Polyhedral Homotopy Continuation Method for solving sparse polynomial system, optimized by only tracing real zeros
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// This file is part of Bertini 2.
// base_endgame.hpp is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
//(at your option) any later version.
// base_endgame.hpp is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with base_endgame.hpp. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
// Copyright(C) 2015 - 2025 by Bertini2 Development Team
// See <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/> for a copy of the license,
// as well as COPYING. Bertini2 is provided with permitted
// additional terms in the b2/licenses/ directory.
// individual authors of this file include:
// silviana amethyst, university of wisconsin eau claire
// Tim Hodges, Colorado State University
#pragma once
\file base_endgame.hpp
\brief Contains base class, Endgame.
\defgroup endgame
#include <iostream>
#include <typeinfo>
#include "detail/configured.hpp"
#include "detail/enable_permuted_arguments.hpp"
#include "endgames/config.hpp"
#include "endgames/events.hpp"
#include "endgames/interpolation.hpp"
#include "logging.hpp"
#include "mpfr_complex.hpp"
#include "system/system.hpp"
#include "trackers/config.hpp"
namespace bertini {
namespace endgame {
\class Endgame
\brief Base endgame class for all endgames offered in Bertini2.
\ingroup endgame
\see PowerSeriesEndgame
\see CauchyEndgame
## Using an endgame
Endgames in Bertini2 are the engine for finishing homotopy continuation where we
may encounter singular solutions. The path is implicitly described by the system
being tracked.
## Purpose
Since the Bertini Endgames have common functionality, and we want to be able to
call arbitrary algorithms using and tracker type, we use inheritance. That is,
there is common functionality in all endgames, such as
Also, there are settings that will be kept at this level to not duplicate code.
## Creating a new endgame type
To create a new endgame type, inherit from this class.
template <class FlavorT, class PrecT>
class EndgameBase
: public detail::Configured<typename AlgoTraits<FlavorT>::NeededConfigs>,
public PrecT,
public virtual Observable {
using TrackerType = typename PrecT::TrackerType;
using BaseComplexType =
typename tracking::TrackerTraits<TrackerType>::BaseComplexType;
using BaseRealType =
typename tracking::TrackerTraits<TrackerType>::BaseRealType;
using EmitterType = FlavorT;
using BCT = BaseComplexType;
using BRT = BaseRealType;
using Configured =
detail::Configured<typename AlgoTraits<FlavorT>::NeededConfigs>;
using Configs = typename AlgoTraits<FlavorT>::NeededConfigs;
using ConfigsAsTuple = typename Configs::ToTuple;
// a list of all the needed arithemtic types (complex for complex trackers)
using NeededTypes = detail::TypeList<BCT>;
using TupOfVec = typename NeededTypes::ToTupleOfVec;
using TupOfReal = typename NeededTypes::ToTupleOfReal;
using TupleOfTimes = typename NeededTypes::template ToTupleOfCont<TimeCont>;
using TupleOfSamps = typename NeededTypes::template ToTupleOfCont<SampCont>;
// universal endgame state variables
mutable Vec<BCT> final_approximation_;
mutable Vec<BCT> previous_approximation_;
mutable unsigned int cycle_number_ = 0;
mutable NumErrorT approximate_error_;
\brief convert the base endgame into the derived type.
This enables the CRPT as used by the endgames
const FlavorT& AsFlavor() const {
return dynamic_cast<const FlavorT&>(*this);
\brief Non-const version of AsFlavor
FlavorT& AsFlavor() { return dynamic_cast<FlavorT&>(*this); }
\brief The main function for running an endgame, from time to time, from a
given point to a possibly singular solution.
SuccessCode Run(const BCT& start_time, const Vec<BCT>& start_point,
BCT const& target_time) {
return this->AsFlavor().RunImpl(start_time, start_point, target_time);
\brief Run the endgame, shooting for default time of t=0.
