Browse Source

before clear

cflin 2 years ago
  1. 2
  2. 9
  3. 67
  4. 171
  5. 54
  6. 65
  7. 72
  8. 7
  9. 6
  10. 171
  11. 28
  12. 14
  13. 58
  14. 1
  15. 6
  16. 2


@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ namespace da::sha {
return lz_; return lz_;
} }
Eigen::VectorXi GetPixelIdx() const { Eigen::VectorXi GetGlobalIdxOfEleInUse() const {
return valid_ele_idx_; return valid_ele_idx_;
} }


@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
set(SUB_PROJECT_NAME top-thermoelastic-Lshape-condition)
#add_executable(${SUB_PROJECT_NAME} ${CPP_LIST})
add_executable(${SUB_PROJECT_NAME} main.cpp)
target_link_libraries(${SUB_PROJECT_NAME} ${PROJECT_NAME}_lib)
target_compile_definitions(${SUB_PROJECT_NAME} PUBLIC CONFIG_FILE="${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/config.json")
target_compile_definitions(${SUB_PROJECT_NAME} PUBLIC OUTPUT_DIR="${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/output")
target_compile_definitions(${SUB_PROJECT_NAME} PUBLIC ASSETS_DIR="${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/assets")
target_compile_definitions(${SUB_PROJECT_NAME} PUBLIC DA_CMD)


@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
"//Topology optimization for L-shape condition": "Lshape Condition",
"material": {
"E": 2.1e11,
"poisson_ratio": 0.3,
"thermal_conductivity":43, "//unit": "W/(m*K)",
"thermal_expansion_coefficient": 1.21e-5, "//unit": "1/K"
"topology": {
"max_loop": 150,
"volfrac": 0.5,
"penal": 3.0,
"r_min": 1.05,
"T_ref": 312,
"T_limit": 3996.52,
"R_E": 28,
"R_lambda": 28,
"model": {
"regular_model": {
"ly": 30,
"lz": 20
"NBC": [
"min": [0, 1, 0],
"max": [1, 1, 0],
"val": [0.0,0.0 , -1e8]
"DBC": [
"min": [0, 0, 1],
"max": [1, 0.5, 1],
"dir": [1, 1, 1]
"thermal_boundary_condition": {
"NBC": [
"min": [0.5, 0.2, 0.2],
"max": [0.5, 0.2, 0.2],
"heat_flux": 3.5, "//unit": "W"
"min": [0.5, 0.8, 0.2],
"max": [0.5, 0.8, 0.2],
"heat_flux": 3.5, "//unit": "W"
"DBC": [
"min": [0, 0, 1],
"max": [1, 0.5, 1],
"temperature": 312, "//unit": "K"


@ -0,0 +1,171 @@
// Created by cflin on 6/9/23.
#include <memory>
#include <nlohmann/json.hpp>
#include "Boundary.h"
#include "Mesh/HeatMesh.h"
#include "Util.h"
#include "ThermoelasticTop3d.h"
#include "FEA/MechanicalLinearFEA.h"
#include "FEA/ThermalLinearFEA.h"
#include "TensorWrapper.h"
int main() {
using namespace da::sha;
using top::fs_path;
using std::string;
top::fs_path output_dir(OUTPUT_DIR);
top::fs_path config_file(CONFIG_FILE);
top::fs_path assets_dir(ASSETS_DIR);
spdlog::info("Algo read from '{}'", config_file.string());
spdlog::info("Algo output to '{}'", output_dir.string());
spdlog::info("asserts dir: '{}'", assets_dir.string());
// read json
std::ifstream f(config_file.c_str());
if (!f) {
spdlog::critical("f open fail!");
nlohmann::json j_config = nlohmann::json::parse(f);
// set topology parameters
auto para = std::make_shared<top::CtrlPara>();
para->max_loop = j_config["topology"]["max_loop"];
para->volfrac = j_config["topology"]["volfrac"];
para->r_min = j_config["topology"]["r_min"];
para->penal = j_config["topology"]["penal"];
para->T_ref = j_config["topology"]["T_ref"];
para->T_limit = j_config["topology"]["T_limit"];
para->R_E = j_config["topology"]["R_E"];
para->R_lambda = j_config["topology"]["R_lambda"];
para->R_beta = j_config["topology"]["R_beta"];
// set material parameters
double E = j_config["material"]["E"];
double Poisson_ratio = j_config["material"]["poisson_ratio"];
double thermal_conductivity = j_config["material"]["thermal_conductivity"];
double thermal_expansion_coefficient = j_config["material"]["thermal_expansion_coefficient"];
auto material = std::make_shared<top::Material>(E, Poisson_ratio, thermal_conductivity,
// set fea
auto sp_mech_fea = std::make_shared<top::MechanicalLinearFEA>(material);// for mechanical
auto sp_thermal_fea = std::make_shared<top::ThermalLinearFEA>(material);// for thermal
// set mesh(regular)
int len_x = j_config["model"]["regular_model"]["lx"];
int len_y = j_config["model"]["regular_model"]["ly"];
int len_z = j_config["model"]["regular_model"]["lz"];
std::shared_ptr<top::Mesh> sp_mech_mesh;
std::shared_ptr<top::HeatMesh> sp_thermal_mesh;
std::string condition = j_config["model"]["predefined_condition"];
if (condition == "L_shape") {
// L-shape condition
spdlog::info("Using {}!", condition);
top::Tensor3d L_shape_model(len_x, len_y, len_z);
for (int k = 0; k < len_z; ++k) {
for (int j = 0; j < len_y; ++j) {
for (int i = 0; i < len_x; ++i) {
if (j > len_y * 0.5 && k > len_z * 0.5) {
L_shape_model(i, j, k)=0;
auto &model = L_shape_model;
sp_mech_mesh = std::make_shared<top::Mesh>(len_x, len_y, len_z, model);
sp_thermal_mesh = std::make_shared<top::HeatMesh>(len_x, len_y, len_z, model);
} else {
sp_mech_mesh = std::make_shared<top::Mesh>(len_x, len_y, len_z);
sp_thermal_mesh = std::make_shared<top::HeatMesh>(len_x, len_y, len_z);
// initialize Top3d
auto sp_mech_top3d = std::make_shared<top::Top3d>(para, sp_mech_fea, sp_mech_mesh);
auto sp_thermal_top3d = std::make_shared<top::Top3d>(para, sp_thermal_fea, sp_thermal_mesh);
// auxiliary class(Boundary) help to get boundary coordinates
// see the comments in Boundary.h for more information
top::Boundary mech_bdr(sp_mech_mesh);
top::Boundary thermal_bdr(sp_thermal_mesh);
// add Dirichlet boundary, see the comments in Top3d::AddDBC for more information
int DBCNum = j_config["mechanical_boundary_condition"]["DBC"].size();
for (int _i = 0; _i < DBCNum; ++_i) {
const auto &DBCI = j_config["mechanical_boundary_condition"]["DBC"][_i];
Eigen::Vector3d minBBox(DBCI["min"][0], DBCI["min"][1], DBCI["min"][2]);
Eigen::Vector3d maxBBox(DBCI["max"][0], DBCI["max"][1], DBCI["max"][2]);
Eigen::Vector3i dir(DBCI["dir"][0], DBCI["dir"][1], DBCI["dir"][2]);
top::Dir t_dir(minBBox, maxBBox, dir);
// add Neumann boundary, see the comments in Top3d::AddNBC for more information
int NBCNum = j_config["mechanical_boundary_condition"]["NBC"].size();
for (int _i = 0; _i < NBCNum; ++_i) {
const auto &NBCI = j_config["mechanical_boundary_condition"]["NBC"][_i];
Eigen::Vector3d minBBox(NBCI["min"][0], NBCI["min"][1], NBCI["min"][2]);
Eigen::Vector3d maxBBox(NBCI["max"][0], NBCI["max"][1], NBCI["max"][2]);
Eigen::Vector3d val(NBCI["val"][0], NBCI["val"][1], NBCI["val"][2]);
top::Neu t_neu(minBBox, maxBBox, val);
Eigen::MatrixXi coords = mech_bdr.GetChosenCoordsByRelativeAlignedBox(;
sp_mech_top3d->AddNBC(coords, t_neu.val / coords.rows());
// add Dirichlet boundary, see the comments in Top3d::AddDBC for more information
int DBCNum = j_config["thermal_boundary_condition"]["DBC"].size();
for (int _i = 0; _i < DBCNum; ++_i) {
const auto &DBCI = j_config["thermal_boundary_condition"]["DBC"][_i];
Eigen::Vector3d minBBox(DBCI["min"][0], DBCI["min"][1], DBCI["min"][2]);
Eigen::Vector3d maxBBox(DBCI["max"][0], DBCI["max"][1], DBCI["max"][2]);
top::Dir t_dir(minBBox, maxBBox, Eigen::Vector3i(1, 0, 0));
t_dir.dir, DBCI["temperature"]);
// add Neumann boundary, see the comments in Top3d::AddNBC for more information
int NBCNum = j_config["thermal_boundary_condition"]["NBC"].size();
for (int _i = 0; _i < NBCNum; ++_i) {
const auto &NBCI = j_config["thermal_boundary_condition"]["NBC"][_i];
Eigen::Vector3d minBBox(NBCI["min"][0], NBCI["min"][1], NBCI["min"][2]);
Eigen::Vector3d maxBBox(NBCI["max"][0], NBCI["max"][1], NBCI["max"][2]);
Eigen::Vector3d val(NBCI["heat_flux"], 0, 0);
top::Neu t_neu(minBBox, maxBBox, val);
Eigen::MatrixXi coords = mech_bdr.GetChosenCoordsByRelativeAlignedBox(;
sp_thermal_top3d->AddNBC(coords, t_neu.val / coords.rows());
// init thermoelastic top3d
top::ThermoelasticTop3d ther_top3d(sp_mech_top3d, sp_thermal_top3d);
// process topology optimization
top::Tensor3d ten_rho = ther_top3d.TopOptMainLoop();
// extract txt or vtk
write_tensor3d(output_dir / "txt" / "top_mach_regular_field_matrix.txt", ten_rho,
sp_mech_mesh->GetOrigin() + sp_mech_mesh->GetLenBox());
WriteTensorToVtk(output_dir / "vtk" / "top_mach_regular_field_matrix.vtk", ten_rho,
WriteUToVtk(output_dir / "vtk" / "top_thermoelastic_regular_U.vtk", ther_top3d.GetU(),


