Implicit surface rendering via ray tracing
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* Copyright (c) 2014-2021, NVIDIA CORPORATION. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Copyright (c) 2014-2021 NVIDIA CORPORATION
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
#pragma once
// Not strictly needed for this header, but some samples got used to having
// them available by just including appbase_vkpp.hpp
#include "imgui.h"
#include "imgui/imgui_helper.h"
#include "imgui/imgui_camera_widget.h"
#include <vulkan/vulkan.hpp>
#include "nvh/timesampler.hpp"
#include "nvh/cameramanipulator.hpp"
#include "nvvk/swapchain_vk.hpp"
#include "imgui/backends/imgui_impl_vulkan.h"
#include "GLFW/glfw3.h"
#include <set>
#include <vector>
namespace nvvkhl {
\class nvvkhl::AppBase
nvvkhl::AppBaseVk is the same as nvvkhl::AppBaseVk but makes use of the Vulkan C++ API (`vulkan.hpp`).
class AppBase
AppBase() = default;
virtual ~AppBase() = default;
virtual void onResize(int /*w*/, int /*h*/);
; // To implement when the size of the window change
// Setup the low level Vulkan for various operations
virtual void setup(const vk::Instance& instance, const vk::Device& device, const vk::PhysicalDevice& physicalDevice, uint32_t graphicsQueueIndex);
// To call on exit
virtual void destroy();
// Return the surface "screen" for the display
VkSurfaceKHR getVkSurface(const vk::Instance& instance, GLFWwindow* window);
// Creating the surface for rendering
virtual void createSwapchain(const vk::SurfaceKHR& surface,
uint32_t width,
uint32_t height,
vk::Format colorFormat = vk::Format::eB8G8R8A8Unorm,
vk::Format depthFormat = vk::Format::eUndefined,
bool vsync = false);
// Create the framebuffers in which the image will be rendered
// - Swapchain need to be created before calling this
virtual void createFrameBuffers();
// Creating a default render pass, very simple one.
// Other examples will mostly override this one.
virtual void createRenderPass();
// Creating an image to be used as depth buffer
virtual void createDepthBuffer();
// Convenient function to call before rendering
void prepareFrame();
// Convenient function to call for submitting the rendering command
virtual void submitFrame();
// When the pipeline is set for using dynamic, this becomes useful
void setViewport(const vk::CommandBuffer& cmdBuf);
// Window callback when the it is resized
// - Destroy allocated frames, then rebuild them with the new size
// - Call onResize() of the derived class
virtual void onFramebufferSize(int w, int h);
// Window callback when the mouse move
// - Handling ImGui and a default camera
virtual void onMouseMotion(int x, int y);
// Window callback when a special key gets hit
// - Handling ImGui and a default camera
virtual void onKeyboard(int key, int /*scancode*/, int action, int mods);
// Window callback when a key gets hit
virtual void onKeyboardChar(unsigned char key);
// Window callback when the mouse button is pressed
// - Handling ImGui and a default camera
virtual void onMouseButton(int button, int action, int mods);
// Window callback when the mouse wheel is modified
// - Handling ImGui and a default camera
virtual void onMouseWheel(int delta);
virtual void onFileDrop(const char* filename);
// Initialization of the GUI
// - Need to be call after the device creation
void initGUI(uint32_t subpassID = 0);
// Fit the camera to the Bounding box
void fitCamera(const nvmath::vec3f& boxMin, const nvmath::vec3f& boxMax, bool instantFit = true);
// Return true if the window is minimized
bool isMinimized(bool doSleeping = true);
void setTitle(const std::string& title);
// GLFW Callback setup
void setupGlfwCallbacks(GLFWwindow* window);
static void framebuffersize_cb(GLFWwindow* window, int w, int h);
static void mousebutton_cb(GLFWwindow* window, int button, int action, int mods);
static void cursorpos_cb(GLFWwindow* window, double x, double y);
static void scroll_cb(GLFWwindow* window, double x, double y);
static void key_cb(GLFWwindow* window, int key, int scancode, int action, int mods);
static void char_cb(GLFWwindow* window, unsigned int key);
static void drop_cb(GLFWwindow* window, int count, const char** paths);
// GLFW Callback end
// Set if Nvlink will be used
void useNvlink(bool useNvlink);
// Getters
vk::Instance getInstance();
vk::Device getDevice();
vk::PhysicalDevice getPhysicalDevice();
vk::Queue getQueue();
uint32_t getQueueFamily();
vk::CommandPool getCommandPool();
vk::RenderPass getRenderPass();
vk::Extent2D getSize();
vk::PipelineCache getPipelineCache();
vk::SurfaceKHR getSurface();
const std::vector<vk::Framebuffer>& getFramebuffers();
const std::vector<vk::CommandBuffer>& getCommandBuffers();
uint32_t getCurFrame() const;
vk::Format getColorFormat() const;
vk::Format getDepthFormat() const;
bool showGui();
uint32_t getMemoryType(uint32_t typeBits, const vk::MemoryPropertyFlags& properties) const;
// Showing help
void uiDisplayHelp();
// Called every frame to translate currently pressed keys into camera movement
void updateCamera();
// Vulkan low level
vk::Instance m_instance;
vk::Device m_device;
vk::SurfaceKHR m_surface;
vk::PhysicalDevice m_physicalDevice;
vk::Queue m_queue;
uint32_t m_graphicsQueueIndex{VK_QUEUE_FAMILY_IGNORED};
vk::CommandPool m_cmdPool;
vk::DescriptorPool m_imguiDescPool;
// Drawing/Surface
nvvk::SwapChain m_swapChain;
std::vector<vk::Framebuffer> m_framebuffers; // All framebuffers, correspond to the Swapchain
std::vector<vk::CommandBuffer> m_commandBuffers; // Command buffer per nb element in Swapchain
std::vector<vk::Fence> m_waitFences; // Fences per nb element in Swapchain
vk::Image m_depthImage; // Depth/Stencil
vk::DeviceMemory m_depthMemory; // Depth/Stencil
vk::ImageView m_depthView; // Depth/Stencil
vk::RenderPass m_renderPass; // Base render pass
vk::Extent2D m_size{0, 0}; // Size of the window
vk::PipelineCache m_pipelineCache; // Cache for pipeline/shaders
bool m_vsync{false}; // Swapchain with vsync
bool m_useNvlink{false}; // NVLINK usage
GLFWwindow* m_window{nullptr}; // GLFW Window
// Surface buffer formats
vk::Format m_colorFormat{vk::Format::eB8G8R8A8Unorm};
vk::Format m_depthFormat{vk::Format::eUndefined};
// Camera manipulators
nvh::CameraManipulator::Inputs m_inputs; // Mouse button pressed
std::set<int> m_keys; // Keyboard pressed
nvh::Stopwatch m_timer; // measure time from frame to frame to base camera movement on
// Other
bool m_showHelp{false}; // Show help, pressing
bool m_show_gui{true};
} // namespace nvvk