//  Copyright Claas Bontus
//  Use, modification and distribution is subject to the
//  Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
//  file LICENSE.txt or copy at
//  http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
// Project home: https://github.com/ClaasBontus/bitset2

#pragma once

#include "bit_chars.hpp"

namespace detail

/// Computes the two's complement of the number encoded in the array
template <size_t N, class T>
struct array_complement2 {
    using base_t  = T;
    using b_chars = bit_chars<N, T>;

    enum : base_t { hgh_bit_pattern = b_chars::hgh_bit_pattern };

    enum : size_t { n_array = b_chars::n_array };

    using array_t = typename h_types<T>::template array_t<n_array>;

    constexpr array_t comp2(array_t arr) const noexcept
        return arr;

    constexpr void comp2_assgn(array_t &arr) const noexcept
        base_t carry = base_t(1);
        for (size_t c = 0; c < n_array; ++c) {
            auto const sm = base_t(base_t(~arr[c]) + carry);
            carry         = base_t((carry == base_t(1)) && (sm == 0));
            arr[c]        = sm;
        } // for c
        arr[n_array - 1] &= hgh_bit_pattern;
    }     // comp2_assgn

}; // struct array_complement2

} // namespace detail