@ -6,59 +6,61 @@
"thermal_expansion_coefficient": 1.21e-5, "unit": "1/K" "thermal_expansion_coefficient": 1.21e-5, "unit": "1/K"
}, },
"topology": { "topology": {
"max_loop": 200, "max_loop": 150,
"volfrac": 0.4, "volfrac": 0.5,
"penal": 3.0, "penal": 3.0,
"r_min": 1.1, "r_min": 1.05,
"T_ref": 0, "T_ref": 312,
"T_limit": 26, "T_limit": 3996.52,
"R_E": 28, "R_E": 28,
"R_lambda": 28, "R_lambda": 28,
"R_beta":0 "R_beta":0
}, },
"model": { "model": {
"predefined_condition": "L_shape",
"regular_model": { "regular_model": {
"lx": 1, "lx":8,
"ly": 50, "ly": 30,
"lz": 35 "lz": 20
}, }
}, },
"mechanical_boundary_condition":{ "mechanical_boundary_condition":{
"NBC": [ "NBC": [
{ {
"min": [0, 0.44, 0], "min": [0, 1, 0],
"max": [1, 0.56, 0], "max": [1, 1, 0],
"val": [0.0, 0.0, -8.4e8] "val": [0.0,0.0 , -1e8]
} }
], ],
"DBC": [ "DBC": [
{ {
"min": [0, 0, 0], "min": [0, 0, 1],
"max": [1, 0, 1], "max": [1, 0.5, 1],
"dir": [1, 1, 1]
"min": [0, 1, 0],
"max": [1, 1, 1],
"dir": [1, 1, 1] "dir": [1, 1, 1]
} }
] ]
}, },
"thermal_boundary_condition": { "thermal_boundary_condition": {
"NBC": [ "NBC": [
{ {
"min": [0, 1, 0.3], "min": [0.5, 0.2, 0.2],
"max": [1, 1, 0.7], "max": [0.5, 0.2, 0.2],
"heat_flux": 5, "unit": "W" "heat_flux": 3.5,"back":12.35, "unit": "W"
"min": [0.5, 0.8, 0.2],
"max": [0.5, 0.8, 0.2],
"heat_flux": 3.5,"back":12.35, "unit": "W"
} }
], ],
"DBC": [ "DBC": [
{ {
"min": [0, 0, 0], "min": [0, 0, 1],
"max": [1, 0, 1], "max": [1, 0.5, 1],
"temperature": 0, "unit": "K" "temperature": 312, "unit": "K"
} }
] ]
} }


@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
"material": {
"E": 2.1e11,
"poisson_ratio": 0.3,
"thermal_conductivity":43, "unit": "W/(m*K)",
"thermal_expansion_coefficient": 1.21e-5, "unit": "1/K"
"topology": {
"max_loop": 200,
"volfrac": 0.4,
"penal": 3.0,
"r_min": 1.1,
"T_ref": 0,
"T_limit": 28,
"R_E": 28,
"R_lambda": 28,
"model": {
"regular_model": {
"lx": 1,
"ly": 50,
"lz": 35
"NBC": [
"min": [0, 0.44, 0],
"max": [1, 0.56, 0],
"val": [0.0, 0.0, -8.4e8]
"DBC": [
"min": [0, 0, 0],
"max": [1, 0, 1],
"dir": [1, 1, 1]
"min": [0, 1, 0],
"max": [1, 1, 1],
"dir": [1, 1, 1]
"thermal_boundary_condition": {
"NBC": [
"min": [0, 1, 0.3],
"max": [1, 1, 0.7],
"heat_flux": 5, "unit": "W"
"DBC": [
"min": [0, 0, 0],
"max": [1, 0, 1],
"temperature": 0, "unit": "K"


