diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index cee79a2..a9f9601 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -70,6 +70,17 @@ make -j 16
 ## Usage
+### 24/5/8 updated: extract sequence vtk for topo-optimization
+1. set `extract_inner_vtk` to `true` in `example/top_mechanical/main.cpp` or `example/top_thermoelastic/main.cpp`.
+// example/top_mechanical/main.cpp or
+// example/top_thermoelastic/main.cpp
+    bool extract_inner_vtk = true;
+2. run `example/top_mechanical` or `example/top_thermoelastic`. 
+3. see  `docs/paraview_extract_animation.webm` for how to extract sequence vtk in Paraview.
 ### updated: top and sim sequence
 1. Use `example/defined_model_writer` to generate a user-defined voxel mesh/model as TO input.
 2. Use `example/top_mechanical` to run mechanical TO. 
diff --git a/docs/paraview_extract_animation.webm b/docs/paraview_extract_animation.webm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a8a66ef
Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/paraview_extract_animation.webm differ
diff --git a/examples/top_mechanical/main.cpp b/examples/top_mechanical/main.cpp
index e9e54e9..a4175c8 100644
--- a/examples/top_mechanical/main.cpp
+++ b/examples/top_mechanical/main.cpp
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ int main() {
     fs_path config_file(ASSETS_DIR "/top/config_Lshape.json");
     fs_path model_file(
     ASSETS_DIR "/voxel_model/Lshape_model.txt");
+    bool extract_inner_vtk = true;
     // END INPUT
     std::string model_name = model_file.filename().replace_extension();
@@ -24,7 +25,7 @@ int main() {
     auto sp_mech_top3d = sp_mech_inter->CreatTop();
     // loop
     spdlog::critical("start to mechanical top opt ...");
-    Tensor3d t_me_rho = sp_mech_top3d->TopOptMainLoop();
+    Tensor3d t_me_rho = sp_mech_top3d->TopOptMainLoop(false, extract_inner_vtk);
     // postprocess
         spdlog::critical("extract compliance and volume each iteration ...");
@@ -54,4 +55,23 @@ int main() {
         WriteTensorToVtk(rho_vtk_path, t_me_rho, sp_mech_inter->sp_mesh_);
         spdlog::info("write density vtk to: {}", rho_vtk_path.c_str());
+    if (extract_inner_vtk) {
+        if (sp_mech_top3d->v_ten_rho_.size() == 0) {
+            throw std::runtime_error("v_ten_rho_ is empty");
+        }
+        for (int i = 0; i <sp_mech_top3d->v_ten_rho_.size(); ++i) {
+            std::stringstream ss;
+            ss << std::setw(3) << std::setfill('0') << i;
+            std::string suffix_idx = ss.str();
+            fs_path inner_vtk_path =
+                    output_dir / "vtk" / ex_name /
+                    (ex_name + "_MeTop" + "_inner") / (suffix_idx + ".vtk");
+            WriteTensorToVtk(inner_vtk_path,sp_mech_top3d->v_ten_rho_[i],
+                             sp_mech_inter->sp_mesh_);
+            if (i == 0) {
+                spdlog::info("write inner vtk(0,1,...) to: {}",
+                             inner_vtk_path.c_str());
+            }
+        }
+    }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/examples/top_thermoelastic/main.cpp b/examples/top_thermoelastic/main.cpp
index 95ae9cd..ae94333 100644
--- a/examples/top_thermoelastic/main.cpp
+++ b/examples/top_thermoelastic/main.cpp
@@ -1,11 +1,16 @@
+#include <sstream>
 #include "ConfigMechanicalInterface.h"
 #include "ConfigThermalInterface.h"
 int main() {
     // INPUT ARGS
-    fs_path config_file(ASSETS_DIR "/top/config_Lshape.json");
+    fs_path
+            config_file(ASSETS_DIR
+    "/top/config_Lshape.json");
     fs_path model_file(
-    ASSETS_DIR "/voxel_model/Lshape_model.txt");
+            ASSETS_DIR
+    "/voxel_model/Lshape_model.txt");
+    bool extract_inner_vtk = true;
     // END INPUT
     std::string model_name = model_file.filename().replace_extension();
@@ -15,10 +20,10 @@ int main() {
     spdlog::info("Read model  from '{}'", model_file.string());
     spdlog::info("Output to '{}'", output_dir.string());
-    std::shared_ptr<ConfigMechanicalInterface> sp_mech_inter = std::make_shared<ConfigMechanicalInterface>(
-            config_file,tr_model);
-    std::shared_ptr<ConfigThermalInterface> sp_ther_inter = std::make_shared<ConfigThermalInterface>(
-            config_file,tr_model);
+    std::shared_ptr <ConfigMechanicalInterface> sp_mech_inter = std::make_shared<ConfigMechanicalInterface>(
+            config_file, tr_model);
+    std::shared_ptr <ConfigThermalInterface> sp_ther_inter = std::make_shared<ConfigThermalInterface>(
+            config_file, tr_model);
     std::string ex_name = sp_mech_inter->ex_name_;
     spdlog::critical("Thermoelastic TO example: {}", ex_name);
@@ -30,7 +35,8 @@ int main() {
     // init thermoelastic top3d
     top::ThermoelasticTop3d mech_ther_top3d(sp_mech_top3d, sp_ther_top3d);
     // loop
-    top::Tensor3d t_meth_rho = mech_ther_top3d.TopOptMainLoop();
+    top::Tensor3d t_meth_rho = mech_ther_top3d.TopOptMainLoop(false,
+                                                              extract_inner_vtk);
     // postprocess
         spdlog::critical("extract compliance and volume each iteration ...");
@@ -60,4 +66,18 @@ int main() {
         WriteTensorToVtk(rho_vtk_path, t_meth_rho, sp_mech_inter->sp_mesh_);
         spdlog::info("write density vtk to: {}", rho_vtk_path.c_str());
+    if (extract_inner_vtk) {
+        for (int i = 0; i < sp_ther_top3d->v_ten_rho_.size(); ++i) {
+            std::stringstream ss;
+            ss << std::setw(3) << std::setfill('0') << i;
+            fs_path inner_vtk_path =
+                    output_dir / "vtk" / ex_name /
+                    (ex_name + "_MeThTop" + "_inner") / ss.str() / ".vtk";
+            WriteTensorToVtk(inner_vtk_path, t_meth_rho,
+                             sp_mech_inter->sp_mesh_, true);
+            if (i == 0) {
+                spdlog::info("write inner vtk(0,1,...) to: {}", inner_vtk_path.c_str());
+            }
+        }
+    }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/ThermoelasticTop3d.cpp b/src/ThermoelasticTop3d.cpp
index f061ea1..0cd6620 100644
--- a/src/ThermoelasticTop3d.cpp
+++ b/src/ThermoelasticTop3d.cpp
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
 // Created by cflin on 6/12/23.
