import("lib.detect.find_path") import("lib.detect.find_library") function _find_package(package, opt) local rdir = (package:is_arch("x64", "x86_64") and "intel64" or "ia32") local paths = { "$(env TBBROOT)", "$(env ONEAPI_ROOT)/tbb/latest" } -- find includes and links local result = {links = {}, linkdirs = {}, includedirs = {}} for _, lib in ipairs({"tbb", "tbbmalloc", "tbbmalloc_proxy"}) do local linkinfo = find_library(lib, paths, {suffixes = {"lib", path.join("lib", rdir, "vc14")}}) if linkinfo then table.insert(result.linkdirs, linkinfo.linkdir) table.insert(result.links, lib) end end result.linkdirs = table.unique(result.linkdirs) local incpath = find_path(path.join("tbb", "tbb.h"), paths, {suffixes = "include"}) if incpath then table.insert(result.includedirs, incpath) end if #result.includedirs > 0 and #result.linkdirs > 0 then local version_file = path.join(incpath, "oneapi", "tbb", "version.h") if not os.isfile(version_file) then version_file = path.join(incpath, "tbb", "tbb_stddef.h") end if os.isfile(version_file) then local content = io.readfile(version_file) local major = content:match("TBB_VERSION_MAJOR (%d+)\n") local minor = content:match("TBB_VERSION_MINOR (%d+)\n") local patch = content:match("TBB_VERSION_PATCH (%d+)\n") if patch then result.version = format("%s.%s.%s", major, minor, patch) else result.version = format("%s.%s", major, minor) end end return result end end function main(package, opt) if opt.system and package.find_package then local result result = _find_package(package, opt) if not result then result = package:find_package("tbb", opt) end return result or false end end