@ -9,6 +9,7 @@
#include "ThermoelasticTop3d.h" #include "ThermoelasticTop3d.h"
#include "FEA/MechanicalLinearFEA.h" #include "FEA/MechanicalLinearFEA.h"
#include "FEA/ThermalLinearFEA.h" #include "FEA/ThermalLinearFEA.h"
#include "TensorWrapper.h"
int main() { int main() {
using namespace da::sha; using namespace da::sha;
@ -34,19 +35,20 @@ int main() {
para->max_loop = j_config["topology"]["max_loop"]; para->max_loop = j_config["topology"]["max_loop"];
para->volfrac = j_config["topology"]["volfrac"]; para->volfrac = j_config["topology"]["volfrac"];
para->r_min = j_config["topology"]["r_min"]; para->r_min = j_config["topology"]["r_min"];
para->penal=j_config["topology"]["penal"]; para->penal = j_config["topology"]["penal"];
para->T_ref=j_config["topology"]["T_ref"]; para->T_ref = j_config["topology"]["T_ref"];
para->T_limit=j_config["topology"]["T_limit"]; para->T_limit = j_config["topology"]["T_limit"];
para->R_E=j_config["topology"]["R_E"]; para->R_E = j_config["topology"]["R_E"];
para->R_lambda=j_config["topology"]["R_lambda"]; para->R_lambda = j_config["topology"]["R_lambda"];
para->R_beta=j_config["topology"]["R_beta"]; para->R_beta = j_config["topology"]["R_beta"];
// set material parameters // set material parameters
double E = j_config["material"]["E"]; double E = j_config["material"]["E"];
double Poisson_ratio = j_config["material"]["poisson_ratio"]; double Poisson_ratio = j_config["material"]["poisson_ratio"];
double thermal_conductivity = j_config["material"]["thermal_conductivity"]; double thermal_conductivity = j_config["material"]["thermal_conductivity"];
double thermal_expansion_coefficient=j_config["material"]["thermal_expansion_coefficient"]; double thermal_expansion_coefficient = j_config["material"]["thermal_expansion_coefficient"];
auto material = std::make_shared<top::Material>(E, Poisson_ratio, thermal_conductivity,thermal_expansion_coefficient); auto material = std::make_shared<top::Material>(E, Poisson_ratio, thermal_conductivity,
// set fea // set fea
auto sp_mech_fea = std::make_shared<top::MechanicalLinearFEA>(material);// for mechanical auto sp_mech_fea = std::make_shared<top::MechanicalLinearFEA>(material);// for mechanical
auto sp_thermal_fea = std::make_shared<top::ThermalLinearFEA>(material);// for thermal auto sp_thermal_fea = std::make_shared<top::ThermalLinearFEA>(material);// for thermal
@ -55,8 +57,31 @@ int main() {
int len_x = j_config["model"]["regular_model"]["lx"]; int len_x = j_config["model"]["regular_model"]["lx"];
int len_y = j_config["model"]["regular_model"]["ly"]; int len_y = j_config["model"]["regular_model"]["ly"];
int len_z = j_config["model"]["regular_model"]["lz"]; int len_z = j_config["model"]["regular_model"]["lz"];
auto sp_mech_mesh = std::make_shared<top::Mesh>(len_x, len_y, len_z); // NOTE: USER DEFINE GRID HERE!!! //TODO
auto sp_thermal_mesh = std::make_shared<top::HeatMesh>(len_x, len_y, len_z); std::shared_ptr<top::Mesh> sp_mech_mesh;
std::shared_ptr<top::HeatMesh> sp_thermal_mesh;
std::string condition = j_config["model"]["predefined_condition"];
if (condition == "L_shape") {
// L-shape condition
spdlog::info("Using {}!", condition);
top::Tensor3d L_shape_model(len_x, len_y, len_z);
for (int k = 0; k < len_z; ++k) {
for (int j = 0; j < len_y; ++j) {
for (int i = 0; i < len_x; ++i) {
if (j > len_y * 0.5 && k > len_z * 0.5) {
L_shape_model(i, j, k)=0;
auto &model = L_shape_model;
sp_mech_mesh = std::make_shared<top::Mesh>(len_x, len_y, len_z, model);
sp_thermal_mesh = std::make_shared<top::HeatMesh>(len_x, len_y, len_z, model);
} else {
sp_mech_mesh = std::make_shared<top::Mesh>(len_x, len_y, len_z);
sp_thermal_mesh = std::make_shared<top::HeatMesh>(len_x, len_y, len_z);
// initialize Top3d // initialize Top3d
auto sp_mech_top3d = std::make_shared<top::Top3d>(para, sp_mech_fea, sp_mech_mesh); auto sp_mech_top3d = std::make_shared<top::Top3d>(para, sp_mech_fea, sp_mech_mesh);
auto sp_thermal_top3d = std::make_shared<top::Top3d>(para, sp_thermal_fea, sp_thermal_mesh); auto sp_thermal_top3d = std::make_shared<top::Top3d>(para, sp_thermal_fea, sp_thermal_mesh);
@ -79,7 +104,8 @@ int main() {
Eigen::Vector3i dir(DBCI["dir"][0], DBCI["dir"][1], DBCI["dir"][2]); Eigen::Vector3i dir(DBCI["dir"][0], DBCI["dir"][1], DBCI["dir"][2]);
top::Dir t_dir(minBBox, maxBBox, dir); top::Dir t_dir(minBBox, maxBBox, dir);
sp_mech_top3d->AddDBC(mech_bdr.GetChosenCoordsByRelativeAlignedBox(, t_dir.dir); sp_mech_top3d->AddDBC(mech_bdr.GetChosenCoordsByRelativeAlignedBox(,
} }
// add Neumann boundary, see the comments in Top3d::AddNBC for more information // add Neumann boundary, see the comments in Top3d::AddNBC for more information
@ -91,8 +117,8 @@ int main() {
Eigen::Vector3d val(NBCI["val"][0], NBCI["val"][1], NBCI["val"][2]); Eigen::Vector3d val(NBCI["val"][0], NBCI["val"][1], NBCI["val"][2]);
top::Neu t_neu(minBBox, maxBBox, val); top::Neu t_neu(minBBox, maxBBox, val);
Eigen::MatrixXi coords=mech_bdr.GetChosenCoordsByRelativeAlignedBox(; Eigen::MatrixXi coords = mech_bdr.GetChosenCoordsByRelativeAlignedBox(;
sp_mech_top3d->AddNBC(coords, t_neu.val/coords.rows()); sp_mech_top3d->AddNBC(coords, t_neu.val / coords.rows());
} }
} }
@ -106,9 +132,10 @@ int main() {
const auto &DBCI = j_config["thermal_boundary_condition"]["DBC"][_i]; const auto &DBCI = j_config["thermal_boundary_condition"]["DBC"][_i];
Eigen::Vector3d minBBox(DBCI["min"][0], DBCI["min"][1], DBCI["min"][2]); Eigen::Vector3d minBBox(DBCI["min"][0], DBCI["min"][1], DBCI["min"][2]);
Eigen::Vector3d maxBBox(DBCI["max"][0], DBCI["max"][1], DBCI["max"][2]); Eigen::Vector3d maxBBox(DBCI["max"][0], DBCI["max"][1], DBCI["max"][2]);
top::Dir t_dir(minBBox, maxBBox, Eigen::Vector3i(1,0,0)); top::Dir t_dir(minBBox, maxBBox, Eigen::Vector3i(1, 0, 0));
sp_thermal_top3d->AddDBC(mech_bdr.GetChosenCoordsByRelativeAlignedBox(, t_dir.dir,DBCI["temperature"]); sp_thermal_top3d->AddDBC(mech_bdr.GetChosenCoordsByRelativeAlignedBox(,
t_dir.dir, DBCI["temperature"]);
} }
// add Neumann boundary, see the comments in Top3d::AddNBC for more information // add Neumann boundary, see the comments in Top3d::AddNBC for more information
@ -117,11 +144,11 @@ int main() {
const auto &NBCI = j_config["thermal_boundary_condition"]["NBC"][_i]; const auto &NBCI = j_config["thermal_boundary_condition"]["NBC"][_i];
Eigen::Vector3d minBBox(NBCI["min"][0], NBCI["min"][1], NBCI["min"][2]); Eigen::Vector3d minBBox(NBCI["min"][0], NBCI["min"][1], NBCI["min"][2]);
Eigen::Vector3d maxBBox(NBCI["max"][0], NBCI["max"][1], NBCI["max"][2]); Eigen::Vector3d maxBBox(NBCI["max"][0], NBCI["max"][1], NBCI["max"][2]);
Eigen::Vector3d val( NBCI["heat_flux"],0,0); Eigen::Vector3d val(NBCI["heat_flux"], 0, 0);
top::Neu t_neu(minBBox, maxBBox, val); top::Neu t_neu(minBBox, maxBBox, val);
Eigen::MatrixXi coords=mech_bdr.GetChosenCoordsByRelativeAlignedBox(; Eigen::MatrixXi coords = mech_bdr.GetChosenCoordsByRelativeAlignedBox(;
sp_thermal_top3d->AddNBC(coords, t_neu.val/coords.rows()); sp_thermal_top3d->AddNBC(coords, t_neu.val / coords.rows());
} }
} }
@ -133,9 +160,12 @@ int main() {
top::Tensor3d ten_rho = ther_top3d.TopOptMainLoop(); top::Tensor3d ten_rho = ther_top3d.TopOptMainLoop();
// extract txt or vtk // extract txt or vtk
write_tensor3d(output_dir / "txt" / "top_mach_regular_field_matrix.txt", ten_rho, sp_mech_mesh->GetOrigin(), write_tensor3d(output_dir / "txt" / "top_mach_regular_field_matrix.txt", ten_rho,
sp_mech_mesh->GetOrigin() + sp_mech_mesh->GetLenBox()); sp_mech_mesh->GetOrigin() + sp_mech_mesh->GetLenBox());
WriteTensorToVtk(output_dir / "vtk" / "top_mach_regular_field_matrix.vtk", ten_rho, sp_mech_mesh); WriteTensorToVtk(output_dir / "vtk" / "top_mach_regular_field_matrix.vtk", ten_rho,
WriteUToVtk(output_dir / "vtk" / "top_thermoelastic_regular_U.vtk",ther_top3d.GetU(),sp_mech_mesh); sp_mech_mesh);
WriteUToVtk(output_dir / "vtk" / "top_thermoelastic_regular_U.vtk", ther_top3d.GetU(),
} }