@@ -6,15 +7,18 @@
 #include "LinearSolver/Amgcl.h"
 #include "LinearSolver/AmgclCuda.h"
-da::sha::top::ThermoelasticTop3d::TopOptMainLoop(bool only_simulation) {
+da::sha::top::ThermoelasticTop3d::TopOptMainLoop(bool only_simulation,
+                                                 bool save_internal_rho) {
     auto &sp_mesh_ = sp_mech_top3d_->sp_mesh_;
     auto &sp_para_ = sp_mech_top3d_->sp_para_;
     Eigen::VectorXd xPhys_col(sp_mesh_->GetNumEles());
-    xPhys_col.setConstant(only_simulation?1:sp_para_->volfrac);
+    xPhys_col.setConstant(only_simulation ? 1 : sp_para_->volfrac);
     bool flg_chosen = false;
     Eigen::VectorXi chosen_ele_id(sp_mesh_->GetChosenEleIdx());
 //    bool flg_chosen = chosen_ele_id.size() != 0;
@@ -42,9 +46,6 @@ da::sha::top::ThermoelasticTop3d::TopOptMainLoop(bool only_simulation) {
     dv = (sp_mech_top3d_->H_ * dv).array() / sp_mech_top3d_->Hs_.array();
-    Eigen::VectorXd ele_to_write =
-            Eigen::VectorXd::Zero(
-                    sp_mesh_->GetLx() * sp_mesh_->GetLy() * sp_mesh_->GetLz());
     Eigen::VectorXi global_idx_of_ele_in_use = sp_mesh_->GetGlobalIdxOfEleInUse();
     //      dofs of limited T
@@ -83,6 +84,36 @@ da::sha::top::ThermoelasticTop3d::TopOptMainLoop(bool only_simulation) {
+    // set 0 to rho of unchosen part
+    assert(xPhys_col.size());
+    Eigen::VectorXi continue_idx =
+            Eigen::VectorXi::LinSpaced(xPhys_col.size(), 0, xPhys_col.size());
+    Eigen::VectorXi unchosen_idx = flg_chosen ? SetDifference(continue_idx,
+                                                              chosen_ele_id)
+                                              : Eigen::VectorXi();
+    auto RhoVec2Ten = [&](Eigen::VectorXd rho) -> Tensor3d {
+        rho(unchosen_idx).setZero();
+        Eigen::VectorXd ele_to_write =
+                Eigen::VectorXd::Zero(
+                        sp_mesh_->GetLx() * sp_mesh_->GetLy() *
+                        sp_mesh_->GetLz());
+        ele_to_write(global_idx_of_ele_in_use) = rho;
+        Tensor3d ten_xPhys_to_write(
+                sp_mesh_->GetLx() * sp_mesh_->GetLy() * sp_mesh_->GetLz(), 1,
+                1);
+        for (int i = 0; i < ele_to_write.size(); ++i) {
+            ten_xPhys_to_write(i, 0, 0) = ele_to_write(i);
+        }
+        ten_xPhys_to_write = ten_xPhys_to_write.reshape(
+                Eigen::array<Eigen::DenseIndex, 3>{
+                        sp_mesh_->GetLx(), sp_mesh_->GetLy(),
+                        sp_mesh_->GetLz()});
+        return ten_xPhys_to_write;
+    };
+    if (save_internal_rho)
+        v_ten_rho_.emplace_back(RhoVec2Ten(xPhys_col));
     // start iteration
     while (change > sp_para_->tol_x && loop < sp_para_->max_loop) {
@@ -348,9 +379,9 @@ da::sha::top::ThermoelasticTop3d::TopOptMainLoop(bool only_simulation) {
         size_t num_constraints =
-                #ifndef MECH_ONLY
-                #ifdef WITH_T_LIMIT
-                + dT_dx.cols()// volume and temperature constraints
+#ifndef MECH_ONLY
+#ifdef WITH_T_LIMIT
+        + dT_dx.cols()// volume and temperature constraints
@@ -384,7 +415,7 @@ da::sha::top::ThermoelasticTop3d::TopOptMainLoop(bool only_simulation) {
                 << 1.0 / num_variables * dv
 #ifndef MECH_ONLY
 #ifdef WITH_T_LIMIT
-                , 1.0 / sp_para_->T_limit * dT_dx
+                                       , 1.0 / sp_para_->T_limit * dT_dx
                                ).finished().transpose() *
@@ -409,55 +440,20 @@ da::sha::top::ThermoelasticTop3d::TopOptMainLoop(bool only_simulation) {
         spdlog::info("Iter: {:3d}, Comp: {:.3e}, Vol: {:.2f}, Change: {:f}",
-                         loop, c, v,
-                         change);
+                     loop, c, v,
+                     change);
         if (only_simulation) {
+        if(save_internal_rho)
+            v_ten_rho_.emplace_back(RhoVec2Ten(xPhys_col));
     // result
     sp_mech_top3d_->rho_ = only_simulation ? sp_mesh_->GetInitEleRho()
                                            : xPhys_col;
-    // set 0 to rho of unchosen part
-    assert(xPhys_col.size());
-    Eigen::VectorXi continue_idx =
-            Eigen::VectorXi::LinSpaced(xPhys_col.size(), 0, xPhys_col.size());
-    Eigen::VectorXi unchosen_idx = flg_chosen ? SetDifference(continue_idx,
-                                                              chosen_ele_id)
-                                              : Eigen::VectorXi();
