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// This file is part of Bertini 2.
// amp_endgame.hpp is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
//(at your option) any later version.
// amp_endgame.hpp is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with amp_endgame.hpp. If not, see <>.
// Copyright(C) 2015 - 2021 by Bertini2 Development Team
// See <> for a copy of the license,
// as well as COPYING. Bertini2 is provided with permitted
// additional terms in the b2/licenses/ directory.
// individual authors of this file include:
// silviana amethyst, university of wisconsin eau claire
// Tim Hodges, Colorado State University
#pragma once
\file base_endgame.hpp
\brief Contains parent class, Endgame, the parent class for all endgames.
#include "detail/observable.hpp"
#include "endgames/config.hpp"
#include "endgames/events.hpp"
#include "endgames/prec_base.hpp"
#include "trackers/adaptive_precision_utilities.hpp"
#include "trackers/amp_tracker.hpp"
namespace bertini {
namespace endgame {
\brief Specifies some necessaries for AMP style endgame implementations, which
differ from the fixed precision ones.
class AMPEndgame : public virtual EndgamePrecPolicyBase<tracking::AMPTracker> {
using TrackerT = tracking::AMPTracker;
using EmitterType = AMPEndgame;
template <typename... T>
static unsigned EnsureAtUniformPrecision(T&... args) {
return tracking::adaptive::EnsureAtUniformPrecision(args...);
static void EnsureAtPrecision(double& obj, unsigned prec) {
if (prec != DoublePrecision())
throw std::runtime_error(
"attempting to adjust precision of double to non-double precision");
static void EnsureAtPrecision(std::complex<double>& obj, unsigned prec) {
if (prec != DoublePrecision())
throw std::runtime_error(
"attempting to adjust precision of std::complex<double> to "
"non-double precision");
static void EnsureAtPrecision(mpfr_float& obj, unsigned prec) {
using bertini::Precision;
Precision(obj, prec);
static void EnsureAtPrecision(mpfr_complex& obj, unsigned prec) {
using bertini::Precision;
Precision(obj, prec);
SuccessCode RefineSampleImpl(Vec<mpfr_complex>& result,
Vec<mpfr_complex> const& current_sample,
mpfr_complex const& current_time, NumErrorT tol,
unsigned max_iterations) const {
using bertini::Precision;
Precision(current_time) == Precision(current_sample) &&
"precision of sample and time to be refined in AMP endgame must match");
using RT = mpfr_float;
using std::max;
auto& TR = this->GetTracker();
auto refinement_success = this->GetTracker().Refine(
result, current_sample, current_time, tol, max_iterations);
if (refinement_success == SuccessCode::HigherPrecisionNecessary ||
refinement_success == SuccessCode::FailedToConverge) {
using bertini::Precision;
auto prev_precision = DefaultPrecision();
auto higher_precision =
max(prev_precision, LowestMultiplePrecision()) + PrecisionIncrement();
NotifyObservers(PrecisionChanged<EmitterType>(*this, prev_precision,
auto next_sample_higher_prec = current_sample;
Precision(next_sample_higher_prec, higher_precision);
auto result_higher_prec = Vec<mpfr_complex>(current_sample.size());
auto time_higher_precision = current_time;
Precision(time_higher_precision, higher_precision);
assert(time_higher_precision.precision() == DefaultPrecision());
refinement_success =
this->GetTracker().Refine(result_higher_prec, next_sample_higher_prec,
time_higher_precision, tol, max_iterations);
Precision(result, higher_precision);
result = result_higher_prec;
assert(Precision(result) == DefaultPrecision());
return refinement_success;
explicit AMPEndgame(TrackerT const& new_tracker)
: EndgamePrecPolicyBase<TrackerT>(new_tracker) {}
virtual ~AMPEndgame() = default;
}; // re: class AMPEndgame
template <>
struct EGPrecSelector<tracking::AMPTracker> {
using type = AMPEndgame;
} // namespace endgame
} // namespace bertini