@ -14,8 +14,13 @@ namespace da::sha {
public: public:
HeatMesh(int len_x, int len_y, int len_z) : Mesh(len_x, len_y, len_z, 1) { HeatMesh(int len_x, int len_y, int len_z) : Mesh(len_x, len_y, len_z, 1) {
} }
HeatMesh(int len_x, int len_y, int len_z, const Tensor3d &user_defined_grid)
Mesh(len_x, len_y,
user_defined_grid, 1) {}
} // top } // top
} // da::sha } // da::sha


@ -128,7 +128,7 @@ namespace da::sha {
} }
} }
chosen_ele_id_=Eigen::Map<decltype(chosen_ele_id_)>(,v_chosen_ele_id.size()); chosen_ele_id_=Eigen::Map<decltype(chosen_ele_id_)>(,v_chosen_ele_id.size());
init_ele_rho_=Eigen::Map<Eigen::VectorXd>(,v_rho_non_empty.size()); init_rho_of_ele_in_use_=Eigen::Map<Eigen::VectorXd>(, v_rho_non_empty.size());
num_pixel_ = cnt_pixel; num_pixel_ = cnt_pixel;
// get_num_node_pixel && fill node_id // get_num_node_pixel && fill node_id
@ -175,12 +175,12 @@ namespace da::sha {
} }
} }
// fill valid_ele_idx_ // fill valid_ele_idx_
valid_ele_idx_.resize(num_pixel_); global_idx_of_ele_in_use.resize(num_pixel_);
Tensor3i ten_tmp_col = ten_ele_coord2ele_id_.reshape(Eigen::array<Eigen::DenseIndex , 3>{num_ele_, 1, 1}); Tensor3i ten_tmp_col = ten_ele_coord2ele_id_.reshape(Eigen::array<Eigen::DenseIndex , 3>{num_ele_, 1, 1});
cnt_pixel = 0; cnt_pixel = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < ten_tmp_col.size(); ++i) { for (int i = 0; i < ten_tmp_col.size(); ++i) {
if (ten_tmp_col(i, 0, 0) != -1) { if (ten_tmp_col(i, 0, 0) != -1) {
valid_ele_idx_(cnt_pixel) = i; global_idx_of_ele_in_use(cnt_pixel) = i;
++cnt_pixel; ++cnt_pixel;
} }
} }