-    {
-        xPhys_col(unchosen_idx).setZero();
-        ele_to_write(global_idx_of_ele_in_use) = xPhys_col;
-        Tensor3d ten_xPhys_to_write(
-                sp_mesh_->GetLx() * sp_mesh_->GetLy() * sp_mesh_->GetLz(), 1,
-                1);
-        for (int i = 0; i < ele_to_write.size(); ++i) {
-            ten_xPhys_to_write(i, 0, 0) = ele_to_write(i);
-        }
-        ten_xPhys_to_write = ten_xPhys_to_write.reshape(
-                Eigen::array<Eigen::DenseIndex, 3>{
-                        sp_mesh_->GetLx(), sp_mesh_->GetLy(),
-                        sp_mesh_->GetLz()});
-        sp_mech_top3d_->rho_field_zero_filled_ = ten_xPhys_to_write;
-    }
-    {
-        xPhys_col(unchosen_idx).setOnes();
-        ele_to_write(global_idx_of_ele_in_use) = xPhys_col;
-        Tensor3d ten_xPhys_to_write(
-                sp_mesh_->GetLx() * sp_mesh_->GetLy() * sp_mesh_->GetLz(), 1,
-                1);
-        for (int i = 0; i < ele_to_write.size(); ++i) {
-            ten_xPhys_to_write(i, 0, 0) = ele_to_write(i);
-        }
-        ten_xPhys_to_write = ten_xPhys_to_write.reshape(
-                Eigen::array<Eigen::DenseIndex, 3>{
-                        sp_mesh_->GetLx(), sp_mesh_->GetLy(),
-                        sp_mesh_->GetLz()});
-        sp_mech_top3d_->rho_field_one_filled_ = ten_xPhys_to_write;
-    }
+    sp_mech_top3d_->rho_field_zero_filled_ = RhoVec2Ten(xPhys_col);
     return sp_mech_top3d_->rho_field_zero_filled_;
diff --git a/src/ThermoelasticTop3d.cu b/src/ThermoelasticTop3d.cu
index f061ea1..0cd6620 100644
--- a/src/ThermoelasticTop3d.cu
+++ b/src/ThermoelasticTop3d.cu
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
 // Created by cflin on 6/12/23.
@@ -6,15 +7,18 @@
 #include "LinearSolver/Amgcl.h"
 #include "LinearSolver/AmgclCuda.h"
-da::sha::top::ThermoelasticTop3d::TopOptMainLoop(bool only_simulation) {
+da::sha::top::ThermoelasticTop3d::TopOptMainLoop(bool only_simulation,
+                                                 bool save_internal_rho) {
     auto &sp_mesh_ = sp_mech_top3d_->sp_mesh_;
     auto &sp_para_ = sp_mech_top3d_->sp_para_;
     Eigen::VectorXd xPhys_col(sp_mesh_->GetNumEles());
-    xPhys_col.setConstant(only_simulation?1:sp_para_->volfrac);
+    xPhys_col.setConstant(only_simulation ? 1 : sp_para_->volfrac);
     bool flg_chosen = false;
     Eigen::VectorXi chosen_ele_id(sp_mesh_->GetChosenEleIdx());
 //    bool flg_chosen = chosen_ele_id.size() != 0;
@@ -42,9 +46,6 @@ da::sha::top::ThermoelasticTop3d::TopOptMainLoop(bool only_simulation) {
     dv = (sp_mech_top3d_->H_ * dv).array() / sp_mech_top3d_->Hs_.array();
-    Eigen::VectorXd ele_to_write =
-            Eigen::VectorXd::Zero(
-                    sp_mesh_->GetLx() * sp_mesh_->GetLy() * sp_mesh_->GetLz());
     Eigen::VectorXi global_idx_of_ele_in_use = sp_mesh_->GetGlobalIdxOfEleInUse();
     //      dofs of limited T
@@ -83,6 +84,36 @@ da::sha::top::ThermoelasticTop3d::TopOptMainLoop(bool only_simulation) {
+    // set 0 to rho of unchosen part
+    assert(xPhys_col.size());
+    Eigen::VectorXi continue_idx =
+            Eigen::VectorXi::LinSpaced(xPhys_col.size(), 0, xPhys_col.size());
+    Eigen::VectorXi unchosen_idx = flg_chosen ? SetDifference(continue_idx,
+                                                              chosen_ele_id)
+                                              : Eigen::VectorXi();
+    auto RhoVec2Ten = [&](Eigen::VectorXd rho) -> Tensor3d {
+        rho(unchosen_idx).setZero();
+        Eigen::VectorXd ele_to_write =
+                Eigen::VectorXd::Zero(
+                        sp_mesh_->GetLx() * sp_mesh_->GetLy() *
+                        sp_mesh_->GetLz());
+        ele_to_write(global_idx_of_ele_in_use) = rho;
+        Tensor3d ten_xPhys_to_write(
+                sp_mesh_->GetLx() * sp_mesh_->GetLy() * sp_mesh_->GetLz(), 1,
+                1);
+        for (int i = 0; i < ele_to_write.size(); ++i) {
+            ten_xPhys_to_write(i, 0, 0) = ele_to_write(i);
+        }
+        ten_xPhys_to_write = ten_xPhys_to_write.reshape(
+                Eigen::array<Eigen::DenseIndex, 3>{
+                        sp_mesh_->GetLx(), sp_mesh_->GetLy(),
+                        sp_mesh_->GetLz()});
+        return ten_xPhys_to_write;
+    };
+    if (save_internal_rho)
+        v_ten_rho_.emplace_back(RhoVec2Ten(xPhys_col));
     // start iteration
     while (change > sp_para_->tol_x && loop < sp_para_->max_loop) {
