXd(sp_mesh_->GetNumEles()); |
int delta = std::ceil(sp_para_->r_min) - 1; |
for (int k = 0; k < sp_mesh_->GetLz(); ++k) { |
for (int j = 0; j < sp_mesh_->GetLy(); ++j) { |
for (int i = 0; i < sp_mesh_->GetLx(); ++i) { |
int ele_id0 = sp_mesh_->MapEleCoord2Id((Eigen::MatrixXi(1, 3) << i, j, k).finished())(0); |
if (ele_id0 == -1) { |
continue; |
} |
// result
rho_ = xPhys_col; |
// set 0 to rho of unchosen part
assert(xPhys_col.size()); |
Eigen::VectorXi continue_idx = |
Eigen::VectorXi::LinSpaced(xPhys_col.size(), 0, xPhys_col.size() - 1); |
Eigen::VectorXi unchosen_idx = flg_chosen ? SetDifference(continue_idx, chosen_ele_id) : Eigen::VectorXi(); |
{ |
xPhys_col(unchosen_idx).setZero(); |
ele_to_write(pixel_idx) = xPhys_col; |
Tensor3d ten_xPhys_to_write(sp_mesh_->GetLx() * sp_mesh_->GetLy() * sp_mesh_->GetLz(), 1, 1); |
for (int i = 0; i < ele_to_write.size(); ++i) { |
ten_xPhys_to_write(i, 0, 0) = ele_to_write(i); |
} |
ten_xPhys_to_write = ten_xPhys_to_write.reshape(Eigen::array<Eigen::DenseIndex, 3>{ |
sp_mesh_->GetLx(), sp_mesh_->GetLy(), sp_mesh_->GetLz()}); |
rho_field_zero_filled_ = ten_xPhys_to_write; |
} |
{ |
xPhys_col(unchosen_idx).setOnes(); |
ele_to_write(pixel_idx) = xPhys_col; |
Tensor3d ten_xPhys_to_write(sp_mesh_->GetLx() * sp_mesh_->GetLy() * sp_mesh_->GetLz(), 1, 1); |
for (int i = 0; i < ele_to_write.size(); ++i) { |
ten_xPhys_to_write(i, 0, 0) = ele_to_write(i); |
} |
ten_xPhys_to_write = ten_xPhys_to_write.reshape(Eigen::array<Eigen::DenseIndex, 3>{ |
sp_mesh_->GetLx(), sp_mesh_->GetLy(), sp_mesh_->GetLz()}); |
rho_field_one_filled_ = ten_xPhys_to_write; |
} |
return rho_field_zero_filled_; |
} |
for (int k2 = std::max(k - delta, 0); k2 <= std::min(k + delta, sp_mesh_->GetLz() - 1); |
++k2) { |
for (int j2 = std::max(j - delta, 0); j2 <= std::min(j + delta, sp_mesh_->GetLy() - 1); |
++j2) { |
for (int i2 = std::max(i - delta, 0); i2 <= std::min(i + delta, sp_mesh_->GetLx() - 1); |
++i2) { |
int ele_id1 = |
sp_mesh_->MapEleCoord2Id((Eigen::MatrixXi(1, 3) << i2, j2, k2).finished())(0); |
if (ele_id1 == -1) { |
continue; |
} |
iH(cnt) = ele_id0; |
jH(cnt) = ele_id1; |
sH(cnt) = |
std::max(0.0, sp_para_->r_min - Eigen::Vector3d(i - i2, j - j2, k - k2).norm()); |
Hs_(ele_id0) += sH(cnt); |
++cnt; |
std::vector<Tensor3d> Top3d::GetTensorOfStress(const Eigen::VectorXd &which_col_of_stress) { |
Eigen::VectorXd ele_to_write = |
Eigen::VectorXd::Zero(sp_mesh_->GetLx() * sp_mesh_->GetLy() * sp_mesh_->GetLz()); |
Eigen::VectorXi pixel_idx = sp_mesh_->GetPixelIdx(); |
// stress
Eigen::MatrixXd mat_stress(sp_mesh_->GetNumEles(), 6); |
Eigen::MatrixXd B = sp_fea_->computeBe({0, 0, 0}); |
for (int i = 0; i < sp_mesh_->GetNumEles(); ++i) { |
Eigen::VectorXi dofs_in_ele_i = sp_mesh_->MapEleId2Dofs(i); |
Eigen::VectorXd Ue = U_(dofs_in_ele_i); |
mat_stress.row(i) = rho_(i) * sp_fea_->computeD() * B * Ue; |
} |
} |
// fill
std::vector<Tensor3d> vt; |
for (int i = 0; i < which_col_of_stress.size(); ++i) { |
ele_to_write(pixel_idx) = mat_stress.col(which_col_of_stress(i)); |
vt.push_back(GetTensorFromCol(ele_to_write)); |