@ -1,11 +1,3 @@
* @Author: lab pc
* @Date: 2023-04-28 22:24:13
* @LastEditors: lab pc
* @LastEditTime: 2023-04-29 12:17:53
* @FilePath: /designauto/da-sha/sha-topology-optimization-3d/Mesh.cpp
* @Description: ,`customMade`, koroFileHeader查看配置 :
// //
// Created by cflin on 4/20/23. // Created by cflin on 4/20/23.
// //
@ -15,11 +7,141 @@
namespace da::sha { namespace da::sha {
namespace top { namespace top {
Mesh::Mesh(int len_x, int len_y, int len_z,int dofs_each_node) : DOFS_EACH_NODE(dofs_each_node), lx_(len_x), ly_(len_y), lz_(len_z), Mesh::Mesh(int len_x, int len_y, int len_z, const Tensor3d &user_defined_grid, int
dofs_each_node) : DOFS_EACH_NODE(dofs_each_node), lx_(len_x), ly_(len_y), lz_(len_z),
num_node_((lx_ + 1) * (ly_ + 1) * (lz_ + 1)), num_node_((lx_ + 1) * (ly_ + 1) * (lz_ + 1)),
num_ele_(lx_ * ly_ * lz_), origin_(0,0,0), len_pixel_(1.0), len_box_(len_x,len_y,len_z){ num_ele_(lx_ * ly_ * lz_),
valid_ele_idx_ = Eigen::VectorXi::LinSpaced(num_ele_, 0, num_ele_ - 1); origin_(0, 0, 0),
init_ele_rho_=Eigen::VectorXd::Ones(num_ele_); len_pixel_(1.0),
len_box_(len_x, len_y, len_z) {
if (!(user_defined_grid.dimension(0) == lx_ && user_defined_grid.dimension(1) == ly_
&& user_defined_grid.dimension(2) == lz_)) {
spdlog::critical("pls check dimension!");
// valid_ele_idx_
// init_rho_of_ele_in_use_
ten_ele_coord2ele_id_ = Tensor3i(lx_, ly_, lz_);
ten_node_coord2node_id_ = Tensor3i(lx_ + 1, ly_ + 1, lz_ + 1);
static const Eigen::MatrixXi delta_coord = (Eigen::MatrixXi(8, 3) <<
0, 0, 0,
1, 0, 0,
1, 1, 0,
0, 1, 0,
0, 0, 1,
1, 0, 1,
1, 1, 1,
0, 1, 1
// count ele really in use && fill ten_ele_coord2ele_id_ && set flg for ten_node_coord2node_id_
const int NOT_EMPTY_FLG = 1;
int cnt_ele_in_use = 0;
// std::vector<int> v_chosen_ele_id;
std::vector<double> v_rho_non_empty;
for (int k = 0; k < lz_; ++k) {
for (int j = 0; j < ly_; ++j) {
for (int i = 0; i < lx_; ++i) {
if (user_defined_grid(i, j, k) > 0) {
ten_ele_coord2ele_id_(i, j, k) = cnt_ele_in_use;
// v_chosen_ele_id.push_back(cnt_ele_in_use);
v_rho_non_empty.push_back(user_defined_grid(i, j, k));
for (int di = 0; di < delta_coord.rows(); ++di) {
Eigen::Vector3i cur_delta_coord = delta_coord.row(di);
ten_node_coord2node_id_(i + cur_delta_coord(0),
j + cur_delta_coord(1),
k + cur_delta_coord(2)) = NOT_EMPTY_FLG;
// chosen_ele_id_=Eigen::VectorXi::LinSpaced(cnt_ele_in_use,0,cnt_ele_in_use);
init_rho_of_ele_in_use_ = Eigen::Map<Eigen::VectorXd>(,
num_ele_in_use_ = cnt_ele_in_use;
// get_num_node_pixel && fill node_id
int cnt_node_pixel = 0;
std::vector<Eigen::Vector3i> v_node_coords;
for (int k = 0; k < lz_ + 1; ++k) {
for (int j = 0; j < ly_ + 1; ++j) {
for (int i = 0; i < lx_ + 1; ++i) {
if (ten_node_coord2node_id_(i, j, k) == NOT_EMPTY_FLG) {
ten_node_coord2node_id_(i, j, k) = cnt_node_pixel;
v_node_coords.push_back({i, j, k});
num_node_in_use_ = cnt_node_pixel;
// fill mat_node_id 2 node_coord
mat_node_id2node_coord_ = Eigen::MatrixXi(v_node_coords.size(), 3);
for (int i = 0; i < v_node_coords.size(); ++i) {
mat_node_id2node_coord_.row(i) = v_node_coords[i];
// fill mat_ele_id2dofs_
mat_ele_id2dofs_.resize(num_ele_in_use_, NUM_NODES_EACH_ELE * DOFS_EACH_NODE);
mat_ele_id2node_id_.resize(num_ele_in_use_, NUM_NODES_EACH_ELE);
for (int k = 0; k < lz_; ++k) {
for (int j = 0; j < ly_; ++j) {
for (int i = 0; i < lx_; ++i) {
int cur_ele_id = ten_ele_coord2ele_id_(i, j, k);
if (cur_ele_id == -1) {
Eigen::MatrixXi world_node_coords =
delta_coord.rowwise() + Eigen::RowVector3i(i, j, k);
assert(world_node_coords.rows() == 8 && world_node_coords.cols() == 3);
Eigen::Vector<int, 8> node_ids = ten_node_coord2node_id_(world_node_coords);
mat_ele_id2node_id_.row(cur_ele_id) = node_ids;
for (int nodi = 0; nodi < NUM_NODES_EACH_ELE; ++nodi) {
for (int dofi = 0; dofi < DOFS_EACH_NODE; ++dofi) {
mat_ele_id2dofs_(cur_ele_id, DOFS_EACH_NODE * nodi + dofi) =
DOFS_EACH_NODE * node_ids(nodi) + dofi;
// fill valid_ele_idx_
cnt_ele_in_use = 0;
for (int k = 0; k < lz_; ++k) {
for (int j = 0; j < ly_; ++j) {
for (int i = 0; i < lx_; ++i) {
int idx=k*ly_*lx_+ j *lx_ +i;
if (ten_ele_coord2ele_id_(i, j, k) != -1) {
global_idx_of_ele_in_use(cnt_ele_in_use++) =idx;
assert(cnt_ele_in_use == num_ele_in_use_);
Mesh::Mesh(int len_x, int len_y, int len_z, int dofs_each_node)
DOFS_EACH_NODE(dofs_each_node), lx_(len_x), ly_(len_y), lz_(len_z),
num_node_((lx_ + 1) * (ly_ + 1) * (lz_ + 1)),
num_ele_(lx_ * ly_ * lz_), origin_(0, 0, 0), len_pixel_(1.0),
len_box_(len_x, len_y, len_z) {
num_node_in_use_ = num_node_;
num_ele_in_use_ = num_ele_;
global_idx_of_ele_in_use = Eigen::VectorXi::LinSpaced(num_ele_, 0, num_ele_);
init_rho_of_ele_in_use_ = Eigen::VectorXd::Ones(num_ele_);
// ten_node_coord2node_id_ = Tensor3i(num_node_, 1, 1); // ten_node_coord2node_id_ = Tensor3i(num_node_, 1, 1);
// for (int i = 0; i < num_node_; ++i) { // for (int i = 0; i < num_node_; ++i) {
@ -30,20 +152,20 @@ namespace da::sha {
// get node_coord <---> node_id // get node_coord <---> node_id
int cnt_node_pixel = 0; int cnt_node_pixel = 0;
std::vector<Eigen::Vector3i> v_node_coords; std::vector<Eigen::Vector3i> v_node_coords;
ten_node_coord2node_id_=Tensor3i(lx_ + 1, ly_ + 1, lz_ + 1); ten_node_coord2node_id_ = Tensor3i(lx_ + 1, ly_ + 1, lz_ + 1);
for (int k = 0; k < lz_ + 1; ++k) { for (int k = 0; k < lz_ + 1; ++k) {
for (int j = 0; j < ly_ + 1; ++j) { for (int j = 0; j < ly_ + 1; ++j) {
for (int i = 0; i < lx_ + 1; ++i) { for (int i = 0; i < lx_ + 1; ++i) {
ten_node_coord2node_id_(i, j, k) = cnt_node_pixel; ten_node_coord2node_id_(i, j, k) = cnt_node_pixel;
v_node_coords.push_back({i,j,k}); v_node_coords.push_back({i, j, k});
++cnt_node_pixel; ++cnt_node_pixel;
} }
} }
} }
// fill mat_node_id 2 node_coord // fill mat_node_id 2 node_coord
mat_node_id2node_coord_=Eigen::MatrixXi(v_node_coords.size(),3); mat_node_id2node_coord_ = Eigen::MatrixXi(v_node_coords.size(), 3);
for(int i=0;i<v_node_coords.size();++i){ for (int i = 0; i < v_node_coords.size(); ++i) {
mat_node_id2node_coord_.row(i)=v_node_coords[i]; mat_node_id2node_coord_.row(i) = v_node_coords[i];
} }
// //
@ -51,10 +173,11 @@ namespace da::sha {
for (int i = 0; i < num_ele_; ++i) { for (int i = 0; i < num_ele_; ++i) {
ten_ele_coord2ele_id_(i, 0, 0) = i; ten_ele_coord2ele_id_(i, 0, 0) = i;
} }
ten_ele_coord2ele_id_ = ten_ele_coord2ele_id_.reshape(Eigen::array<Eigen::DenseIndex, 3>{lx_, ly_, lz_}); ten_ele_coord2ele_id_ = ten_ele_coord2ele_id_.reshape(
Eigen::array<Eigen::DenseIndex, 3>{lx_, ly_, lz_});
mat_ele_id2dofs_.resize(num_ele_, NUM_NODES_EACH_ELE * DOFS_EACH_NODE); mat_ele_id2dofs_.resize(num_ele_, NUM_NODES_EACH_ELE * DOFS_EACH_NODE);
mat_ele_id2node_id_.resize(num_ele_,NUM_NODES_EACH_ELE); mat_ele_id2node_id_.resize(num_ele_, NUM_NODES_EACH_ELE);
static const Eigen::MatrixXi delta_coord = (Eigen::MatrixXi(8, 3) << static const Eigen::MatrixXi delta_coord = (Eigen::MatrixXi(8, 3) <<
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0,
@ -69,13 +192,15 @@ namespace da::sha {
for (int j = 0; j < ly_; ++j) { for (int j = 0; j < ly_; ++j) {
for (int i = 0; i < lx_; ++i) { for (int i = 0; i < lx_; ++i) {
int cur_ele_id = ten_ele_coord2ele_id_(i, j, k); int cur_ele_id = ten_ele_coord2ele_id_(i, j, k);
Eigen::MatrixXi world_node_coords = delta_coord.rowwise() + Eigen::RowVector3i(i, j, k); Eigen::MatrixXi world_node_coords =
delta_coord.rowwise() + Eigen::RowVector3i(i, j, k);
assert(world_node_coords.rows() == 8 && world_node_coords.cols() == 3); assert(world_node_coords.rows() == 8 && world_node_coords.cols() == 3);
Eigen::Vector<int, 8> node_ids = ten_node_coord2node_id_(world_node_coords); Eigen::Vector<int, 8> node_ids = ten_node_coord2node_id_(world_node_coords);
mat_ele_id2node_id_.row(cur_ele_id)=node_ids; mat_ele_id2node_id_.row(cur_ele_id) = node_ids;
for (int nodi = 0; nodi < NUM_NODES_EACH_ELE; ++nodi) { for (int nodi = 0; nodi < NUM_NODES_EACH_ELE; ++nodi) {
for(int dofi=0; dofi < DOFS_EACH_NODE; ++dofi){ for (int dofi = 0; dofi < DOFS_EACH_NODE; ++dofi) {
mat_ele_id2dofs_(cur_ele_id, DOFS_EACH_NODE * nodi + dofi)= DOFS_EACH_NODE * node_ids(nodi) + dofi; mat_ele_id2dofs_(cur_ele_id, DOFS_EACH_NODE * nodi + dofi) =
DOFS_EACH_NODE * node_ids(nodi) + dofi;
} }
} }
} }