@@ -348,9 +379,9 @@ da::sha::top::ThermoelasticTop3d::TopOptMainLoop(bool only_simulation) {
         size_t num_constraints =
-                #ifndef MECH_ONLY
-                #ifdef WITH_T_LIMIT
-                + dT_dx.cols()// volume and temperature constraints
+#ifndef MECH_ONLY
+#ifdef WITH_T_LIMIT
+        + dT_dx.cols()// volume and temperature constraints
@@ -384,7 +415,7 @@ da::sha::top::ThermoelasticTop3d::TopOptMainLoop(bool only_simulation) {
                 << 1.0 / num_variables * dv
 #ifndef MECH_ONLY
 #ifdef WITH_T_LIMIT
-                , 1.0 / sp_para_->T_limit * dT_dx
+                                       , 1.0 / sp_para_->T_limit * dT_dx
                                ).finished().transpose() *
@@ -409,55 +440,20 @@ da::sha::top::ThermoelasticTop3d::TopOptMainLoop(bool only_simulation) {
         spdlog::info("Iter: {:3d}, Comp: {:.3e}, Vol: {:.2f}, Change: {:f}",
-                         loop, c, v,
-                         change);
+                     loop, c, v,
+                     change);
         if (only_simulation) {
+        if(save_internal_rho)
+            v_ten_rho_.emplace_back(RhoVec2Ten(xPhys_col));
     // result
     sp_mech_top3d_->rho_ = only_simulation ? sp_mesh_->GetInitEleRho()
                                            : xPhys_col;
-    // set 0 to rho of unchosen part
-    assert(xPhys_col.size());
-    Eigen::VectorXi continue_idx =
-            Eigen::VectorXi::LinSpaced(xPhys_col.size(), 0, xPhys_col.size());
-    Eigen::VectorXi unchosen_idx = flg_chosen ? SetDifference(continue_idx,
-                                                              chosen_ele_id)
-                                              : Eigen::VectorXi();
-    {
-        xPhys_col(unchosen_idx).setZero();
-        ele_to_write(global_idx_of_ele_in_use) = xPhys_col;
-        Tensor3d ten_xPhys_to_write(
-                sp_mesh_->GetLx() * sp_mesh_->GetLy() * sp_mesh_->GetLz(), 1,
-                1);
-        for (int i = 0; i < ele_to_write.size(); ++i) {
-            ten_xPhys_to_write(i, 0, 0) = ele_to_write(i);
-        }
-        ten_xPhys_to_write = ten_xPhys_to_write.reshape(
-                Eigen::array<Eigen::DenseIndex, 3>{
-                        sp_mesh_->GetLx(), sp_mesh_->GetLy(),
-                        sp_mesh_->GetLz()});
-        sp_mech_top3d_->rho_field_zero_filled_ = ten_xPhys_to_write;
-    }
-    {
-        xPhys_col(unchosen_idx).setOnes();
-        ele_to_write(global_idx_of_ele_in_use) = xPhys_col;
-        Tensor3d ten_xPhys_to_write(
-                sp_mesh_->GetLx() * sp_mesh_->GetLy() * sp_mesh_->GetLz(), 1,
-                1);
-        for (int i = 0; i < ele_to_write.size(); ++i) {
-            ten_xPhys_to_write(i, 0, 0) = ele_to_write(i);
-        }
-        ten_xPhys_to_write = ten_xPhys_to_write.reshape(
-                Eigen::array<Eigen::DenseIndex, 3>{
-                        sp_mesh_->GetLx(), sp_mesh_->GetLy(),
-                        sp_mesh_->GetLz()});
-        sp_mech_top3d_->rho_field_one_filled_ = ten_xPhys_to_write;
-    }
+    sp_mech_top3d_->rho_field_zero_filled_ = RhoVec2Ten(xPhys_col);
     return sp_mech_top3d_->rho_field_zero_filled_;
diff --git a/src/ThermoelasticTop3d.h b/src/ThermoelasticTop3d.h
index 8d10445..3ca3188 100644
--- a/src/ThermoelasticTop3d.h
+++ b/src/ThermoelasticTop3d.h
@@ -17,13 +17,14 @@ namespace da::sha::top {
-        Tensor3d TopOptMainLoop(bool only_simulation=false);
+        Tensor3d TopOptMainLoop(bool only_simulation = false,
+                                bool save_internal_rho = false);
         Eigen::VectorXd GetTemperature() const {
             return sp_thermal_top3d_->GetU();
-        Eigen::VectorXd GetNormedDisplacement()const{
+        Eigen::VectorXd GetNormedDisplacement() const {
             return sp_mech_top3d_->GetNormedDisplacement();
@@ -70,6 +71,7 @@ namespace da::sha::top {
         std::vector<double> v_compliance_;
         std::vector<double> v_volume_;
+        std::vector<Tensor3d> v_ten_rho_;
         std::shared_ptr<Top3d> sp_mech_top3d_, sp_thermal_top3d_;
diff --git a/src/Top3d.cpp b/src/Top3d.cpp
index 42ec804..4edd8b7 100644
--- a/src/Top3d.cpp
+++ b/src/Top3d.cpp
@@ -14,7 +14,8 @@
 namespace da::sha {
     namespace top {
-        Tensor3d Top3d::TopOptMainLoop(bool only_simulation) {
+        Tensor3d
+        Top3d::TopOptMainLoop(bool only_simulation, bool save_internal_rho) {