} |
return vt; |
} |
Tensor3d Top3d::GetTensorFromCol(const Eigen::VectorXd &proprty_col) { |
Tensor3d ten_prop_to_write(sp_mesh_->GetLx() * sp_mesh_->GetLy() * sp_mesh_->GetLz(), 1, 1); |
assert(proprty_col.size() == ten_prop_to_write.size()); |
for (int i = 0; i < proprty_col.size(); ++i) { |
ten_prop_to_write(i, 0, 0) = proprty_col(i); |
} |
ten_prop_to_write = ten_prop_to_write.reshape( |
Eigen::array<Eigen::DenseIndex, 3>{sp_mesh_->GetLx(), sp_mesh_->GetLy(), sp_mesh_->GetLz()}); |
return ten_prop_to_write; |
} |
void Top3d::Precompute() { |
Eigen::MatrixXi mat_ele2dofs = sp_mesh_->GetEleId2DofsMap(); |
int dofs_each_ele = sp_mesh_->Get_NUM_NODES_EACH_ELE() * |
sp_mesh_->Get_DOFS_EACH_NODE(); // 24 for mathe; 8 for heat
iK_ = Eigen::KroneckerProduct(mat_ele2dofs, Eigen::VectorXi::Ones(dofs_each_ele)) |
.transpose() |
.reshaped(); |
jK_ = Eigen::KroneckerProduct(mat_ele2dofs, Eigen::RowVectorXi::Ones(dofs_each_ele)) |
.transpose() |
.reshaped(); |
Ke_ = sp_fea_->computeKe(1.0); |
sKe_ = Ke_.reshaped(); |
// precompute filter
Eigen::VectorXi iH = Eigen::VectorXi::Ones( |
sp_mesh_->GetNumEles() * std::pow(2.0 * (std::ceil(sp_para_->r_min) - 1.0) + 1, 3)); |
Eigen::VectorXi jH = iH; |
Eigen::VectorXd sH(iH.size()); |
sH.setZero(); |
int cnt = 0; |
Hs_ = Eigen::VectorXd(sp_mesh_->GetNumEles()); |
int delta = std::ceil(sp_para_->r_min) - 1; |
for (int k = 0; k < sp_mesh_->GetLz(); ++k) { |
for (int j = 0; j < sp_mesh_->GetLy(); ++j) { |
for (int i = 0; i < sp_mesh_->GetLx(); ++i) { |
int ele_id0 = sp_mesh_->MapEleCoord2Id((Eigen::MatrixXi(1, 3) << i, j, k).finished())(0); |
if (ele_id0 == -1) { |
continue; |
} |
for (int k2 = std::max(k - delta, 0); k2 <= std::min(k + delta, sp_mesh_->GetLz() - 1); |
++k2) { |
for (int j2 = std::max(j - delta, 0); j2 <= std::min(j + delta, sp_mesh_->GetLy() - 1); |
++j2) { |
for (int i2 = std::max(i - delta, 0); i2 <= std::min(i + delta, sp_mesh_->GetLx() - 1); |
++i2) { |
int ele_id1 = |
sp_mesh_->MapEleCoord2Id((Eigen::MatrixXi(1, 3) << i2, j2, k2).finished())( |
0); |
if (ele_id1 == -1) { |
continue; |
} |
iH(cnt) = ele_id0; |
jH(cnt) = ele_id1; |
sH(cnt) = |
std::max(0.0, |
sp_para_->r_min - Eigen::Vector3d(i - i2, j - j2, k - k2).norm()); |
Hs_(ele_id0) += sH(cnt); |
++cnt; |
} |
} |
} |
} |
} |
} |
std::vector<Eigen::Triplet<double>> v_tri = Vec2Triplet(iH, jH, sH); |
H_ = SpMat(sp_mesh_->GetNumEles(), sp_mesh_->GetNumEles()); |
H_.setFromTriplets(v_tri.begin(), v_tri.end()); |
Eigen::VectorXi i_Hs = Eigen::VectorXi::LinSpaced(Hs_.size(), 0, |
Hs_.size()); |
Eigen::SparseMatrix<double> sp_inv_Hs(i_Hs.size(), i_Hs.size()); |
auto v_inv_Hs_tri = Vec2Triplet(i_Hs, i_Hs, Eigen::VectorXd(1.0 / Hs_.array())); |
sp_inv_Hs.setFromTriplets(v_inv_Hs_tri.begin(), v_inv_Hs_tri.end()); |
drho_dx_ = sp_inv_Hs * H_; |
} |
} |
} |
} |
std::vector<Eigen::Triplet<double>> v_tri = Vec2Triplet(iH, jH, sH); |
H_ = SpMat(sp_mesh_->GetNumEles(), sp_mesh_->GetNumEles()); |
H_.setFromTriplets(v_tri.begin(), v_tri.end()); |
} |
} // namespace top
} // namespace top
} // namespace da::sha