@ -15,7 +15,8 @@ namespace da::sha {
class Mesh { class Mesh {
public: public:
Mesh():origin_(0,0,0),len_pixel_(1.0){}; Mesh():origin_(0,0,0),len_pixel_(1.0){};
Mesh(int len_x, int len_y, int len_z,const Tensor3d& user_defined_grid, int
Mesh(int len_x, int len_y, int len_z,int dofs_each_node=3); Mesh(int len_x, int len_y, int len_z,int dofs_each_node=3);
int GetLx() const { int GetLx() const {
@ -30,21 +31,28 @@ namespace da::sha {
return lz_; return lz_;
} }
Eigen::VectorXi GetPixelIdx() const { Eigen::VectorXi GetGlobalIdxOfEleInUse() const {
return valid_ele_idx_; return global_idx_of_ele_in_use;
} }
virtual int GetNumDofs() const { virtual int GetNumDofs() const {
return num_node_ * DOFS_EACH_NODE; return num_node_in_use_ * DOFS_EACH_NODE;
} }
virtual int GetNumEles() const { virtual int GetNumEles() const {
return num_ele_; return num_ele_in_use_;
} }
virtual int GetNumNodes() const { virtual int GetNumNodes() const {
return num_node_; return num_node_in_use_;
} }
// virtual int GetNumEleInUse() const {
// return num_ele_in_use_;
// }
// virtual int GetNumNodesInUse() const {
// return num_node_in_use_;
// }
Eigen::MatrixXi GetEleId2DofsMap() const { Eigen::MatrixXi GetEleId2DofsMap() const {
return mat_ele_id2dofs_; return mat_ele_id2dofs_;
@ -84,7 +92,7 @@ namespace da::sha {
} }
Eigen::VectorXd GetInitEleRho() const{ Eigen::VectorXd GetInitEleRho() const{
return init_ele_rho_; return init_rho_of_ele_in_use_;
} }
Eigen::VectorXi MapNodeCoord2Id(const Eigen::MatrixXi &node_coords) const { Eigen::VectorXi MapNodeCoord2Id(const Eigen::MatrixXi &node_coords) const {
@ -114,8 +122,10 @@ namespace da::sha {
int ly_; int ly_;
int lz_; int lz_;
int num_ele_; int num_ele_;
int num_ele_in_use_;
int num_node_; int num_node_;
Eigen::VectorXi valid_ele_idx_; int num_node_in_use_;
Eigen::VectorXi global_idx_of_ele_in_use;
Tensor3i ten_node_coord2node_id_; Tensor3i ten_node_coord2node_id_;
Eigen::MatrixXi mat_node_id2node_coord_;// num_node x 3 Eigen::MatrixXi mat_node_id2node_coord_;// num_node x 3
Tensor3i ten_ele_coord2ele_id_; Tensor3i ten_ele_coord2ele_id_;
@ -127,7 +137,7 @@ namespace da::sha {
Eigen::Vector3d origin_; Eigen::Vector3d origin_;
Eigen::Vector3d len_box_; Eigen::Vector3d len_box_;
double len_pixel_; double len_pixel_;
Eigen::VectorXd init_ele_rho_; Eigen::VectorXd init_rho_of_ele_in_use_;
}; };


@ -39,6 +39,20 @@ namespace da::sha {
} }
}; };
template<typename Scalar, int NumIndices>
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream & os,const TensorWrapper<Scalar,NumIndices>& t3){
for(int k=0;k<t3.dimension(2);++k){
for(int j=0;j<t3.dimension(1);++j){
for(int i=0;i<t3.dimension(0);++i){
return os;
} // top } // top
} // da::sha } // da::sha