             Eigen::VectorXd xPhys_col(sp_mesh_->GetNumEles());
             Eigen::VectorXi chosen_ele_id(sp_mesh_->GetChosenEleIdx());
             bool flg_chosen = chosen_ele_id.size() != 0;
@@ -49,6 +50,40 @@ namespace da::sha {
+            // set 0 to rho of unchosen part
+            assert(xPhys_col.size());
+            Eigen::VectorXi continue_idx =
+                    Eigen::VectorXi::LinSpaced(xPhys_col.size(), 0,
+                                               xPhys_col.size() - 1);
+            Eigen::VectorXi unchosen_idx = flg_chosen ? SetDifference(
+                    continue_idx, chosen_ele_id)
+                                                      : Eigen::VectorXi();
+            auto RhoVec2Ten = [&](Eigen::VectorXd rho) -> Tensor3d {
+                rho(unchosen_idx).setZero();
+                Eigen::VectorXd ele_to_write =
+                        Eigen::VectorXd::Zero(
+                                sp_mesh_->GetLx() * sp_mesh_->GetLy() *
+                                sp_mesh_->GetLz());
+                ele_to_write(pixel_idx) = rho;
+                Tensor3d ten_xPhys_to_write(
+                        sp_mesh_->GetLx() * sp_mesh_->GetLy() *
+                        sp_mesh_->GetLz(), 1,
+                        1);
+                for (int i = 0; i < ele_to_write.size(); ++i) {
+                    ten_xPhys_to_write(i, 0, 0) = ele_to_write(i);
+                }
+                ten_xPhys_to_write = ten_xPhys_to_write.reshape(
+                        Eigen::array < Eigen::DenseIndex, 3 > {
+                                sp_mesh_->GetLx(), sp_mesh_->GetLy(),
+                                sp_mesh_->GetLz()});
+                return ten_xPhys_to_write;
+            };
+            if (save_internal_rho) {
+                v_ten_rho_.emplace_back(RhoVec2Ten(xPhys_col));
+            }
             // start iteration
             while (change > sp_para_->tol_x && loop < sp_para_->max_loop) {
@@ -128,54 +163,18 @@ namespace da::sha {
                 if (only_simulation) {
+                if (save_internal_rho) {
+                    v_ten_rho_.emplace_back(RhoVec2Ten(xPhys_col));
+                }
             // result
             rho_ = only_simulation ? sp_mesh_->GetInitEleRho() : xPhys_col;
-            // set 0 to rho of unchosen part
-            assert(xPhys_col.size());
-            Eigen::VectorXi continue_idx =
-                    Eigen::VectorXi::LinSpaced(xPhys_col.size(), 0,
-                                               xPhys_col.size() - 1);
-            Eigen::VectorXi unchosen_idx = flg_chosen ? SetDifference(
-                    continue_idx, chosen_ele_id)
-                                                      : Eigen::VectorXi();
-            {
-                xPhys_col(unchosen_idx).setZero();
-                ele_to_write(pixel_idx) = xPhys_col;
-                Tensor3d ten_xPhys_to_write(
-                        sp_mesh_->GetLx() * sp_mesh_->GetLy() *
-                        sp_mesh_->GetLz(), 1, 1);
-                for (int i = 0; i < ele_to_write.size(); ++i) {
-                    ten_xPhys_to_write(i, 0, 0) = ele_to_write(i);
-                }
-                ten_xPhys_to_write = ten_xPhys_to_write.reshape(
-                        Eigen::array<Eigen::DenseIndex, 3>{
-                                sp_mesh_->GetLx(), sp_mesh_->GetLy(),
-                                sp_mesh_->GetLz()});
-                rho_field_zero_filled_ = ten_xPhys_to_write;
-            }
-            {
-                xPhys_col(unchosen_idx).setOnes();
-                ele_to_write(pixel_idx) = xPhys_col;
-                Tensor3d ten_xPhys_to_write(
-                        sp_mesh_->GetLx() * sp_mesh_->GetLy() *
-                        sp_mesh_->GetLz(), 1, 1);
-                for (int i = 0; i < ele_to_write.size(); ++i) {
-                    ten_xPhys_to_write(i, 0, 0) = ele_to_write(i);
-                }
-                ten_xPhys_to_write = ten_xPhys_to_write.reshape(
-                        Eigen::array<Eigen::DenseIndex, 3>{
-                                sp_mesh_->GetLx(), sp_mesh_->GetLy(),
-                                sp_mesh_->GetLz()});
-                rho_field_one_filled_ = ten_xPhys_to_write;
-            }
-            return rho_field_zero_filled_;
+            return RhoVec2Ten(rho_);
-        std::vector<Tensor3d>
+        std::vector <Tensor3d>
         Top3d::GetTensorOfStress(const Eigen::VectorXd &which_col_of_stress) {
