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// This file is part of Bertini 2.
// enable_permuted_arguments.hpp is free software: you can redistribute it
// and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License,
// or (at your option) any later version.
// enable_permuted_arguments.hpp is distributed in the hope that it will be
// useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with enable_permuted_arguments.hpp. If not, see
// <>.
// Copyright(C) 2015 - 2021 by Bertini2 Development Team
// See <> for a copy of the license,
// as well as COPYING. Bertini2 is provided with permitted
// additional terms in the b2/licenses/ directory.
// individual authors of this file include:
// silviana amethyst, university of wisconsin eau claire
// additionally, this file contains code
// based on and refined from SO post
// by user Daniel Frey.
\file enable_permuted_arguments.hpp
Contains helper templates, based on and refined from SO post
by user Daniel Frey.
#include <tuple>
#include <type_traits>
namespace bertini {
namespace detail {
// find the index of a type in a list of types,
// return sizeof...(Remaining) if T is not found
template <typename T, typename... Remaining>
struct IndexByType : std::integral_constant<std::size_t, 0> {};
// template specialization, enforcing the equality of the number of variadic
// arguments, and the corresponding index. if two types are the same, this
// template will be preferred since it's a closer match, and the static_assert
// will fail, preventing compilation.
template <typename T, typename... RemainingT>
struct IndexByType<T, T, RemainingT...>
: std::integral_constant<std::size_t, 0> {
static_assert(IndexByType<T, RemainingT...>::value == sizeof...(RemainingT),
"No duplicates are allowed when enabling permuted arguments");
// template specialization on two types. looks for the index of T in the latter
// arguments. If T1==T2, this template will not be used, but instead the above
// will.
template <typename T1, typename T2, typename... RemainingT>
struct IndexByType<T1, T2, RemainingT...>
: std::integral_constant<std::size_t,
IndexByType<T1, RemainingT...>::value + 1> {};
// a free function which gets a type from a tuple with no duplicates. Remember,
// duplicates are not allowed.
template <std::size_t I, std::size_t J, typename T, typename... PresentT,
typename... GivenT>
auto GetByIndex(const std::tuple<PresentT...>&,
const std::tuple<GivenT...>& absent_args) ->
typename std::enable_if<I == sizeof...(PresentT), const T&>::type {
return std::get<J>(absent_args);
// the other half of the get by index function
template <std::size_t I, std::size_t J, typename T, typename... PresentT,
typename... GivenT>
auto GetByIndex(const std::tuple<PresentT...>& present_args,
const std::tuple<GivenT...>&) // these arguments will have to
// be default constructed
-> typename std::enable_if<I != sizeof...(PresentT), const T&>::
type /* remember, `I != sizeof...( PresentT )` means it found T in
PresentT */
return std::get<I>(present_args);
// helper to validate that all Us are in Ts...
template <bool>
struct AreValidArguments;
// the false one is never instantiated, so the 'false' template parameter will
// fail, deliberately
template <>
struct AreValidArguments<true> : std::true_type {};
// a proxy function which to ensure that the types are distinct, and that we can
// indeed get the index by type.
template <std::size_t...>
void ValidateTypes() {}
// default construct the objects not present in the arguments, but required by
// the unpermute function
template <typename T>
struct DefaultConstruct {
static const T value;
template <typename T>
const T DefaultConstruct<T>::value{};
} // namespace detail
// helper template which reorders parameters
template <
typename... UnpermutedT, // these must be declared when using the function
typename... PermutedPresentT> // these are inferred, cannot be declared
std::tuple<const UnpermutedT&...> Unpermute(
const PermutedPresentT&... present_permuted_args) {
using namespace detail;
auto present_args = std::tie(present_permuted_args...);
auto absent_args = std::tie(DefaultConstruct<UnpermutedT>::value...);
// next we validate that the input arguments are valid for unpermuting. must
// have all distinct types.
ValidateTypes<AreValidArguments<IndexByType<const PermutedPresentT&,
const UnpermutedT&...>::value !=
value...>(); // this will fail if AreValidArguments are not
// valid ('true')
// finally, we return a tie of the unpermuted types, default constructed if
// necessary
return std::tie(
IndexByType<const UnpermutedT&, const PermutedPresentT&...>::value,
IndexByType<const UnpermutedT&, const UnpermutedT&...>::value,
UnpermutedT>(present_args, absent_args)...);
} // namespace bertini