@ -8,10 +8,9 @@ da::sha::top::Tensor3d da::sha::top::ThermoelasticTop3d::TopOptMainLoop() {
auto &sp_mesh_ = sp_mech_top3d_->sp_mesh_; auto &sp_mesh_ = sp_mech_top3d_->sp_mesh_;
auto &sp_para_ = sp_mech_top3d_->sp_para_; auto &sp_para_ = sp_mech_top3d_->sp_para_;
Eigen::VectorXd xPhys_col(sp_mesh_->GetNumEles()); Eigen::VectorXd xPhys_col(sp_mesh_->GetNumEles());
xPhys_col.setConstant(sp_para_->volfrac/sp_para_->volfrac); xPhys_col.setConstant(sp_para_->volfrac / sp_para_->volfrac);
bool flg_chosen = false; bool flg_chosen = false;
Eigen::VectorXi chosen_ele_id; Eigen::VectorXi chosen_ele_id(sp_mesh_->GetChosenEleIdx());
// Eigen::VectorXi chosen_ele_id(sp_mesh_->GetChosenEleIdx());
// bool flg_chosen = chosen_ele_id.size() != 0; // bool flg_chosen = chosen_ele_id.size() != 0;
// if (!flg_chosen) { // if (!flg_chosen) {
// // no part chosen // // no part chosen
@ -38,7 +37,7 @@ da::sha::top::Tensor3d da::sha::top::ThermoelasticTop3d::TopOptMainLoop() {
Eigen::VectorXd ele_to_write = Eigen::VectorXd ele_to_write =
Eigen::VectorXd::Zero(sp_mesh_->GetLx() * sp_mesh_->GetLy() * sp_mesh_->GetLz()); Eigen::VectorXd::Zero(sp_mesh_->GetLx() * sp_mesh_->GetLy() * sp_mesh_->GetLz());
Eigen::VectorXi pixel_idx = sp_mesh_->GetPixelIdx(); Eigen::VectorXi global_idx_of_ele_in_use = sp_mesh_->GetGlobalIdxOfEleInUse();
// dofs of limited T // dofs of limited T
struct LimitedDof { struct LimitedDof {
@ -46,7 +45,9 @@ da::sha::top::Tensor3d da::sha::top::ThermoelasticTop3d::TopOptMainLoop() {
int idx_of_load_dof; int idx_of_load_dof;
int idx_in_ele; int idx_in_ele;
LimitedDof(int dof, int idx_of_load_dof, int idx_in_ele) : dof(dof), idx_of_load_dof(idx_of_load_dof), LimitedDof(int dof, int idx_of_load_dof, int idx_in_ele)
dof(dof), idx_of_load_dof(idx_of_load_dof),
idx_in_ele(idx_in_ele) {} idx_in_ele(idx_in_ele) {}
}; };
std::map<int, std::vector<LimitedDof>> map_ele2Limit; std::map<int, std::vector<LimitedDof>> map_ele2Limit;
@ -102,7 +103,8 @@ da::sha::top::Tensor3d da::sha::top::ThermoelasticTop3d::TopOptMainLoop() {
return CalDRDrho_Vec(vec_rho, sp_para_->R_E) * (E0_m - E_min); return CalDRDrho_Vec(vec_rho, sp_para_->R_E) * (E0_m - E_min);
}; };
auto CalLambda_Vec = [&](const Eigen::VectorXd &vec_rho) -> Eigen::VectorXd { auto CalLambda_Vec = [&](const Eigen::VectorXd &vec_rho) -> Eigen::VectorXd {
return lambda_min + CalR_Vec(vec_rho, sp_para_->R_lambda).array() * (lambda0 - lambda_min); return lambda_min +
CalR_Vec(vec_rho, sp_para_->R_lambda).array() * (lambda0 - lambda_min);
}; };
auto CalDlambdaDrho = [&](double rho) { auto CalDlambdaDrho = [&](double rho) {
return CalDRDrho(rho, sp_para_->R_lambda) * (lambda0 - lambda_min); return CalDRDrho(rho, sp_para_->R_lambda) * (lambda0 - lambda_min);
@ -202,9 +204,11 @@ da::sha::top::Tensor3d da::sha::top::ThermoelasticTop3d::TopOptMainLoop() {
// double beta_rho = CalBeta(xPhys_col(i)); // double beta_rho = CalBeta(xPhys_col(i));
// F_th(dofs_m) += beta_rho * (Te - sp_mech_top3d_->sp_para_->T_ref) * Inted_; // F_th(dofs_m) += beta_rho * (Te - sp_mech_top3d_->sp_para_->T_ref) * Inted_;
Eigen::VectorXd ele_dFth_drho = Eigen::VectorXd ele_dFth_drho =
CalDBetaDrho(xPhys_col(i)) * (Te - sp_mech_top3d_->sp_para_->T_ref) * Inted_;// 24x1 CalDBetaDrho(xPhys_col(i)) * (Te - sp_mech_top3d_->sp_para_->T_ref) *
Inted_;// 24x1
assert(ele_dFth_drho.size() == 24); assert(ele_dFth_drho.size() == 24);
v_dFth_drho(Eigen::seqN(i * ele_dFth_drho.size(), ele_dFth_drho.size())) = ele_dFth_drho; v_dFth_drho(
Eigen::seqN(i * ele_dFth_drho.size(), ele_dFth_drho.size())) = ele_dFth_drho;
} }
auto v_dFth_drho_tri = Vec2Triplet(i_dFth_drho_, j_dFth_drho_, v_dFth_drho); auto v_dFth_drho_tri = Vec2Triplet(i_dFth_drho_, j_dFth_drho_, v_dFth_drho);
dFth_drho.setFromTriplets(v_dFth_drho_tri.begin(), v_dFth_drho_tri.end()); dFth_drho.setFromTriplets(v_dFth_drho_tri.begin(), v_dFth_drho_tri.end());
@ -221,9 +225,11 @@ da::sha::top::Tensor3d da::sha::top::ThermoelasticTop3d::TopOptMainLoop() {
// F_th(dofs_m) += beta_rho * (Te - sp_mech_top3d_->sp_para_->T_ref) * Inted_; // F_th(dofs_m) += beta_rho * (Te - sp_mech_top3d_->sp_para_->T_ref) * Inted_;
Eigen::MatrixXd ele_dFth_dT = Eigen::MatrixXd ele_dFth_dT =
Eigen::VectorXd::Ones(sp_thermal_top3d_->sp_mesh_->Get_DOFS_EACH_ELE()) * 1.0 / Eigen::VectorXd::Ones(sp_thermal_top3d_->sp_mesh_->Get_DOFS_EACH_ELE()) * 1.0 /
sp_thermal_top3d_->sp_mesh_->Get_DOFS_EACH_ELE() * beta_rho * Inted_.transpose(); sp_thermal_top3d_->sp_mesh_->Get_DOFS_EACH_ELE() * beta_rho *
assert(ele_dFth_dT.rows() == 8 && ele_dFth_dT.cols() == 24); assert(ele_dFth_dT.rows() == 8 && ele_dFth_dT.cols() == 24);
v_dFth_dT(Eigen::seqN(i * ele_dFth_dT.size(), ele_dFth_dT.size())) = ele_dFth_dT.reshaped(); v_dFth_dT(Eigen::seqN(i * ele_dFth_dT.size(),
ele_dFth_dT.size())) = ele_dFth_dT.reshaped();
} }
auto v_dFth_dT_tri = Vec2Triplet(i_dFth_dT_, j_dFth_dT_, v_dFth_dT); auto v_dFth_dT_tri = Vec2Triplet(i_dFth_dT_, j_dFth_dT_, v_dFth_dT);
dFth_dT.setFromTriplets(v_dFth_dT_tri.begin(), v_dFth_dT_tri.end()); dFth_dT.setFromTriplets(v_dFth_dT_tri.begin(), v_dFth_dT_tri.end());
@ -248,7 +254,8 @@ da::sha::top::Tensor3d da::sha::top::ThermoelasticTop3d::TopOptMainLoop() {
Eigen::VectorXd lambda_t_e = lambda_t(dofs_in_ele_i); Eigen::VectorXd lambda_t_e = lambda_t(dofs_in_ele_i);
ce_th(i) = lambda_t_e.transpose() * sp_thermal_top3d_->Ke_ * Te; ce_th(i) = lambda_t_e.transpose() * sp_thermal_top3d_->Ke_ * Te;
} }
Eigen::VectorXd lambda_t_Mul_dKt_drho_Mul_T = CalDlambdaDrho_Vec(xPhys_col).array() * ce_th.array(); Eigen::VectorXd lambda_t_Mul_dKt_drho_Mul_T =
CalDlambdaDrho_Vec(xPhys_col).array() * ce_th.array();
// dc_drho // dc_drho
// Eigen::VectorXd dc_drho = lambda_t_Mul_dKt_drho_Mul_T + // Eigen::VectorXd dc_drho = lambda_t_Mul_dKt_drho_Mul_T +
// lambda_m_Mul_dKm_drho_Mul_U + // lambda_m_Mul_dKm_drho_Mul_U +
@ -279,7 +286,8 @@ da::sha::top::Tensor3d da::sha::top::ThermoelasticTop3d::TopOptMainLoop() {
} }
return sp_dKth_Mul_T; return sp_dKth_Mul_T;
}; };
auto CalDTi_Drhoj = [&](int Tdof, const Eigen::SparseVector<double> &sp_dKth_Mul_T) -> double { auto CalDTi_Drhoj = [&](int Tdof,
const Eigen::SparseVector<double> &sp_dKth_Mul_T) -> double {
Eigen::VectorXd Li = Eigen::VectorXd::Zero(sp_dKth_Mul_T.rows()); Eigen::VectorXd Li = Eigen::VectorXd::Zero(sp_dKth_Mul_T.rows());
Li(Tdof) = -1; Li(Tdof) = -1;
for (auto dof_value: sp_thermal_top3d_->v_dofs_to_set) { for (auto dof_value: sp_thermal_top3d_->v_dofs_to_set) {
@ -320,12 +328,14 @@ da::sha::top::Tensor3d da::sha::top::ThermoelasticTop3d::TopOptMainLoop() {
Eigen::VectorXd variables_tmp = flg_chosen ? xPhys_col(chosen_ele_id) : xPhys_col; Eigen::VectorXd variables_tmp = flg_chosen ? xPhys_col(chosen_ele_id) : xPhys_col;
double f0val = c; double f0val = c;
Eigen::VectorXd df0dx = flg_chosen Eigen::VectorXd df0dx = flg_chosen
? dc_dx(chosen_ele_id).eval() / dc_dx(chosen_ele_id).cwiseAbs().maxCoeff() * ? dc_dx(chosen_ele_id).eval() /
dc_dx(chosen_ele_id).cwiseAbs().maxCoeff() *
: dc_dx / dc_dx.cwiseAbs().maxCoeff() * SENSITIVITY_SCALE_COEF; : dc_dx / dc_dx.cwiseAbs().maxCoeff() * SENSITIVITY_SCALE_COEF;
// double fval = v - num_variables * sp_para_->volfrac; // double fval = v - num_variables * sp_para_->volfrac;
Eigen::VectorXd fval = (Eigen::VectorXd(num_constraints) << (v / num_variables - sp_para_->volfrac) Eigen::VectorXd fval =
(Eigen::VectorXd(num_constraints) << (v / num_variables - sp_para_->volfrac)
#ifndef MECH_ONLY #ifndef MECH_ONLY
, T(v_dof).array() / sp_para_->T_limit - 1 , T(v_dof).array() / sp_para_->T_limit - 1
#endif #endif
@ -354,11 +364,12 @@ da::sha::top::Tensor3d da::sha::top::ThermoelasticTop3d::TopOptMainLoop() {
xPhys_col = variables_tmp; xPhys_col = variables_tmp;
} }
spdlog::critical("Iter: {:3d}, Comp: {:.3e}, Vol: {:.2f}, Change: {:f}", loop, c, v, change); spdlog::critical("Iter: {:3d}, Comp: {:.3e}, Vol: {:.2f}, Change: {:f}", loop, c, v,
std::cout << fval.transpose() << std::endl; std::cout << fval.transpose() << std::endl;
// extract vtk // extract vtk
ele_to_write(pixel_idx) = xPhys_col; ele_to_write(idx_of_ele_in_use) = xPhys_col;
Tensor3d ten_xPhys_to_write(sp_mesh_->GetLx() * sp_mesh_->GetLy() * sp_mesh_->GetLz(), 1, 1); Tensor3d ten_xPhys_to_write(sp_mesh_->GetLx() * sp_mesh_->GetLy() * sp_mesh_->GetLz(), 1, 1);
for (int i = 0; i < ele_to_write.size(); ++i) { for (int i = 0; i < ele_to_write.size(); ++i) {
ten_xPhys_to_write(i, 0, 0) = ele_to_write(i); ten_xPhys_to_write(i, 0, 0) = ele_to_write(i);
@ -375,12 +386,14 @@ da::sha::top::Tensor3d da::sha::top::ThermoelasticTop3d::TopOptMainLoop() {
// set 0 to rho of unchosen part // set 0 to rho of unchosen part
assert(xPhys_col.size()); assert(xPhys_col.size());
Eigen::VectorXi continue_idx = Eigen::VectorXi continue_idx =
Eigen::VectorXi::LinSpaced(xPhys_col.size(), 0, xPhys_col.size() - 1); Eigen::VectorXi::LinSpaced(xPhys_col.size(), 0, xPhys_col.size());
Eigen::VectorXi unchosen_idx = flg_chosen ? SetDifference(continue_idx, chosen_ele_id) : Eigen::VectorXi(); Eigen::VectorXi unchosen_idx = flg_chosen ? SetDifference(continue_idx, chosen_ele_id)
: Eigen::VectorXi();
{ {
xPhys_col(unchosen_idx).setZero(); xPhys_col(unchosen_idx).setZero();
ele_to_write(pixel_idx) = xPhys_col; ele_to_write(global_idx_of_ele_in_use) = xPhys_col;
Tensor3d ten_xPhys_to_write(sp_mesh_->GetLx() * sp_mesh_->GetLy() * sp_mesh_->GetLz(), 1, 1); Tensor3d ten_xPhys_to_write(sp_mesh_->GetLx() * sp_mesh_->GetLy() * sp_mesh_->GetLz(), 1,
for (int i = 0; i < ele_to_write.size(); ++i) { for (int i = 0; i < ele_to_write.size(); ++i) {
ten_xPhys_to_write(i, 0, 0) = ele_to_write(i); ten_xPhys_to_write(i, 0, 0) = ele_to_write(i);
} }
@ -391,8 +404,9 @@ da::sha::top::Tensor3d da::sha::top::ThermoelasticTop3d::TopOptMainLoop() {
{ {
xPhys_col(unchosen_idx).setOnes(); xPhys_col(unchosen_idx).setOnes();
ele_to_write(pixel_idx) = xPhys_col; ele_to_write(global_idx_of_ele_in_use) = xPhys_col;
Tensor3d ten_xPhys_to_write(sp_mesh_->GetLx() * sp_mesh_->GetLy() * sp_mesh_->GetLz(), 1, 1); Tensor3d ten_xPhys_to_write(sp_mesh_->GetLx() * sp_mesh_->GetLy() * sp_mesh_->GetLz(), 1,
for (int i = 0; i < ele_to_write.size(); ++i) { for (int i = 0; i < ele_to_write.size(); ++i) {
ten_xPhys_to_write(i, 0, 0) = ele_to_write(i); ten_xPhys_to_write(i, 0, 0) = ele_to_write(i);
} }