             Eigen::VectorXd ele_to_write =
@@ -191,7 +190,7 @@ namespace da::sha {
                 mat_stress.row(i) = rho_(i) * sp_fea_->computeD() * B * Ue;
             // fill
-            std::vector<Tensor3d> vt;
+            std::vector <Tensor3d> vt;
             for (int i = 0; i < which_col_of_stress.size(); ++i) {
                 ele_to_write(pixel_idx) = mat_stress.col(
@@ -208,9 +207,10 @@ namespace da::sha {
             Eigen::VectorXi pixel_idx = sp_mesh_->GetGlobalIdxOfEleInUse();
             // stress
-            Eigen::VectorXd node_to_write=Eigen::VectorXd::Zero(sp_mesh_->GetNumNodes());
+            Eigen::VectorXd node_to_write = Eigen::VectorXd::Zero(
+                    sp_mesh_->GetNumNodes());
-            std::vector<Eigen::MatrixXd> v_B(8);
+            std::vector <Eigen::MatrixXd> v_B(8);
             static const Eigen::MatrixXd delta_coord = (Eigen::MatrixXd(8, 3) <<
                                                                               0, 0, 0,
                     1, 0, 0,
@@ -221,8 +221,8 @@ namespace da::sha {
                     1, 1, 1,
                     0, 1, 1
-            for(int i=0;i<delta_coord.rows();++i){
-                v_B[i]=sp_fea_->computeBe(delta_coord.row(i).array()-0.5);
+            for (int i = 0; i < delta_coord.rows(); ++i) {
+                v_B[i] = sp_fea_->computeBe(delta_coord.row(i).array() - 0.5);
             auto computeVonStress = [&](Eigen::VectorXd stress) -> double {
                 double x = stress(0);
@@ -235,17 +235,19 @@ namespace da::sha {
                             3 * (xy * xy + yz * yz + zx * zx));
             for (int i = 0; i < sp_mesh_->GetNumEles(); ++i) {
-                Eigen::VectorXi dofs_in_ele_i = sp_mesh_->MapEleId2Dofs(i);// 1x 24
+                Eigen::VectorXi dofs_in_ele_i = sp_mesh_->MapEleId2Dofs(
+                        i);// 1x 24
                 Eigen::VectorXd Ue = U_(dofs_in_ele_i);
-                Eigen::VectorXi node_id_in_ele_i = sp_mesh_->MapEleId2NodeIds(i);// 1x8
-                for(int j=0;j<node_id_in_ele_i.size();++j){
-                    int i_node=node_id_in_ele_i(j);
-                    if(node_to_write(i_node)!=0){
+                Eigen::VectorXi node_id_in_ele_i = sp_mesh_->MapEleId2NodeIds(
+                        i);// 1x8
+                for (int j = 0; j < node_id_in_ele_i.size(); ++j) {
+                    int i_node = node_id_in_ele_i(j);
+                    if (node_to_write(i_node) != 0) {
-                    Eigen::MatrixXd B=v_B[j];
-                    Eigen::VectorXd s6=rho_(i) * sp_fea_->computeD() * B * Ue;
-                    node_to_write(i_node)=computeVonStress(s6);
+                    Eigen::MatrixXd B = v_B[j];
+                    Eigen::VectorXd s6 = rho_(i) * sp_fea_->computeD() * B * Ue;
+                    node_to_write(i_node) = computeVonStress(s6);
@@ -262,9 +264,9 @@ namespace da::sha {
                 ten_prop_to_write(i, 0, 0) = proprty_col(i);
             ten_prop_to_write = ten_prop_to_write.reshape(
-                    Eigen::array<Eigen::DenseIndex, 3>{sp_mesh_->GetLx(),
-                                                       sp_mesh_->GetLy(),
-                                                       sp_mesh_->GetLz()});
+                    Eigen::array < Eigen::DenseIndex, 3 > {sp_mesh_->GetLx(),
+                                                           sp_mesh_->GetLy(),
+                                                           sp_mesh_->GetLz()});
             return ten_prop_to_write;
@@ -339,7 +341,8 @@ namespace da::sha {
-            std::vector<Eigen::Triplet<double>> v_tri = Vec2Triplet(iH, jH, sH);
+            std::vector <Eigen::Triplet<double>> v_tri = Vec2Triplet(iH, jH,
+                                                                     sH);
             H_ = SpMat(sp_mesh_->GetNumEles(), sp_mesh_->GetNumEles());
             H_.setFromTriplets(v_tri.begin(), v_tri.end());
diff --git a/src/Top3d.cu b/src/Top3d.cu
index 42ec804..4edd8b7 100644
--- a/src/Top3d.cu
+++ b/src/Top3d.cu
@@ -14,7 +14,8 @@
 namespace da::sha {
     namespace top {
-        Tensor3d Top3d::TopOptMainLoop(bool only_simulation) {
+        Tensor3d
+        Top3d::TopOptMainLoop(bool only_simulation, bool save_internal_rho) {
             Eigen::VectorXd xPhys_col(sp_mesh_->GetNumEles());
             Eigen::VectorXi chosen_ele_id(sp_mesh_->GetChosenEleIdx());
