function bool = did_intersect_box(X,Y) % Checks if two bounding boxes intersect % X The points in the first point set which will give the first bounding % box % Y The points in the second point set % Output parameters % true if an intersection was found % false if not if length(X(:,1))==2 intersection=[max(min(X(1,:)),min(Y(1,:))),min(max(X(1,:)),max(Y(1,:))) ; max(min(X(2,:)),min(Y(2,:))), min(max(X(2,:)),max(Y(2,:)))]; else intersection=[max(min(X(1,:)),min(Y(1,:))), max(min(X(2,:)),min(Y(2,:))) , max(min(X(3,:)),min(Y(3,:))); min(max(X(1,:)),max(Y(1,:))), min(max(X(2,:)),max(Y(2,:))), min(max(X(3,:)),max(Y(3,:)));]; end % intersection stores a new bounding box with % bool = all((intersection(:,1)<=intersection(:,2))); end