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55 lines
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55 lines
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#include <iostream>
#include <random>
#include <nvmath.h>
int main(int argc, char** argv)
std::mt19937 e(time(nullptr));
std::uniform_real_distribution<float> posGenerator(-10.f, 10.f);
std::uniform_real_distribution<float> scaleGenerator(.5f, 5.f);
std::uniform_real_distribution<float> angleGenerator(.0f, nv_two_pi);
nvmath::vec3f rayOrigin{ posGenerator(e), posGenerator(e), posGenerator(e) };
nvmath::vec3f rayTarget{ posGenerator(e), posGenerator(e), posGenerator(e) };
nvmath::vec3f rayDir = nvmath::normalize(rayTarget - rayOrigin);
std::cout << "Generated ray with origin: (" << rayOrigin.x << ", " << rayOrigin.y << ", " << rayOrigin.z << ") and direction: (" << rayDir.x << ", " << rayDir.y << ", " << rayDir.z << ")" << std::endl;
float scalar = nvmath::length(rayOrigin) - 1.f;
nvmath::vec3f normal = rayOrigin / nvmath::length(rayOrigin);
nvmath::vec3f tracedPos = rayOrigin - normal * scalar;
std::cout << "Calculated traced position on sphere: (" << tracedPos.x << ", " << tracedPos.y << ", " << tracedPos.z << ")" << std::endl;
if (abs(nvmath::length(tracedPos) - 1.f) <= 1e-5)
std::cout << "It is examined on sphere surface. Algorithm succeeded with error = " << abs(nvmath::length(tracedPos) - 1.f) << "." << std::endl;
nvmath::vec3f one = nvmath::normalize(nvmath::vec3f_one);
auto matrixTRS = nvmath::translation_mat4(nvmath::vec3f{ posGenerator(e), posGenerator(e), posGenerator(e) });
matrixTRS *= nvmath::rotation_yaw_pitch_roll(angleGenerator(e), angleGenerator(e), angleGenerator(e));
matrixTRS *= nvmath::scale_mat4(nvmath::vec3f{ scaleGenerator(e), scaleGenerator(e), scaleGenerator(e) });
auto inverseTRS = nvmath::inverse(matrixTRS);
nvmath::vec4f objectPos = inverseTRS * nvmath::vec4f{ rayOrigin, 1.f };
nvmath::vec3f originObjPos = { objectPos.x, objectPos.y, objectPos.z };
scalar = nvmath::length(originObjPos) - 1.f;
normal = originObjPos / nvmath::length(originObjPos);
tracedPos = originObjPos - normal * scalar;
auto worldPos = matrixTRS * nvmath::vec4f{ tracedPos, 1.f };
tracedPos = { worldPos.x, worldPos.y, worldPos.z };
float realScalar = nvmath::length(tracedPos - rayOrigin);
nvmath::vec4f objectVec = matrixTRS * nvmath::vec4f{ one, .0f };
float transformedScalar = scalar * nvmath::length(objectVec);
//std::cout << "Distance in object space = " << scalar << std::endl;
//std::cout << "Real distance = " << realScalar << ", with distance calculated from transforming = " << transformedScalar << std::endl;
std::cout << "norm(M*pos_traced - rayorigin) = " << realScalar << std::endl;
std::cout << "norm(-M*grad_pos) = " << nvmath::length(matrixTRS * nvmath::vec4f{ normal, .0f }) << ", norm(-M*grad_pos) * scalar_pos = " << nvmath::length(matrixTRS * nvmath::vec4f{ normal, .0f }) * scalar << std::endl;
std::cout << "distance calculated from transforming = " << transformedScalar << std::endl;
std::cout << "It is not on sphere surface. Algorithm failed" << std::endl;
return 0;