\see Run
SuccessCode Run(BCT const& start_time, Vec<BCT> const& start_point) {
return Run(start_time, start_point, static_cast<BCT>(0));
template <typename CT>
SuccessCode RefineAllSamples(SampCont<CT>& samples, TimeCont<CT>& times) {
for (size_t ii = 0; ii < samples.size(); ++ii) {
auto refine_success = this->RefineSample(
samples[ii], samples[ii], times[ii],
this->FinalTolerance() *
if (refine_success != SuccessCode::Success) {
// BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(severity_level::trace) << "refining failed, code "
// << int(refine_success);
return refine_success;
if (tracking::TrackerTraits<TrackerType>::IsAdaptivePrec) // known at
// compile time
auto max_precision = this->EnsureAtUniformPrecision(times, samples);
return SuccessCode::Success;
A function passed off to the precision-specific endgame part
SuccessCode RefineSample(Vec<BCT>& result, Vec<BCT> const& current_sample,
BCT const& current_time, NumErrorT tol,
unsigned max_iterations) const {
return this->RefineSampleImpl(result, current_sample, current_time, tol,
void ChangePrecision(unsigned p) {
ChangePrecision(this->final_approximation_, p);
ChangePrecision(this->previous_approximation_, p);
\brief This function is inferior to the templated Get<ConfigT> function
inline const auto& EndgameSettings() const {
return Configured::template Get<EndgameConfig>();
inline const auto& SecuritySettings() const {
return this->template Get<SecurityConfig>();
explicit EndgameBase(TrackerType const& tr, const ConfigsAsTuple& settings)
: Configured(settings),
EndgamePrecPolicyBase<TrackerType>(tr) {}
template <typename... Ts>
explicit EndgameBase(TrackerType const& tr, const Ts&... ts)
: EndgameBase(tr, Configs::Unpermute(ts...)) {}
inline unsigned CycleNumber() const { return cycle_number_; }
inline void CycleNumber(unsigned c) { cycle_number_ = c; }
inline void IncrementCycleNumber(unsigned inc) { cycle_number_ += inc; }
\brief Get the final tolerance to which we are tracking the solution.
inline const auto& FinalTolerance() const {
return this->template Get<EndgameConfig>().final_tolerance;
\brief Setter for the final tolerance.
inline void SetFinalTolerance(BRT const& ft) {
this->template Get<EndgameConfig>().final_tolerance = ft;
\brief Get the most-recent approximation
template <typename CT>
inline const Vec<CT>& FinalApproximation() const {
return final_approximation_;
\brief Get the second-most-recent approximation
template <typename CT>
inline const Vec<CT>& PreviousApproximation() const {
return previous_approximation_;
\brief Get the most recent accuracy estimate
inline NumErrorT ApproximateError() const { return approximate_error_; }
Get the latest time at which a point on the path was computed
inline const BCT& LatestTime() const { return AsFlavor().LatestTimeImpl(); }
// /**
// \brief Get the system being tracked on, which is referred to by the
// tracker.
// */
// inline
// const System& GetSystem() const
// {
// return GetTracker().GetSystem();
// }
\brief Populates time and space samples so that we are ready to start the
## Input
start_time: is the time when we start the endgame process
usually this is .1 x_endgame_start: is the space value at start_time times: a
deque of time values. These values will be templated to be CT samples: a deque
of sample values that are in correspondence with the values in times. These
values will be vectors with entries of CT.
## Output
SuccessCode indicating whether tracking to all samples was successful.
## Details
The first sample will be (x_endgame_start) and the first time is
start_time. From there we do a geometric progression using the sample factor
(which by default is 1/2). Hence, next_time = start_time * sample_factor. We
track then to the next_time and construct the next_sample.
\param start_time The time value at which we start the endgame.
\param target_time The time value that we are trying to find a solution to.
\param x_endgame_start The current space point at start_time.
\param times A deque that will hold all the time values of the samples we are
going to use to start the endgame. \param samples a deque that will hold all
the samples corresponding to the time values in times.
\tparam CT The complex number type.
template <typename CT>
SuccessCode ComputeInitialSamples(
const CT& start_time, const CT& target_time,
const Vec<CT>& x_endgame_start, TimeCont<CT>& times,
samples) // passed by reference to allow times to be filled as well.
using RT = typename Eigen::NumTraits<CT>::Real;
assert(this->template Get<EndgameConfig>().num_sample_points > 0 &&
"number of sample points must be positive");
if (tracking::TrackerTraits<TrackerType>::IsAdaptivePrec) {
assert(Precision(start_time) == Precision(x_endgame_start) &&
"Computing initial samples requires input time and space with "
"uniform precision");
auto num_vars = this->GetSystem().NumVariables();
// start at 1, because the input point is the 0th element.
for (int ii = 1; ii < this->template Get<EndgameConfig>().num_sample_points;
++ii) {
(times[ii - 1] + target_time) *
RT(this->template Get<EndgameConfig>()
.sample_factor)); // next time is a point between the previous
// time and target time.
Vec<CT>(num_vars)); // sample_factor gives us some point between the
// two, usually the midpoint.
auto tracking_success = this->GetTracker().TrackPath(
samples[ii], times[ii - 1], times[ii], samples[ii - 1]);
this->EnsureAtPrecision(times[ii], Precision(samples[ii]));
if (tracking_success != SuccessCode::Success) return tracking_success;
return SuccessCode::Success;
virtual ~EndgameBase() = default;
} // namespace endgame
} // namespace bertini