             bool flg_chosen = chosen_ele_id.size() != 0;
@@ -49,6 +50,40 @@ namespace da::sha {
+            // set 0 to rho of unchosen part
+            assert(xPhys_col.size());
+            Eigen::VectorXi continue_idx =
+                    Eigen::VectorXi::LinSpaced(xPhys_col.size(), 0,
+                                               xPhys_col.size() - 1);
+            Eigen::VectorXi unchosen_idx = flg_chosen ? SetDifference(
+                    continue_idx, chosen_ele_id)
+                                                      : Eigen::VectorXi();
+            auto RhoVec2Ten = [&](Eigen::VectorXd rho) -> Tensor3d {
+                rho(unchosen_idx).setZero();
+                Eigen::VectorXd ele_to_write =
+                        Eigen::VectorXd::Zero(
+                                sp_mesh_->GetLx() * sp_mesh_->GetLy() *
+                                sp_mesh_->GetLz());
+                ele_to_write(pixel_idx) = rho;
+                Tensor3d ten_xPhys_to_write(
+                        sp_mesh_->GetLx() * sp_mesh_->GetLy() *
+                        sp_mesh_->GetLz(), 1,
+                        1);
+                for (int i = 0; i < ele_to_write.size(); ++i) {
+                    ten_xPhys_to_write(i, 0, 0) = ele_to_write(i);
+                }
+                ten_xPhys_to_write = ten_xPhys_to_write.reshape(
+                        Eigen::array < Eigen::DenseIndex, 3 > {
+                                sp_mesh_->GetLx(), sp_mesh_->GetLy(),
+                                sp_mesh_->GetLz()});
+                return ten_xPhys_to_write;
+            };
+            if (save_internal_rho) {
+                v_ten_rho_.emplace_back(RhoVec2Ten(xPhys_col));
+            }
             // start iteration
             while (change > sp_para_->tol_x && loop < sp_para_->max_loop) {
@@ -128,54 +163,18 @@ namespace da::sha {
                 if (only_simulation) {
+                if (save_internal_rho) {
+                    v_ten_rho_.emplace_back(RhoVec2Ten(xPhys_col));
+                }
             // result
             rho_ = only_simulation ? sp_mesh_->GetInitEleRho() : xPhys_col;
-            // set 0 to rho of unchosen part
-            assert(xPhys_col.size());
-            Eigen::VectorXi continue_idx =
-                    Eigen::VectorXi::LinSpaced(xPhys_col.size(), 0,
-                                               xPhys_col.size() - 1);
-            Eigen::VectorXi unchosen_idx = flg_chosen ? SetDifference(
-                    continue_idx, chosen_ele_id)
-                                                      : Eigen::VectorXi();
-            {
-                xPhys_col(unchosen_idx).setZero();
-                ele_to_write(pixel_idx) = xPhys_col;
-                Tensor3d ten_xPhys_to_write(
-                        sp_mesh_->GetLx() * sp_mesh_->GetLy() *
-                        sp_mesh_->GetLz(), 1, 1);
-                for (int i = 0; i < ele_to_write.size(); ++i) {
-                    ten_xPhys_to_write(i, 0, 0) = ele_to_write(i);
-                }
-                ten_xPhys_to_write = ten_xPhys_to_write.reshape(
-                        Eigen::array<Eigen::DenseIndex, 3>{
-                                sp_mesh_->GetLx(), sp_mesh_->GetLy(),
-                                sp_mesh_->GetLz()});
-                rho_field_zero_filled_ = ten_xPhys_to_write;
-            }
-            {
-                xPhys_col(unchosen_idx).setOnes();
-                ele_to_write(pixel_idx) = xPhys_col;
-                Tensor3d ten_xPhys_to_write(
-                        sp_mesh_->GetLx() * sp_mesh_->GetLy() *
-                        sp_mesh_->GetLz(), 1, 1);
-                for (int i = 0; i < ele_to_write.size(); ++i) {
-                    ten_xPhys_to_write(i, 0, 0) = ele_to_write(i);
-                }
-                ten_xPhys_to_write = ten_xPhys_to_write.reshape(
-                        Eigen::array<Eigen::DenseIndex, 3>{
-                                sp_mesh_->GetLx(), sp_mesh_->GetLy(),
-                                sp_mesh_->GetLz()});
-                rho_field_one_filled_ = ten_xPhys_to_write;
-            }
-            return rho_field_zero_filled_;
+            return RhoVec2Ten(rho_);
-        std::vector<Tensor3d>
+        std::vector <Tensor3d>
         Top3d::GetTensorOfStress(const Eigen::VectorXd &which_col_of_stress) {
             Eigen::VectorXd ele_to_write =
@@ -191,7 +190,7 @@ namespace da::sha {