@ -19,7 +19,6 @@ namespace da::sha::top {
Eigen::VectorXd GetU() const { Eigen::VectorXd GetU() const {
return sp_thermal_top3d_->GetU(); return sp_thermal_top3d_->GetU();
// return sp_mech_top3d_->GetU();
} }
private: private:


@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ namespace da::sha {
Eigen::VectorXd ele_to_write = Eigen::VectorXd ele_to_write =
Eigen::VectorXd::Zero(sp_mesh_->GetLx() * sp_mesh_->GetLy() * sp_mesh_->GetLz()); Eigen::VectorXd::Zero(sp_mesh_->GetLx() * sp_mesh_->GetLy() * sp_mesh_->GetLz());
Eigen::VectorXi pixel_idx = sp_mesh_->GetPixelIdx(); Eigen::VectorXi pixel_idx = sp_mesh_->GetGlobalIdxOfEleInUse();
spdlog::info("end precompute"); spdlog::info("end precompute");
// // clear output dir // // clear output dir
// clear_dir(CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR "/output"); // clear_dir(CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR "/output");
@ -156,7 +156,7 @@ namespace da::sha {
std::vector<Tensor3d> Top3d::GetTensorOfStress(const Eigen::VectorXd &which_col_of_stress) { std::vector<Tensor3d> Top3d::GetTensorOfStress(const Eigen::VectorXd &which_col_of_stress) {
Eigen::VectorXd ele_to_write = Eigen::VectorXd ele_to_write =
Eigen::VectorXd::Zero(sp_mesh_->GetLx() * sp_mesh_->GetLy() * sp_mesh_->GetLz()); Eigen::VectorXd::Zero(sp_mesh_->GetLx() * sp_mesh_->GetLy() * sp_mesh_->GetLz());
Eigen::VectorXi pixel_idx = sp_mesh_->GetPixelIdx(); Eigen::VectorXi pixel_idx = sp_mesh_->GetGlobalIdxOfEleInUse();
// stress // stress
Eigen::MatrixXd mat_stress(sp_mesh_->GetNumEles(), 6); Eigen::MatrixXd mat_stress(sp_mesh_->GetNumEles(), 6);
Eigen::MatrixXd B = sp_fea_->computeBe({0, 0, 0}); Eigen::MatrixXd B = sp_fea_->computeBe({0, 0, 0});
@ -204,7 +204,7 @@ namespace da::sha {
Eigen::VectorXd sH(iH.size()); Eigen::VectorXd sH(iH.size());
sH.setZero(); sH.setZero();
int cnt = 0; int cnt = 0;
Hs_ = Eigen::VectorXd(sp_mesh_->GetNumEles()); Hs_ = Eigen::VectorXd::Zero(sp_mesh_->GetNumEles());
int delta = std::ceil(sp_para_->r_min) - 1; int delta = std::ceil(sp_para_->r_min) - 1;
for (int k = 0; k < sp_mesh_->GetLz(); ++k) { for (int k = 0; k < sp_mesh_->GetLz(); ++k) {


@ -124,7 +124,7 @@ namespace da::sha {
matmesh.mat_hexahedrons = sp_mesh->GetEleId2NodeIdsMap(); matmesh.mat_hexahedrons = sp_mesh->GetEleId2NodeIdsMap();
std::vector<double> v_ele_data; std::vector<double> v_ele_data;
Eigen::VectorXi pixel_idx = sp_mesh->GetPixelIdx(); Eigen::VectorXi pixel_idx = sp_mesh->GetGlobalIdxOfEleInUse();
for (int i = 0; i < pixel_idx.size(); ++i) { for (int i = 0; i < pixel_idx.size(); ++i) {
v_ele_data.push_back(*( + pixel_idx[i])); v_ele_data.push_back(*( + pixel_idx[i]));
} }