                 mat_stress.row(i) = rho_(i) * sp_fea_->computeD() * B * Ue;
             // fill
-            std::vector<Tensor3d> vt;
+            std::vector <Tensor3d> vt;
             for (int i = 0; i < which_col_of_stress.size(); ++i) {
                 ele_to_write(pixel_idx) = mat_stress.col(
@@ -208,9 +207,10 @@ namespace da::sha {
             Eigen::VectorXi pixel_idx = sp_mesh_->GetGlobalIdxOfEleInUse();
             // stress
-            Eigen::VectorXd node_to_write=Eigen::VectorXd::Zero(sp_mesh_->GetNumNodes());
+            Eigen::VectorXd node_to_write = Eigen::VectorXd::Zero(
+                    sp_mesh_->GetNumNodes());
-            std::vector<Eigen::MatrixXd> v_B(8);
+            std::vector <Eigen::MatrixXd> v_B(8);
             static const Eigen::MatrixXd delta_coord = (Eigen::MatrixXd(8, 3) <<
                                                                               0, 0, 0,
                     1, 0, 0,
@@ -221,8 +221,8 @@ namespace da::sha {
                     1, 1, 1,
                     0, 1, 1
-            for(int i=0;i<delta_coord.rows();++i){
-                v_B[i]=sp_fea_->computeBe(delta_coord.row(i).array()-0.5);
+            for (int i = 0; i < delta_coord.rows(); ++i) {
+                v_B[i] = sp_fea_->computeBe(delta_coord.row(i).array() - 0.5);
             auto computeVonStress = [&](Eigen::VectorXd stress) -> double {
                 double x = stress(0);
@@ -235,17 +235,19 @@ namespace da::sha {
                             3 * (xy * xy + yz * yz + zx * zx));
             for (int i = 0; i < sp_mesh_->GetNumEles(); ++i) {
-                Eigen::VectorXi dofs_in_ele_i = sp_mesh_->MapEleId2Dofs(i);// 1x 24
+                Eigen::VectorXi dofs_in_ele_i = sp_mesh_->MapEleId2Dofs(
+                        i);// 1x 24
                 Eigen::VectorXd Ue = U_(dofs_in_ele_i);
-                Eigen::VectorXi node_id_in_ele_i = sp_mesh_->MapEleId2NodeIds(i);// 1x8
-                for(int j=0;j<node_id_in_ele_i.size();++j){
-                    int i_node=node_id_in_ele_i(j);
-                    if(node_to_write(i_node)!=0){
+                Eigen::VectorXi node_id_in_ele_i = sp_mesh_->MapEleId2NodeIds(
+                        i);// 1x8
+                for (int j = 0; j < node_id_in_ele_i.size(); ++j) {
+                    int i_node = node_id_in_ele_i(j);
+                    if (node_to_write(i_node) != 0) {
-                    Eigen::MatrixXd B=v_B[j];
-                    Eigen::VectorXd s6=rho_(i) * sp_fea_->computeD() * B * Ue;
-                    node_to_write(i_node)=computeVonStress(s6);
+                    Eigen::MatrixXd B = v_B[j];
+                    Eigen::VectorXd s6 = rho_(i) * sp_fea_->computeD() * B * Ue;
+                    node_to_write(i_node) = computeVonStress(s6);
@@ -262,9 +264,9 @@ namespace da::sha {
                 ten_prop_to_write(i, 0, 0) = proprty_col(i);
             ten_prop_to_write = ten_prop_to_write.reshape(
-                    Eigen::array<Eigen::DenseIndex, 3>{sp_mesh_->GetLx(),
-                                                       sp_mesh_->GetLy(),
-                                                       sp_mesh_->GetLz()});
+                    Eigen::array < Eigen::DenseIndex, 3 > {sp_mesh_->GetLx(),
+                                                           sp_mesh_->GetLy(),
+                                                           sp_mesh_->GetLz()});
             return ten_prop_to_write;
@@ -339,7 +341,8 @@ namespace da::sha {
-            std::vector<Eigen::Triplet<double>> v_tri = Vec2Triplet(iH, jH, sH);
+            std::vector <Eigen::Triplet<double>> v_tri = Vec2Triplet(iH, jH,
+                                                                     sH);
             H_ = SpMat(sp_mesh_->GetNumEles(), sp_mesh_->GetNumEles());
             H_.setFromTriplets(v_tri.begin(), v_tri.end());
diff --git a/src/Top3d.h b/src/Top3d.h
index bfafe95..82a5db3 100644
--- a/src/Top3d.h
+++ b/src/Top3d.h
@@ -144,7 +144,7 @@ namespace da::sha {
-            Tensor3d TopOptMainLoop(bool only_simulation=false);
+            Tensor3d TopOptMainLoop(bool only_simulation=false,bool save_internal_rho=false);
@@ -214,6 +214,7 @@ namespace da::sha {
             std::vector<double> v_compliance_;
             std::vector<double> v_volume_;
+            std::vector<Tensor3d> v_ten_rho_;
             std::shared_ptr<CtrlPara> sp_para_;
             std::shared_ptr<FEA> sp_fea_;